1、Economic Growth,Accessibility and Equity in Project ScoringSession B1:Capturing the Impacts of Transportation Projects on Disadvantaged PopulationsInnovations in Travel Analysis and Planning Conferen。
2、ITAP AI WorkshopJune 4 2023Machine Learning Aided Shared MobilityMachine Learning Aided Shared MobilityDepartment of Civil&Coastal EngineeringLili Du,Ph.D.,Associate Professor University of Flori。
4、Regional Quick Response Model(QRM)Application Using Passive Big Data SourcesVijayaraghavan(Vijay)SivaramanTransportation Planning Program TxDOT TTI:Transportation Planning&Modeling Conference on 。
5、FSUTMSNGA Collaborative Approach to Revising Modeling Standards and Developing Guidelines in FloridaJune 5,2023PresentersThomas Hill Florida Department of TransportationRoberto Miquel Whitman,Requard。
6、“Destination”choiceismoregenerallylocationchoice.“Multiclass”isreferringto4step andotheraggregatemodelswithhouseholdsegmentations.Thisisnotreallyaboutaninnovation,butaboutapplicationofawellestablishe。
7、Machine Learning for Transportation Planning Models:A Travel Choice Graph(TCG)-Based ApproachPresented by:Mohammad Abbasi,Ph.D.Arizona State UniversityAuthors Arizona State University Mohammad Abbasi。
8、The Interplay between Teleworking Choice and Commute DistanceAupal MondalUniversity of Texas at AustinJUNE 6TH,202312Katherine E.AsmussenPhD StudentAupal MondalPhD StudentDr.Chandra R.BhatProfessorCo。
9、Conference on Innovations in Travel Analysis and PlanningSession B3:Sustainability and Multimobility(June 5,2023,at 3:30 PM)Conference on Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning1.Research Backgro。
10、COLLABORATE.INNOVATE.EDUCATE.A Comparative Analysis of Deep Neural Network and Structural Econometric Models for Multiple Discrete-Continuous(MDC)Choice Analysis1XYZ Xth,2019June,2023Aupal MondalChan。
11、GMNS*:A Specification for Sharing Routable Multi-Resolution and Multi-Modal NetworksIan Berg and Scott Smith,U.S.DOT Volpe CenterJune 5,2023*General Modeling Network SpecificationConference on Innova。
12、From Delay Measure to Energy and Emissions Performance:Linking BPR with MOVES using Fluid-Queue Based Cross-Resolution FrameworkPresented by:Mohammad Abbasi,Ph.D.Arizona State UniversityAuthors Arizo。
13、 2021 Bentley Systems,Incorporated 2022 Bentley Systems,IncorporatedApplication and New Directions for ABM-DTA IntegrationJim Hicks,Peter Vovsha,Michael Mahut,Ido Juran,Hani Mahmassani,Haidong ZhuAni。
14、Quantifying the Effects of Pandemic Related Behavioral Changes on Transit RidershipGopindra Sivakumar Nair,Arash Mirzaei,Hua Yang06-06-2023MotivationConference on Innovations in Travel Analysis and P。
15、Access Equity CalculatorSara KhoeiniRaghuprasad SidharthanRosella PicadoLawrence Pesesky TRB Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning ConferenceIndianapolis,INJune 5,20232Metric-based equity analy。
16、Modeling on-demand mobility services under constraintsChetan Joshi,P.E.(PTV Group)Background Results from testing a framework for modeling on-demand mobilityservices under constraints Motivated by qu。
17、1/30Implications of Smartphone App Use for Household Travel Survey Data CollectionSonya Solinsky Texas Department of TransportationEdgar Millard Texas A&M Transportation Institute2/30Overview of 。
18、Bus Travel Time Predictions:Learning from the GTFS DataMd Ahnaf ZahinDr.Yaw Adu-GyamfiTitan LaboratoryCivil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaBackgroundConference on Innovat。
19、Sensitivity Testing of Activity-Based ModelsTRB Innovation in Travel Analysis and PlanningIndianapolis,IndianaJune 5,2023Presented by Andrew Rohne2Introduction Testing of model scenarios during imple。
20、Quantifying Travel Impact and Benefits of Mobility Hubs in the Next Generation Transit Planning ProcessAbstract Code:9437By Jinghua Xu,Ph.D.,P.E.Conference on Innovations in Travel Analysis and Plann。
21、Innovative Modeling of Recreation Visits to Public Parklands Session C2:Big Data for Travel AnalysisPresented by:Mark BradleyJune 5,2023Innovative Modeling of Recreation Trips to Public ParklandsPres。
22、Analyzing Hurricane Evacuation Behavior using Locational Big DataKrishnan Viswanathan,WRA LLPPragun Vinayak,Cambridge Systematics,Inc.Jason Lemp,Cambridge Systematics,Inc.Acknowledgements Drew Sussma。
23、Transportation Secure Data Center(TSDC)June 4,2023TRB Innovations in Travel Analysis&Planning Conference Joe Fish,National Renewable Energy Lab2Source:https:/ Secure Data Center(TSDC)OverviewHigh。
24、NCTCOG PresentationEffects of COVID-19 on Transit RidershipTRB Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning ConferenceJune 6,2023Kathy Yu and Arash MirzaeiModel and Data DevelopmentTransportation Depa。
25、Microsimulation of Regional Travel Demand through Advanced Econometrics and Large-Scale Agent-based Network Simulation for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton AreaKaili Wang,PhD Candidate,University of 。
