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1、CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORTHOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE1.Approach to Corporate Responsibility 1842.Promoting Good Health through Food 1903.Respecting the Environment 2104.Sourcing Responsibly 2445.Supporting Surrounding Communities 2666.Being a Benchmark Employer 2807.2021-2023 Commitments 3108.The
2、European Unions Taxonomy 3189.Tables of Indicators 338HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEWhen more fish is needed to feed humanity than the ocean can provide,action must be taken.At Jernimo Martins,we are committed to ensuring the freshest fish on the consumers table while helping to ensure marine life conserv
3、ation.PROTECTING THE FUTUREA key element of humanitys natural,historical and cultural heritage,the ocean is the basis of a new blue economy,which positions itself as sustainable,safe and pollution-free.LISTENING TO THE OCEANIt is a place of unparalleled majesty.It was in the sea that life first emer
4、ged on Earth,four billion years ago.And yet,80 per cent of the marine world has never been seen or explored.The largest ecosystem on the planet is home to at least 238,000 species and is responsible for much of the worlds biodiversity.The ocean is also the livelihood of three billion people(almost a
5、 third of the worlds population),providing food,jobs and ways of living.INCREASINGLY VISIBLE THREATSThe sea is also a key place where we may find answers to the climate crisis.The oceans as a whole are one of the lungs of the Earth forests are the other and the largest receptor of carbon on the plan
6、et,where more than half of global oxygen is produced and at least a quarter of annual carbon dioxide emissions are absorbed.The ocean also regulates the planets temperature,absorbing more than 90%of the excess heat caused by greenhouse gases resulting from human activities.As the ocean warms,the wat
7、er expands,the polar caps melt and sea levels rise,increasing the risk of flooding,of stronger and more frequent storms and hurricanes,bleaching and killing coral reefs and leading to more significant and more systematic development of often toxic algae.In addition to these problems there are others
8、 all too familiar:intensive fishing,illegal fishing,maritime traffic,deep-sea mining and pollution.Protecting the oceans means defending humanity.The good news is that there is still time.Not much,but some.SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIESSince the early 1960s,annual global growth in fish consumption has been
9、twice the rate of natural regeneration of fish stocks in the oceans.As we sell over 240 species,fish is an essential product and we have developed a strategy aimed at preventing our practices from contributing to overexploitation based on three actions:We prohibit the purchase and sale of species cl
10、assified as being“Critically Endangered”and without extraordinary licenses.We find aquaculture alternatives or sustainably managed stocks for species listed as“Endangered”.We limit promotional activities to species classified as“Vulnerable”that do not originate from aquaculture or sustainably manage
11、d stocks.In 2022,we reviewed once again the assortment we sell in our stores and the conservation status of all species.In the case of species classified as“Critically Endangered”,we do not sell European eel since 2016,and for the“Endangered”species,we have adapted our strategy and stopped selling A
12、frican croaker and black hake(among others)caught in the wild.In this report,point 4.3.4.“Sustainable Fishing”from chapter 4 “How We Make a Difference”gives more detailed information on how we are adapting the way we operate.We also have an aquaculture business,an important area when it comes to fis
13、h.Data from 2020 show that fish farms account for more than half of all fish discharged on land,having produced 121 million of the 214 million tonnes of fish.Farmed fish is one of the ways to solve the growing demand for this animal protein.Anticipating these trends,since 2016 we have been investing
14、 in offshore aquaculture,where fish can be grown in their natural habitat.At the end of 2022,we had four units in operation,three in Portugal(Sines,Madeira and Vila Real de Santo Antnio)and one in Morocco.LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR SUSTAINABLE FISHING STRATEGY1.APPROACH TO CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY The res
15、ponsible way in which we conduct our businesses allows us to be included in more than 120 international indices that recognise good sustainability practices.The conflict in Ukraine marked the year 2022 and had,for proximity reasons,a significant economic and social impact in Poland.During the first
16、year of this conflict,10 million Ukrainian refugees have passed through the country,1.6 million of whom stayed in Poland.The way we reacted,especially Biedronka,reflects the fast pace we set when it comes to doing the right thing,just as it is needed.The holding Company,Biedronka and its customers,t
17、ogether with the other Group Companies,donated more than 8 million euros in cash and in kind to the refugees,through around 100 social institutions.This event has not distracted us from the path we are on to achieve the ambitious and challenging sustainability goals we have set ourselves.Food qualit
18、y and safety is the most material topic for our stakeholders,as it is for us.In this area,we highlight the efforts to prevent more than 750 tonnes of sugar,270 tonnes of fat and 120 tonnes of salt from entering the market,through reformulating 142 recipes of our Private Brand and fresh food products
19、.Also of note is the removal of artificial colourings from all Private Brand products in Portugal.In addition to this work,the more than 15 thousand audits to our facilities and over 300 thousand food and microbiological analyses prove our commitment to the health of the around 5 million people who
20、visit our stores every day.In terms of environment,we have been awarded,for the second year in a row,an A in Climate and Water by CDP Disclosure Insight Action.This double A(the highest possible score)combined with an A-in all four commodities assessed for tackling deforestation,makes us the worlds
21、leading food retailer in terms of strategy,performance,and transparency for all three areas.By the end of 2022,our carbon footprint was 41%lower than in 2017,by sales and in scopes 1 and 2(direct emissions from our operations and indirect emissions from the energy we buy,respectively)our target for
22、2023 is to reduce our carbon footprint by 40%compared to 2017.The nature of our relationship with suppliers in terms of promoting good environmental and social practices has led to a greater number of products with sustainability certifications,without 184230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSjeopardising purchas
23、es made to local suppliers one of our principles,which has been reinforced for 91%of the food products we purchase.In our role as major employers,we highlight the 289 million euros invested in measures to recognise employees for their performance and delivery,including an extraordinary contribution
24、of 9 million euros to cope with the inflationary context.In 2022 and following the success of the Centro Incluir inaugurated in Lisbon the previous year,we opened a new centre,in Porto.The investment of more than 815 thousand euros increases our capacity to respond to people who have more difficulty
25、 accessing the job market.In 2022,379 people were impacted by the Incluir programme,out of a total of 1,033 since 2015.And it is because of the way we achieve our results(our sales grew by 21.5%in 2022 to 25.4 billion euros)that we are recognised by the end of 2022,we were in more than 120 internati
26、onal sustainability indices.Our presence in indices such as the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index(rewards gender equality performance),the FTSE4Good series(brings together companies that best manage sustainability risks)and the Euronext Vigeo-Eiris family(recognises companies with good ESG performance
27、)are just a few examples.The journey began more than a decade ago when we set the first sustainability targets.185JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a difference2022 HIGHLIGHTSI.Promoting Good Health through FoodMaking quality food available,safe,and accessible Through the nutritional reformulation of
28、our Private Brand and perishable products,we have prevented 753 tonnes of sugar,271 tonnes of fat and 121 tonnes of salt from entering the market.We have 1,429 gluten-free and 87 lactose-free product references,increases of 26%and 40%,respectively,versus 2021.We achieved 100%of Private Brand product
29、s in Portugal without artificial colourings.We conducted 15,812 internal audits,10%more than in 2021.II.Respecting the EnvironmentReduce the environmental impacts of our operations and supply chains Our carbon footprint was 41%lower,per thousand euros of sales,compared to 2017(scopes 1 and 2).In abs
30、olute terms,we increased by 7.3%the energy consumption coming from renewable sources,which corresponded to almost 40%of the total energy used by the Group.We increased the amount of recycled plastic content to 9.8%of the total plastic packaging under our responsibility(Private Brand,service packagin
31、g,check-out bags and wrapping film).We adopt best practices and define quality standards throughout the value chain,in line with our Corporate Responsibility strategy.This strategy is based on five pillars that cut across all our businesses and are summarised below,along with some results achieved i
32、n 2022.III.Sourcing ResponsiblyIntegrate social and environmental criteria throughout the supply chain 91%of food purchases were sourced from local suppliers.100%of the palm oil used in our Private Brands and perishables in Poland and Portugal had RSPO(Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil)certificatio
33、n.In Colombia,around 90%of the palm oil used in Aras Private Brands and perishables was traced to the farm where it was produced.Private Brand products and perishables with sustainability certification represent 8.4%of sales in these categories.98%of Private Brand fresh eggs came from caged hens,com
34、pared to 67%in 2021.IV.Supporting Surrounding CommunitiesFight hunger and malnutrition,particularly in the communities in which we have operations Support for people fleeing the war between Ukraine and Russia amounted to 6.4 million euros,including cash and food distributed to around 100 local chari
35、ties.Nearly 82.2 million euros were allocated to direct community support,32%more than in 2021.Our direct cash and in-kind support reached more than 2 thousand charities.V.Being a Benchmark EmployerCreate jobs,ensure fair and adequate pay,and provide safe and stimulating working environments Our wor
36、kforce increased by 6.2%(7,636 more people).We invested 289 million euros in measures to recognise employees.Support for employees and their families,especially those in vulnerable situations,was provided by an investment of more than 35 million euros in internal social responsibility(a 38%increase
37、compared to 2021).1 More information on our corporate website,in the“Stakeholder Engagement”page.2 More information on our corporate website,in the“Defining our Priorities”page.3 For more information see the“About Us”area on our corporate website.4 The responsibilities of the Committee are described
38、 in the“Investors”area on our corporate website.shareholders and investors;analysts;official bodies,supervising entities,and local authorities;suppliers,business partners,and service providers;employees;customers and consumers;local communities;journalists;non-governmental organisations and associat
39、ions.The most relevant issues identified in the last review2,held in 2019,were:food quality and safety;reduction of packaging materials,and the use of sustainable materials;ethics and transparency;fighting food waste;respect for human and labour rights;affordable product offering;respect for human a
40、nd labour rights in the supply chain;mission,vision and strategy;support to social projects;incorporation of circular economy principles.Our preferred interfaces are described in more detail on our corporate website,as are the organisations of which we are a member3.Internally,the Corporate Governan
41、ce and Corporate Responsibility Committee4 is the body responsible for ensuring compliance,disclosure and reinforcement of our corporate responsibility principles.Sustainability Committees,one for each Company,manage priorities and alignment between the Groups Responsibility policies and practices.I
