1、Computer on Wheels:The Missing MarketREPORTHow software commercialization will accelerate the advancement of software defined vehicles24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 124_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 102/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49Large,luxurious,with a 403-cubic-inch V8 e
2、ngine,the Oldsmobile Toronado holds a special place in the hearts of car enthusiasts.But while many fans think of it as marking the end of an era,few people know that it was the beginning of another:the 1977 Toronado was the first production vehicle to incorporate embedded software.The General Motor
3、s engineers who wrote those seven lines of code used to control the spark timing would be astonished to learn that todays typical vehicle leaves the factory with 100+million lines of code under the hoodthe equivalent of 1.8 billion pages of information.From the perspective of 2024,however,it is perh
4、aps equally surprising that most of those lines are still being custom-written in-house by the original equipment manufacturers(OEMs)or Tier 1 suppliers.From Roland Berger automotive software market study,only 10%of automobile software is sold separately from hardware,at a clear price,and with a lic
5、ense agreement.If the system were cost-efficient,that wouldnt matter.However,since 2021,OEM in-vehicle software costs have risen 14%per year,from USD 26 billion in 2021 to USD 38 billion today,according to Roland Berger projections.If current trends continue,the total could reach USD 59 billion by 2
6、030,and at the same time,decelerate the fulfillment of the industrys next audacious goal,the software-defined vehicle(SDV).Fortunately,we know from a variety of other industries that there is a better way:the formation of an ecosystem of externally produced software products sold through a competiti
7、ve marketplace.While today there is a variety of enterprise software solutions available to any company to meet their customer relationship management(CRM),fleet management or accounting needs,in the past it was commonplace to have such solutions custom-developed by corporations in-house or by softw
8、are engineering service providers.This paper will outline which trends in software development the automotive industry is now pursuing,where it lags and why it will not be able to reach its goals without a robust and dedicated software market.Cover:da-kuk/iStockManagement summary2 Roland Berger|Comp
9、uter on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 224_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 202/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49Contents 10%of automotive software today is sourced as standalone software68%of industry participants believe lack of software commercializatio
10、n is the key hurdle1 2 3 The challenge of delivering a Software-Defined VehicleBuilding the missing software market 2.1/Commercial readiness of software by vehicle domain2.2/Building a mature software ecosystem Call to action for industry players4711PageOEM software spending could reach USD 59 bn in
11、 2030,without transitioning to a software-defined approachFastFacts3 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 324_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 302/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:491The challenge of delivering a Software-Defined VehicleT
12、odays 100+million lines of code are only the beginning for automobiles.Most industry experts believe the automotive industry is on the way to the production of what is being called the SDV,a vehicle in which many of its most important attributesincluding safety,performance and maintenance featuresar
13、e a function of software rather than hardware.OEMs budget in software development have risen nearly 50%since 2021.Unless their production model evolves quickly,this number is on track to reach USD 59 billion by 2030.Beyond that?Expect a doubling of costs every one or two vehicle generations,roughly
14、every 68 years,as well as ever-fiercer fights for a limited talent pool.A1Whats at stake?A new kind of automotive offering,one that will be able to keep delivering new experiences long after the car has rolled off the lot.The automakers leading the shift to software-defined vehicles will have unique
15、,superior customer experiences that can be updated regularly,explains Kristin Toth,Executive Director,Electrical Systems and Software at General Motors.To bring that day closer,most automotive industry software leaders are currently pushing six major initiatives:Embrace cloud-native software develop
16、mentCloud-native approaches to software development are among the first levers that OEMs and suppliers are pursuing.This includes introducing modern centralized E/E(electrical and electronics)and associated microservices software architectures with containerized software modules,integrate modular so
17、ftware development processes,adopt DevOps approach to software lifecycle management and introduce a wide variety of new tools.AOEMs in-vehicle software budget 2021-2030 USD bn Source:Roland Berger2021202220232024202520262027202820292030263814%7%Pure incumbent approachTransition from incumbent to sof
18、tware-defined approachCosts avoidedUSD 17 bn-26%43594 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 424_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 402/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:494532The challenge ahead:While the industry has witnessed the emergence
19、of consortia,alliances,and conferences dedicated to addressing the technical challenges of efficient,cloud-native software development,operational challenges lag far behind the aspiration.Adopt industry-wide standardsIndustry standards such as AUTOSAR(Automotive Open System Architecture),will play a
20、 crucial role in accelerating the development,integration and validation of software components in SDVs.While 83%of industry executives agree1 that a common standard would be highly beneficial,broad adoption is not yet in sight.The challenge ahead:Creating a unified approach to software development