26、1Presented by:Jay EvansJune 5,2023Travel Forecasting Guidance for Planners and ModelersA1:Travel Modeling and Forecasting Guidance23-5Travel Forecasting6-8TFGuide9-18Six-Step Process to Use19Updating。
27、A DTA Model for Managed Lanes Network Traffic and Revenue StudyTRB Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning ConferenceIndianapolis,INJune 6,2023Lihe Wang,P.E.Managed lanes also known as express la。
28、COLLABORATE.INNOVATE.EDUCATE.Housing Choice in an Evolving Remote Work LandscapeDale RobbennoltAngela HaddadAupal MondalChandra BhatCOLLABORATE.INNOVATE.EDUCATE.Research TeamDale RobbennoltAngela Had。
29、Incorporation of Vehicle Fleet Composition(VFC)in ABMPresented byBentley SystemsPeter Vovsha,Gaurav Vyas&Jim HicksandMaricopa Association of GovernmentsDaehyun You,Vladimir Livshits,Arup Dutta,Pe。
30、 2021 Bentley Systems,Incorporated 2022 Bentley Systems,IncorporatedWeekend ABMWeekend ABMPetya Maneva-PresenterProject TeamMAGVladimir LivshitsArup DuttaPetya ManevaDaehyun YouHaidong ZhuBentley Sys。
31、COLLABORATE.INNOVATE.EDUCATE.A Dissonance Study of Employees Current and Preferred Workplace Locations SamanthaM.AndersonKatherineE.AsmussenShobhit SaxenaDr.ChandraR.BhatCOLLABORATE.INNOVATE.EDUCATE.。
32、2023 Innovations in travel Analysis and Planning ConferenceAccuracy of APC and Farebox Ridership Estimates on Buses:A Deep Learning Approach to Data CollectionJune 6,2023Jackie Nowak,SRF Consulting G。
33、INCORPORATING ENERGY AND EMISSION INTO TRANSPORTATION PLANNING USING POLARISJOSHUA AULDManager,Transportation Systems and MobilityVehicle and Mobility Systems DepartmentArgonne National LaboratoryJun。
34、Lessons from the Design of On-Demand Multi-Modal Transit Systems in Two CitiesJune 5,2023Hongzhao Guan1,Greg Erhardt2,Gregory Macfarlane3,Pascal Van Hentenryck1,and Kari Watkins41H.Milton Stewart Sch。
35、Long-Distance Travel Model for ActivitySimPresented byRebekah Straub,Ohio Department of TransportationwithAlex Bettinardi,Oregon Department of TransportationJeff Newman,Cambridge SystematicsGreg Erha。
36、06/05/23Envy:An Operational Metric for Equity Analysis in Transportation Systems1Envy:An Operational Metric for Equity Analysis in Transportation SystemsSiwei Hua,Daisik Nama,b,Pengyuan Suna,R.Jayakr。
37、1Cambridge Systematics,Inc.presented topresented byTowards a Blueprint for an Equity Modeling ProgramQuestions you need to ask yourselfTRB Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning ConferenceJohn G。
38、A Deep Dive into the Increase in Working from Home and Related Effects on Equity and TravelMark BradleyJohanna ZmudResearchResearch MethoMethod dUsed IPUMS to extract ACS PUMS data for all workers in。
39、Improving the Representation of Telecommuting in Improving the Representation of Telecommuting in ActivityActivity-Based Travel ModelsBased Travel ModelsSijia Wang,WSPProject Team Rebekah Straub,Ohio。
40、Adaptation of a Travel Demand Model for Summer WeekendsHampton Roads Express Lane Network(HRELN)Traffic and Revenue Study,2021-22Mark Feldman,Scott Allaire,Tarannum Rima,Benjamin Caron,CDM SmithAgend。
41、Moving toward activity-based models in Metro VancouverBo Wen,Senior Modeler,TransLinkOur Modeling RegionConference on Innovations in Travel Analysis and PlanningEvolving planning needsConference on I。
42、1|WWW.BENTLEY.COM|2023 Bentley Systems,Incorporated 2023 Bentley Systems,IncorporatedUtilizing big data for calibration of a microsimulation ABMGaurav Vyas,Peter Vovsha,Joe Carr-Bentley SystemsPresen。
43、1John Gliebe,Cambridge Systematics,Inc.presented topresented byOhio DOT General Purpose Business Establishment SynthesizerTRB Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning ConferenceGreg Giaimo,WSPKris。
44、Innovations in Travel Analysis and PlanningStochasticity in Activity-based Travel Demand Models under Population Downscaling:ActivitySim as an Example06/06/23Stochasticity in Activity-based Travel De。
45、1Cambridge Systematics,Inc.presented topresented byEl Paso International Travel Demand ModelTRB Innovations in Travel Analysis&PlanningZeina WafaJune 6th,20232The El Paso Juarez Region3 3Data Sou。
46、Quantifying the Uncertainty of Transit Ridership Forecasts Using Quantile RegressionJawad Mahmud HoqueaIan ZhangaGreg ErhardtaDave SchmittbaDepartment of Civil Engineering,University of KentuckybInsi。
47、COVID,CAV,and Forecasting:Marylands Data Driven Scenario Analysisfor an Uncertain Future Mark Radovic,Gannett Fleming,Inc.Jonathan Avner,Whitman Requardt&Associates,LLCMARYLAND SNAPSHOTRanked 42n。
48、Calibrating Fundamental Diagram of Traffic Flow and Volume-Delay Functions from Both Speed and Count DataPresented by:Arup Dutta,Ph.D.Travel Demand Modeling Program ManagerMaricopa Association of Gov。