1、*Data references on page 31 State of the mobile web 2019Africa in focus 23 State of the mobile web 2019 #SMWAfrica Leading the digital transformation in Africa Content Page 18 Mobile data savings Page 20 Data savings impacts value of data Page 22 Opera News - The number one news app Page 24 From zer
2、o to 20 million users Page 25 The leading news apps Page 28 Media consumption patterns in Opera News Page 29 Fast growing video consumption Page 30 Afterword Page 31 References Page 5 Foreword Page 6 Key numbers Page 8 Africa - Rapid Digitalization Page 9 Fast growing - Opera apps in Africa Page 10
3、Transition towards smartphones Page 12 Trends in apps and media usage Page 13 Everyday media habits Page 14 Social media and browsing Page 16 More than 30 minutes of daily browsing with Opera Mini 45 State of the mobile web 2019 #SMWAfrica In this report we take a closer look at the usage and reason
4、s why more than 100 million Africans choose Opera. Moreover, we look at the growth of our browsers and standalone news application, the trends for video consumption in Africa, access to social media, and we explain how data savings in our products saved Opera users in Africa almost $100 million USD
5、in 2018. Foreword For more than 20 years, Opera has been providing people around the world with fast and smart browsers. Today, Opera has moved beyond being a browser developer. Our mobile apps and AI news services accompany more than 350 million people from all around the world on their daily lives
6、. In our State of Mobile Web 2019 report, we take a detailed look at the African region. Opera was the first browsers that brought the full Internet experience to mobile phones. Today, Opera is leading the exciting digital revolution in Africa, with a fast growing user base, and we are now also expa
7、nding also beyond doing web browsers. In the first quarter of 2019 there were well nearly 120 million people across Africa who choose Operas applications in their everyday lives. Currently, one in five Africans use the Opera mobile browsers, spending more than 30 minutes browsing every day. In count
8、ries such as Nigeria and Kenya, Opera is the browser of choice for every second mobile internet user. We are thankful that people choose Opera, instead of the browsers that come preinstalled on their devices. We believe this is because our products are unique and tailored to carefully address people
9、s needs. Jrgen Arnesen Global Head of Marketing and Distribution at Opera 67 State of the mobile web 2019 #SMWAfrica 350 million 119 million 30 + minutes 26% YoY Growth 40 % growth 100.000.000 USD 20 + million 150 million MAU of Opera products worldwide Q1 2019. Monthly active users of Opera product
10、s in Africa. Opera Mini users in Africa spend 30+ minutes on daily browsing by the end of Q1-2019. Total user base of apps in Africa grew by more than 25% in YoY comparison. High end browser Opera for Android, grew its user base by 40% in Africa as of Q1-2019. In the top 20 African countries people
11、saved an estimate of $100 million USD in mobile data by using Opera products in 2018. More than 20+ million in Opera News standalone news app in Africa. Users of Opera News service globally. The new standard: The Opera Browser, with more speed and privacy. Free for Mobile, Mac, PC and with a built-i
12、n VPN, ad blocker, and crypto wallet. Opera Mini is one of the worlds most popular and efficient mobile browsers available, featuring a built-in ad blocker, data savings, and news feed. The fastest growing news app in Africa. Get fast news and watch trending videos in Instaclips, while saving data w
13、ith AI currated content. Spotlight Africa and global 89 State of the mobile web 2019 #SMWAfrica 1, 2, 3, 4 5, data references on page 31 Africa is a region set for a rapid digital expansion. The 2019 Digital report by WeAreSocial, names a total of 437 million African internet users across the contin
14、ent1. The report also shows that as for the full year of 2018, a total of 38 million Africans became new internet users and are now able to explore the web. The same report shows that internet usage throughout mobile devices is on high demand among Africans. From January 2018 to January 2019, a tota
15、l of 51 million people got a new mobile subscription. Additionally, another report from GSM from 2018, forecasts that by 2025, Africa will get 300 million new internet users2. Opera is growing its user base in this expanding market. From the first quarter of 2018 to the same period in 2019, Opera gr
16、ew its mobile user base in Africa by 26%. This represents a total of 25 million incremental monthly active users (MAU) across browser applications and stand alone news app in the African region. The fact that Opera applications have a growth rate two times higher than new internet users in Africa is