21、that fosters cooperation among stakeholders to create and adopt common industry-wide standards for SDVs,facilitating interoperability and efficient development processes.Build with open-source softwareThere is a growing recognition among industry participants(in a recent Roland Berger survey,66%agre
22、ed)that open-source software(OSS)holds the potential to enhance the development speed and quality of vehicle features.While OSS can offer viable solutions for middleware and non-differentiating applications,concerns regarding security and safety impede its widespread deployment across the entire sof
23、tware stack,particularly for safety-critical applications.OEMs and suppliers also aim to differentiate their offerings based on key features,a goal that is fundamentally misaligned with the collaborative nature of OSS.The challenge ahead:Despite the potential benefits,the lack of defined commercial
24、models poses challenges for the sustainable development of OSS in the automotive industry.Insource differentiating features OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers often insource the development of key applications that align with their core business DNA(e.g.,engine management software for a powertrain manufactur
25、er).While such targeted insourcing often makes sense,many OEMs tend to want to build everything at home,which is inefficient and costly:it hinders resource allocation and slows down progress towards full implementation of SDVs.The challenge ahead:To optimize resource allocation and accelerate SDV de
26、velopment,industry players must carefully evaluate which parts of the software stack truly differentiate their offerings.but outsource non-differentiating code By outsourcing non-differentiating software,OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers can save resources and focus their internal efforts on developing trul
27、y differentiating applications.The demand for skilled software engineers in the automotive industry exceeds the available talent pool.1 Industry survey of 30 participants from 10 automotive players globally,including OEMs,Tier 1 suppliers,engineering services providers,software vendors Commercial so
28、ftware products are needed to close this gap.Konstantin Shirokinskiy,Partner,Roland Berger5 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 524_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 502/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:496Outsourcing non-differentiating
29、code is one way of mitigating the shortage of in-house engineers with the relevant expertise.The challenge ahead:Building the discipline to outsource non-differentiating parts of the software stack.Use more commercial software When developed and commercialized effectively,commercial software offers
30、numerous benefits,including enhanced reusability of intellectual property,seamless integration,and flexibility to operate across different hardware and middleware platforms.Despite these advantages,only a small fractionapproximately 10%2of vehicle software is currently supplied by commercial vendors
31、 as a standalone product.BThe challenge ahead:The immaturity of the supply base creates a mismatch between supply and demand that has led to over-insourcing.However,there are simply not enough engineers and dollars in the budget for every OEM to insource all its software development,leaving the pace
32、 of production slower than necessary.Commercial software products are needed to close this gap,says Konstantin Shirokinskiy,Partner at Roland Berger.2 From Roland Berger automotive software market study(2023)Source:Roland BergerB OEM software spend breakdown by commercial vs in-house or outsourced e
33、fforts per well-equipped vehicle USDTotal software cost1,000ADAS20Infotainment75Other domains5Inhouse and outsourced software dev900Integrated firmwareCustom-built for ECULimited reusability of IP/codeOften sold as engineering effort from internal devsLimited interoperabilityTrue commercial software
34、Sold on standalone basisLargely hardware agnosticCan integrate with other softwareTransparent commercial terms6 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 624_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 602/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49Building the
35、missing software market Each of these six steps will bring the industry a little closer to the era of the SDV,but slowly and at a high costunless something changes.Our analysis suggests that one structural change could accelerate these first six steps and turbocharge automotive software development:
36、the creation of a third-party software market that most major industries have had for decades.Until now,however,a variety of structural factors have throttled development of a healthy,competitive software market for the automotive sector.Tara Akhavan,PhD,Software Solutions and Ecosystems Vice Presid
37、ent at FORVIA agrees that with the advancement of software only product in the automotive industry,comes the complications in software standards and specifications,ability for buyers and sellers to maintain and update the software and have the right business models for software sales and marketing.F
38、ORVIA is committed to working with the ecosystem partners in creating the first comprehensive software marketplace in the automotive industry.HURDLES FOR SOFTWARE VENDORSTraditionally,software vendors who serve OEMs have been engaged primarily for projects that demand custom implementations based on
39、 the OEMs specific requirements.Often,the software is built without adherence to universal standards,with poorly documented APIs,and no containerized code.This practice can lead to the development of bespoke programs that cant be reused without significant integration effort.The layering of multiple
40、 such projects also adds complexity over time,raising the cost of updates throughout the vehicles lifecycle.Despite the obvious disadvantages of custom software,the software teams who create it are typically not in a good position to convert to being a producer of standalone products.They lack a rob
41、ust commercial strategy and the necessary capabilities to support such a product.In fact,many of these teams lack an independent identity even within their own company.They are often embedded within physical product groups and primarily serve internal customers.With respect to the vehicle,their sale
42、s model is mostly through service contracts,not licensing or sale of distinct products.Such contracts can preclude the development of a software product because the vendor teams with the deepest domain software expertise may not actually hold the rights to the OEMs software,although they may have bu
43、ilt it themselves.CAdditionally,years of buyers becoming accustomed to working with vendors on purchasing bundled hardware/software packages has compounded challenges in transitioning towards buying and selling software as a standalone product.To overcome these barriers,software vendors will need to
44、 adopt new commercial strategies that emphasize the unique benefits of standalone software,establish clearer pricing models and restructure internally to support the development and commercialization of software as a product.Joerg Grotendorst,Senior Vice President,Corporate R&D for Magna Internation
45、al,agrees:In order to thrive in the rapidly evolving automotive industry,Tier 1 suppliers must proactively embrace transformative changes and shift towards software-focused business models.By fostering collaboration,innovation and strategic software partnerships with trusted industry players,we can
46、optimize our organizational structures,define revenue models and unlock the full potential of our systems.Together,we can 27 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 724_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 702/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49
47、C Type of barriers preventing vendor from selling standalone software solutionsIndustry survey of 30 participants from 10 automotive players globally,including OEMs,Tier 1 suppliers,engineering services providers,software vendorsSource:Roland Berger Commerciale.g.,lack of commercial strategy,access
48、to buyersOperationale.g.,organizations are not structured to support software product salesTechnicale.g.,software not designed to be sold standalone67.8%16.7%15.6%8 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 824_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_0
49、2.indd 802/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49deliver cutting-edge solutions to customers at an affordable price,while staying ahead of the competition.HURDLES FOR SOFTWARE BUYERSLong accustomed to purchasing integrated hardware/software bundles,many OEMs find themselves grappling with a lack of in-house
50、capabilities to manage hardware/software integration effectively.In response,several OEMs have formed in-house development teams tasked with building entire software stacks for specific vehicle domains.However,this approach often proves inefficient,as it involves the internal creation of many non-di
51、fferentiating software components that could be more effectively and economically sourced as commercial-grade products from external vendors.Further complicating these challenges is the hardware-centric legacy of the automotive industry,which continues to operate with procurement processes and suppl
52、y chains that are primarily designed for physical components.Domain-focused procurement teams,adept at evaluating the technical and financial aspects of hardware-based RFP responses,often struggle with the nuances of procuring standalone software.OEM teams typically acquire software through service
53、contracts but often lack the necessary expertise to navigate true software contractual structures or to conduct thorough software costing analysis.Even with adequate software procurement expertise,these teams frequently face difficulties in gaining clear visibility into the market offerings that ali
54、gn with their specific requirements.This lack of clarity and expertise hampers the ability of OEMs to make informed decisions about purchasing commercial-grade software,thereby further slowing the pace of SDV adoption and integration.Engineering service providers will have an important role to play
55、in facilitating seamless and continuous integration,predicts Dr.Swarup Mandal,Global Head Automotive for Wipro Engineering Edge.A well-defined integration and software modernization framework will allow off-the-shelf,components to be integrated with next generation software platforms,he says,adding
56、that benchmarking will likely prove to be another important aspect of successful commercialization.The SDVerse marketplace fosters software integration by offering software solutions and connected engineering services as a package.We now proudly offer our software IP and engineering services on the
57、SDVerse platform to turn engineering IP into customized software solutions,says Thomas Hlshorst,Group Vice President of Intelligent Mobility&Software at FEV.2.1/Commercial readiness of software by vehicle domainThe challenges described above are not uniform across different vehicle domains.This vari
58、ance reflects the uneven progress in the adoption and integration of standalone software solutions within the sector.Infotainment,for example,is the most mature area,while powertrain has attracted the lowest spending for software development.DMeanwhile,in the domains of advanced driver-assistance sy
59、stems(ADAS)and connectivity,a growing number of both emerging startups and existing vendors are actively developing standalone embedded software solutions or cloud-based applications.These 9 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 924_358_MKT_S
