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1、1THE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIACountry Brief Malaysia|2THE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIACountry Brief Malaysia|Executive summaryMalaysia shows a particularly high internet penetration rate(97%)and a moderate proportion of its populationpurchases goods

2、 online(46%).In addition,the density of B2C marketplaces is middle ranging with 176 B2Cmarketplaces for a population of 33.9 million(capturing 6.1%of the total traffic in the region studied).Over the period 2019-2022,traffic on the 176 B2C marketplaces has grown significantly,rising from1 to 1.37 bi

3、llion visits.Among them,online shopping malls account for the largest proportion of marketplaces(48.3%)and capture most of the traffic(81.3%).The e-commerce market is dominated by domestic companies(31%)and closely followed by the United States(22%),and Singapore(8%).Of the total 176 B2C marketplace

4、s,there is an important geographical diversitygiven the 26 other countries with companies holding B2C marketplaces.The e-commerce market is highly concentrated with the Top 10 websites capturing 90.8%of total traffic.This Top 10 is largely dominated by online shopping malls,6 in total,of which two S

5、ingaporean companies(Shopee and Lazada)account for 58.1%of the total traffic.Only one company from Malaysia appears in thethird position with 12.2%of the total traffic.Regarding the ease of selling on these B2C marketplaces,only 47%of them allow foreign sellers to operateand 56%offer open registrati

6、on to online sellers.Almost half of these marketplaces are fully transactional(49%)and,as a corollary,48%require trading fees to sell online.Malaysia has a greater proportion of generic B2C marketplaces(61%)compared to specialized marketplaces(39%).The 69 specialized marketplaces traffic can be main

7、ly attributed to three sectors:fashion/shoes(32%),groceries(31%),and automotive parts(26%).AcknowledgementsThe landscape of B2C e-commerce marketplaces in Malaysia was prepared by Matthieu Levasseur,NikitaShahu,Jin Lee,Shuangning Cao,and Nester Jun Alcular under the guidance of Silvre Dernouh and th

8、eoverall supervision of Yann Duval,all from the Trade,Investment,and Innovation Division(TIID)of ESCAP(Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific).The country brief is based on data collected between 2019 and 2022 by Jesse Weltevreden,Professor ofDigital Commerce at the Centre for Marke

9、t Insights of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.Commentsand suggestions provided by Witada Anukoonwattaka and Tengfei Wang helped in further improving the countrybrief.Ren Zonneveld provided valuable assistance in shaping the country brief template layout andcoordinating the interns team.The

10、layout was designed by Arom Sanguanyuang,with help from NatnichaSutthivana for the project communication.Preparation of the report was funded by the Forum of East AsiaLatin America Cooperation(FEALAC)as partof the project entitled:“Support the strengthening of policies to monitor and promote the par

11、ticipation ofMSMEs in cross-border goods and services e-commerce for an inclusive and sustainable pandemic responseand recovery in East Asia and Latin America”.The country brief has also benefited from the support of theGovernment of France.3THE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIACo

12、untry Brief Malaysia|1.Country overviewIn 2022,Malaysia is one of the most connectedcountries in the studied region with 97%of itspopulation having access to the Internet1.Furthermore,the country counts a total of176 B2C online marketplaces,a relativelyhigh level considering the total population of3

13、3.9 million2.Yet,the average number of 40 annual visits toe-commerce marketplaces per capita lies in theregional average of the countries studied3.Furthermore,even though the e-commercemarket steadily continues to grow,the part ofthe population purchasing online remains ata moderate level:39%in 2020

14、,43%in 2021,and 46%in 20224.Each B2C marketplace is held by a company registered in a specific country.These companies are distributedby country of registration in figure 1 below.This figure shows that Malaysian companies dominate thee-commerce landscape with almost one-third of the total marketplac

15、es(31%)closely followed by companiesfrom the USA(22%).We also may notice the presence of companies from Singapore(8%),China(6%),India(3%),Germany(2%)and UK(2%).A clear characteristic of the Malaysian e-commerce market is its geographicdiversity as no less than 22 other countries are represented with

16、 one or two marketplaces.Figure 1.Location of companies holding the marketplaces176B2Cmarketplaces40visitsper capita46%purchasedgoods online97%internetpenetrationMalaysia 31%United States 22%United Arab Emirates 1%Spain 1%Japan 1%Australia 1%Others 20%Singapore 8%China 6%India 3%Germany 2%United Kin