17、 partly attributed to the relevance and popularity of the Opera brand among Africans. Recent surveys conducted in 2019 in South Africa3, Kenya4 and Nigeria5, show that eight out of ten internet users in these countries recognize Operas browsers together with other browsers like Google Chrome. Moreov
18、er, the same surveys show that despite being a new application in the market, Opera News became the most recognized news app in these countries. In Nigeria and Kenya, seven out of ten people identify our Opera News app. In South Africa, almost half of the internet users identify the Opera News app t
19、ogether with other news sources such as BBC and Google News. Rapid Digitalization fueling Operas growth Fast growing: Opera apps in Africa Q1 2018Q1 2019 Average monthly users of Opera browsers & news app in first quarter of 2019 26% YoY Growth 26% total year over year growth comparison Overall, Ope
20、ras mobile and PC user base in Africa increased with more than 25 million users. 94 million 119 million 1011 State of the mobile web 2019 #SMWAfrica Smartphone adoption in Africa brings new opportunities for mobile developers like Opera to grow their user base. According to Statcounter Global Stats6
21、, Android is by far the most preferred operating system in the African region with 83% of the market share, followed by iOS at 10%. The usage of remaining platforms including Windows, Nokia and BlackBerry, is slowly dropping with a decline 11% on a yearly basis. The continuous adoption of smartphone
22、s has been increasingly important for Opera to provide unique applications for high-end smartphone users. This strategy is proven effective with high growth of our flagship mobile browser, Opera for Android. From the first quarter of 2018 to the same period in 2019, Opera for Android increased its u
23、ser base by 40% in Africa. The usage of Opera for Android surged after the inclusion of new and unique features that include a free VPN and a crypto wallet. Additionally, this increase also relates to the partnerships that Opera has with smartphone manufacturers in Africa. In this context, Opera for
24、 Android proved Smartphone transition is key for faster adoption of Opera apps strong growth among high-end smartphone users who prefer our most sophisticated browser. As for iOS, Opera launched a new product, Opera Touch, providing also iOS users with key Opera features like a native ad-blocker. Fr
25、om the first quarter of 2018 to the same period in 2019, Opera for Android increased its user base with 40% in Africa. 6, data references on page 31 1213 State of the mobile web 2019 #SMWAfrica 7, 8, 9, ata references on page 31 Everyday browsing habits Watch TV Mobile browsing 89% 92% 67% 60% 45% 2
26、8% YouTube Facebook Radio Twitter 0%25%50%75%100% While there is significant competition on smart- phones from other categories of applications, mobile browsers have remained a highly popular category of apps. A recent survey made in South Africa7, revealed that nine out of ten people use their mobi
27、le browser every day on their smartphone. This was ahead of the use of apps like YouTube at 65% and Facebook at 60%. Nine out of ten people use their mobile browser every day Also, a significant portion of the traffic to those services are made through the mobile browsers, illustrating the significa
28、nce of mobile browsers in Africa. The 2018 State of the Mobile Web Africa stated that 35% of South Africans preferred to use their mobile browsers rather than standalone applications for accessing social media8. The main reasons to use a mobile browser for accessing social media platforms relate to
29、protecting online privacy and avoiding online advertisement. The importance of the mobile browser is also shown in Nigeria where a 2018 study by Opera9 showed that nine out of ten smartphone internet users stated they use mobile browsers every day. Overall, 76% of Nigerians choose to access Facebook
30、 from their mobile browser while 74% of them prefer to search for news. Percentage of respondents using media/app one or more times per day. 1415 State of the mobile web 2019 #SMWAfrica Social Media Search Entertainment 0%7,5%15%22,5%30% Knowledge Other News Sports Across Africa, the mobile browser
31、is a major source of traffic for accessing social media. In Q1- 2019, Opera Mini registered that 31% of browsing sessions are to social media platform domains, with Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram being the most popular ones. In South Africa, a recent survey10 showed that people are accessing video
32、 platforms such as YouTube more often than other platforms like Facebook. Moreover, the survey also reported that 50% of South African internet users read news articles everyday. Often they prefer to access social media platforms for news consumption rather than reading print media. In Nigeria, Face
33、book is still the most relevant social media platform. An Opera survey from 201811 revealed that eight out of ten people access Facebook on a daily basis. A detailed look into the Opera Mini user base in Nigeria in Q1-2019 showed that 55% of Nigerians prefer to access Facebook from the mobile browse