42、n 2022,there were 19 Sustainability Committee meetings.STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTWe regularly engage with our stakeholders,which enables us to identify and manage sustainability aspects with a significant impact on society and on our businesses.These stakeholders are1:GRI 2-12 GRI 2-29 GRI 3-1 GRI 3-2 G
43、RI 3-3Primary ProductionWe promote,with our suppliers,the sustainable origin of raw materialsand ecosystem protection initiatives.CommunityWe support our communities,endeavouring to promote social cohesion and breaking cyclesof poverty and malnutrition.BUSINESS MODEL AND RELATIONWITH SUSTAINABLE DEV
44、ELOPMENTMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKIndustryWe work with our partners to pursue innovation and the sustainable development of their activities and products.OperationsWe seek to minimise our operations impacts,improve working conditionsand support our people.CustomerWe offer safe,healthy
45、and quality food solutions,while promoting responsible consumption.2.1.IntroductionWe recognise the contribution that a Group such as ours can make to adopting healthier lifestyles in society through food.That is why we endeavour to minimise the use of artificial ingredients and processing methods i
46、n the foods we produce and market.We also focus on diversifying options for consumers with specific needs or preferences,such as food intolerances and allergies.2.2.Quality and DiversityTo guarantee the high standards of food safety and quality of the products we market,we have guidelines in place i
47、n Portugal,Poland and Colombia.They are:the Product Quality and Safety Policy5,as a guide for improving the development and monitoring of Private Brand products and perishables;the Nutritional Policy6,concerning nutrition profile,preferred ingredients to use,labelling,serving sizes,continuous improv
48、ement,and communication;the guidelines for the development of Private Brand products and perishables,specifying restrictions on the use of food colouring,preservatives and other artificial additives,defining the maximum quantities of ingredients such as salt,sugar and fat,including other principles
49、of nutritional labelling.5 This policy is available on the Jernimo Martins corporate website at ,“Responsibility”channel,“Promoting Good Health through Food”page.6 This policy is available on the Jernimo Martins corporate website at ,“Responsibility”channel,“Promoting Good Health through Food”page.2
50、.PROMOTING GOOD HEALTH THROUGH FOODWe work to offer quality,safe and healthy products every day,also providing food that are adapted to consumers with specific needs or preferences.190230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPS2.2.1.LaunchesWe remain committed to providing products that meet the needs and preferences
51、of consumers and expanded the offering of foods that contribute to more responsible consumption patterns.Poland Biedronka introduced 68 new Private Brand products on the market that encourage healthy eating habits.The launch of products in the Go Active range is to highlight,which,as is in Portugal,
52、offers solutions for active people seeking to recover from exercise and to prepare for training.The nine products that hit the market aim to offer a source of protein and/or vitamins and minerals that accompany energy metabolism,for instance,and that contain easily digestible carbohydrates.Noteworth
53、y is the chicken and rice with Mexican sauce,rich in low-fat protein,low sugar content and with no added flavour enhancers,and for the peanut butter granola,rich in protein and a source of fibre containing 18.5%whole grain flakes.On its mission to democratise access to products for specific consumer
54、 needs,diets and preferences,Biedronka launched ten gluten-free products(such as Kraina Wdlin sausages,with no added monosodium glutamate7 nor phosphates8),four lactose-free products and 36 clean label products9.In the vegan and vegetarian product categories,produced without genetically modified org
55、anisms(GMOs)and in compliance with other legally required criteria10,31 references were launched.In the case of perishable foods,of note is the new Kraina Mis Select range(Land of Meat Selection).A total of six antibiotic-free chicken meat products were launched,helping to reduce antimicrobial resis
56、tance during treatments that consumers have to undergo when ill.7 A common use additive in the food sector,glutamate enhances the taste of some foods.According to EFSA,there is currently no numerical acceptable daily intake(ADI)defined for glutamic acid and glutamates used as food additives in the E
57、U.Some adverse reactions have been recorded in cases of average to frequent exposure.To learn more,visit www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/170712.8 To learn more,visit https:/www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/190612.9 Without(or with a limited amount of)additives,usual in a specific category,in accord
58、ance with legal requirements.10 The claims regarding suitability for vegan consumption must respond to certain criteria,such as compliance with the Polish Agriculture and Rural Development Regulation on food labelling,under which products whose production process does not include animal-based ingred
59、ients can be labelled“vegan food”or“suitable for vegans”;good production practices so as to minimise cross contamination with non-plant-based ingredients;and be GMO-free.191JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a differenceDADA RANGE FOR CHILDREN NOW INCLUDES FOODFor the first time,Biedronka introduced pr
60、e-cooked meals and desserts in the Dada range,a Private Brand developed for younger audiences such as babies and infants.Of note is the organic fruit and vegetables pure,baby meals and fruit and vegetable juice in a total of seven launches.As regards non-food products,Dada maintained the launch of r
61、elevant items for both children and pregnant women.19 dermatologically-tested diapers references were placed on the Polish market.Textile products(bodysuits,jumpsuits,cloth nappies,blankets and baby and maternity pillows)are produced in line with the guidelines for Private Brand product development
62、and tested by parents consumer panels.These products are OEKO-TEX Standard 100 certified,are certified by Intertek and,in the case of bedsheets,in addition to being antibacterial,are also OEKO-TEX Made in Green certified.These products were also assessed by and received a“Positive Opinion”from the I
63、nstytut Matki i Dziecka(Institute of Mother and Child),the details of which are available to consumers in the epozytywnaopinia.pl/database.192230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSPortugal The launches of the year included the Pingo Doce Super Breakfast products cocoa and cinnamon,and dried fruit both made with a
64、 mixture of whole oats and buckwheat,organic,with no added sugar,gluten free and high in fibre,being a source of protein,phosphorus and magnesium.Four references of Dairy Free ice-cream,lactose free and suitable for vegans,and the gluten free Fusilli were also launched.Veggie vegetable juices also r
65、eached the market without added sugars,made with apples from the Portuguese region of Alcobaa,and other vegetables and fruit,such as lemon.For children,the animal-shaped pasta aims to encourage,in a fun way,the consumption of spinach and tomato,the ingredients from which they are made.As part of the
66、 Go Active range,launched in 2021,seven articles have enriched the range of solutions available for consumers who want to have diets rich in protein and low in sugar and fat.Highlights include the protein puddings,with no preservatives or added sugars,and the dried fruit spread with cocoa,gluten-fre
67、e,with no sweeteners or preservatives,and a source of protein and vitamin E.In the perishable foods category,the Sporty Pingo Doce sliced bread in the Go Active range(source of fibre and high protein content),carrot and gingerbread,six Pingo Doce Angus meat and six Iberico pork products were also la
68、unched.The highlight also goes to the Frango da Quinta,an innovation considering its certified,antibiotic-free chicken production.In the fruit and vegetable category,of note are the cherry tomato mix and mini plum tomatoes,as well as three references of items for children,in practical individualised
69、 packages of peeled and cut“ugly fruit”.The meal solutions and takeaway product range has been expanded with 47 alternatives.Pingo Doce stores now offer options such as soy and leek gratin,soy vegetable paella,and Maghreb style quinoa.For HoReCa professionals,MasterChef(Recheios Private Brand)launch
70、ed 25 new products to increase preparation efficiency,including peeled and cut potatoes for frying or oven-baking,chopped onion and carrots,and already sliced pork(steaks,chops,loin and pork belly).In 2022 we haveextended therange of foodproducts that contribute to more responsibleconsumption patter
71、ns.193JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a differenceColombia Ara launched Heil gluten-free quinoa and rice tortitas and two Bubu breakfast cereal references,one with seven cereals and the other a wheat and vanilla cereal.These two cereals are enriched with vitamins that help the human body function we
72、ll,such as A,E and vitamins B6 and B12,among others,and also with pantothenic acid,folic acid,biotin and niacin.The seven cereal reference has the particularity of containing two more cereals than the benchmark,as well as lower sodium content,high protein content,fibre and vitamin K.The Solei 100%na
73、tural orange and carrot juice was also launched,a source of vitamin C and with no added sugars.*References bearing a label that guarantees a gluten-free composition.*References bearing a label that guarantees a gluten-free composition.LaunchesPoland11Portugal12Colombia13TotalGluten-free*104115Lactos
74、e-free45-9Vegan and vegetarian3111-42Organic1113-24TotalPoland14Portugal15Colombia16Total202220212022202120222021202220212022/2021Gluten-free*110*941,3161,038321,4291,134+26.0%Lactose-free29204940928762+40.3%Vegan and vegetarian1811464655-227201+12.9%Organic689598100-166195-14.9%11 Biedronka Private
75、 Brands and perishables.12 Pingo Doce and Recheio Private Brands and perishables.13 Ara Private Brands.14 Biedronka Private Brands and perishables.15 Pingo Doce and Recheio Private Brands and perishables.16 Ara Private Brands.DIFFERENTIATING PRODUCTS194230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPS2.2.2.ReformulationsGRI
76、 416-1 The reformulation strategy focuses foremost on foods that:are consumed mostly by children;contain high levels of salt,sugar,fat,saturated fat,and/or unnecessary additives;are highly consumed and,as such,their reformulation might have a wider positive impact on public health;although they migh
77、t be perceived as being healthy by the consumers,their nutrition profile needs to be adjusted;are low in fibre,vitamins and minerals;have ingredients that could potentially cause allergic reactions.In 2022,the recipes of 142 food products were reformulated17.As a result of this process of continuous
78、 improvement,we prevented more than 750 tonnes of sugar,over 180 tonnes of fat,approximately 90 tonnes of saturated fat,and more than 120 tonnes of salt from entering the market.*A product may have its recipe reformulated in terms of more than one ingredient.The single counting method,as opposed to
79、reference counting,is used with the purpose of providing transparency about the number of interventions.*The number of tonnes removed is obtained using the following calculation method:the quantities of these ingredients present in the formula of the references covered multiplied by the number of un
80、its bought or sold in the year.BiedronkaPingo Doce18RecheioAraTotalReformulated products*47482225142Salt(references)131061746Sugar(references)3639196100Fat(references)91-10Saturated fat(references)86-14Quantities avoided(tonnes)*Salt45.314.91.958.6120.7Sugar549.8181.518.62.6752.5Fat181.21.8-183.0Sat
81、urated fat28.160.2-88.317 Includes perishables.18 Includes perishables.PRODUCT NUTRITIONAL REFORMULATIONS195JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a differencePoland Of the 26 reformulated Private Brand products,most noteworthy are the Culineo instant beef soups and Tutti quark cheeses as regards sugar con