17、gdom 2%Canada 1%Thailand 1%4THE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIACountry Brief Malaysia|2.Marketplace trafficAmong the countries surveyed,Malaysia accounts for 6.1%of the traffic to e-commerce marketplaces in2022(figure 2),in line with its ranking as the 6th most populated country

18、 in the region.However,higher trafficmay be expected considering their high internet penetration rate(97%)and density of marketplaces(176).Nevertheless,the number of users in the e-commerce market is forecast to increase by+17.35 percent between2023 and 2027 to reach 19.64 million users5.Not only do

19、 online shopping malls dominate the e-commerce landscape in terms of the number of marketplaces(48.3%)but on top of that,they capture a significant share of the traffic with 81.3%of the total visits in 2022.This share of the traffic has been consistently growing over the period 2019-2022.Behind,clas

20、sifiedsites,although ranking second in terms of the number of marketplaces(42%)only catch 12.7%of the totaltraffic(figure 3).Figure 3.Types of marketplaces in numberand trafficFigure 2.Distribution of marketplaces traffic,amongthe countries studied(2022)0.02%0.03%0.14%0.17%3.8%6.1%7.5%8.7%11.2%27.2%

21、35.1%0%10%20%30%40%Lao P.D.R.Brunei DarussalamCambodiaMongoliaSingaporeMalaysiaPhilippinesThailandViet NamIndonesiaRepublic of KoreaMalaysia has experienced a continuous growth ine-commerce traffic rising from 1 billion visits in 2019 to 1.37billion visits in 2022.This growth averaged 10%over theper

22、iod studied and was particularly pronounced between2020 and 2021 reaching 20%.This increase might beattributed to businesses and consumers switching fromoffline to online selling and shopping due to the sanitarymeasures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic(e.g.closingshops)and consumers fear of physic

23、al contact(figure 4).This increase in traffic has mostly benefited marketplaceswith a global presence.Indeed,their traffic share hasrisen from 45.9%in 2019 to 58.9%in 2022.In contrast,marketplaces with a national presence first encountereda decline in their traffic share between 2019 and 2020 butreb

24、ounded in 2022 attracting 300 million visits(21.1%oftraffic share).Despite the overall increase in traffic,marketplaces with a regional presence have not been ableto take part in it and experienced a decrease of-11.3%intheir market share.Figure 4.Traffic trends by marketplacepresence4.8%3.4%3.4%0.9%

25、2.3%0.2%0.6%0.1%42.0%12.7%48.3%81.3%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Number ofmarketplacesTotal traffic(visits)Online shopping mallClassified siteDeals/Coupon siteAuction sitePrice comparison siteOther site22.8%17.8%14.2%21.1%31.3%24.0%21.8%20.0%45.9%58.2%64.0%58.9%10003005007009001 1001 3001 500201

26、9202020212022MillionsGlobal presence Regional presence National presence 5THE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIACountry Brief Malaysia|3.Marketplace key playersAlthough Malaysia has a high number of marketplaces(176),the Top 10 leading e-commerce websitesconcentrate 90.8%of the who

27、le traffic(figure 5).Unexpectedly,most of this traffic(71.4%)is captured byfive Singaporean marketplaces whereas marketplaces held by companies from Singapore represent only 8%of the total number of marketplaces(figure 1).One of these Singaporean marketplaces,Shopee,is rankingfirst with 44.9%of the

28、e-commerce traffic in Malaysia,thanks to a localized approach focused on differentdemographics since 20206.Only one company from Malaysia appears in the 3rd position with 12.2%of the total traffic,while marketplacesheld by Malaysian companies represent 31%of the total.Same observation with the Unite

29、d States whichrepresents,22%of the marketplaces but appears only once in the Top 10 with A(2%of the traffic).Finally,out of these Top 10 most popular marketplaces,six are online shopping malls,while two are classifiedsites(Carousell and Mudah.my)and two are food delivery sites(Grabmart and FoodPanda

30、).Figure 5.Top 10 most popular marketplaces in Malaysia,in 2022When considering the Top 10 fastest-growing marketplaces(Table 1),themain feature is the strong presenceof 7 Malaysian companies.This isparticularly significant given thatMalaysian marketplaces account forjust 31%of the total,and only on