34、r. In the same period, Facebook also ranked as the most accessed platform from mobile browsers in Kenya and Ghana, with 40% of the Opera user base using the browser for this purpose. Opera mobile browsers are also a gateway for people in Africa to access video content. In March 2019, statistics from
35、 Opera show that Tanzanians are more likely to access YouTube from their mobile browser than people in countries like Nigeria or Kenya. In this period, 23% of the Opera Mini user base in Tanzania accessed the video platform, while in Nigeria and Kenya, only 17% of the user base accessed this platfor
36、m. Overall, Operas mobile and PC user base in Africa increased with more than 25 million users. Mobile browser is a massive source of social media users Mobile browser activities 10, 11, data references on page 31 Percentage of websites browsed per category with Opera Mini. 1617 State of the mobile
37、web 2019 #SMWAfrica Opera has a significant focus on how much time people spend browsing the web. On average, Africans using Opera spend more than 30 minutes browsing on a daily basis. The most browsed category of websites were social media platform domains such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, f
38、ollowed by search engine websites like Google and entertainment/video and sport websites. This split of the categories was determined by Opera after making an analysis of the top 20 most visited websites across the African region, based on the browsing behaviour of the Opera Mini user base. More tha
39、n 30 minutes of daily browsing with Opera Mini 1819 State of the mobile web 2019 #SMWAfrica 12, data references on page 31 All Opera products feature data saving capabilities, made to ensure faster and cheaper browsing almost regardless of the network conditions. The data compression mode in Opera M
40、ini has the capability to pre-process and reduce the amount of data from a website before it reaches the users phone. This allows faster navigation, increases the browsing speed and extends the users data plan. For Opera users, this means they get more value out of their data costs, while enjoying a
41、 better internet experience even when network conditions are less than optimal. The 2018 data saving test12, reported that the extreme data compression mode in Opera Mini is capable of saving more than 90% of mobile data. The test compared the capabilities of Opera Mini and other browsers by loading
42、 a list of the top ten most visited websites in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa according to SimilarWeb during the summer of 2018. The test showed that the data compression mode in Opera Mini is capable of reducing web page sizes by 90%. The test also found that the average web page size was Data sa
43、ving test results Opera Mini Opera Extreme 90.36% 0%25%50%75%100% 3MB, while Opera Mini only loaded 0.3MB of data per website. These results proved that people who use a default browser without data compression may spend significantly more money on mobile data than those who choose Opera Mini. On av
44、erage, people who browse with Opera Mini are able to get nine times more out of their mobile data than using browsers without data compression. 0 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M TZKEZAZW 0 0.25M 0.50M 0.75M 1M 1.25M LYETUGBJMZNG $100 million dollars saved in mobile data Top 10 Opera Mini savings per country (USD) Es
45、timated yearly saving for Opera Mini user base (USD). 2021 State of the mobile web 2019 #SMWAfrica 13, data references on page 31 The cost of data per Gigabyte Germany and India vs African countries Versus Across Africa, Opera users saved an impressive 77 petabytes (77 million gigabytes) of mobile d
46、ata in 2018 due to the data saving features in Operas products. When considering mobile data costs from the recent report presented by Cable UK 201813, using a shortlist of the top twenty African countries, the amount of gigabytes saved translates to nearly 100 million dollars. On average, South Afr
47、icans pay around 7.19 USD for one gigabyte of mobile data which is 28 times more expensive than India, and almost the same price as Germany. In Q1-2019, the Opera Mini user base in South Africa saved more than 3 million USD on mobile data, or equal to R47 million, by using the data compression techn
48、ology of the browser. In Nigeria mobile data costs are five times cheaper than in South Africa, and four times cheaper than in Germany. In total, Nigerian Opera Mini users saved more than two million gigabytes in the first quarter of 2019. This equates to approximately 20 million USD, or 1.5 billion
49、 NGN for users who enable data compression mode on the browser. Moreover, Kenyans pay eleven times more than Indians for one gigabyte of mobile data, being one of the countries with the highest cost of mobile data after South Africa. In the first quarter of 2019, the Kenyan user base of Opera Mini saved approximately 3 million