82、tent(reduction of 57%and 5%,respectively)and,in the case of salt,the wiatowid19 sliced cheese(reduction of 19%)this range of sliced cheese,a source of protein and calcium,is composed mostly of milk of Polish origin and does not contain preservatives.Also of note is the 7%reduction in saturated fat i
83、n the Madero garlic sauce,and in the fat content of Kraina Wdlin sausages,which was reduced 10%.In terms of the“clean label”concept,product ingredients considered unnecessary,such as flavour enhancers and artificial colours,were removed or replaced with natural ingredients in 34 products,such as Mar
84、letto and Diuna ice creams,and Bonitki biscuits,from which soy lecithin was removed.Glucose-fructose syrup was removed from most products.In 2022 a programme was implemented to enrich foods containing fibre,including six breakfast cereals,and Vitanella cereal bars,resulting in a total of 22.6 tonnes
85、 of added fibre.In perishables,the recipes of 21 bakery references were revised regarding sugar,avoiding the introduction in the market of around 328 tonnes.The report on progress on 2021-2023 and other commitments made by the Group can be found on the Jernimo Martins corporate website20.Portugal Th
86、e recipes of 70 products were reformulated.Of note is the range of Pingo Doce and Amanhecer Private Brand yoghurts,with 37 reformulated references to reduce sugar content(reductions of between 3%and 28%),resulting in a total 114.7 tonnes less sugar.The recipes of 14 breakfast cereals,particularly po
87、pular among children and which have also been reformulated over the years,saw a new reduction in sugar content.Cereals such as Chocolocos,Cookie Bitz and Estrelinhas saw reductions of between 5%and 23%,avoiding the consumption of 56.9 tonnes of sugar.With regard to saturated fat,we paid special atte
88、ntion to crisps,biscuits and sauces(reductions of between 29%and 84%).As regards salt,and among the 16 recipes reformulated(reductions of between 10%and 48%),most noteworthy are the shrimp broths and rissole that resulted in 16.9 tonnes that were not consumed by customers.The Zoo Pingo Doce biscuits
89、,another favourite among children,saw 1.5 tonnes of fibre added and 1.8 tonnes of fat removed.Progress on the commitments made by Pingo Doce under the Portuguese governments Estratgia Integrada para a Promoo da Alimentao Saudvel(EIPAS Integrated Strategy for the Promotion of Healthy Eating)can be fo
90、und on the Jernimo Martins corporate website21.Colombia The recipes of 25 Ara Private Brand products were reformulated,including the De La Cuesta quark yoghurt cheese for children from three years old,and the kumis milk(similar to kefir),to reduce sugar content.Eight Kai,Barbacon and El Cuteador bra
91、nds sausage products were also reformulated to cut salt.Six products also saw the flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate(used in bchamel and carbonara sauces Minotto and in the mushroom and chicken soup A La Mesa)removed.Artificial colours were also removed from the Aveia instant strawberry oatmeal.1
92、9 More information available at www.biedronka.pl/pl/sery-swiatowid20 YEARS OF FIRST STEPS2.2.3.Promoting Healthier ChoicesAmong the priorities set in this regard are the product format,the voluntary indication of the number of servings in each package,information on the average time within which the
93、 product must be consumed once opened(e.g.mayonnaise,milk and fruit jams),and to mention,where possible,only one expiry date to avoid confusing consumers over other printed dates(such as production batches).For example,in 2022 the meal solutions and takeaway areas continued to make smaller portions
94、of soups available,offering 400 grams references as alternatives to the 900 grams packages.Product Information In addition to the technical and legal information on packaging,such as composition and full nutrition tables with values per 100 grams and per serving,we also voluntarily disclosed more st
95、raightforward nutritional information on the front of packages.This voluntary disclosure enables consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions.In Portugal,we use:a Non-GMO label on products consisting of corn and/or soy,two ingredients likely to be genetically modified at the end of 2022,14%o
96、f the 180 eligible products22 bore this label.If we refer to products containing corn and/or soy in more than 50%of the net weight,the ratio is fixed at 25%23;symbols on alcoholic beverages to indicate calorie count(92%of references,the same as in 2021),pregnancy warnings(100%of references),and resp
97、onsible driving(71%of references,32 p.p.more than in 2021);icons for products that are a source of omega-3,sugar added-free,lactose-free,fat-free,and gluten-free;identification of Pingo Doce cold meat products that have less fat and salt according to the requirements of the Escolha Saudvel(Healthy C
98、hoice)programme,in collaboration with the Portuguese Heart Foundation.In Poland,we place:a Non-GMO label on plant-based products24 consisting mostly(above 50%of the net weight)of corn and/or soy in 2022,this label was placed on 91%(7 p.p.more than in 2021)of the 32 eligible products25;the indication
99、 of fibre content in the nutrition table;specific symbols based on own and other criteria required under Polish law on vegan and vegetarian products(31 products were labelled Suitable for Vegans);icons on products that are a source of omega-3,lactose-free and gluten-free;in the latter case,we mainta
100、ined our partnership with the Polish Association of Celiac Disease Sufferers and Gluten-Free Diet,ensuring the absence of cross-contamination and obtaining the certification of ten new products.In the case of lactose-free products,four new products bore this label;the No Added Sugar label,highlighti
101、ng the three new Fruvita yoghurt for children;use of symbols on alcoholic beverages to indicate calorie count(97%of references,5 p.p.more compared to 2021),pregnancy warnings(95%,8 p.p.more than in 2021),and responsible driving(95%,11 p.p.more than in 2021);22 Considering 85 Pingo Doce products(Ping
102、o Doce,Go Bio and Pura Vida ranges)and 95 Recheio products(Amanhecer,Gourms and Masterchef ranges).Non-GMO label:22 Pingo Doce and three Recheio products marketed in 2022.23 Considering 20 Pingo Doce products(Pingo Doce,Go Bio and Pura Vida)and 20 Recheio products(Masterchef and Amanhecer)on sale in
103、 2022.Non-GMO label:ten Pingo Doce articles.24 Labelling applies to two dimensions,in compliance with Polish law:“non-GMO”(for foods of plant origin and foods composed of more than one ingredient,excluding products of animal origin and feed,free from genetically modified organisms)and“Produced witho
104、ut the use of GMOs”(for products of animal origin and foods composed of more than one ingredient,free from genetically modified organisms).25 Includes Biedronkas Private Brands.With symbol:29 articles.197JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a difference in the case of non-food products,of note is the use
105、 of the“Vegan Friendly”label on 15%of the cosmetic product portfolio.Nonetheless,65%of these ranges are made without any animal-origin ingredients.NEW LABELS AT BIEDRONKACommitted to helping consumers in search of a more active lifestyle and to providing increasingly more information about the Priva
106、te Brand products it develops,Biedronka has implemented innovative labels in the sector in Poland.The first was the“Pace Physical Activity Equivalent”label,aimed at simulating the physical effort needed to digest the calories in snacks,such as crisps,in the Top brand.Fourteen products bore this labe
107、l in 2022,which recommended physical activity aligned with the needs of each consumer.The second was the“1 of Your 5 a Day”label,in reference to the daily recommended amount of fruit and vegetables.Seven products of the Vital Fresh brand had this label.Finally,“A Handful of Nuts”,aimed to encourage
108、the consumption of these products,important for maintaining a balanced diet,as three Bakka DOr products bore such label.Launched in Portugal and Poland,the Go Vege rangeaims at targetingconsumers who preferproducts withoutanimal protein.198230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSIn 2021,Pingo Doce and Biedronka ado
109、pted the Nutri-Score label,a more intuitive symbol on the front of packaging about the nutritional quality of pre-packaged foods.Nutri-Score establishes a nutritional classification ranging from A(high nutritional quality)to E(products that should be consumed less frequently),and a corresponding col
110、our code.In 2022,Biedronka added Nutri-Score to 11 more product categories,with the label now displayed on a total of 20 categories.At the end of the year,253(+329%versus 2021)Biedronka,302 Pingo Doce(+193%)and 10(+100%)Recheio products bore this label26.In Colombia,we adapted the nutritional inform
111、ation to show it per portion and per 100g or 100ml of product,on the back,as required by law27.On the front of the packaging we continued the process,initiated in 2021,of repackaging food products with levels of sodium,saturated fat and sugar above those recommended by the health authorities,reachin
112、g 100%of the 495 products in our portfolio for sale.This process also included the application of recommendation symbols on products with low levels of the ingredients in question,in accordance with the targets set by these authorities for December 2022.Aras 20 de Julio beer reference bears the resp
113、onsible driving and pregnancy warning symbols.Information in other media Besides product packaging,which includes cooking advice and suggestions for side dishes with fruit and vegetables,Pingo Doce uses its website28,social media,and Sabe Bem(Tastes Good)magazine(bi-monthly average print-run of 150
114、thousand copies)to promote the Mediterranean diet.Recipes that encourage the reuse of leftover food are also published.Pingo Doce and CUF(business group specialised in health care)kept the programme A Sade Alimenta-se(Feeding Health)active,to provide insight into the role of a diverse and balanced d
115、iet on health.The goal is to help and encourage consumers to select those that best suit their needs and lifestyle29.Biedronka publishes magazine Czas Na(Time For),focused on healthier eating habits and lifestyles.Each issue contains recipes and has an average print-run of 200 thousand copies.Dada m
116、agazine,in reference to Private Brand products designed for babies and children,saw six issues published in the year.The magazine is aimed at parents,contains articles on nutrition and healthy lifestyles,and is produced in collaboration between Instytut Matki i Dziecka(Institute of Mother and Child)
117、and Biedronkas Quality Department.The characteristics of food products and their health benefits were presented in 146 external publications,including themed leaflets,newspaper inserts,and publications on Biedronkas website and social media(Facebook,TikTok,Instagram,LinkedIn and YouTube).The Company
118、s employees also had access to 15 internal publications,through the Intranet.Czas na Maych Kucharzy(Time for Little Chefs)was also published,a book that promotes the preparation of meals as a family.300 thousand copies were printed and the book was available for purchase in stores at an affordable p
119、rice.26 More information can be found at www.pingodoce.pt/responsabilidade/nutri-score and at www.biedronka.pl/nutri-score.27 Colombian Law 2120 and Resolution No.810,both of 2021.28 The website also includes a list of lactose-free and gluten-free products to help consumers in their purchases.The li
120、st is updated every month by Pingo Doces nutrition team,based on the analytical control of its Private Brand products.29 To learn more,visit www.pingodoce.pt/responsabilidade/a-saude-alimenta-se e www.cuf.pt/saude-alimenta-se199JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a difference2.2.4.Partnerships and Suppo
121、rtWe continued to hold regular talks with public and private benchmark institutions in the three countries where we do business to learn and share knowledge about food,nutrition and health.In Portugal,Pingo Doce is an active member of APED(the Portuguese Association of Retailing Companies),participa
122、ting in technical committees,including those dedicated to food quality,among others.Partnerships were maintained with organisations that aim at contributing to healthy eating,as a pillar of public health,such as the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health(DGS)within the framework of the National P