31、e isamong the key players.Despite this,the fastest-growing e-commercewebsite is a Singaporean company,confirming the strong presence ofmarketplaces from this country on theMalaysian market.There is also aninverse relationship with the Top tenmost popular marketplaces in terms oftype,with only 2 onli

32、ne shopping mallsfor every 6 classified sites.Table 1.Top 10 fastest-growing marketplaces in MalaysiaHolding CountryType of marketplaceGeographical%ChangeScope2021-2022ShopeeFoodOtherRegional16569%Expat Car SalesClassified siteNational5248%Kereta-TerpakaiClassified siteNational3417%Shop Locally Mala

33、ysiaOnline shopping mallNational1470%Sabtu.myClassified siteNational882%Iklan Malay ClassifiedsClassified siteNational467%ClassifiedsFree.coClassified siteGlobal465%HargapediaPrice comparison siteNational309%BuyNClassified siteRegional247%J StoreOnline shopping mallNational227%1.3%1.7%2.0%2.3%2.3%4.

34、3%6.7%12.2%13.2%44.9%0100200300400500600700ZaloraFoodpandaAGrabMartTaobaoCarousellMudah.myPGMALLLazadaShopeeOnline shopping mallsOther sitesClassified sitesin millions of visitsGlobal presence Regional presence National presence Marketplace traffic in millions of visits and in%share of the total tra

35、ffic.Each flag represents the country of the company holding the marketplace.6THE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIACountry Brief Malaysia|4.Ease of selling on marketplacesThe ease with which sellers can operate and sell their products on marketplaces is particularly significant in

36、shaping the countrys e-commerce landscape.In this context,this section analyses the main factors forassessing the ease of selling on marketplaces,providing a better understanding of the environment and thechallenges faced by sellers.These factors include 1)the openness of marketplaces to foreign sel

37、lers 2)thetype of registration,3)the imposition of trading fees and 4)the type of transactional marketplaces.1)Marketplaces open to foreign sellersIn Malaysia,foreign sellers are allowed to carry outbusiness only on 47%of all B2C marketplaces,below the average acceptance rate in the countriesstudied

38、(52%).Indeed,even though the countrycounts a substantial proportion of foreign-ownedmarketplaces(69%as indicated in figure 1),onlya part of them is open to domestic sellers.As shown in figure 6,classified sites,which represent42%of the marketplaces,and two other types ofwebsites(auction sites and pr

39、ice comparison sites)are selectively open to foreign sellers.As for othertypes of marketplaces,these are completely closed(deals/coupon sites and other local marketplace sitesfor food/grocery deliveries and car dealers).On theother hand,online shopping malls,the most commontype of marketplaces(48.3%

40、),adopt a strongglobalized approach where 81%are open to foreignsellers.2)Online registration typesIn Malaysia,56%of the B2C marketplaces allowopen registration,such that sellers can open anaccount and start trading directly.Meanwhile,39%undertake a verification procedure before onboardingsellers.In

41、terestingly,2%use a combination of bothregistration methods based on the seller or theproduct type(the registration process is unclear for3%of the marketplaces).Most classified sites(77%)have an open registrationand only 16%opt for a verification of theadvertisements.Half of the auction sites(50%)al

42、lowopen registration while 25%prefer to review theproducts before the auction.In contrast,all the deals/coupons,price comparison websites,most onlineshopping malls,and other types of marketplacesrequire seller verification.Notably,only a small shareof classified sites(3%)and online shopping malls(1%

43、)offer both options.Figure 7.Online registration typesFigure 6.Marketplaces open to foreign sellers81%25%17%15%17%75%83%82%100%100%2%3%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Online shopping mallsAuction sitesPrice comparison sitesClassified sitesDeals/Coupon sitesOther sitesOpenRestrictedUnclear0%10%20%30

44、%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Classified sitesAuction sitesOnline shopping mallsOther sitesPrice comparison sitesDeals/Coupon sitesOpenregistrationVerifiedregistrationBothUnclear4%3%16%77%25%50%44%51%1%4%67%33%100%100%25%7THE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIACountry Brief Malaysia|3)Trad

45、ing fees policy to sell onlineIn Malaysia,48%of B2C marketplaces always impose a trading fee,while 24%offer both free and fee-basedselling options,and 13%do not charge any fee(for 15%of all the marketplaces,it remains unclear if theycharge trading fees).A large share of online shopping malls(80%),as

