1、11| 2019 解锁中国奢侈品社交密码 DECODING DESIRE IN THE CHINA LUXURY SOCIAL ECOSYSTEM 竞立媒体通过媒介代理服务帮助品 牌实现增长 ? 为此 ? 我们将自身独特 的系统思维方法应用于数据?技术 和创造力上 ?设计出能够帮助客户 打造品牌 ? 促进销售的传播策略 ? 竞立媒体是媒介投资管理机构群邑下属品牌?隶属于 全球最大的营销传播服务集团WPP?我们拥有业界最 丰富的数据库和最强大的基准数据?能够确定最佳的 增长途径?并释放每个品牌的潜力? 竞立媒体是全球领先的专业媒介代理公司之一?年度 媒介承揽额135亿美元 ?来源 ? COMve
2、rgence 2019 年3月数据? ?竞立媒体在全球100个国家拥有125个办 事处和8000名员工 ? 其客户包括阿迪达斯?阿里巴巴集 团?中国航空 ?戴尔 ? 玛氏 ? 宝洁?PSA ? 历峰和壳牌? 感谢本次报告的主要编撰人员 ? 竞立媒体 Howard Thompson 竞立中国首席战略官 金若蓝 竞立中国奢侈品牌? 海外业务及新业务管理合伙人 张亮 竞立中国社交媒体总经理 杜素盈 竞立中国媒介调研总监 方妍文 竞立中国传播策划总监 凯度 EVA, 符号学: 潘诺 中国 ? 亚洲及新兴市场领导人 ? 符号学和文化洞察 周仁山 咨询副总监 ? 符号学和文化洞察 陈菁雪 高级咨询顾问 ?
3、 符号学和文化洞察 MediaCom helps brands unlock growth through media. We do this by applying our unique Systems Thinking approach to data, technology and creativity to design communication strategies that build brands and generate sales. As part of WPP, the worlds leading marketing communications services gr
4、oup, and part of GroupM, WPPs consolidated media investment management arm, we have access to the richest data sets and most robust benchmarks in the business, enabling us to identify the best avenues for growth and unlock the potential in every brand. MediaCom is one of the worlds leading media com
5、munications specialists, with billings of US$13.5 billion (Source: COMvergence, March 2019), employing 8,000 people in 125 offices across 100 countries. Its global client roster includes adidas, Alibaba Group, Air China, Dell, Mars, P from the Oracle bone to the Gif BLINK 25 Part of this experientia
6、l consumption, this feeling of connection is connected to how digitally active and engaged these consumers are. They are engaged with influencers and content stories that narrate their luxury purchase journeys. The way luxury brands behave on digital and social platforms will heavily influence which
7、 luxury items they buy. As a result there is a shift visible in luxury brands moving media spends from traditional to digital media channels, particularly into social media. In 2019, luxury advertising expenditure in digital channels will increase to 35% from a total spend of 30% in 2017. Digital, w
8、hich once accounted for 53% of luxury brands ad spend is expected to rise to 70% by 2019 according to Bain they need to meaningfully substantiate luxurious value in terms of culturally founded and empowered branded strategies and activities. These trends are why finding relevant cultural context and
9、 activating effectively in social becomes even more important. Coupled with the way that Chinese luxury consumption is evolving away from perceptions of social upgrade to a more understated appreciation for refinement and inner cultivation means that luxury brands need to create content and collabor
10、ate with influencers which luxury audiences find most interesting content which is memorable, remarkable, emotional and useful enough in order to entice “shareability ” and drive to purchase. Brands are increasing their spending on various online and social media platforms, with many favouring WeCha
11、t Marketing spending splitDigital marketing spending split Source: Bain The perfect Non-Posing Pose BLINK 33 Niche experientialism As mobile and digital connectivity have become an inseparable part of Chinese consumers daily lives, the idea of reality is being renegotiated and its rarity is being se
12、en as a precious commodity; moments of intimacy and real personal connection become important and that applies to consumer-brand relationships also. This has caused an increasing appreciation of the need to create real and physical connections which deliver richer and more real brand experiences. Re
13、levant Emergent Cultural Context 4. Exclusive and Experiential Discovery Application to Social: Create immersive worlds through mixed reality Invest in mixed reality brand owned social assets that seamlessly blend realities through a well crafted mix of AR, VR and other immersive technologies. Socia
14、l commerce needs to be supported by intuitive AI driven SCRM systems in order to create seamless two way conversation between brand and consumer. Social media is not a promotional tool and paid social advertising is a temporary fix for what is a larger need interactive social engagement. Sources by
15、Branding Mag Sources by https:/www.vogue.co.jp/ lifestyle/hotels Sources by new-york-pop-up Example of brand: A leading example of this style of marketing is French fashion house Louis Vuitton. The brand proved its experiential credentials earlier this summer with its visually arresting neon green p
16、op-up shops in New York. Outside and in, the space highlighted the brands latest collection and encouraged consumers to interact with the products and share the event over social media. However, the real highlight wasnt the luminescent interior or the eye-wateringly priced 5,100 bum bag instead, the
17、 outside of the store doubled up as a green screen and saw consumers transform the store into a field of flowers and a galaxy full of stars. Now theres your gram-worthy shot. Key Content themes: Exclusive Seascapes, Cutting Edge Discovery BLINK 34 Uncovering the most impactful and relevant type of c
18、ontent A MediaCom KANTAR solution We understand that consumer social attention is fragmented. Decentralization and diversification are not only prevalent in content but also social platforms. Luxury brands should consider establishing multiple official channels on social networks to enlarge their in
19、fluence and should also develop content that consumers are interested in based on each platforms strengths. In order to optimize social resource, its important to understand consumers social media behaviour for accurate targeting, managing and distributing the right and most relevant content across
20、different target consumer segments. Using semiotics 2. Analyse whats relevant for them in cultural and category context; 3. Turn into actionable insights to guide content and media strategies. Activating Across Social Platforms 1. Multiplicity 2. Social listening command centre monitoring and analys
21、ing topics and consumer groups; 3. Historical performance benchmarks; 4. Media provided category benchmarks; 5. Traditional offline focus groups. The MediaCom KANTAR LuxeLens Social Solution Toolbox The MediaCom Social practice, established in 2012, works with over 35 clients in China and is empower
22、ed by social know-how and proprietary social products providing a holistic approach to your social media needs. We also leverage the scale and might of GroupM to deliver optimal ROI. Because of this, we are able to create tailor-made social media solutions for your various brands and target audience
23、s that have one single goal: to unlock growth for your business. BLINK 39 Learn more about finding growth. Sign up to our monthly newsletter: If you are looking to decode desire for your brand or interested to learn more about how MediaCom can grow your business please contact: HOWARD THOMPSON Chief Strategy Officer, MediaCom China 21F, WPP Campus, 399 Hengfeng Road, Shanghai Howard.T In association with