123、rogramme for the Promotion of Healthy Eating30,the Portuguese Celiac Association,and the Portuguese Association of Nutritionists.In Poland,besides the agreements previously established for publishing information on healthy diets and the more straightforward identification of food products,two other
124、noteworthy initiatives were carried out in 2022.The first was the VII Narodowy Kongres ywieniowy(7th Nutrition Conference)of which Biedronka was a partner,hosted by the Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego PZH(National Institute of Public Health),and the Pastwowy Instytut Badawczy(National Investig
125、ation Institute).Under the theme“Vegetables and Fruit for Health”,Biedronka led a debate on“How to increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables?The role of public health policies,industry and education institutions,and of health care”and also on“The Nutri-Score labelling system perceived by Poli
126、sh consumers”.This event was attended by over 700 people,with Biedronkas support amounting to over 13,000 euros in cash and food donations.The second was the collaboration with Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Diabetologicznej(Association for Diabetes Education)as part of a series of educational articles on
127、healthy eating for diabetics.Six communication materials were produced,some of which for World Diabetes Day.Details about other partnerships involving Pingo Doce can be found on the Jernimo Martins website31.In Colombia,Ara continued to participate in the ICONTEC(Colombian Institute of Technical Sta
128、ndards)working committees for the standardisation of technical quality parameters as well as pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable production for fruit and vegetables.2.3.Food Safety and QualityContinued investment in the certification and monitoring of our processes,facilities and equipment is
129、the foundation of our banners and businesss reputation capital.We rely on our food safety and quality technicians,work with external auditors and independent and accredited laboratories,and have our own molecular biology laboratory,which verifies the authenticity of ingredients to prevent food fraud
130、.In 2022,we carried out 15,812 internal audits of our infrastructures(10%more than in 2021),225,272 work surfaces,product manipulators and other analyses(24%more)and 81,393 food product analyses(22%more).Internal and follow-up audits32 and the analyses of marketed products take into account the leve
131、l of risk associated with criteria such as hygiene,food safety,and other quality aspects33.30 Available at www.alimentacaosaudavel.dgs.pt31 Available at YEARS OF FIRST STEPS2.3.1.CertificationThe following certifications were renewed or extended to new facilities during the year:ISO 22000:2018 relat
132、ed to the storage and distribution of animal-based and plant-based food products at the 16 distribution centres in Poland,and with regard to the development of Private Brand food products at Biedronkas head office;FSSC 22000 v.5(which includes ISO 22000:2018)for the soup factory in Poland,with regar
133、d to ready-to-eat after heating and individualised packaging;ISO 9001 for the development of Private Brands in Portugal and post-launch product/supplier follow-up;HACCP34 in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius35 for the two Pingo Doce central kitchens(with regard to food safety),13 Recheio stores
134、,a Recheio Masterchef food service platform in Lisbon,and four distribution centres in Portugal(with regard to food safety);Food Safety Management System,according to the EN ISO 22000:2018 Portuguese Standard,in 25 Recheio stores and two Recheio Masterchef food service platforms;Organic product hand
135、ling in accordance with Council Regulation(EC)No 834/2007 renewed in 2021 for the 17 distribution centres in Poland and for the four in Portugal.32 Conducted in accordance with the business unit and infrastructure to be assessed,internal audits take into account criteria arranged into dimensions,suc
136、h as basic hygiene conditions,cleanliness and disinfection,facility and equipment maintenance,good production practices,product handling,water availability,metrology,pest control,waste management,records,traceability,and procedure review.These audits assign scores with specific levels according to t
137、he business units:Unacceptable,Basic,Satisfactory,Good,Very Good and Excellent,and the potential corrective actions to be taken are defined based on the severity of any non-conformities identified.The time frame allowed to remedy the identified issues may also vary from immediately to by the subsequ
138、ent audit.33 These include,inter alia:laws in force and the technical specifications of the official authorities;the recommendations of the European Union and/or other official bodies;the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed(RASFF)urgent notifications and known food fraud incidents;the physical char
139、acteristics of products(such as perishability)and organoleptic properties(such as colour,texture,taste or smell);the country of origin of production and/or supply of the products and the track record of trade partners;marketing expansion(stores and distribution centres);the surrounding conditions(sa
140、nitation or weather conditions related to humidity and average temperatures);opting for facility certification schemes;and the results of past assessments.34 The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points(HACCP)system is designed to prevent potential risks that cause harm to consumers,by eliminatin
141、g or reducing hazards and thereby ensuring food is safe to eat.35 A set of international standards aimed at promoting food safety and consumer protection.The Codex Alimentarius is available at www.fao.org/fao-who-codexalimentarius/home/en201JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a difference2.3.2.AuditsGRI
142、 416-1 In addition to internal audits,we also audit the suppliers of Private Brand and perishable products,the results of which are available in subchapter 4.“Sourcing Responsibly”.Poland Audits were conducted at Biedronka stores and at the distribution centres by both internal and external auditors
143、 to check facilities,equipment and procedures.Biedronka stores and distribution centresBiedronka storesDistribution centres202220212022/2021202220212022/2021Internal audits7,842 7,021+11.7%32 32-Follow-up audits156 243-35.8%00-External audits28145-80.7%28 20+40.0%HACCP Performance*85%84%+1 p.p.88%89
144、%-1 p.p.*HACCP implementation at Biedronka is evaluated based on requirements which,in turn,are based on the Codex Alimentarius and European Union regulatory framework(Regulation(EC)No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs).At the distribution centres,the compliance rate refers to ISO 22000 Food Saf
145、ety Management System certification,which is based on the HACCP principles of the Codex Alimentarius.AUDITS CARRIED OUT IN POLANDNumber of analyses/samples collected202220212022/2021Work surfaces 91,804 53,972+70.1%Manipulators 7,115 4,234+68.0%Raw materials/Finished product 501 617-18.8%Water 1,377
146、 886+55.4%Total100,797 59,709+68.8%MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN POLANDWith our molecular biology laboratory,we have strengthened our capacity to verify the authenticityof ingredients.202230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSMore internal audits to the stores were carried out as a result of Biedronkas exp
147、ansion(an additional 145 stores compared to 2021),the increase in the number of meat counters(52%more compared to 2021)36,the increase in the number of micro-fulfillment centres for the Biek operation37,the number of juicers,and annual planning(which takes into account the results obtained in previo
148、us years).Conversely,the decrease in follow-up audits is a positive consequence of initial audits,which resulted in fewer stores requiring corrective measures.Although five new stores offering an organic bread assortment were included(1.1%more than the 470 in 2021)38,which could justify an increase
149、in the number of audits,the external control of stores decreased due to scheduling by the competent authorities.At distribution centres,the number of internal audits remained the same,whereas external audits increased,justified by the need for recertification according to the ISO 22000 standard.We c
150、arried out 68.8%more analyses than in 2021,which is explained by the increase in the number of Biedronka stores with meat counters.In the case of raw materials/products finished in-store,the decrease is due to the availability of the product at the time the controls were carried out.Portugal In the
151、case of Pingo Doce stores,the decrease of internal audits is due to the fact that one general assessment audit per shop was carried out,as opposed to 2021 when second assessments were carried out in shops with lower performance.There was also a reduction in follow-up audits as a methodological adjus
152、tment was made,prioritising stores with the greatest need for correction instead of a generalised follow-up auditing to all the stores chain.This change allowed the Company to improve its HACCP performance by 1 p.p.At Recheio stores,the opening of a new unit contributed to an increase in the number
153、of external and follow-up audits,the latter having occurred with the objective of improving the Companys HACCP performance.36 There were 762 counters in 2022,whereas in 2021 there were 500.In Poland,internal audits,including follow-up audits,of stores are outsourced to independent entities such as D
154、iversey,Det Norske Veritas(DNV-GL),and Lloyds Register.At the distribution centres,internal audits are carried out by food safety and quality technicians,while external audits,within the scope of ISO22000 certification,are carried out by DNV-GL.37 This programme,which was implemented in 2021,consist
155、s of micro-fulfilment centres(MFC)operated by employees to handle orders placed by consumers through the Glovo fast distribution partner app.By the end of 2022 we covered 15 locations in the cities Warsaw,d,Krakow,Gdask,Pozna and Wrocaw.More information available at www.biek.pl38 External controls r
156、elating to organic certification were carried out by BIOCERT,an independent entity duly authorised by official bodies for such purpose.Stores and distribution centresPingo Doce storesRecheio storesDistribution centres*20222021 2022/202120222021 2022/202120222021 2022/2021Internal audits488608-19.7%8
157、481+3.7%1526-42.3%Follow-up audits3,027 3,104-2.5%229202+13.4%181173+4.6%External audits7647+61.7%1916+18.8%104+150.0%HACCP Performance*82%81%+1 p.p.84%86%-2 p.p.95%92%+3 p.p.*At Pingo Doce and Recheio,HACCP implementation is assessed using own reference standards,based on the Codex Alimentarius and
158、 which are appropriate for the operating realities of the Companies.*Also includes central kitchens and on-site canteens.AUDITS OF PINGO DOCE,RECHEIO AND DISTRIBUTION CENTRES203JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a differenceThe increase of external audits in both Companies is justified by the return to
159、 a higher frequency of official entities in stores,after a more critical period in terms of managing the 2021 pandemic.In the distribution centres,which started to include the central kitchens and internal canteens in 2021,the increase in monitoring audits was due to greater priority being given to
160、these units,namely through audits carried out by a more dedicated team.The increase in external audits was due to the inspection to the central kitchen in Aveiro and the audits to the restaurant and cafeteria of the CUF Descobertas Hospital,with which Pingo Doce has a partnership.A total of 115,303
161、food safety and quality analyses(3.2%more than in 2021)were also performed at the Pingo Doce and Recheio stores,distribution centres and other structures,such as the fresh dough factory and the kitchen facilities.For most headings,the decrease is mainly related to the opening of new stores(Pingo Doc
162、e with seven more compared to 2021,and Recheio with one more).The decrease in the number of raw material/finished product controls follows the inclusion of operational changes(e.g.product with less handling at stores)and the associated risk management history that,as it is very positive,made it unne
163、cessary to maintain the frequency of the analytical controls.Colombia The audits of Ara stores were carried out by Diversey(an external and independent entity)and quality internal teams carried out the audits of the distribution centres.The increase in audits was due to the expansion of the store ne
164、twork,which grew 33.5%(from 819 to 1,093).Follow-up audits are conducted by internal and external audit teams,depending on previous results and based on internal risk metrics and incident frequency priority corrective measures are,therefore,subsequently evaluated.Additionally,the internal teams carr
165、ied out 1,092(21.2%more compared to 2021)unplanned follow-up audits to stores,seeking to respond to the results of audits,health inspections,non-conformity in analytical controls and customer complaints.The improvement in performance is mainly due to the result of training courses to strengthen the
166、food safety and quality culture and procedures and the presence of a“delegate”for these areas in each store.Regarding distribution centres,the increases are justified by three new infrastructures in Cali,Cartagena and Ccuta,bringing to eight the number of distribution centres in the country,and by c
167、orrective measures taken in response to the results of the initial audits.Number of analyses/samples collected202220212022/2021Work surfaces50,60946,276+9.4%Manipulators19,54017,764+10.0%Raw materials/Finished product38,56041,203-6.4%Water6,5946,431+2.5%Total115,303111,674+3.2%MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYS
168、ES CONDUCTED IN PORTUGAL204230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSIn 2022,5%fewer analyses were performed year-on-year,due mainly to the decrease in the analyses carried out to work surfaces.In this case,sampling was reduced by 31.4%due to a methodological change:samples were reduced by half in each store as a res
169、ult of the associated risk analysis.Nevertheless,and due to the expansion of Aras store network,there was an increase in the collection of samples from product manipulators and marketed products.Number of analyses/samples collected202220212022/2021Work surfaces 2,125 3,098-31.4%Manipulators 1,698 1,
170、398+21.5%Raw materials/Finished product 1,711 1,369+25.0%Water 3,638 3,792-4.1%Total9,1729,657-5.0%MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN COLOMBIAAraStoresDistribution centres20222021 2022/202120222021 2022/2021Internal audits2,634 2,157+22.1%146+133.3%Follow-up audits1,092 723+51.0%114+175.0%Good hy
171、giene and quality practices*89%88%+1 p.p.94%93%+1 p.p.*The compliance rate shown refers to the score obtained on good practices,in line with criteria aimed at guaranteeing the quality and safety of the products according to the law,evaluating the operation itself and the control system and procedure
172、s.The criteria include,among others,hygiene and quality control aspects of the facilitys conditions for handling the product and aspects related to product temperature,type of packaging,and also to organic waste management procedures.AUDITS CARRIED OUT IN COLOMBIA2.3.3.AnalysesGRI 416-1 Marketed pro
173、ducts are assessed as to their quality and safety at external,accredited laboratories.In total,54,245 analyses were carried out of Private Brand food products(8.9%more than in 2021)and 16,799 of perishables(1.5%less).Poland In the case of the Biedronka Private Brands,and as a result of its expansion
174、,the increases are due to the broadening of the product portfolio and an increase in the volume of products analysed.The increase in the perishables categories is explained by the following:Fruit and vegetables usual risk analysis procedure,a wider assortment and more suppliers,and the seasonality a
175、ssociated with products in the category;Meat and fish more meat counters,increased testing over and above those planned,and greater product assortment;Bakery number of in-store references increased and additional analyses were carried out relating to non-conformities identified;Eggs is due to the co
176、nsolidation of the analyses of associated methodology.205JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a differencePortugal The decrease in the analysis of Private Brand products is due to a reduction in the number of items for sale,due to assortment rationalization and raw materials ruptures,during 2022.In the c
177、ase of perishables,only the fruit and vegetables category had more analyses,justified by the existence of new origins of some products and new suppliers,and the reinforcement of pesticide control,among others.In the case of bakery,meat and fish,the compliance history and the review of the analytical
178、 control plan,led to a lower need to perform the same number of analyses.In the meal solutions area,the decrease is due to a lower need due to the associated risk history and previous results of the products to perform validations during the year 2022,when compared to 2021.Number of analyses/samples
179、 collected202220212022/2021Private Brand Food18,36114,981+22.6%Private Brand Non-food1,1641,007+15.6%Private Brand19,52515,988+22.1%Fruit and vegetables4,2314,085+3.6%Meat and fish1,4331,128+27.0%Bakery315257+22.6%Eggs376213+76.5%Perishables6,3555,683+11.8%Total25,88021,671+19.4%PRODUCT ANALYSES CON
180、DUCTED IN POLANDNumber of analyses/samples collected202220212022/2021Private Brand Food*17,798 17,815 -0.1%Private Brand Non-food 4,192 4,452-5.8%Private Brand21,99022,267-1.2%Fruit and vegetables 2,597 1,827+42.1%Meat 1,291 1,466-11.9%Fish 1,339 1,820-26.4%Bakery 565 596-5.2%Meal solutions 4,349 5,
181、558-21.8%Perishables10,14111,267-10.0%Total32,13133,534-4.2%PRODUCT ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN PORTUGAL*Including routine analyses on the presence of gluten,genetically modified organisms,lactose,denomination of species,control analyses,and extra analyses.206230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSColombia The increase
182、in the analysis of Private Brand products is in line with the expansion of the regular assortment(55 more products than in 2021),the expansion of the store network and the usual product risk analysis.In the case of perishables,the increase in the number of samples takes into account the risk assessm
183、ent of suppliers and products,the number of products for sale,and the expansion of stores.As regards the bakery heading,the increase is the result of compliance with the nutrition labelling requirements of products finished in store(Resolucin 810/2022).Number of analyses/samples collected20222021202
184、2/2021Private Brand Food 18,08617,017+6.3%Private Brand Non-food4,9934,475+11.6%Private Brand23,07921,492+7.4%Fruit and vegetables10046+117.4%Meat16561+170.5%Bakery384+850.0%Perishables303111+173.0%Total23,38221,603+8.2%PRODUCT ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN COLOMBIA2.3.4.Food Recalls and Withdrawals GRI 416
185、-2 One of the actions to protect public health and safeguard the reputation and credibility of our Companies is the removal of products that are unsafe for consumers and society.Continuous monitoring,communication with the official health authorities,and the traceability of products and suppliers en
186、able a fast and effective prevention of and/or reaction to any incidents.There are two types of food product removal,which address specific risks to the health and safety of consumers,whether in stores or in distribution centres:recall39(removal from sale of products with potential health risks)and
187、withdrawal40(removal from sale of products that do not pose a health risk).In both cases,internal investigations are carried out and,where necessary,also at suppliers,to identify the causes and implement the appropriate corrective measures with a prevention goal.39 Recall:an action taken by the Grou
188、p Companies in response to inspections carried out by local authorities,the results of laboratory analyses or internal audits,or complaints/reports from different stakeholders(producers,retailers,government agencies,or consumers).Such action is mandatory and notices are published using the appropria
189、te medium for consumers to return or destroy the product concerned.40 Withdrawal:a voluntary or mandatory action that can be taken on two occasions based on the risk analysis of the Companies or inspection by a local authority:(a)when quality defects(e.g.colour or texture),weight defects or irregula
190、rities are detected in the labelling(which does not pose a potential risk to the health or safety of consumers);or(b)as a precaution pending investigation into a potential risk to public health and safety.If a credible risk is identified,the food is removed from sale and it is categorised as a recal
191、l.207JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a differenceThe severity of the risks to consumer health and safety are classified as:Level I critical(recall):aspects that may affect food safety and,consequently,public health;Level II food safety and quality(withdrawal):aspects that may affect the consumer exp
192、erience and food safety of the product;Level III labelling(withdrawal):aspects related to labelling requirements.In 2022,a total of 364 incidents that prompted the withdrawal of food products was recorded,15.6%more than in 2021.Of these incidents,96.4%were classified as Level II and Level III.Level
193、I recalls decreased 55.2%(from 29 in 2021 to 13).The control and monitoring of suppliers and products,including the implementation of action plans,maintenance and packaging changes,the most common,are the measures we take to prevent product non-conformities and thus the need for withdrawals/recalls.
194、We monitor corrective measures in order to resume product marketing and minimise the risk to consumer health.NUMBER OF RECALL AND WITHDRAWAL INCIDENTSRecalls/withdrawalsLevel I(Recall)Level II(Withdrawal)Level III(Withdrawal)Total incidents20222021202220212022202120222021Group13292612439043364315Por
195、tugal41Private Brands71060747117495Perishables10444920176566Poland42Private Brands43595452711564Perishables14120026Colombia43Private Brands0128159909071Perishables001652818132.3.5.TrainingIn 2022,the number of people trained in food safety and hygiene increased 24%.In the same period,training hours
196、decreased 2%(as a result of a reduction of about one hour of training per employee relating to these topics,amounting to an average of four hours/person trained,that is,21%less than 2021).The number of training courses increased by 4%.Training in Poland encompassed 22,746 employees,5%more than in 20
197、21.Similar to the aggregated data,there was an increase in training courses(9%more)and in training hours(1%more).Some of the topics covered included:food safety systems,as per international HACCP standards;product conformity criteria;41 Pingo Doce and Recheio.42 Biedronka.43 Ara.208230 YEARS OF FIRS
198、T STEPS good food defense practices,to prevent and fight the intentional adulteration of food;waste separation,environmental management,washing and cleaning activities,to ensure good food production and hygiene practices;FIFO(first in,first out)management of marketed products.In Portugal,the number
199、of employees trained(42%more),training courses(10%more)and training hours(38%more)increased compared to 2021.This increase is justified by the implementation of the Livre Servio(Free Service)programme at Pingo Doce,which encompassed all stores and provided training in good hygiene and food safety pr
200、actices to employees allocated to the programme.Training topics included:requirements associated with the food safety management system,under the international HACCP risk control standard;good food hygiene,food safety and food defense practices;requirements in specific processes such as washing and
201、disinfection of vegetables,quality control of oil and frying,mincing,display of fish,and the maturing of cheese,sausages and hams;microbiology in food products.In Colombia,the majority of training courses took place in an e-learning format,impacting the number of initiatives held in the country the
202、decrease in training initiatives,of around 94%,is related to the calculation method(under the in-person model,courses are counted based on attendance,whereas online courses,irrespective of the number of times they are viewed/taken,are only counted once).Training volume also decreased 12%,with shorte
203、r e-learning training courses.However,the number of employees covered increased 45%due to Aras expansion.The training included topics such as:good food defense practices;requirements in specific processes such as oven-finished products,bulk product management,frozen product management,and quality in
204、 perishables logistics;quality audits and control visits;pest control and prevention.44 Training volume=number of people trained x number of Hygiene and Food Safety training hours.45 Pingo Doce,Recheio,Jernimo Martins Agro-Alimentar,Hussel and Jernimo Martins Restaurao e Servios.46 Biedronka.47 Ara.
205、Training volume44Training coursesEmployees trained202220212022202120222021Group208,544213,18610,646 10,20854,169 43,663Portugal4548,26635,0275,2584,78115,49210,931Poland4632,32332,0265,3584,91122,74621,762Colombia47127,955146,1333051615,93110,970FOOD SAFETY AND HYGIENE TRAINING209JERNIMO MARTINS 202
206、2How we make a difference3.1.IntroductionToday we face two major and interlinked environmental challenges:the effects of climate change and the loss of biodiversity.Governments,businesses,organisations and civil society are challenged to establish science-based policies that include making every eff
207、ort to limit the rise in global average temperature to 1.5C above pre-industrial level,and preserving and restoring biodiversity.These policies should include,for instance,increasing aid and incentive mechanisms,adopting best agricultural and production practices,reducing food waste,and promoting he
208、althier and more sustainable diets.At the Jernimo Martins Group,we share these concerns and our Environmental Policy48 sets out the priorities for action,aimed at reducing the environmental impacts of our operations and supply chains:preserving biodiversity,fighting climate change,and promoting a mo
209、re circular economy,also through responsible waste management.3.2.Preserving biodiversityGRI 304-1 GRI 304-2 GRI 304-3 GRI 304-4 Food sector activities are closely linked to biodiversity issues.As experts in the sale of perishable products such as meat,fish,fruit and vegetables we know we depend on
210、biodiversity and ecosystem services,as well as impact them.We are,therefore,naturally committed to preserving ecosystems and working to reverse biodiversity loss.This commitment which begins upstream of our operations(in collaboration with our perishables and Private Brand suppliers),is top of mind
211、in our operations,and also downstream,ensured by providing support for ecosystem conservation and restoration projects,as well as raising employee and consumer awareness on these topics.Our greatest opportunity for positive action is the way we source the products we sell.Given that the main impact
212、on biodiversity occurs in the primary production stages,we have 48 Available under the”Responsibility”area at THE ENVIRONMENTEnvironmental conservation,combined with efficient resource management,is essential for the sustainable growth of our businesses.210230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPScross-cutting progr
213、ammes in place to help us follow best practices when selecting and monitoring suppliers,fighting deforestation,promoting sustainable agriculture,in implementing a sustainable fishing strategy,and selling sustainable products,certified by external and independent entities49.We have also established p
214、olicies and targets in our operations to reduce environmental impacts and that allow us to lower our ecological footprint by cutting energy and water consumption,reducing greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions,and promoting a circular economy.We also carry out awareness-raising campaigns to encourage the civi
215、l society to protect biodiversity.In 2022,we invested more than 1.1 million euros to support projects focused on restoring natural habitats,protecting biodiversity and raising environmental awareness.With regard to the initiatives featured in the table below,we also use the IBAT Alliance tool to ass
216、ess proximity to protected areas and key biodiversity areas,as well as the conservation risk50 of species that live near them.This assessment complements our monitoring of the progress of these projects.49 These initiatives are described in more detail in subchapter 4.“Sourcing Responsibly”,in this
217、chapter.50 This risk is assessed according to the IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.211JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a difference51 More information is available at Respecting the Environment Biodiversity).52 To learn more,see subsection 3.4.“Promoting a Cir
218、cular Economy”,in this subchapter.53 To learn more about these initiatives,see subchapter 4.“Sourcing Responsibly”,section 4.3.“Promoting More Sustainable Production Practices”,in this chapter.InstitutionProject DescriptionAssociao Floresta da Serra do AorReforestation of the Aor mountain rangeProje
219、ct launched in 2020 by the Jeronimo Martins Group,in partnership with the Arganil Town Council,the Coimbra School of Agriculture and the common landowners associations,to preserve and enhance the landscape devastated by the forest fires of 2017.It involves the reforestation of an area spanning 2,500
220、 hectares over a 40-year period.The project is implemented in the protected landscape area of the Aor mountain range and is close to the Lous mountain range,a protected area part of the Natura 2000 network.In March 2022,a volunteer initiative was carried out to prune some of the trees already plante
221、d and to clean the rings around them,as well as to control invasive vegetation.A total of 445 thousand trees have been planted since the beginning of the project.FundabejazProtection of beesProject started in 2021,supported by Ara,for the protection and conservation of bees and raising awareness of
222、their importance in ecosystems.During 2022,the Fundabejaz Foundation held 76 awareness-raising campaigns on the importance of pollinators for ecosystems,involving 1,249 participants.A total of 54 swarms were rescued and,in order to be protected,23 hives were sent to different nature reserves.Ara als
223、o donates sugar as a food source for rescued swarms.Salamander Polish Society for Nature ConservationSupport for endangered species in PolandProject started in 2021,supported by Biedronka,and implemented in cooperation with environmental organisations specialised in the protection of six endangered
224、species:wolf,lynx,European bison,dolphin,Eurasian pygmy owl,and European hedgehog.Two initiatives were of particular note in 2022,(i)the start of the work to identify the habitats of the pygmy owl,so that they are protected by law,and to preserve coniferous and old mixed forests,and(ii)the acquisiti
225、on,in collaboration with the University of Gdansk,of safe exploratory fishing gear that is not harmful to dolphins for the Hel Marine Station.BIODIVERSITY PROTECTION AND ECOSYSTEM REGENERATION PROJECTS OF NOTE513.3.Fighting climate change Our strategy for the transition to a low-carbon economy encom
226、passes our entire value chain.It includes measures to identify and manage risks and opportunities associated with climate change,mitigation measures(such as reducing energy consumption in operations)and intervention with suppliers.In supplier relationships,we implement measures to promote a circular
227、 economy52,good agricultural practices and/or commitments to fighting deforestation53.212230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPS3.3.1.Managing climate-related risks and opportunitiesGRI 201-2Since 2020 we have invested in identifying,assessing and managing the risks and financial opportunities associated with clim
228、ate change,a practice based on recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD54).This work,which included an assessment of our entire value chain,led to the definition,in 2021,of a roadmap that includes the identification of mitigation and adaptation measures to be
229、tter manage the identified risks and opportunities.In 2022 we took a step further with our perishables and Private Brand suppliers to increase supply chain resilience and assess business opportunities,in particular those related to the production of new crops or to increasing yield.As regards climat
230、e risks in logistics processes,a stage in our value chain that has the highest exposure risk,we also focused on(i)mapping planned measures to adapt to the risk of extreme cold or those already implemented by Biedronka,the Company with the greatest exposure in this regard,and(ii)assessing plans for t
231、he adaptation of the seaports that supply the chains of our Food Distribution Companies.54 TCFD is an initiative promoted by the financial sector that helps businesses quantify and disclose climate-related financial risks and opportunities,and their respective action plans.55 To learn more,see chapt
232、er 3“How we are organised”,section C“Internal Organisation”,subsection III“Internal Control and Risk Management”.56 More information is available on our corporate website under“Specialised Committees”.JERNIMO MARTINS IS THE FOOD RETAILER WITH THE BEST CDP SCORE WORLDWIDEWe were again awarded a doubl
233、e A,the highest score,from CDP in the“Climate change”and“Water security”categories.As regards fighting deforestation,we are the only food retailer in the world to achieve the leadership level(A-)in the management of the commodities linked to deforestation:palm oil,beef,soy,and paper/wood.These asses
234、sments by CDP Disclosure Insight Action(formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project)position us as the food retailer with the best score in the world.Governance As a Group,and with the sponsorship and commitment of our Board of Directors,we are devoted to ensuring that risk management,including the manag
235、ement of climate risks,is an integrated component of our corporate strategy,culture and value creation process55,particularly with regard to the Sustainability Strategy,both in terms of own operations and in the supply chain.These issues are followed up on in regular meetings(19 in 2022)held by the
236、Sustainability Committees of each Company and by the Committee on Corporate Governance and Corporate Responsibility56,which works with the Board of Directors by assessing and submitting proposals on the corporate responsibility strategy that include climate mitigation and adaptation.213JERNIMO MARTI
237、NS 2022How we make a differenceStrategy When assessing climate-related risks and opportunities we selected a sample of 30 food product groups relevant to our business in the three countries in which we operate:Poland,Portugal and Colombia.These product groups were assessed at four stages of the valu
238、e chain where several categories of physical and transition risks for time horizons up to 2030 and 2050 were considered,based on two scenarios57:average temperature increase between 4.0C and 6.1C(scenario RCP 8.5),meaning that the efforts to limit average warming fail;average temperature increase be
239、low 2.0C(scenario RCP 2.6),in line with the Paris Agreement.57 The Representative Concentration Pathways(RCP)scenarios were developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change(IPCC)and are projections of emission trajectories based on the concentration of human-caused greenhouse gases.CLIMATE
240、 RISKS RELEVANT TO THE GROUPValue chain stageClimate riskProduction Temperature variation Change in precipitation patterns and water scarcity Extreme heat Extreme coldProcessing Extreme heat Extreme cold Energy transitionLogistics Rising mean sea level Extreme heat Extreme cold Extreme windsEstablis
241、hments Energy transition Extreme heat Rising mean sea level214230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSThe main risks and opportunities identified for the Groups businesses are related to the origin of the ingredients used and exposure to physical climate risks,such as extreme short-term phenomena characterised by i
242、ncreased frequency and severity(e.g.heat waves,forest fires or floods),and to chronic climate risks,characterised by long-term changes in climate patterns,such as rising average temperature,changing precipitation patterns and rising mean sea level.The risks and opportunities linked to the transition
243、 to a low-carbon economy were also assessed,which,among the risks associated with energy transition,include,for example,increased energy costs related to meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement.We report in detail the climate risks and opportunities in our responses to the CDP-Disclosure Insight
244、Action.In the particular case of establishments58,around 4,200 facilities were analysed to assess the risks and opportunities associated with the energy transition,refrigerant gases and extreme weather events.As regards the extreme weather events to which the establishments are exposed,only extreme
245、heat was considered relevant,mainly because the rise in temperatures put increased pressure on the functioning of cooling and refrigeration systems in stores in some geographical areas of Colombia.These risks were quantified for each of the countries and determined as not being material.Nevertheless
246、,we are making several investments to replace this equipment with technologies that use natural refrigerant gases or with low global warming potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the operation of the equipment59.The outcomes of this assessment are in the form of actions that g
247、ive continuity to activities already underway,such as the acquisition of renewable energy certificates in Portugal and long-term renewable energy procurement contracts in Poland,installation of photovoltaic power production systems for self-consumption,the installation of equipment with natural refr
248、igerant gases or with lower global warming potential.As regards ongoing initiatives in the supply chain,of note are those focused on fighting deforestation,the sustainable agriculture programme,and the implementation of plans with mitigation and adaptation measures for ingredients exposed to climate
249、 risks.Accordingly,regular mapping of climate-related risks and opportunities in the value chain and strengthening cooperation with the Groups perishables and Private Brand suppliers is essential.In order to improve on the first assessment,in which mitigation or adaptation measures already implement
250、ed or planned were not considered,in 2022 we continued to promote multi-stakeholder dialogue that enabled us to identify climate mitigation and adaptation measures that ensure supply chain stability.Moreover,the climate impacts identified could lead to both a decrease in productivity affecting the i
251、mmediate availability of some ingredients and,at the same time and in some cases,an increase in productivity.In this regard,and within the framework of the strategy established in our climate risk management roadmap,we focused our action on the following activities:identifying and assessing the matu
252、rity level of mitigation and adaptation measures implemented by Private Brand suppliers of specific ingredients,such as sugar,wheat flour and chocolate;identifying climate risks and business opportunities for perishable products,in particular for the production of fruit,vegetables,meat,and fish from
253、 aquaculture;58 Stores,distribution centres,head office buildings and industrial facilities(central kitchens,soup factory and fresh dough factory)are considered establishments.59 For more information,see the subsection 3.3.5.“Management of Refrigerant Gases”in this subchapter.215JERNIMO MARTINS 2022
254、How we make a difference identifying and assessing the maturity level of 17 mitigation and adaptation measures to extreme cold in Poland implemented by Biedronka logistics;identifying and assessing climate action plans for countries with seaports at risk from rising sea levels.The assessment carried
255、 out in 2022 allowed us to identify opportunities for action in our supply chain.The main opportunities are indicated in the first table of the next page.In 2021 and 2022,a total of 170 strategic Biedronka,Pingo Doce,Recheio and Ara perishables and Private Brand suppliers were involved,resulting in
256、the identification of different climate risk mitigation and adaptation measures.Some of these measures are described in the second table of the next page.In the case of the Companies establishments,risks and opportunities are mainly related to the energy transition.The main mitigation measures imple
257、mented in Group operations are detailed in sections 3.3.3.to 3.3.5.We invest inidentifying,assessingand managingthe financial risksand opportunitieslinked to climatechange.216230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IDENTIFIED IN 2022IngredientsCountry ActivityBusiness opportunityVarious(e.g.w
258、heat flour and sugar)GlobalProductionInvestment in renewable energy sources,such as installing photovoltaic panels,which help mitigate climate change and reduce the risks associated with rising energy prices.Various(e.g.meat,fruit and vegetables)Colombia PolandPortugalLogisticsIncreasing demand for
259、local production to mitigate logistic risks that extreme cold and rising sea levels pose to some current sources.Various(e.g.rice,maize flour)ColombiaLogisticsIdentifying alternative routes and seaports.Fruit and vegetablesGlobalProductionProducing fruit and vegetables in places with favourable chan
260、ges in climate to increased yield and/or the introduction of crops that were not produced in those locations(e.g.increased number of raspberry crops in Poland due to less harsher winters).FruitGlobalRetailRaising customer awareness of the impacts of climate change on the availability of some product
261、s and/or on the properties thereof,encouraging the purchase of“ugly”fruit and vegetables and reducing waste.MilkPolandLogisticsDeveloping products that facilitate storage and transportation,especially in periods of extreme cold(e.g.powdered ingredients and concentrated products).FishPortugalProducti
262、onIncreasing the productivity of some fish species in aquaculture,due to the increase in sea temperature.CLIMATE RISK:MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION MEASURES IMPLEMENTED AND IDENTIFIED IN 2022IngredientsCompany Value chain stageClimate riskExamples of adaptation measures implementedWheat flourAraLogistic
263、sRising sea levels Identification of alternative production sources.Pingo DoceRecheioProcessingEnergy transition Installation of photovoltaic power production systems for self-consumption.CocoaBiedronkaProcessingEnergy transition Implementation of energy efficiency measures in cocoa processing.Sugar
264、Pingo DoceRecheioBiedronkaProductionExtreme heat Diversification of sources;Exploratory visits to assess the cultivation practices of the main sugar cane producers;Development of a good practice handbook for sugar cane producers;Replacement with other types of sugar(e.g.beet sugar).217JERNIMO MARTIN
265、S 2022How we make a differenceRisk Management Despite the associated degree of uncertainty,the most relevant climate risks identified in the supply chain are physical risks,particularly with regard to the occasional shortage of some products due to a reduction in yield or extreme weather events in s
266、ome source regions.However,because we are a food retail group with a varied offering in many product categories and a mature logistics chain,this risk is largely mitigated by our ability to replace them with similar or alternative products in the event of occasional supply disruptions.Furthermore,we
267、 believe that the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures by the agricultural sector and industry,such as those identified above,will contribute to the management of the identified risks.At the same time,some of the identified risks may also present opportunities in some regions of the
268、world.This is the case of a rise in average atmospheric temperature that could lead to an increase in food production,with the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures by the agribusiness sector and industry.The actions identified for the management of periods of extreme cold implemented
269、 or in the process of being implemented by Biedronka logistics and local authorities,coupled with extensive experience in managing periods of low temperatures with ice and snow,ensure a significant reduction of the impact of this risk on access to stores and the transportation of products.Moreover,t
270、he latest climate data indicates a trend of less severe winters in Poland,which has helped increase agricultural productivity.In the medium and long terms,the rise in mean sea level will pose a high risk to supply chain logistics processes,should national adaptation plans not be implemented.Identify
271、ing alternative routes and diversifying sources are adaptation measures included in our risk management plans and which have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented by a large number of suppliers.Although transition risk does not pose a risk of disruption in the supply chain,ener
272、gy costs and investment in new technologies as part of the shift to a low-carbon economy may result in an increase in the production costs of our suppliers and an increase in the cost of our operations(Opex and Capex).Reputational risk is related mainly to stakeholder expectations with regard to red
273、ucing carbon emissions,preserving biodiversity,and fighting deforestation.These are also cross-cutting concerns within the scope of our Corporate Responsibility Strategy and which are embodied in the design of action plans with defined goals,alongside participation in national and international coal
274、itions,such as joining the Science Based Targets Initiative(SBTi)and The Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition of Action.Also of note in this regard is our disclosure to and the scores awarded by the CDP in the“Climate change”,“Water security”and“Forests”categories,in which we achieved an“A
275、”(highest score)in the first two and“A-“in fighting deforestation.The likelihood of any of the situations mentioned above occurring and the level and management of the respective impact,including financial,are analysed as a regular part of our short,medium and long-term risk assessment procedures60.
276、Metrics and targets Every three years we set corporate responsibility goals and define related management metrics61.For the three-year period 2021-2023,we have made commitments to reduce by the end of 2023:carbon emissions resulting from transporting goods to stores by 5%(in tonnes of CO2e per thous
277、and pallets transported),compared to 2020;60 To learn more,see chapter 3“How we are organised”,section C”Internal Organisation”,subsection III“Internal Control and Risk Management”.61 For more information,see subchapter 7.“2021-2023 Commitments”,in this chapter.218230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPS energy con
278、sumption by 10%per thousand euros in sales,compared to 2017;our carbon footprint(scopes 1 and 2)62 by at least 40%per thousand euros in sales,compared to 2017.We also made other commitments under our strategy to fight climate change(scopes 2 and 3 emissions)62,such as fighting deforestation,the sust
279、ainable use of energy and water,fighting food waste,encouraging the adoption of good agricultural practices,improving the efficiency of our logistic operations,the ecodesign of packaging,and fighting plastic pollution.In 2021 we joined the SBTi63,pledging to set a science-based emissions reduction t
280、arget by the end of 2023.In 2022,we began the process of improving carbon footprint quantification,assessing materiality and defining the calculation method for all categories of scope 3 emissions to complete the Groups emissions inventory.Progress Implementing TCFD recommendations and defining GHG
281、emission reduction targets using SBTi criteria will strengthen our climate change strategy and performance.In the next climate risk assessment,more Private Brand and perishable product groups will be considered and we will also analyse new ingredients and raw materials relevant to the portfolio of o
282、ur Companies.In addition to the negative impacts of climate change on production,the potential of identified opportunities,such as the increase in yield of some crops,must also be quantified in future assessments.In 2023,the following activities will be continued:identification of regions with the h
283、ighest risk of coastal flooding due to rising sea levels to assess the impact on establishments operated by Group Companies;setting of climate science-based carbon footprint reduction targets for the Group,in keeping with our pledge to the SBTi.In 2023 we will also define the commitments for 2024-20
284、27,based on our stakeholder survey and a double materiality assessment.62 The sources of emission considered in each of the scopes are defined under subsection 3.3.2.”Carbon Footprint”of this subchapter.63 The Science Based Targets initiative(SBTi)allows companies to set science-based emission reduc
285、tion targets,encouraging them to halve emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.219JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a difference3.3.2.Carbon FootprintGRI 302-2 GRI 305-1 GRI 305-2 GRI 305-3 GRI 305-4 GRI 305-5 Our scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions accounted for 1,119 thousand tonnes of c
286、arbon dioxide equivalent(CO2e)in 2022,2.2%more than in 2021.This increase is mainly due to the growth of our activities in Colombia and Poland,and to the increase in energy consumption,heating services and fuel.The specific value of scope 1 and 2 emissions decreased from 0.0524 to 0.0441 tonnes of C
287、O2e per thousand euros in sales,reflecting the increase in operational efficiency.Our goal is to reduce carbon emissions by at least 40%per thousand euros in sales,compared to 2017.In 2022,we reduced emissions by 41%.This reduction was 8.7%in absolute terms,less than that calculated in 2021 due to a
288、 review of several emission factors(e.g.electricity in Poland)and the inclusion of emissions from franchising stores and other similar models relating to scope 1 and 2 emissions.A generalised increase in scope 3 emissions was recorded,in line with the growth of our business,with the exception of cat
289、egory C11 emissions,due mainly to a reduction in the sale of small appliances and electrical equipment.Carbon Footprint(t CO2e/thousand euros in sales)20222021*2022/2021Specific value(scopes 1 and 2)0.04410.0524-15.8%Carbon Footprint(t CO2e)20222021*2022/2021Overall Carbon Footprint(scopes 1 and 2)6
290、4 by GHG1,119,1351,095,467+2.2%Carbon dioxide(CO2)986,815962,105+2.6%Methane(CH4)17,12314,973+14.4%Hydrofluorocarbons(HFC)111,508114,807-2.9%Perfluorocarbons(PFC)00-Nitrous oxide(N2O)3,6893,582+3.0%Sulphur hexafluoride(SF6)00-Overall Carbon Footprint(scopes 1 and 2)Biedronka970,631948,377+2.3%Hebe20
291、,58320,214+1.8%Pingo Doce6542,74533,228+28.6%Recheio3,6884,781-22.9%Ara60,11569,612-13.6%JMA6621,37219,256+11.0%CARBON FOOTPRINT 64 Scope 2 emissions concern location-based(heating)and market-based(electricity)type emission factors.65 To measure the environmental indicators reported in this subchapt
292、er,the distribution centres,central buildings,and trucks used to distribute goods were accounted for under Pingo Doce.66 JMA:Jernimo Martins Agro-Alimentar.220230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPS*Values corrected to improve alignment with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodology.*This parameter includes franchis
293、ing and similar models.Note 1:The carbon footprint of the different activities(under the Groups operational control and which account for 100%of turnover)is calculated using the three levels of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development(WBCSD)Greenhouse Gases Protocol and the World Resou
294、rces Institute(WRI)method:direct,indirect,and third party impacts.The values shown took the following into account:(i)refrigerant gases and enteric methane emissions from livestock emission factors defined by the IPCC;(ii)enteric methane emissions from sheep emission factors defined by Agncia Portug
295、uesa do Ambiente(Portuguese Environmental Agency);(iii)fuel and heating defined by Direo-Geral de Energia e Geologia(Portuguese Directorate-General for Energy and Geology),by Unidad de Planacin Minero Energtica(Colombian Unit of Mining and Energy Planning)and by Krajowy Orodek Bilansowania i Zarzdza
296、nia Emisjami(Polish Centre for Emission Balance and Management);(iv)electricity defined by the International Energy Agency(location-based electricity),by suppliers(market-based electricity in Portugal),by the Association of Issuing Bodies(market-based electricity in Poland),and by Unidad de Planeaci
297、n Minero Energtica(market-based electricity in Colombia);(v)fuel used in the light vehicle fleet defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.The emission factors defined by IPCC for stationary combustion,refrigerant gases and enteric methane emissions those defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for fuel
298、 used in the light vehicle fleet were used to calculate the scope 1 carbon footprint by GHG.As regards the breakdown of scope 2 emissions,the percentages of each GHG were considered in the emission factors defined by the International Energy Agency.Note 2:The scope 3 values shown took the following
299、into account:C1 includes emissions associated with the transport of goods between suppliers and distribution centres;C4 includes emissions associated with the transport of goods between distribution centres and stores and between the Groups operational units;C8 and C13 emissions of these categories
300、are being reported under scopes 1 and 2;C9 considers the emissions of delivery services to Pingo Doce,Recheio and Hebe customers;C14 emissions of franchising stores and similar models are being reported under scopes 1 and 2 for financial control;C15 considers emissions of Hussel and Jeronymo stores,
301、in addition to the investments made by the Group Companies.Detailed information on the calculation of scope 3 emissions is available at Respecting the Environment Climate Change).Carbon Footprint(t CO2e)20222021*2022/2021Carbon Footprint(scope 1 direct impacts)222,921219,653+1.5%Leakage of refrigera
302、nt gases111,573115,005-3.0%CO2 usage25,75527,498-6.3%Fuel consumption52,85848,195+9.7%Light vehicle fleet16,30814,645+11.4%Enteric methane emissions16,42714,310+14.8%Carbon Footprint(scope 2 indirect impacts)896,214875,814+2.3%Electricity consumption(location-based)754,877792,432-4.7%Electricity con
303、sumption(market-based)876,676859,958+1.9%Heating(location-based)19,53815,856+23.2%Carbon Footprint(scope 3 other indirect impacts)28,582,29027,776,610+2.9%C1.Purchased products and services24,694,61323,747,272+4.0%C2.Capital goods131,506111,989+17.4%C3.Fuel and energy related activities 309,982301,5
304、94+2.8%C4.Upstream transport and distribution255,851251,983+1.5%C5.Waste produced in operations49,26846,907+5.0%C6.Work travel3,3591,586+111.8%C7.Commuting20,39218,739+8.8%C8.Assets rented upstream-C9.Downstream transport and distribution4,6443,610+28.6%C10.Transformation of products sold780620+25.8
305、%C11.Use of products sold1,822,4472,123,072-14.2%C12.End of life of products sold1,276,3871,156,116+10.4%C13.Assets rented downstream-C14.Franchises*-C15.Investments13,06112,492+4.6%221JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a difference3.3.3.Water and Energy Consumption ManagementIn a business in constant
306、expansion it is important to find solutions that counteract the trend of the inherent increase in water and energy consumption,which involves combining construction techniques,technology and the adoption of behaviours aligned with good environmental practices.With regard to the first two actions,we
307、seek to include a set of solutions in refurbishment projects and the construction of new infrastructures67 that involve the use of renewable energy68,energy control and management systems,efficient refrigeration technologies,freezers and lighting,and water saving systems,such as flow regulators,taps
308、 with timers,and rainwater harvesting for use in irrigation systems and to wash equipment.To contribute to the more sustainable mobility of our customers,in 2022,54 stores provided charging stations for electric vehicles(52 at Pingo Doce,1 at Recheio and 1 at Biedronka),supplying more than 2,500 gig
309、ajoules(GJ).In our fleet of light vehicles,10%of the vehicles in Portugal and 3%in Poland were electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles.The investment associated with these measures(249 million euros since 2017)was recovered in less than four years and has prevented the emission of more than 531 thousand
310、 tonnes of CO2e.The adoption of good practices by raising awareness among employees also plays an important role in optimising water and energy use and in recycling the waste generated in our operations.With the“Water and Energy Consumption Management Teams”project,launched in 2011 in the Pingo Doce
311、 and Recheio stores,we were able to reduce water consumption by 424 thousand m3 and energy consumption by 14.5 million kWh,corresponding to a savings of over 3.1 million euros69.In 2022,the actions of these teams were included in the“United for the Environment”initiative,launched by Pingo Doce.Biedr
312、onka launched the initiative“Dobra energia”(Good Energy)to raise awareness among store employees and included the development of a good practice handbook to save energy in stores,interactive training for all store employees,the provision of an energy monitoring report,and the creation of a dedicated
313、 chatbot to facilitate daily store operations.The“Lets Go Green”project,implemented in 2015 with the same goal,encompasses office buildings in Portugal,Poland and Colombia.67 For more information on this topic and how these solutions substantially contribute to the European Commissions carbon neutra
314、lity goals,see subchapter 8.“The European Unions Taxonomy”in this chapter.68 See“Renewable Energy”table in this subchapter.69 Amount calculated based on regular reporting and internal benchmarking.222230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSNEW PINGO DOCE AND RECHEIO STORESIn September,we opened a new Recheio store
315、in Cascais,designed to optimise water and energy consumption and waste management.This store is equipped with LED lights and more than 70 skylights with an automated lighting adjustment system,temperature control and adjustment systems,and a charging station for electric vehicles.Rainwater is harves
316、ted to fill the fire water tank and for irrigation.Specific recycling bins are also available to Recheio customers.The Pingo Doce store in Abboda,which opened in November,also stands out for the investment made in digitalisation and efficiency.The parking area has a bike rack and bollards and a char
317、ging station for electric vehicles.To encourage a reduction in the use of paper,digital leaflets and passwords are provided.This store was also chosen for the new employee environmental awareness signage,developed under the“Lets Go Green”programme.WATER WITHDRAWAL AND REUSE Total withdrawal(megalitr
318、es/million euros in sales)20222021 2022/2021Overall specific value0.2450.248-1.2%Specific value(Distribution)0.1230.136-9.6%Specific value(Agribusiness)34.63234.868-0.7%Total withdrawal(megalitres)20222021 2022/2021Water withdrawal by source*6,220.05,172.5+20.3%Municipal and private supply system5,9
319、28.94,898.9+21.0%Groundwater 272.8256.4+6.4%Surface water(including rainwater)18.317.2+6.4%Water withdrawal by business unitPingo Doce1,666.5*1,526.6+9.2%Recheio93.283.8+11.2%Biedronka956.3*910.9+5.0%Hebe17.817.7+0.6%Ara385.1282.9+36.1%JMA3,101.12,350.6+31.9%Recycled water(megalitres)20222021 2022/2
320、021Total recycled water*2.61.7+52.9%GRI 303-3GRI 303-1*Total withdrawal volume corresponds to freshwater.*Values corrected to include franchising stores and similar models to improve alignment with the GRI methodology used to measure this indicator.*Only at Ara.223JERNIMO MARTINS 2022How we make a d
321、ifferenceOur goal is to reduce,by the end of 2023,the volume of water withdrawal in distribution by 10%per million euros in sales,compared to 2017.In 2022,and compared to 2017,water withdrawal was reduced by 28%per million euros in sales.In absolute terms,water withdrawal increased 20.3%compared to
322、2021,due mainly to the growth of the agri-food business and the increase in the number of Ara and Biedronka stores.The increase in water consumption at JMA is due to the increase in temperature and periods of drought in mainland Portugal,as well as a larger area for the cultivation of cereals and pa
323、stures at Best Farmer,an increase in the number of animals and grazing area at Ovinos da Tapada,and the start of the reporting of environmental indicators by Outro Cho.Water withdrawal in distribution increased 11%,in absolute terms,compared to 2021,due mainly to the expansion of the store networks(
324、451 more compared to 2021),the marked increase in business at Recheio,and the growth of the food business at Pingo Doce.Indeed,the two central kitchens produced more,restaurant activity increased and the fresh food area was expanded,resulting in increased water consumption for preparing meals and wa
325、shing tools and equipment.More than 95%of the water we use for our activities came from municipal or private supply systems.Groundwater and surface water withdrawal accounts for the remaining 5%,for which we hold the required licences and is used for less demanding operations,such as irrigation and
326、cooling systems.In 2022,the specific value continued to decrease in distribution activities,falling from 0.136 to 0.123 megalitres per million euros in sales.As regards water reuse at four distribution centres(one in Portugal and three in Colombia)and at the two JMA farms,18.3 megalitres of rainwate
327、r were harvested,6%more than in 2021.The harvested water was used for cooling systems,irrigation,external truck washing,and livestock watering systems.In Colombia,the increase in recycled water(52.9%more than in 2021)is due to the operational optimisation of the water collection and treatment system
328、 at one of Aras distribution centres.*It is estimated that the volume discharged corresponds to less than 0.5%of freshwater.*Values corrected to include franchising stores and similar models to improve alignment with the GRI methodology used to measure this indicator.WATER DISPOSAL Total wastewater(
329、megalitres)20222021 2022/2021Wastewater disposal by type of destination*2,702.52,473.3+9.3%Municipal sewage2,641.72,417.8+9.3%Environment60.855.5+9.5%Wastewater disposal by business unitPingo Doce 1,333.2*1,221.2+9.2%Recheio74.667.1+11.2%Biedronka765.1*728.7+5.0%Hebe14.214.2-Ara308.1226.3+36.1%JMA20
330、7.3215.8-3.9%GRI 303-4GRI 303-2224230 YEARS OF FIRST STEPSGRI 303-5GRI 303-1WATER CONSUMPTION Total water consumed(megalitres)20222021 2022/2021Water consumption by business unit3,517.62,699.2+30.3%Pingo Doce 333.3*305.3+9.2%Recheio18.616.8+10.7%Biedronka191.3*182.2+5.0%Hebe3.63.5+2.9%Ara77.056.6+36
331、.0%JMA2,893.82,134.8+35.6%*Values corrected to include franchising stores and similar models to improve alignment with the GRI methodology used to measure this indicator.Note:According to the Global Reporting Initiative(GRI)formula,water consumption is the difference between water withdrawal and wat
332、er discharge.Wastewater discharged directly into the natural environment is licensed in accordance with local laws and is properly treated in the places where it is generated before being discharged,accounting for 2.3%of the total volume of wastewater we generated(0.1 p.p.more compared to 2021).To d
333、etermine the exposure of our activities to the risk of a shortage of drinking water,a water stress test by level is conducted every year associated with water withdrawal.To this end,the physical locations of the establishments of the Companies are mapped and the World Resources Institute(WRI)“Aqueduct:Baseline Water Stress Class”model is followed.WATER STRESS Water stress class Water withdrawal(me