46、 well as price comparison and othertypes of marketplaces(66%each),impose fees.Generally,price comparison websites use a“cost per click”model and sales-based commission is popular on online shopping malls and other marketplaces.Then,50%of auction sites always charge a proportion of the hammer price a

47、s a fee,while 25%allow sellers to sell forfree.In contrast,the classified sites are more diverse with 54%offering optional promotional services fora fee,24%levying no fees,and 10%consistently imposing trading fees on sellers for enhanced features togrow their business(the fee structure of deals/coup

48、ons site is unclear).Figure 8.Trading fees policy to sell onlineFigure 9.Types of transactional marketplaces4)Types of transactional marketplacesIn Malaysia,49%of all the marketplaces are fully transactional,providing integrated payment options.Thismay be explained by the accelerated adoption of cas

49、hless payment methods across the country.To that extent,in 2021,Malaysia became the second leading country in Southeast Asia with the highest rate of cashlesspayment adoption7.Despite this,a nearly equal proportion of marketplaces(47%)are still non-transactional.The remaining 4%are semi-transactiona

50、l providing integrated payment options only for certain products.Infact,all deals/coupon sites and 95%of online shopping malls are fully transactional,providing a seamlessshopping experience for consumers.From the sellers perspective,integrated payment systems allow effectivemanagement and security

51、of transactions.Then,66%of other types of marketplaces are fully transactionalwhile 17%are non-transactional and another 17%are semi-transactional.In contrast,all auction sites andprice comparison sites,as well as 96%of classified sites are non-transactional requiring direct paymentsbetween buyers a

52、nd sellers.Finally,a small number of classified and online shopping malls(4%each)provideintegrated payment options for a selective range of products.80%66%66%50%10%2%54%2%17%17%25%24%16%17%17%25%12%100%0%20%40%60%80%100%Onlineshopping mallsPrice comparisonsitesOther sitesAuction sitesClassified site

53、sDeals/CouponsitesTrading fees mandatoryTrading fees but also free optionNo trading feesUnclear100%95%66%4%17%4%1%17%96%100%100%0%20%40%60%80%100%Deals/CouponsitesOnlineshopping mallsOther sitesClassified sitesAuction sitesPrice comparisonsitesSemi-transactionalFully transactionalNon-transactional8T

54、HE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIACountry Brief Malaysia|5.Product range and characteristicsIn Malaysia,61%of the 176 B2C marketplaces are qualified as generic,meaning they sell a wide variety ofgoods while 39%are specialized,indicating they facilitate the trade of one or a limi

55、ted number of products(figure 10).All deals/coupon sites and price comparison sites are generic as are most of the classified sites(73%).Online shopping malls are more or less equally divided between generic(53%)and specialized(47%)marketplaces.Finally,most auction sites and other sites are speciali

56、zed,75%and 83%respectively.Figure 10.Product range by marketplacesFigure 11.Product-specific marketplaces,by number and traffic(2022)Among the 69 specialized marketplaces operating in Malaysia,a third is active in the car parts sector,whileanother third specializes in fashion,accessories,and shoes(f

57、igure 11).This is indicative of a consumer basewith a pronounced interest in lifestyle products,especially the fashion market which is projected to increaseby 10.74%each year,reaching US$3.58 billion by 20288.The automotive sector,in particular the motorcyclesmarket,is also projected to increase by

58、7.1%each year,reaching US$3.75 billion by 20279.In Malaysia,thetotal traffic on e-commerce specialized marketplaces is clearly divided into three sectors capturing 89%ofthe traffic:fashion/shoes,groceries,and automotive parts.The total visits observed on marketplaces specializedin fashion/shoes and

59、automotive parts remain in line with their share in the number of B2C marketplaces.Considering the 4.5%of marketplaces specialized in groceries,they capture as high as 31%of the total trafficin the country.This phenomenon is happening at the expense of all other sectors,except for the 1.5%ofactive m

60、arketplaces specialized in baby products which get 3.5%of the traffic.26%31%32%28%1.5%7%1%4.5%31%4.5%1.5%4%0.5%3%3%3%1%3%3.5%1%Share of trafficShare of onlinemarketplaces0%20%40%60%80%100%Cars/Motorcycles/Motor partsFashion,accessories,and ShoesBooks and hobbiesMusic and sportBaby ProductsFishery-ba