60、oftwareCommercialization_02.indd 902/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49developments indicate a positive trend towards greater software independence and innovation,suggesting that these domains are on their way to achieving a similar level of commercial readiness as infotainment.Conversely,vehicle domains
61、 such as powertrain,chassis and body controls face distinct challenges,most of which are the result of a scarcity of standalone software options.In these domains,buyers are often constrained to purchase integrated software/electronic control unit(SW/ECU)solutions.The highly specialized requirements
62、and safety-critical nature of these domains has traditionally favored tightly integrated solutions to meet stringent performance and reliability standards.This lack of flexibility hinders the adoption of more modular and scalable software solutions,making it a critical area for the industry to focus
63、 its developmental efforts.2.2/Building a mature software ecosystemIn an ideal scenario,an efficient market is characterized by transparent product information,which facilitates maximum value creation at the system level.However,the automotive industry struggles with a lack of visibility into the co
64、mprehensive universe of available products,their features,functionality,pricing,integrations and the standards to which they adhere.This opacity makes it exceedingly difficult for buyers to locate and procure software solutions that precisely meet their needs.Source:Roland BergerD Commercial maturit
65、y and share of total spend on standalone software by vehicle domain%of spend on standalone softwareHighHighMediumMediumLowLow%of spend on standalone softwareCommercial maturityInfotainmentConnectivityADASInteriorBodyPowertrain10 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareC
66、ommercialization_02.indd 1024_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1002/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49Call to action for industry players Cars are changing.Wheels and steel still matter,but what matters more is the intelligence within.The Toronado will always have its fans,but these days,car buy
67、ers are looking for brains as well as brawn.As cars change,so must production methods.When software was a minor part of production,an in-house coding factory may have made sense.But now it has become an expensive luxury.To accommodate this shift,the automotive industry needs a robust software market
68、place.OEMs,Tier 1 suppliers and technology providers must adopt advanced software development methodologies to enhance development speed,security and interoperability.Clear commercialization strategies with transparent pricing and deep customer engagement will be crucial to align products with marke
69、t needs.Operationally,streamlining procurement processes and leveraging advanced deployment tools will support rapid software integration.Collaboration through marketplaces,alliances and consortia will be vital for product visibility,standardizing practices and fostering innovation.But to get there,
70、the whole automotive community will need to make a number of changes in how it makes,buys and services software:TECHNICAL ADAPTATIONSTo successfully develop and integrate commercial grade automotive software,OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers need to consider several technical adaptations.First,they will nee
71、d to 3Our industry is refining how best to process transactions for software products and services,which needs to be different from the traditional approach we use for automotive hardware.We find that more upfront collaboration is needed to establish software as a product in automotive,says Jeffrey
72、Shay,North American President of Valeo.Compounding this issue is another pervasive industry-wide dynamic:the reluctance or inability of market players to engage across different levels of the value chain.For instance,OEMs that possess substantial in-house capabilities and valuable intellectual prope
73、rty might explore avenues to monetize these assets further.This could involve licensing their software or offering it as a standalone product to other industry players.So far,however,they have been reluctant to pursue such opportunities.Similarly,Tier 1 suppliers,who traditionally view themselves pr
74、imarily as software vendors,should consider opportunities to outsource the development of non-differentiated software components.This strategic shift would not only reduce development costs but also allow them to focus their in-house resources on creating more specialized,higher-value software solut
75、ions.Encouraging movement across different segments of the value chain could unlock significant potential,benefiting individual players and enhancing the overall automotive ecosystem.To overcome these challenges,however,will require a concerted effort to increase transparency and flexibility within
76、the market.This includes improving the availability of information about software products and encouraging a culture of collaboration and openness to diversifying roles within the value chain.11 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1124_358_
77、MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1102/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49package their software stack,document APIs and align with industry standards.By standardizing and clearly defining the software products,OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers can ensure compatibility across different platforms and systems.S
78、econdly,they will need to refine their integration requirements.This is essential for standalone developers and for ensuring maximum compatibility and interoperability.OEMs should convey their integration needs to software vendors,enabling them to develop products that align with the OEMs requiremen
79、ts and integrate seamlessly with their platforms.Furthermore,leveraging reference designs,virtualization and cloud-based software development can be extremely helpful in identifying interoperability issues quickly and understanding how different software components can be assimilated.These innovatio
80、ns allow software buyers and vendors to test out multiple configurations of software components on varying microcontrollers and processors,ensuring compatibility and reducing hardware dependency for software development.One semi-conductor executive is already thinking about what this might mean for
81、his industry.Semiconductor vendors can offer commercial software optimized to unlock the full potential of their microcontrollers and processors and provide valued services and applications to accelerate the path to SDV production,says Sebastien Clamagirand,Senior Vice President,Automotive Embedded
82、Systems&Marketing,NXP Semiconductors.COMMERCIAL STRATEGYFor effective commercialization,both software buyers and vendors must embrace strategic changes in their sales and marketing efforts.Software vendors need to develop clear revenue models,pricing structures and commercial terms.Robust go-to-mark
83、et capabilities and sales channels will be crucial to reach the market and ensure the successful commercialization of software products.As they provide more transparency and predictability in their offerings,vendors will establish trust and confidence among potential buyers.Additionally,increasing c
84、ustomer intimacy through close collaboration and feedback loops will enable vendors to better We have a vision of a centralized marketplace that fosters innovation,accelerates development and ensures that solutions meet market needs,driving industry growth and improving the consumer experience.Prash
85、ant Gulati,CEO,SDVerse12 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1224_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1202/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49understand OEM needs and design more informed product roadmaps.This customer-centric approach will
86、 drive the development of commercial grade software that aligns with the specific requirements of the automotive industry and the end-consumers.On the buyer side,defining optimized make vs.buy strategies is essential.Buyers need to carefully evaluate which software components are core to their diffe
87、rentiation and should be developed in-house,and which components can be efficiently procured from external sources.Establishing robust,software-centric procurement capabilities will enable buyers to identify and select the most suitable commercial grade software solutions.This includes developing ef
88、fective processes for evaluating software vendors,negotiating contracts and managing ongoing relationships to ensure successful integration and long-term support.If they adopt these measures,buyers could enhance their software procurement processes,reduce inefficiencies in software development and a
89、ccelerate the integration and commercialization of advanced software components in their vehicle platforms.However,even as automotive software becomes a scalable product,executives say it will remain a high-touch business.Marc Lang,Senior Vice President,Business Development&Sales,TTTech Auto,notes t
90、hat the growth of his software-only business model highlights the fact that success in the software-only business is not just about creating exceptional software,but about building relationships and delivering value at every touchpoint.OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCEFor OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers,optimizing r
91、esource utilization will be the key to driving efficiency and innovation.High-value software development should be prioritized in-house to maintain competitive advantage and control over core technologies.Simultaneously,procuring non-differentiating software components from external sources will str
92、eamline operations and reduce costs.This strategic division will enable OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to focus their internal resources on breakthrough innovations while leveraging the broader software ecosystem for standardized solutions.The formation of specialized teams dedicated to different stages
93、of the software development lifecycle will also be critical to further enhancing operational efficiency.Establishing independent software development teams,integration teams and testing teams will help to focus expertise where it is most needed yet encourage collaboration to ensure seamless developm
94、ent and deployment of software products.This structured approach will not only accelerate the development process but also enhance the integration and testing phases to ensure that the developed software meets technical specifications,user expectations,and safety standards.Beyond internal operations
95、,embracing a culture of innovation and agility within the organization will be paramount.This will require fostering an environment that supports rapid learning and cross-functional collaboration.Investing in advanced technologies and infrastructure,such as cloud computing and data analytics tools w
96、ill also support these endeavors,enabling sophisticated software development and data-driven decision-making.Additionally,revising supply chain strategies to include software vendors as key partners and staying compliant with evolving industry regulations will be essential.COLLABORATIVE SUCCESSIndiv
97、idual effort has its place.The seven lines added by the Toronados unknown coder would probably have been more difficult to outsource than just write in-house.But today,13 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1324_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercializ
98、ation_02.indd 1302/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49automotive software development needs to go the way automotive development has always gonetoward a global scale,supported by an extended,sophisticated supply chain.Collaboration will be essential in the development of this market.OEMs and Tier 1 suppli
99、ers often lack the scale to independently make transformative investments.However,by pooling resources,expertise and technology through partnerships,companies can distribute financial burdens and accelerate technological advancements.This collaboration will not only facilitate the sharing of best pr
100、actices but encourage standardization within the industry,streamlining the development of SDV systems.Yunsoo Jin,Software R&D Fellow at HL Mando,says its important that a global software ecosystem develops to prevent redundant investment,extend the global market and facilitate alliances that will st
101、rengthen the automotive software market and improve SDV adoption.Finally,to bridge the gap between software buyers and vendors,establishing transparent and well-structured marketplaces will be critical.These marketplaces should provide clear information about product features,compatibilities,standar
102、ds and commercial terms,fostering an environment of trust and informed decision-making.Transparency regarding these elements will ensure that all market participants have a comprehensive understanding of their investments,which is vital for building confidence in the products and standards promoted
103、through the marketplace.Improving market visibility of all available automotive software products will be key to ensuring that buyers can identify and leverage the best software solutions available while vendors can maximize IP reusability and access new customers.Creating a successful automotive so
104、ftware market will require a collective effort in which stakeholders actively contribute to a shared ecosystem.Establishing transparent marketplaces and promoting collaborative networks will be crucial.Such a unified approach will not only drive the future of automotive software but also ensure the
105、industrys transition to software-defined vehicles proves sustainable.With over USD 100 billion invested in automotive software over the past three years,its crucial for automakers to optimize resource utilization,balancing in-house development with the procurement of non-differentiating software com
106、ponents,says Prashant Gulati,Chief Executive Officer of SDVerse.BUILDING THE NETWORKMarkets are mysterious.As with any ecosystem,the conditions have to be just right to be successful.Not enough sellers and you cant attract buyers,but without enough buyers,you cannot attract sellers.Prashant Gulati b
107、elieves that SDVerse has hit on the right combination.His marketplace gives buyers the transparency they need to evaluate an offering and vendors the opportunity to showcase their offerings.We have a vision of a centralized marketplace that fosters innovation,accelerates development and ensures that
108、 solutions meet market needs,driving industry growth and improving the consumer experience,he says.Prashant Gulati points to dramatic advantages.On the SDVerse marketplace,buyers and sellers can save up to 80%of the time spent on product discovery and RFQ generation,leading to significant cost-savin
109、gs and more efficient resource use,he says.14 Roland Berger|Computer on Wheels:The Missing Market24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1424_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1402/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49ROLAND BERGER AUTHORSSDVERSE AUTHORSPrashant GulatiCEOprashant.gulatisdverse.
110、autoPraveen YalavartyCTOpraveen.yalavartysdverse.autoKonstantin ShirokinskiyP Markus Baum Senior PKaimook ChirapathamaSenior Project MCharlie PopeSenior Project M Soumya SenSenior CThis publication has been prepared for general guidance only.The reader should not act according to any information pro
111、vided in this publication without receiving specific professional advice.Roland Berger GmbH shall not be liable for any damages resulting from any use of the information contained in the publication.2024 ROLAND BERGER GMBH.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.We would like to thank Dan Nicholson(VP,Strategic Technol
112、ogy Initiatives,General Motors),Kristin Toth(Executive Director,Electrical Systems and Software,General Motors),Joerg Grotendorst(Senior Vice President,Corporate R&D at Magna),Sonal Ramrakhiani(Business Head,Americas,Wipro Engineering Edge),Dr.Swarup Mandal(Global Head Automotive,Wipro Engineering E
113、dge),Mr.Yunsoo Jin(Software R&D Fellow at HL Mando),Sebastien Clamagirand(Senior Vice President,Automotive Embedded Systems&Marketing,NXP Semiconductors),Marc Lang(Senior Vice President Business Development&Sales,TTTech Auto),Thomas Hlshorst(Group Vice President of Intelligent Mobility&Software at F
114、EV),Jeffrey Shay(President,Valeo North America)and Tara Akhavan,PhD(Software Solutions and Ecosystems Vice President at FORVIA)for their significant contributions.09.2024ROLANDBERGER.COM24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1524_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 1502/10/2024 17:4902/1
115、0/2024 17:4924_358_MKT_SOFTWARECOMMERCIALIZATIONSDVERSE is a first-of-its-kind B2B marketplace for buying and selling automotive software.Backed by founding members General Motors(GM),Magna and Wipro,SDVerse is accelerating the future of software-defined vehicles by providing a matchmaking marketpla
116、ce for buyers and sellers that benefits the entire automotive ecosystem.Its standard-agnostic marketplace is available to all OEMs,suppliers and any other company with relevant software offerings and tools.Learn more at www.sdverse.autoPublisherRoland Berger LP1217 Woodward Avenue,Suite 45048226 Det
117、roitUSA+1 248 729-5000ROLAND BERGER is one of the worlds leading strategy consultancies with a wide-ranging service portfolio for all relevant industries and business functions.Founded in 1967,Roland Berger is headquartered in Munich.Renowned for its expertise in transformation,innovation across all
118、 industries and performance improvement,the consultancy has set itself the goal of embedding sustainability in all its projects.Roland Berger revenues stood at more than 1 billion euros in 2023.24_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 424_358_MKT_SoftwareCommercialization_02.indd 402/10/2024 17:4902/10/2024 17:49