61、sedBeauty,Health and Personal careGroceryProperty and othersElectronics/IT and AppliancesGiftsHome&LivingFood and beveragesAgricultureOther VehiclesArt and Collectibles1.5%1.5%17%25%53%73%100%100%83%75%47%27%0%20%40%60%80%100%Other sitesAuction sitesOnline shopping mallsClassified sitesPrice compari

62、son sitesDeals/Coupon sitesGeneric marketplacesSpecialized marketplaces1World Bank.(2022).Individuals using the Internet in Malaysia(%of population)(Source).2Based on authors calculations:The current sample of countries range from 155 marketplaces to275.5 m people(1:1.8 million people)in Indonesia t

63、o 65 marketplaces to 0.6 m people(1:6154people)in Brunei Darussalam.The range goes from low density to high density.Population dataretrieved from World Bank WDI in November 2023.3Based on authors calculations:Annual visits per capita=Total traffic per country in 2002/Population in2022.4Statista.(202

64、3).Number of users of e-commerce in Malaysia 2017-2027.Statista ResearchDepartment(Source).5Ibid.6Editors,d.(2021,May 10).How Shopee Became the Top eCommerce Marketplace in South East Asia|Eye on Asia(Source).7Statista.(2023).Digital payments in Malaysia statistics&facts(Source).8Statista.(2023).Fas

65、hion Malaysia.Statista Market Insights(Source).9Statista.(2023).Motorcycles Malaysia.Statista Market Insights(Source).Country Brief Malaysia|Sources9THE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIA10THE LANDSCAPE OF B2C E-COMMERCE MARKETPLACES IN MALAYSIACountry Brief Malaysia|Project backgr

66、ound,methodology and definitionsProject Background The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted many economies,altering businessmodels,especially for micro,small,and medium-sized enterprises(MSMEs),and consumer behavior.Despitethis,many MSMEs see potential in e-commerce and digital platforms for

67、 cross-border trade to aid their recoveryand access to new markets.However,significant barriers have hindered digital trade and MSMEs participation.These barriers include limited internet access,rural-urban connectivity gaps,coordination issues in tradefacilitation,slow tech adoption,unreliable deli

68、very services,scant provisions for digital trade in agreements,restricted digital payments,and skill gaps among firms,especially MSMEs.To address these challenges,it isnecessary to assist MSMEs in taking advantage of the growing domestic and international e-commercemarkets.Methodology In this contex

69、t,a comprehensive database has been compiled to analyze the e-commercelandscape in 11 East Asian countries.The Centre for Market Insights(CMI)of Amsterdam University of AppliedSciences provided the dataset of potential marketplaces,combining 15,288 business-to-consumer(B2C)marketplaces.This database

70、 specifically focuses on online marketplaces facilitating trade between businessesand consumers(B2C)in physical goods,excluding purely business-to-business(B2B),consumer-to-consumer(C2C),and service-oriented platforms.Following a manual inspection by trained coders,the final database was produced,pr

71、oviding information on1,559 relevant marketplaces across the 11 East Asian countries.Traffic data from 2019 to 2022 was collectedfor these relevant marketplaces.Drawing upon this new comprehensive database,11 country briefs havebeen developed to deepen the understanding of policymakers,businesses,re

72、searchers,and other stakeholdersregarding the dynamics of e-commerce activities as well as the challenges and opportunities for MSMEs toparticipate in domestic and international e-commerce markets.Definitions In the following country brief,an e-commerce marketplace acts as a platform connecting buye

73、rsand sellers for trading goods.In this analysis,six main types of marketplaces have been identified:auctionsites for goods sold through auctions,classified sites where ads can be posted to sell used and new items,deals/coupon sites offering discounts from third parties,online shopping malls offerin

74、g a wide range ofprimarily new products from many sellers,price comparison sites aiding in comparing prices,andother sites presenting varied goods without price comparisons,redirecting users to the merchants website.Geographically,we have categorized marketplaces as National(operating within one Asian country),Regional(across multiple Asian countries),or Global(serving both Asia and other continents).



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139**00... 升级为标准VIP 185**05... 升级为至尊VIP

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wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

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l**n 升级为标准VIP 133**22... 升级为至尊VIP

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138**15... 升级为至尊VIP 180**61... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

186**40... 升级为高级VIP 189**50... 升级为高级VIP

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wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 159**56... 升级为至尊VIP

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wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

156**49... 升级为高级VIP 186**10... 升级为标准VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

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152**96... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

139**08... 升级为至尊VIP 137**35... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 186**09... 升级为高级VIP

178**87... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP