1、01Message from the ChairmanJernimo Martins 2021A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSCorporate Responsibility Report HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCESeed GREEN BEAN Phaeseolus vulgaris1.Approach to Corporate Responsibility _ 1582.Promoting Good Health through Food _ 1643.Respecting the Environment _ 1824.Sourcing Respo
2、nsibly _ 2105.Supporting Surrounding Communities _ 2306.Being a Benchmark Employer _ 2427.2021-2023 Commitments _ 2648.EU Taxonomy _ 2729.Table of Indicators _ 278Message from the ChairmanJernimo Martins 2021Origin Eastern Mediterranean and Middle EastProduction Country PortugalGREEN BEANA nature-gr
3、ounded businessA NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESS158A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESS1.APPROACH TO CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITYOur nearly 230 years of accumulated experience in the food sector proves that we are able to create value consciously,seeking to manage the balance between economic prosperity,social developme
4、nt,and environmental conservation.We know that modern societies face complex challenges and recognise that we,as an organisation,depend on the resources that planet Earth provides.That is why,in 2021,we boosted our importance as a change agent in environmental and social sustainability issues throug
5、hout the value chain.We received the highest score(A)in the CDP Disclosure Insight Action“Climate Change”and“Water Security”programmes.For the third consecutive year,we received an“A-”(leadership level)in the assessment of commodities associated with deforestation risk(palm oil,beef and soy),positio
6、ning Jernimo Martins as the food retailer with the best score worldwide.Just a few months before the COP26 UN Glasgow Climate Change Conference and at a time when changes to European legislation were being finalised,we were one of the eleven signatories of an open letter calling for greater ambition
7、 from the European Union in fighting deforestation.We were also one of the first to sign the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices.In 2021,we continued to be part of a select group of Companies listed on the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index and opened the Incluir Cen
8、tre,to boost the employability of people with disabilities through specialised training.As part of our vision of democratising access to food,we improved what we believe to be crucial for the consumer:information about what they buy.To this end,we decided to add the Nutri-Score label to packaging,a
9、more intuitive symbol about the nutrition profile of pre-packaged products,applying it to more than 160 references in Portugal and Poland.We also opened our own molecular biology laboratory to continue to ensure food safety.Ten years after setting our first corporate responsibility targets,we are li
10、sted on over 100 international sustainability indices.159How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021The Jernimo Martins Group is listed on more than 100 international sustainability indices,recognising the Groups progress in environmental,social and governance(ESG)areas.We are the only Portuguese C
11、ompany on the CDP A list(formerly Carbon Disclosure Project,now Disclosure Insight Action),having achieved two As:one under“Climate Change”and the other under“Water Security”.For the third consecutive year,we are the only food retailer worldwide with a score of A-(Leadership level)in three of the fo
12、ur commodities associated with deforestation:palm oil,soy,and beef.The Group achieved a B for paper and timber.We are listed on the Eurozone ESG Large 80 index,which brings together the largest Euronext Companies that best adapt their business to the energy transition.SUSTAINABILITY INDICESThe Group
13、s performance in the pillars of Corporate Responsibility remains recognised by a wide range of stakeholders,including environmental,social and governance(ESG)analysts.We are also listed on the Euronext Vigeo Eiris Eurozone 120 and Europe 120 indices,and the FTSE4Good Europe,FTSE4Good Developed and F
14、TSE4Good Developed Minimum Variance indices.In early 2022,and for the second consecutive year,we were once again listed on the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index,which assesses good practices in this dimension.160A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESS1.1.2021 HighlightsOur Corporate Responsibility strategy consist
15、s of five pillars that are transversal to all the Companies and aims at responding to the challenges and expectations identified by our stakeholders,in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Global Compact Principles.I.Promoting Good Health through FoodWe focus on the qua
16、lity,diversity and safety of the products we market.We have prevented 1,215.6 tonnes of sugar,152.8 tonnes of fats,and 20.4 tonnes of salt from entering the market with the nutritional reformulations of our Private Brand and perishable products;We apply the Nutri-Score label to more than 160 Private
17、 Brand references in Portugal and Poland;We opened a molecular biology laboratory that conducts 350 monthly analyses of Private Brand food products and fresh goods for Portugal,Poland and Colombia.III.Sourcing Responsibly We integrate social and environmental criteria throughout the supply chain.We
18、sourced around 89%of our food purchases from local suppliers;Our certified sustainable Private Brand and perishable products account for 7.8%of sales in these categories;Biedronka brought forward its goal of eliminating the purchase of cage eggs by four years.IV.Supporting the Surrounding Communitie
19、sWe strive to fight hunger and malnutrition,particularly in the communities in which we are present.We channelled 51.3 million euros towards community support,8%more than in 2020;We donated 21.4 tonnes of food,15%more than in the previous year;We entered into an agreement with WOP(The Great Orchestr
20、a of Christmas Charity),Polands largest charity event.V.Being a Benchmark EmployerWe promote job creation,balanced wage policies,and a stimulating work environment.We increased our workforce by 4.4%(an additional 5,248 employees);We promoted 17,426 employees;We invested 217 million euros in bonuses
21、paid to employees;We improved the gender pay ratio to 97.6%,1.1 p.p.more than in 2020.II.Respecting the EnvironmentWe seek to reduce the environmental impacts of our operations and supply chains.We reduced our carbon footprint(scope 1 and 2)by 35%,compared to 2017;We reduced energy consumption by 11
22、%for every 1,000 euros in sales,compared to 2017;We reduced our plastic consumption by 15%for every million euros in sales,compared to 2018.161How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 20211.2.Stakeholder engagement We regularly engage with our stakeholders,which enables us to identify and manage sust
23、ainability aspects that have a significant impact on society and on our businesses.These stakeholders are 14:shareholders and investors;analysts;official bodies,supervising entities,and local authorities;suppliers,business partners,and service providers;employees;customers and consumers;local commun
24、ities;journalists;non-governmental organisations and associations.Our preferred interfaces for each type of stakeholder and respective communication channels are described in more detail on our corporate website.Details about the national and international organisations of which the Group is a part
25、are also available at the same platform15.We review the material aspects that should be taken into account in our Corporate Responsibility strategy and reporting every three years.The most recent review was performed in 2019 and identified the following ten material topics16:food quality and safety;
26、reduction of packaging materials,and the use of sustainable materials;ethics and transparency;fighting food waste;respect for human and labour rights;affordable product offering;respect for human and labour rights in the supply chain;mission,vision and strategy;support to social projects;incorporati
27、on of circular economy principles.The Committee on Corporate Governance and Corporate Responsibility is the body responsible for ensuring compliance,disclosure and reinforcement of our corporate responsibility principles17.Each Company has a Sustainability Committee that manages priorities and the a
28、lignment between the Groups corporate responsibility policies and the practices of the Companies.In 2021,20 Sustainability Committee meetings were held to discuss topics related to nutritional reformulation strategies,the development of differentiated solutions in Private Brand products,the fight ag
29、ainst climate change,plastic pollution,animal welfare,and support to surrounding communities.GRI 102-21GRI 102-40GRI 102-42GRI 102-43GRI 103-114 More information is available on our corporate website,in the“Our Stakeholders”page.15 For more information see the“About us”area on our corporate website.
30、16 More information is available on our corporate website,in the“Defining our Priorities”page.17 The responsibilities of the Committee are described on our corporate website,in the Investors area.162A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKPrimary ProductionWe promote,with our suppliers,the sus
31、tainable origin of raw materials and ecosystem protection initiatives.CustomerWe offer safe,healthy and quality food solutions,while promoting responsible consumption.CommunityWe support our communities,endeavouring to promote social cohesion and breaking cycles of poverty and malnutrition.IndustryW
32、e work with our partnersto pursue innovation and the sustainable development of their activities and products.OperationsWe seek to minimise our operations impacts,improve working conditions and support our people.BUSINESS MODEL AND RELATIONWITH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT163How we make a differenceJerni
33、mo Martins 2021MILKMILKMILKMILKMILKIndustryWe work with our partnersto pursue innovation and the sustainable development of their activities and products.OperationsWe seek to minimise our operations impacts,improve working conditions and support our people.164A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESS2.PROMOTING GO
34、OD HEALTH THROUGH FOODWe seek to contribute to healthier societies by offering high-quality and nutritionally-balanced products and promoting healthy eating habits every day.2.1.IntroductionWe recognise the contribution that a Group such as ours can make to adopting healthier lifestyles through food
35、.That is why we endeavour to minimise the use of artificial ingredients and processing methods in the foods we produce and market.We also focus on diversifying options for consumers with specific needs or preferences,such as food intolerances and allergies.2.2.Quality and DiversityTo guarantee the h
36、igh standards of quality and food safety of the products we market,the guidelines in place in Portugal,Poland and Colombia encompass the following guidance:the Product Quality and Safety Policy18,aimed at improving the development and monitoring of Private Brand products(food and non-food)and perish
37、ables;the Nutritional Policy18,concerning nutrition profile,preferred ingredients,labelling,serving sizes,continuous improvement,and communication;the guidelines for the development of Private Brand products and perishables,specifying,inter alia,restrictions on the use of food colouring,preservative
38、s and other artificial additives,and defining the maximum quantities of ingredients such as salt,sugar and fat,as well as principles of nutritional labelling.18 This policy can be found on our corporate website,under“Promoting Good Health through Food”.165How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021
39、2.2.1.Launches The Group continues to invest in bringing products to the market that meet the needs and preferences of consumers while it also extends the supply of food that encourages more responsible consumption patterns.PolandBiedronka has introduced 70 new Private Brand products in the market t
40、hat promote healthier nutrition habits.Some of the most notable launches in the year were four gluten-free products(such as the Go Vege marinated tofu with basil and the tofu with paprika),eight lactose-free products(such as the Mleczna Dolina natural kefir),the Ayran Turkish-style yoghurt(made from
41、 the milk of cows fed with non-genetic modified organisms OGM feed)and 23 clean label19 products(such as the Tutti only three ingredients vanilla homogenised quark).Also of note are the Culineo instant pasta without the flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate20,and Marletto ice-cream wafers without so
42、y lecithin.In the vegan and vegetarian,in non-GMO categories and those that respect other legally required criteria21,45 references were introduced in the market by Biedronka,such as the Go Vege oat cream and the fermented oat-based drinks with B12 and D vitamins.Of note in the fresh food category a
43、re the regional breads,Mediterranean-style bread with dried tomatoes and olives,and the Omega-3 and seed bread.Fresh organic bread is now also available in 470 stores,32 more than in 2020.19 Without(or with a limited amount of)additives,usual in a given category,in accordance with legal requirements
44、.20 Additive in common use in the food sector,or glutamate potency or food flavor.According to the EFSA,there is currently no numerical acceptable daily intake(ADI)number specified for glutamic acid and glutamate as food additives in the EU.There are some adverse reactions reported in cases of mediu
45、m to frequent exposure,notably headaches.To find out more:https:/www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/17071221 The claims regarding suitability for vegan consumption must comply with certain criteria,such as:compliance with the Polish Agriculture and Rural Development Regulation on food labelling,under
46、which products whose production process does not include animal-based ingredients can be labelled“Certified Vegan”or“Suitable for Vegans”;good production practices so as to minimise cross contamination with non-plant-based ingredients;and be GMO free.166A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSPortugalMost notewor
47、thy among the products launched by the various banners are the Pingo Doce plant-based,such as red bean millet burgers(organic,gluten-free,without colouring or preservatives),the beef-style burger and beef-style meatballs without animal-based flavour enhancers or aromas,and the natural probiotic yogh
48、urt,without added sugar,with whole milk and starter cultures,and with live yoghurt cultures that improve lactose digestion.We continue to offer the Pura Vida range for people with more specific food needs or who prefer a more balanced and natural diet.In this range,we launched fortified milk for peo
49、ple over the age of 50 made using an exclusive formula developed by Pingo Doce and supported by the Portuguese Heart Foundation.It contains skimmed milk,is lactose-free,and is fortified with Omega-3,fibre,and selenium and magnesium minerals.GO ACTIVEThe Go Active range was created in 2021,with Pingo
50、 Doce being the first food retailer in Portugal to launch a brand dedicated to an active lifestyle.Suitable for various consumer profiles,from sportspeople to seniors and the general population,the Go Active range was created in 2021,with Pingo Doce being the first food retailer in Portugal to launc
51、h a brand dedicated to an active lifestyle.The project,which is the result of the joint efforts of the Jernimo Martins Groups Wellbeing,Nutrition and Quality teams,has brought to the market eight products,whose packaging includes a“Protein-o-metre”identifying protein content so that consumers can ma
52、ke a more informed choice based on their age and lifestyle.The offering in the Go Vege range was expanded with 12 new products suitable for vegetarian and vegan consumers(such as the dried tomato and cranberries pt),and three burger references(beet,pepper,and carrot).Between the Pingo Doce,including
53、 perishables,and Go Bio brands 100 organic products were marketed,ten of which were new products.New bakery products were launched in the perishables category,including fig and honey bread,and protein bread.The meal solutions and takeaway assortment was expanded to nine alternatives for vegetarians(
54、such as the lentil shepherds pie and the spinach and ricotta cheese puff pastry).We also continued to supply soups to HoReCa customers.ColombiaThe Mr Congelo frozen gluten-free bread and the De La Cuesta lactose-free milk in 900 ml packets were the years noteworthy launches.167How we make a differen
55、ceJernimo Martins 2021*References in the year.*References containing specific symbol ensuring gluten-free composition.PolandPortugal22Colombia23TotalTypeLaunchesTotalLaunchesTotalLaunchesTotalLaunchesTotalGluten-free4*9451,03812101,134Lactose-free820340121262Vegan and vegetarian45146555-50201Organic
56、2459510100-15195DIFFERENTIATING PRODUCTS*2.2.2.Reformulations The reformulation strategy focuses primarily on foods that:are consumed mostly by children;contain high levels of salt,sugar,fat,saturated fat,and/or unnecessary additives;are consumed in large quantities and,as such,their reformulation m
57、ight have a wider positive impact on public health;might be perceived as being healthy,but whose nutrition profile needs to be adjusted;are low in fibre,vitamins and minerals;have ingredients that could potentially cause allergic reactions.In 2021,the recipes of 91 food products were reformulated25.
58、As a result of this process of continuous improvement,we prevented more than 1,200 tonnes of sugar,more than 149 tonnes of fat,3 tonnes of saturated fat,and over 20 tonnes of salt from entering the market.*A product may have its recipe reformulated in terms of more than one ingredient.The single cou
59、nting method of the products,as opposed to reference counting,is used for this purpose.*The number of tonnes removed is obtained using the following calculation method:the quantities of these ingredients present in the formula of the references covered multiplied by the number of units bought or sol
60、d in the year.BiedronkaPingo Doce25RecheioAraTotalReformulated products*343621-91Salt(number of references)1453-22Sugar(number of references)243116-69Fat(number of references)211-4Saturated fat(number of references)-22-4Quantities avoided(tonnes)*Salt16.23.30.9-20.4Sugar868.6305.341.7-1,215.6Fat127.
61、322.30.1-149.7Saturated fat-3.00.1-3.1PRODUCT NUTRITIONAL REFORMULATIONSGRI 416-122 Pingo Doce,Recheio and perishables.23 Ara.24 Biedronka and perishables.25 Includes perishables.168A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSPolandAmong the 34 reformulated products,of note are the Miami three dual-compartment yoghur
62、ts and the Mokate instant cappuccinos(reduction in sugar of 33%and between 12%and 17%,respectively),the Nasza Spizarnia gratinated beetroots(salt content reduced by 40%),and the Delikate camembert cheeses(reduction of 31%in fat).In terms of the clean label concept,28 products containing ingredients
63、considered unnecessary,such as flavour enhancers and artificial colours(particularly in foods widely consumed by children),have been removed or replaced with natural ingredients.One such example are the Top brand snacks,such as the tortilla chips,from which we removed the flavour enhancers and the y
64、east extracts.The progress report about the 2021-2023 and other commitments made by the Group can be found on the Jernimo Martins corporate website26.PortugalThe recipes of 57 products were reformulated,including raw materials for perishables.Among these are the Pingo Doce Crunchy Muesli cereals and
65、 the classic cola soft drink(reduction in sugar of 23%and 19%,respectively),Sweet Popcorn(widely consumed by children,with a 46%reduction in saturated fat),and tomato pulp(63%reduction in salt).In the bakery category,we replaced palm oil with sunflower oil in the mixture for making bolo-rei(Portugue
66、se Christmas cake).In Pingo Doces takeaway category,seven savoury snack references are now baked instead of fried,thereby reducing the fat content.We also removed or partially substituted additives,such as sweeteners,from 16 references,including the Pura Vida apple and cinnamon biscuits and the Pura
67、 Vida whole grain chia seed biscuits respectively.Progress on the commitments made by Pingo Doce under the Portuguese Governments Integrated Strategy for the Promotion of Healthy Eating(EIPAS)can be found on the Jernimo Martins corporate website27.ColombiaThe recipe of three sauce references and a c
68、old meat product from Kai brand was reformulated,resulting in the removal of the flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate.We also removed the soy oil from the composition of Costa Blanca tuna.2.2.3.Promoting More Conscious ChoicesAmong the priorities set in this regard are product format,the voluntary
69、indication of the number of servings in each package,information on the average time within which the product must be consumed once opened(e.g.mayonnaise,milk and jams),and to only mention,when possible,one expiry date to avoid confusing consumers over other printed dates(such as production dates).F
70、or example,in 2021 the meal solutions and takeaway areas invested in smaller portions of soups,introducing references of 400 grams into the market as alternatives to the 900 grams packages.Product informationIn addition to the technical and legal information on packaging(nutritional composition and
71、full nutrition tables with values per 100 grams and per serving),the Group voluntarily includes more straightforward nutritional information on the front of packages to facilitate consumers to make a more informed purchasing decision.In Portugal,the following are used:“Non-GMO”label on products cons
72、isting mainly of corn and/or soy,two ingredients susceptible to be genetically modified at the end of 2021,10%of the 205 eligible products28 bore this label;26 Information available on our corporate website,under Our Commitments and Progress”.27 Information available on our corporate website,under“O
73、ur Commitments and Progress”.169How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021 specific symbols on alcoholic beverages to indicate i.calorie count(92%of references,the same as in 2020),ii.pregnancy warnings(100%of references),and iii.responsible driving(39%of references,28 p.p.more than in 2020);icons
74、 for products that are a source of Omega-3,sugar-free,lactose-free,fat-free,and gluten-free;maintenance of the identification of Pingo Doce cold meat products that have less fat and salt according to the requirements of the“Escolha Saudvel”(Healthy Choice)programme,developed in collaboration with th
75、e Portuguese Heart Foundation.In Poland,the following are of note:“Non-GMO”label on plant-based products29 and consisting mostly(50%net weight)of corn and/or soy at the end of 2021,this label was applied to 84%of the 32 eligible products30(44 p.p.more than in 2020);indication of fibre in the nutriti
76、on table,on the back of packages;use of specific symbols based on own criteria and those required namely by the Polish law,for vegan and vegetarian consumers,together with launches and reformulations for consumers with specific dietary requirements or preferences,mainly in the Go Vege range(45 produ
77、cts were labelled“Suitable for Vegans”);icons on products that are a source of Omega-3,lactose-free,and gluten-free.In the latter case,we maintained the partnership with the Polish Association of Celiac Disease Sufferers and the Gluten-Free Diet to monitor the production and launch of gluten-free pr
78、oducts,ensuring both the absence of cross-contamination and final certification of four new products;differentiated symbols to indicate selected Plony Natury products that are a source of fibre,magnesium and protein(an initiative implemented in 2021);symbols applied on alcoholic beverages,i.calorie
79、count(92%of references,32 p.p.more compared to 2020),ii.pregnancy warnings(87%,79 p.p.more than in 2020),and iii.responsible driving(84%,67 p.p.more than in 2020).In Colombia,we continued the voluntary adoption of nutritional indications of recommended daily ingredients intake,displaying the calorie
80、 count,fat,sodium,sugar and protein values of products on the front of the package.We also began the repacking process of products with levels of salt,fat and sugar above those recommended by the health authorities,which also included applying recommended symbols on products with low levels of the i
81、ngredients concerned,in accordance with the goals set by the authorities for December 2022.For example,Aras 20 de Julio beer reference bears the responsible driving and pregnancy warning symbols.28 Includes 105 Pingo Doce products(Pingo Doce,Go Bio and Pura Vida)and 100 Recheio products(Amanhecer,Go
82、urms and Masterchef).“Non-GMO”label:18 Pingo Doce products and two Recheio products marketed in 2021.29 Labelling applies to two dimensions,in compliance with Polish law:“Non-GMO”(for foods of plant origin and foods composed of more than one ingredient,excluding products of animal origin and feed,fr
83、ee from genetically modified organisms)and“Produced without the use of GMO”(for products of animal origin and foods composed of more than one ingredient,free from genetically modified organisms).30 Includes Pingo Doce products(Pingo Doce,Go Bio and Pura Vida ranges),Recheio(Amanhecer,Gourms and Mast
84、erchef)and Biedronkas Private Brands.170A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSInformation in other mediaBesides product packaging,which includes cooking advice and suggestions for side dishes with fruit and vegetables,Pingo Doce also uses its website32,social media,and Sabe Bem(Tastes Good)magazine(bi-monthly a
85、verage print-run of 150,000 copies)to promote the Mediterranean diet.Recipes that encourage the reuse of leftover food are also published.Pingo Doce printed 400,000 copies of the book Quatro Estaes Mesa with Pingo Doce(Four-Season Dining with Pingo Doce),sharing 150 recipes that follow the principle
86、s of the Mediterranean diet.Also of note is the“Juliana da Semana”(This Weeks Juliana)campaign,which is based on the recommendation for a weekly soup that follows the principles of the diet.Pingo Doce and CUF(a specialised healthcare enterprise group)have joined forces to promote health through food
87、 and created the“A Sade Alimenta-se”(Feeding Health)programme which provides insight into the properties of some fruits and vegetables,and the role they can play in a diverse and balanced diet.The purpose is to help and incentivize consumers to select those that best suit their needs and lifestyle33
88、.Biedronka maintained the quarterly Czas Na(Time to)magazines,dedicated to nutrition and healthier lifestyles each with 120 recipes,and an average print-run of 200,000 copies.One of the issues was dedicated to the principles of the Mediterranean diet preference for local and seasonal products adapte
89、d to Polish cuisine.In Colombia,Ara joined the First Ladys“Gran Alianza por la Nutricin”(Grand Alliance for Nutrition)initiative,which is aimed at reducing 31 Colombian Law 2120 and Resolution No.810,both of 2021.32 The website also includes a list of lactose-free and gluten-free products to help co
90、nsumers in their purchases.The list is updated every month by Pingo Doces nutrition team,based on the analytical control of its Private Brand products.33 To learn more,visit www.pingodoce.pt/responsabilidade/a-saude-alimenta-se and www.cuf.pt/saude-alimenta-se34 To learn more,visit Available at www.
91、alimentacaosaudavel.dgs.pt36 Available at csr.biedronka.pl and in pdf format here.nutritional deficiency in more vulnerable populations.Another campaign “Misin Nutricin”(Mission Nutrition)also sought to raise awareness of healthy eating habits reached an average of 2.2 million people through posts o
92、n social media34.2.2.4.Partnerships and SupportThe Group holds regular talks with public and private benchmark institutions to learn and share knowledge about food,nutrition and health.In Portugal,Pingo Doce is an active member of the Portuguese Association of Retailing Companies(APED)and participat
93、es in its technical committees,including those dedicated to food quality.Partnerships are maintained with organisations that aim at contributing to healthy eating as a public health pillar,such as the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health(DGS within the framework of the National Programme for th
94、e Promotion of Healthy Eating35),the Portuguese Celiac Association,and the Portuguese Association of Nutritionists.In Poland,besides the already previously established agreements for publishing information on healthy eating habits and the more straightforward identification of food products,two othe
95、r initiatives were implemented.The first was the publication of the report“Eating habits in Poland:what has changed in the past 25 years?”36 by Biedronka based on a social investigation led by the IPSOS centre,in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health.This study which used qualit
96、ative and quantitative methods attempted to understand what dietary standards are being followed by the Polish people,what changes in diet have occurred 171How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 202137 Available on our corporate website,under“Communication”.VOLUNTARY LABELLING:NUTRI-SCOREIn 2021,Pi
97、ngo Doce and Biedronka adopted the Nutri-Score label,a more intuitive symbol about the nutritional quality of pre-packaged foods.The Nutri-Score system was created by the French public health authorities and establishes a nutritional classification ranging from A(high nutritional quality)to E(produc
98、ts that should be consumed less frequently)and a corresponding colour code.This label,placed on the front of packages,takes into account nutrients and elements to favour such as fibre,protein,fruit and vegetables,pulses,nuts,rapeseed,walnut and olive oils,and those to be limited such as calories,sug
99、ar,saturated fatty acids and salt.The Nutri-Score system does not assess micronutrients,such as vitamins or minerals,or the presence of additives.The label was introduced on the packages of breakfast cereals,savoury snacks,biscuits,cheeses,pulses,and chilled meals,among other Pingo Doce and Biedronk
100、a Private Brand foods,appearing on a total of 103 and 59 products,respectively.More information can be found at www.pingodoce.pt/responsabilidade/nutri-score and www.biedronka.pl/nutri-score.during the last few years,and how Biedronka has promoted changes in consumption habits.The second initiative
101、was the presentation of the reports findings at the 6th National Nutrition Conference,hosted by the National Institute of Public Health,and that had Biedronka as partner.Details about other partnerships involving Pingo Doce and Biedronka can be found on the Jernimo Martins website37.In Colombia,Ara
102、continued to participate in the ICONTEC working groups(Colombian Institute of Technical Standards)to normalise the technical quality parameters for fruit and vegetables.The goal is to assess the maturity levels,scale,use,and management of pesticide residues in production.2.3.Quality and Food Safety
103、Continued investment in the certification and monitoring of our processes,facilities,and equipment is the foundation of our banners and businesss reputation capital.In this regard,we not only count on our quality and food safety technicians,but also on external auditors and independent and accredite
104、d laboratories.In 2021,we opened our own molecular biology laboratory,a state-of-the-art facility that adds capacity to verify the authenticity of ingredients and prevent food fraud.The Groups laboratory conducts analyses of products from Portugal,Poland and Colombia.172A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSIn
105、the year,we conducted 14,380 internal audits of the Groups infrastructures(12.7%more than in 2020),181,040 analyses of work surfaces and product manipulators(22.7%more),and 66,874 food product analyses(11.7%more).Internal and follow-up audits38 and the analyses of marketed products consider the leve
106、l of risk associated with criteria such as hygiene,food safety,and other quality aspects39.2.3.1.CertificationThe following certifications were renewed or extended to new facilities in the year:ISO 22000:2018 at the 16 distribution centres in Poland,with regard to the storage and distribution of ani
107、mal-based and plant-based 38 Conducted in accordance with the business unit and infrastructure to be assessed,internal audits consider criteria organized into dimensions,such as basic hygiene conditions,cleanliness and disinfection,facility and equipment maintenance,good production practices,product
108、 handling,water availability,metrology,pest control,waste management,records,traceability,and procedure review.These audits assign scores with specific levels according to the business units:“Inadequate”,“Basic”,“Satisfactory”,“Good”,“Very Good”,and“Excellent”.Any corrective measures needed to adopt
109、 are determined based on the severity of the non-conformities identified.Also,the conceded deadlines for resolving the identified issues may vary between the immediate and the time until the subsequent audit.39 These include,inter alia:laws in force and the technical specifications of the official a
110、uthorities;the recommendations of the European Union and/or other official bodies;the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed(RASFF)urgent notifications and known food fraud incidents;the physical characteristics of products(such as perishability)and organoleptic properties(such as colour,texture,taste
111、 or smell);the country of origin of production and/or supply of the products and the history of trade partners;marketing expansion(stores and distribution centres);the surrounding conditions(sanitation or weather conditions related to humidity and average temperatures);opting for facility certificat
112、ion schemes;and the results of past assessments.40 A set of international standards aimed at promoting food safety and consumer protection.The Codex Alimentarius is available at https:/www.fao.org/fao-who-codexalimentarius/home/en/food products,and at Biedronkas headquarters,with regard to the devel
113、opment of Private Brand food products;FSSC 22000 v.5(which includes ISO 22000:2018)for the soup factory in Poland,with regard to ready-to-eat after heating and individualised packaging;ISO 9001:2015 for the development of Private Brands in Portugal and post-launch product/supplier follow-up;HACCP in
114、 accordance with the Codex Alimentarius40 for two Pingo Doce central kitchens(with regard to food safety),13 Recheio stores,a Recheio Masterchef food service platform in Lisbon,and four distribution centres in Portugal(with regard to food safety);173How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 202141 The
115、 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points(HACCP)system is designed to prevent,by eliminating or reducing hazards,potential risks that cause harm to consumers and thereby ensuring food is safe to eat.42 254 in 2020.In Poland,internal audits of stores and distribution centres,including follow-up au
116、dits,are assisted by external and independent entities such as Diversey,Det Norske Veritas(DNV-GL),and Lloyds Register.43 The external audits were conducted by AgroEko,an independent entity duly authorised by official bodies for such purpose.Food Safety Management System,according to the EN ISO 2200
117、0:2018 Portuguese Standard in 25 Recheio stores and two Recheio Masterchef food service platforms;Organic product handling in accordance with Council Regulation(EC)No 834/2007 renewed in 2021 for all distribution centres in Poland and Portugal.2.3.2.AuditsGRI 416-1In addition to internal audits,we a
118、lso audited the suppliers of Private Brand and perishable products,the results of which are available in sub-chapter 4.“Sourcing Responsibly”.PolandAudits were conducted at Biedronka stores and at the distribution centres by both internal and external auditors to check the suitability of facilities,
119、equipment and procedures.The HACCP plan was reviewed41 in the year to update the procedures in stores that support customer home product deliveries through online partner platforms.More internal and follow-up audits have been recorded fundamentally motivated by the expansion of the Biedronka chain,b
120、y the expansion of meat counters to 500 stores(97%more than in 2020)42,and by the annual planning,which takes into account the results obtained in previous years.External audits increased due to the expansion of the banner,with 123 new stores being included in the HACCP audit plan,and due to the aud
121、it of stores with a variety of organic bread(470 stores,32 more than in 2020)43.At distribution centres,the decrease in internal audits is justified by a delay in the 2019 calendar,the scheduled audits of which had to be conducted in 2020.This made new audits unnecessary in the year,to normalise pla
122、nning.The decline in performance is explained by stricter criteria in areas identified in internal audits as critical,the weighting of which in the final score was higher,and also to the update to ISO 22000:2018 standard,which established new hygiene requirements for sites and employees that handle
123、products.*At Biedronka,HACCP implementation is evaluated based on specific requirements which,in turn,are based on the Codex Alimentarius.At the distribution centres,the compliance rate refers to the ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System certification,which is based on the HACCP principles of the
124、Codex Alimentarius.AUDITS CARRIED OUT IN POLANDBiedronka storesDistribution centresBiedronka stores and distribution centres20212020 2021/202020212020 2021/2020Internal audits7,0216,376+10.1%3235-8.6%Follow-up audits243150+62.0%00-External audits145135+7.4%2020-HACCP performance*84%85%-1 p.p.89%90%-
125、1 p.p.174A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSNumber of analyses/samples collected20212020 2021/2020Work surfaces53,97213,160+310.1%Manipulators4,23412,415-65.9%Raw materials/finished product617556+11.0%Water886448+97.8%Total59,70926,579+124.6%MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN POLANDPingo Doce storesRechei
126、o storesDistribution centres*Stores andDistribution centres2021 2020 2021/20202021 2020 2021/20202021 2020 2021/2020Internal audits608516+17.8%8143+88.4%2624+8.3%Follow-up audits3,1042,590+19.9%202271-25.5%17335+394.3%External audits4733+42.4%1610+60.0%41+300.0%HACCP Performance*81%80%+1 p.p.86%88%-
127、2 p.p.92%82%+10 p.p.*At Pingo Doce and Recheio,HACCP implementation is assessed using the specific reference standards,based on the Codex Alimentarius and which are appropriate for the operating realities of the Companies.*Also includes central kitchens and on-site canteens.AUDITS OF PINGO DOCE,RECH
128、EIO AND DISTRIBUTION CENTRESThe number of analyses carried out increased to 59,709(about 125%compared to 2020),mainly due to the above mentioned increase in the number of stores with meat counters.As regards product manipulators,the reduction in analyses is due to a methodological change.Until 2020,
129、the equipment was included under the heading product manipulators,but since 2021 it has been included under work surfaces.PortugalIn the case of stores,audits focused on the quality of the products exposed,the hygiene and cleanliness of stores,and on operational support(screening,product verificatio
130、n or replacement).At Pingo Doce,the expansion of stores in relation to 2020 and the goal of improving HACCP performance explain the increase in the number of internal and follow-up audits.At Recheio,the interval of two internal assessment audits per year was resumed,resulting in a decrease in follow
131、-up audits.The variation in the HACCP performance of stores is related to the number of audits conducted and respective scores compared to 2020.As regards the increase in external audits,it is also due to the lifting of pandemic measures,which enabled face-to-face inspections by the authorities.At t
132、he distribution centres,which now includes central kitchens and on-site canteens,there was a significant increase in follow-up audits,mainly of central kitchens,which was due to the inclusion of follow-up audits of the testing of new products and recipe reformulations.We also conducted 111,674 quali
133、ty and food safety analyses(0.5%less than in 2020)at Pingo Doce and Recheio stores,distribution centres,as well as other facilities,such as the fresh dough factory and kitchens.For most sub-headings the 175How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021Number of analyses/samples collected20212020 2021/
134、2020Work surfaces46,27650,448-8.3%Manipulators17,76418,654-4.8%Raw materials/finished product41,20336,655+12.4%Water6,4316,502-1.1%Total111,674112,259-0.5%MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN PORTUGALdecrease is due to their risk management history,which,because it is very good,makes regular audits
135、 unnecessary.The increase in the audits of raw materials/finished product is in line with the inclusion of new stores in analytical control plans.ColombiaAudits were carried out at Ara stores and distribution centres by independent,external entities(Diversey and Ecolab).The increase in internal audi
136、ts was due to the expansion of Ara stores and to the corresponding number of visits by independent,external auditors following the easing of Covid-related restrictions on movement.Follow-up audits are conducted by internal and external audit teams,depending on previous results and based on internal
137、risk metrics.As such,more attention was paid to the implementation of priority corrective measures.Moreover,internal teams conducted 901 unplanned(ad hoc)audits.Improved performance in stores is due to the designation of a quality and food safety“delegate”in each store,who monitors the implementatio
138、n of procedures and post-audit corrections.This“delegate”also collaborates in the design of an internal plan adapted to each store.At the distribution centres,the increases are justified by the inspection of the new facility in Cucuta and by the easing of restrictions on movement in relation to 2020
139、,a year in which we were unable to conduct all planned audits.The data indicates a need to improve corrective actions for 2022.StoresDistribution centresAra2021 2020 2021/20202021 2020 2021/2020Internal audits2,1571,816+18.8%65+20.0%Follow-up audits723901+19.8%42+100.0%Good hygiene and quality pract
140、ices*88%84%+4 p.p.93%98%-5 p.p.*The compliance rate shown refers to the score obtained on current good practices,in line with criteria aimed at guaranteeing the quality and safety of the products according to the law,evaluating the operation itself and the control system and procedures.The criteria
141、include,inter alia,hygiene and quality control aspects of the facilitys conditions for handling the product and aspects related to product temperature,type of packaging,and those related to organic waste management procedures.AUDITS CARRIED OUT IN COLOMBIA176A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSNumber of analy
142、ses/samples collected20212020 2021/2020Work surfaces3,0982,780+11.4%Manipulators1,3981,221+14.5%Raw materials/finished product1,3691,244+10.1%Water3,7923,506+8.2%Total9,6578,751+10.4%MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN COLOMBIA2.3.3.Analyses GRI 416-1Marketed products are checked as to their quali
143、ty and safety,and the analyses are carried out at external,accredited laboratories.In all,49,813 Private Brand food product analyses(13%more than in 2020)and 17,061 perishable product analyses(8%more)were carried out,the latter including 2,266 analyses carried out at the molecular biology laboratory
144、 that the Group opened in 2021.Poland In the case of the Biedronka Private Brands,the increases are due to expansion of the product portfolio and an increase in the volume of products analysed as a result of the expansion of the banners operations.The increase in the perishables categories is due to
145、 the following:fruit and vegetables greater control of products from non-EU countries,expansion of the assortment,and more suppliers;meat and fish more meat counters,increased ad hoc testing,and greater investment in laboratory tests that were not as widespread in 2020;bakery number of store referen
146、ces increased 50%;eggs more suppliers and increased frequency and type of analyses.We created internal initiatives to make preventing and fighting food fraud more efficient,such as:the implementation of an online module in the internal Quality Management System(QMS)platform to register clients compl
147、aints and aimed at increasing product and supplier traceability at stores and distribution centres;the design of mitigation and procedure monitoring and verification strategies,in line with priority areas identified in 2020;a food defence training for teams from the quality area and distribution cen
148、tres,which includes identifying products that do not meet the requirements.In 2021,9,657 analyses were carried out,10%more than in 2020,due mainly to the pro-active collection of samples in all stores twice a year.This mechanism has been in place since 2020 and aims at improving Aras quality and saf
149、ety performance.177How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021Number of analyses/samples collected20212020 2021/2020Private Brand-Food14,98114,452+3.7%Private Brand-Non-food1,0071,052-4.3%Private Brand15,98815,504+3.1%Fruit and vegetables4,0853,572+14.3%Meat and fish1,128971+16.2%Bakery257210+22.4%
150、Eggs21363+238.1%Perishables5,6834,816+18.0%Total21,67820,320+6.6%PRODUCT ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN POLAND178A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSColombia The progress in the analysis of Private Brand products is in line with the expansion of the regular assortment(160 more products than in 2020)and the expansion o
151、f the store network.In the case of perishables,the increase in the number of samples is based on a plan which takes into account the risk assessment of suppliers and products,the number of products marketed,and the natural expansion of stores,requiring further sampling to ensure control of the diffe
152、rent categories.Portugal The increase of almost 6%in the analysis of Private Brand non-food products is due to the number of items marketed,which increased during 2021.In the case of perishables,all categories saw an increase,with the exception of fruit and vegetables.In the latter case,the decrease
153、 was due to a review of the criteria for defining the analytical control plan taking into account the variability of products,purchasing volumes and compliance history.As regards bakery products,the growth was due to an increase in the assortment,with greater analytical control of products and raw m
154、aterials.The reinforcement in audits related to meal solutions was due to the definition and confirmation of the expiration dates of new references.Number of analyses/samples collected20212020 2021/2020Private Brand-Food*17,81517,814-0.0%Private Brand-Non-food4,4524,214+5.6%Private Brand22,26722,028
155、+1.1%Fruit and vegetables1,8272,790-34.5%Meat1,4661,154+27.0%Fish1,8201,480+23.0%Bakery596510+16.9%Meal solutions5,5585,046+10.1%Perishables11,26710,980+2.6%Total33,53433,008+1.6%*Including routine analyses on the presence of gluten,genetically modified organisms,lactose,denomination of species,cont
156、rol analyses,and extra analyses.PRODUCT ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN PORTUGAL 179How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021Number of analyses/samples collected20212020 2021/2020Private Brand Food 17,01711,740+45.0%Private Brand-Non-food4,4753,119+43.5%Private Brand21,49214,859+44.6%Fruit and vegetables46
157、36+27.8%Meat6129+110.3%Bakery42+100.0%Perishables11167+65.7%Total21,60314,926+44.7%PRODUCT ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN COLOMBIA180A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESS2.3.4.Food Recalls and Withdrawals One of the actions to protect public health and the reputation and credibility of the Companies is the removal of p
158、roducts that are unsafe for consumers and society.Continuous monitoring,communication with the official health authorities,and the traceability of products and suppliers enable our Companies to respond swiftly and effectively in preventing and/or reacting to any food-related incident.There are two t
159、ypes of food removal,which address specific risks to the health and safety of consumers,whether in store or at distribution centres:recall44(removal from sale of products with potential health risks)and withdrawal45(removal from sale of products that do not pose a health risk).In either case,interna
160、l investigation mechanisms are triggered and,where necessary,also conducted with suppliers to identify the causes and aiming to implement the appropriate corrective measures to prevent food incidents.The severity of the risks to consumer health and safety are classified as:Level I Critical(Recall):l
161、ikelihood of causing adverse public health consequences related to food safety;Level II Quality and Food safety(Withdrawal):aspects that can affect consumers experience,and food safety;Level III Labelling(Withdrawal):legal requirements related to labelling.In 2021,a total of 315 incidents were recor
162、ded and led to the removal of food products,a decrease of 6%compared to 2020.Of the incidents that occurred in 2021,the majority(91%)were classified as Level II and Level III.The monitoring and control of suppliers/products are actions that the Group continuously takes in order to prevent non-confor
163、mities in products and,consequently,the need for removal from sale.Recalls/withdrawalsLevel I(Recall)Level II(Withdrawal)Level III(Withdrawal)Total incidents20212020202120202021202020212020Group29172432524365315344Portugal46Private Brands108746011169584Perishables00495717246681Poland47Private Brands
164、3154717146486Perishables43240269Colombia48Private Brands1255956037164Perishables0054861310NUMBER OF RECALL AND WITHDRAWAL INCIDENTSGRI 416-244 Recall:an action taken by the Group Companies in response to inspections carried out by local authorities,the results of laboratory analyses or internal audi
165、ts,or complaints/reports from different stakeholders(producers,retailers,government agencies,or consumers).They are mandatory and notices are published using the appropriate medium for consumers to return or destroy the product concerned.45 Withdrawal:a voluntary or mandatory action that can be take
166、n on two occasions based on the risk analysis of the Companies or inspection by a local authority:(a)when quality defects(e.g.colour or texture),weight defects or irregularities are detected in the labelling(which does not pose a potential risk to the health or safety of consumers);or(b)as a precaut
167、ion pending investigation into a potential risk to public health and safety.If a credible risk is identified,the food is removed from sale and it is categorised as a recall.46 Pingo Doce and Recheio.47 Biedronka.48 Ara.181How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 20212.3.5.TrainingTraining in Poland e
168、ncompassed 21,762 employees,14%more than in 2020.Training initiatives were reinforced,and training volume increased 21%,demonstrating the Companys concern regarding these topics.The progress of the indicators are also explained by the opening of new stores,investment in fresh food categories,and the
169、 availability of digital tools.Training focused,inter alia,on:food safety systems,as per international HACCP and ISO22000 standards;good food defence practices,to prevent and combat the intentional adulteration of food;good food hygiene and production practices;food temperature control;basic knowled
170、ge and handling of organic products.In Portugal,more than 35 thousand training hours were provided to 10,931 employees.These figures represent increases of 10%and 44%,respectively.Despite the decrease in the number of training initiatives,compared to 2020,the Group included more employees in trainin
171、g initiatives with a longer duration.Topics included:requirements related to the food safety management system implemented in the Companies and,in particular,on the perishables categories,central kitchens,and meal solutions,as well as on ISO 22000:2018 standard requirements;the labelling of milk and
172、 milk products,and the management of allergens;good practices in the handling of perishables.In Colombia,146,133 training hours were provided to 10,970 employees(36%more due to the expansion of Aras operations).The 190%increase in training volume is related to the reinforcement of virtual training a
173、nd the diversity of courses available,which enabled more content to be delivered to more employees such as those related to good production and hygiene practices,and food defence and quality requirements.The decrease in the number of training initiatives is related to the online adaptation of part o
174、f the sessions and the corresponding calculation methodology(in a face-to-face model,actions are counted per occurrence,while in virtual actions,regardless of the number of times they occur,count only once).Training volume49Training initiativesEmployees trained202120202021202020212020Group213,186108
175、,68410,2089,24343,66334,742Portugal5035,02731,8744,7814,89510,9317,573Poland5132,02626,4164,9113,19921,76219,107Colombia52146,13350,3945161,14910,9708,062FOOD SAFETY AND HYGIENE TRAINING49 Training volume=number of people trained x number of Hygiene and Food Safety training hours.50 Pingo Doce,Reche
176、io,Jernimo Martins Agro-Alimentar,Hussel and Jernimo Martins Restaurao e Servios.51 Biedronka.52 Ara.182A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESS3.RESPECTING THE ENVIRONMENT3.1.IntroductionConfirming the trend noted in previous reports,the 2022 edition of the World Economic Forums Global Risks Report53 lists five
177、environmental risks among the ten biggest threats to the world over the next decade.Climate action failure,extreme weather events and biodiversity loss are listed as global risks that could cause significant negative impact.They also aggravate other environmental risks,such as human-made environment
178、al damage and natural resources crises,and also social,such as involuntary human migration,livelihood crises,and the erosion of social cohesion.The Jernimo Martins Group shares these concerns and its Environmental Policy54 sets out the priorities for action,aimed at reducing the environmental impact
179、s of its operations and supply chains:preserving biodiversity,fighting climate change,and promoting a more circular economy,also through responsible waste management.Given its expertise in the sale of perishable products such asmeat,fish,fruit and vegetables the Group is aware that itsactivity impac
180、ts and depends on biodiversity and the services provided by ecosystems.53 The World Economic Forums Global Risks Report 2022,published in January 2022,is available at www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_The_Global_Risks_Report_2022.pdf.54 Available for consultation in the Groups website,under“Responsibility”.
181、183How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 20213.2.Preserving Biodiversity As the Groups expertise lies in the sale of perishable products such as meat,fish,fruit and vegetables we recognise that our business activities have an impact and depend on biodiversity and ecosystem services.Current scenari
182、os55 predict that,if nothing is done,biodiversity and ecosystem services will continue to decline56 beyond 2050.A recent study57 indicates that,if immediate action is taken,it is still possible to reduce the species extinction rate and stabilise biodiversity intactness.55 Available at www.cbd.int/gb
183、o/gbo5/publication/gbo-5-spm-en.pdf.56 According to the World Resources Institute(2003),ecosystem services are the benefits provided by nature and include:(i)provisioning services,such as food and water;(ii)regulating services,such as those to control flood,drought,soil degradation and disease;(iii)
184、supporting services,such as soil formation and nutrient cycling;and(iv)cultural services,such as recreational,spiritual,religious and other non-material benefits.57 Vivid economics and Natural History Museum(2021),The Urgency of Biodiversity Action.The study also indicates that the costs will be low
185、er in an immediate action scenario and higher if action is delayed.The interdependencies and complexity of environmental systems,and how they can impact and be impacted by socio-economic development,are well established.Holistic science-based policies that include making every effort to limit the av
186、erage global temperature rise to below 1.5C above pre-industrial levels and preserve and restore biodiversity must be designed.These policies should include increasing aid and incentive mechanisms,adopting best agricultural and production practices,reducing food waste,and promoting healthier and mor
187、e sustainable diets.GRI 304-2GRI 304-3GRI 304-4The Serra do Aor Forest project includes the planting of fire-resistant trees and will provide new sources of income for the population.It will cover 2,500 hectares,in a region devastated by the 2017 fires in Portugal.The Jernimo Martins Groups investme
188、nt amounts to 5 million euros.184A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSWe are aware of the importance of preserving ecosystems and reversing biodiversity loss,including to the sustainability of our business.To this end,we have designed policies and strategies for action in the various stages of the value chain.
189、Upstream,and in partnership with our suppliers,we encourage awareness and monitoring initiatives,such as the sustainable agriculture project,and initiatives to fight deforestation.In our operations we promote,for example,the protection of wild fish species,introduce products and services with a bett
190、er environmental and social profile,and implement sustainable practices in the production of beef,milk,and aquaculture.Downstream,among consumers and the general public,and in partnership with research centres and/or Non-Governmental Organisations58,we promote awareness campaigns and projects for th
191、e preservation of the ecosystems,habitats and species on which our activities depend and/or which are impacted by them.We also participate in initiatives such as act4nature Portugal59,Business for Nature60,and the Forest Positive Coalition of Action61 in which we have pledged to preserve and regener
192、ate biodiversity.Initiatives for the upstream,as well as in our own operations,preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity are described in sub-chapter 4.Sourcing Responsibly.In what regards to the initiatives carried out in 2021 among the public and civil society,we donated over 600 thousand euros
193、to support projects for restoring natural habitats,protecting biological diversity and raising environmental awareness.INSTITUTIONPROJECT DESCRIPTIONAssociao Natureza Portugal(ANP-Portuguese Nature Association),in association with the World Wildlife Fund(WWF)Green Heart of CorkProject supported by J
194、ernimo Martins since 2013.It contributed to obtaining certification(FSC)for 30 thousand hectares of cork wood forest,including a High Conservation Value Area of 1,302 hectares.ProAvesSave the MacawsLaunched in 2019 with support from Ara,the project protects five macaw species in the Tit Cabeciblanco
195、 nature reserve and its catchment area,and includes awareness-raising campaigns in Antioquia.In 2021,a sampling effort over 879 km was carried out and 324 macaws of the five protected species were recorded.The protection of 1,442 trees that provide a vital habitat for macawswas also ensured,165 of w
196、hich were planted in reforestation areas,including 125 new trees of native species.Salamander Polish Society for Nature ConservationSupport for endangered species in PolandBiedronka began supporting this initiative63 in 2021,which will be implemented in cooperation with environmental organisations s
197、pecialising in the protection of endangered species.At the end of the year,the competition for projects to protect the European hedgehog was launched.Biedronka will fund at least 12 of these projects.58 To learn more about these initiatives,see this section and section 3.5.Awareness Campaigns”,as we
198、ll as sub-chapter 4.Sourcing Responsibly”,section 4.3.“Promotion of More Sustainable Production Practices”.59 Business Council for Sustainable Development Portugal.60 www.businessfornature.org.61 Available on our corporate website,in the“Biodiversity”page.63 This initiative is associated with the aw
199、areness campaign Gang Sjojakw(Sweeties Gang).For further information on this initiative,see sub-chapter 5.“Supporting Surrounding Communities”,section 5.5 Other Direct Support”.BIODIVERSITY PROTECTION PROJECTS OF NOTE62185How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 202164 The IPCC report“Climate Change
200、2021:The Physical Science Basis”,published in 2021,is available at www.ipcc.ch/report/sixth-assessment-report-working-group-i.65 To learn more about these initiatives,see sub-chapter 4.Sourcing Responsibly”,section 4.3.“Promotion of More Sustainable Production Practices”.66 The TCFD is an initiative
201、 promoted by the financial sector that helps businesses quantify and disclose financial risks and opportunities associated with climate change,and their respective action plans.67 More information is available in our corporate website,in the“Specialised Committees”page.3.3.Fighting Climate ChangeThe
202、 urgent need to implement climate change mitigation and adaptation measures has been reinforced by the return of global greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions to pre-pandemic levels and by the alerts of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes(IPCC)Sixth Assessment Report64,indicating that,at the curren
203、t rate of emissions,the increase of 1.5C will occur in the next two decades.The Jernimo Martins Groups strategy to fight climate change is transversal to its entire value chain and includes measures to identify and manage climate-related risks and opportunities.It also includes mitigation measures,s
204、uch as reducing energy consumption in operations and action with suppliers through,for example,promoting good agricultural practices and pledges to fight deforestation65.3.3.1.Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD)In 2021,we continued our efforts in implementing the recommendation
205、s of the TCFD66 to improve the quantification and management of financial risks and opportunities associated with climate change.Together with our Private Brand and perishables suppliers,we focused on identifying mitigation and adaptation measures,already in place or to be implemented,to increase su
206、pply chain resilience.The following dimensions were covered:governance,strategy,risk management,metrics and targets,and progress.Governance In addition to being assumed as priorities in our Environmental Policy,climate-related risks and opportunities are an integral part of the Groups Responsibility
207、 Strategy,both in our operations and in our supply chain.These issues are followed up on regular meetings held by the Sustainability Committees of each Company and by the Committee on Corporate Governance and Corporate Responsibility67,which works with the Board of Directors by assessing and submitt
208、ing strategic proposals on corporate responsibility,including on climate change mitigation and adaptation.JERNIMO MARTINS IS THE FOOD RETAILER WITH THE BEST CDP SCORE WORLDWIDEThe Group received a double A,the highest score,from CDP in the“climate change”and“water security”categories.As regards defo
209、restation,and for the third consecutive year,the Group is the only food retailer in the world to score an A-(leadership level)in the commodities associated with deforestation palm oil,beef and soy.It received a B for wood/paper.These assessments by CDP Disclosure Insight Action(formerly the Carbon D
210、isclosure Project)position Jernimo Martins as the food retailer with the best score in the world.GRI 201-2186A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSStrategy For this analysis we selected a sample of 30 food product groups relevant to the Groups business in the three countries in which it operates:Poland,Portugal
211、 and Colombia.Climate risks were assessed in four stages of the value chain production,processing,logistics and establishments and included an analysis of several risk categories for a time horizon until 2030,considering two scenarios:average temperature increase between 4.0C and 6.1C(scenario RCP 8
212、.568),assuming that efforts to limit global warming fail;average temperature increase below 2.0C(scenario RCP 2.63),in line with the Paris Agreement.The main risks and opportunities identified for the Groups businesses are related to the origin of the ingredients used and exposure to physical climat
213、e risks,such as temperature changes,increased precipitation,extreme weather events,and rising sea level.The risks and opportunities linked to the transition to a low-carbon economy were also assessed,which,among the risks associated with energy transition,include,for example,increased energy costs l
214、inked to the targets of the Paris Agreement.This assessment did not take into account already implemented or planned mitigation and adaptation measures.The findings of the assessment are being embodied in concrete actions that give continuity to activities already underway,such as the acquisition of
215、 renewable energy certificates,installing equipment that runs on natural refrigerant gases and with low global warming potential,fighting deforestation,the sustainable agriculture project,and implementing plans with mitigation and adaptation measures for ingredients exposed to climate risk.According
216、ly,regular mapping of climate-related risks and opportunities in the supply chain and close cooperation with the Groups Private Brand and perishables suppliers are essential.In 2021,a TCFD roadmap was developed to establish a strategy to mitigate and adapt to identified climate risks,which includes:
217、identifying and assessing the maturity level of implemented measures;working with suppliers to implement additional measures appropriate to each ingredient and for each risk category;defining new cycles of climate risk assessment and inclusion of new categories of products and their ingredients.The
218、identification of mitigation and adaptation measures enabled a reassessment of the climate risk identified in 2020.We have begun developing roadmaps per ingredient,identifying climate risk response actions for the different product categories at the various stages of the supply chain.Based on a prel
219、iminary analysis,we estimate a reduction of one third in the risk in relation to the initially estimated value.The assessment also identified opportunities in the Groups supply chain.Among these opportunities,of note is the importance of increased investment in:renewable energy sources,such as insta
220、lling photovoltaic panels,which help mitigate climate change and reduce the risks associated with rising energy prices;developing products that facilitate storage or transportation,especially in periods of extreme cold(which tend to be longer);identifying alternative routes and seaports;increasing d
221、emand for local production to mitigate logistics risks that extreme cold and rising sea levels pose to some current sources.68 The RCP(Representative Concentration Pathways)scenarios were developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change(IPCC)and represent future emission trajectories based
222、 on the concentration of greenhouse gases associated with human activities.187How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021In addition to the negative impacts of climate change on production until 2030,future assessments should take into account potential opportunities,such as an increase in the prod
223、uction of some crops,due to changes in temperature and precipitation patterns identified for some of the sources assessed.In 2021,160 of Biedronka,Pingo Doce,Recheio and Aras strategic Private Brand and perishable suppliers were actively involved in the assessment.Their contribution resulted in the
224、identification of different climate risk mitigation and adaptation measures.The table below describes some of the measures identified.We are committed to reduce our carbon footprint by at least 40%compared to 2017,per 1,000 of sales,over the three-year period 2021-2023.188A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSI
225、NGREDIENTSCOMPANIESVALUE CHAIN STAGECLIMATE RISKEXAMPLES OF IMPLEMENTED ADAPTATION MEASURES Poultry meatPingo Doce RecheioProductionRisk of extreme cold Use of forest residues to heat poultry facilitiesPork meatPingo Doce RecheioProductionRisk of extreme cold Use of heating pads Reuse of shredded pa
226、per for beddingBiedronkaPingo DoceRecheioProductionRisk of water scarcity Rainwater harvesting Use of smart irrigation management and water distribution systemsTomatoBiedronkaProductionRisk of extreme cold Greenhouse productionPotatoAra Pingo Doce RecheioProductionRisk of extreme cold Cold storageMi
227、lkBiedronkaProductionRisk of extreme cold Development of alternative products(e.g.powdered milk)Wheat flourAraLogisticsRising sea levels Identify alternative production sourcesCoffee Pingo DoceRecheioProductionRisk of extreme heat Select coffee varieties that are more resistant to climate changePing
228、o DoceRecheioProductionRisk of water scarcity Smart irrigation and water distribution systems that can be regulated based on evapotranspiration in the different stages of crop growth,soil conditions,and precipitationBeerBiedronkaLogisticsRisk of extreme cold Distribution on temperature-controlled ve
229、hicles Use of antifreeze additives and fuelsCLIMATE RISKS ADAPTATION MEASURES IMPLEMENTEDIn the case of the Companies establishments,risks and opportunities are mainly related to the energy transition.The main mitigation measures are detailed under sections 3.3.3.to 3.5.3.,most noteworthy of which a
230、re investment in renewable energy for self-consumption,Renewable Energy Certificate System(RECS)certificates,and technologies that use natural refrigerant gases.Risk management The following types of risk have been identified as a result of climate change,water usage,and commodities linked to defore
231、station69:transition risk,which may represent an increase in costs incurred with energy consumption,investment in new technologies,and complying with environmental laws in the framework of the shift to a low-carbon economy;69 The Group publicly discloses the risks and opportunities associated with t
232、hese issues in its response to CDP Climate,Forests and Water Security questionnaires,and on its corporate website,in the“Responsibility”area.189How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021 physical risk,which may result in the scarcity of some natural resources,such as agricultural products,or a cli
233、mate-related disruption of the supply chain;reputational risk,associated with stakeholders expectations regarding the reduction of carbon emissions,preservation of biodiversity,and the contribution to fighting deforestation.The likelihood of any of these situations occurring and the level and manage
234、ment of their respective impacts,including financial,is analysed by the Group as a regular part of its risk assessment processes70.Metrics and targets Every three years the Jernimo Martins Group sets corporate responsibility goals and defines related management metrics71.For the three-year period 20
235、21-2023,we pledged to reduce our carbon footprint(scopes 1 and 272)by at least 40%for every 1,000 euros in sales compared to 2017,thus contributing to goals established under the Paris Agreement.The Group also made other commitments under its strategy to fight climate change(scope 2 and 3 emissions7
236、2)such as fighting deforestation,the sustainable use of energy and water,fighting food waste,improving the efficiency of downstream logistics operations,packaging ecodesign,and fighting plastic pollution.In 2021,the Group joined the Science Based Targets initiative(SBTi)73 pledging to set a science-
237、based emissions reduction target in the next two years.Progress Implementing TCFD recommendations and defining GHG emission reduction targets using SBTi criteria will strengthen the Groups climate change strategy.In the next climate risk assessment,more Private Brand and perishable product groups wi
238、ll be considered and new ingredients and raw materials analysed.3.3.2.Carbon Footprint GRI 302-2GRI 305-1GRI 305-2GRI 305-3GRI 305-4GRI 305-5 Our scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions corresponded to 789,976 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent(CO2e)in 2021,a reduction of 11.7%compared to 2020,mostly as a resu
239、lt of a reduction of emission factors74 linked to the consumption of electricity in Poland.For the same reason,the specific value dropped from 0.0462 to 0.0377 tonnes of CO2e for every 1,000 euros in sales.The reduction of emission factors,in addition to energy efficiency initiatives,offset the incr
240、eases in emissions associated with refrigerant gases and the use of CO2,justified by technical maintenance interventions that were intensified after the lifting of Covid-related restrictions and expansion of the Groups activities.The same was true for enteric emissions,which increased due to the acq
241、uisition of sheep farming operations and increased cattle farming activities.In 2021,the Group reduced scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 48%per 1,000 euros in sales,meeting the target of reducing emissions by at least 40%compared to 2017.In absolute terms,the decrease was 35%.70 To learn more,see ch
242、apter 3“How we are organized”,sub-section III“Internal Control and Risk Management”.71 For more information,see sub-chapter 7.“Commitments for 2021-2023”.72 The sources of emission considered in each of the scopes are defined under sub-section 3.3.2.“Carbon Footprint”,of this sub-chapter.73 The Scie
243、nce Based Targets initiative(SBTi)allows Companies to set science-based emission reduction targets,encouraging them to halve emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.74 The amount of greenhouse gas emissions linked to a particular activity can be calculated based on different fact
244、ors,such as electricity consumption or fuel use in the light vehicle fleet.Thus,the electricity generated mainly from renewable energy sources produces less greenhouse gases compared to an energy mix based on greater use of fossil fuels,such as coal.190A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSCarbon Footprint(t CO
245、2e/thousand euros of sales)20212020 2021/2020Specific value(scopes 1 and 2)0.03770.0462-18.4%Carbon Footprint(t CO2e)20212020 2021/2020Overall Carbon Footprint(scopes 1 and 2)75 by GHG786,976*891,449-11.7%Carbon dioxide (CO2)648,406*772,286-16.0%Methane(CH4)21,50413,775+56.1%Hydrofluorocarbons(HFC)1
246、14,802102,609+11.9%Perfluorocarbons(PFC)00-Nitrous oxide (N2O)2,2642,779-18.5%Sulphur hexafluoride(SF6)00-Overall Carbon Footprint(scopes 1 and 2)Biedronka641,853767,590-16.4%Hebe9,1479,321-1.9%Pingo Doce7635,42434,459+2.8%Recheio5,007*4,559+9.8%Ara69,61257,662+20.7%JMA7725,93317,858+45.2%Carbon Foo
247、tprint(scope 1 direct impacts)246,863*222,520+10.9%Leakage of refrigerant gases115,005102,620+12.1%CO2 usage27,49823,874+15.2%Fuel consumption63,59266,778-4.8%Light vehicle fleet19,781*16,066+23.1%Enteric emissions(cattle)20,98713,182+59.2%Carbon Footprint(scope 2 indirect impacts)540,113668,929-19.
248、3%Electricity consumption(location-based)787,100825,476-4.6%Electricity consumption(market-based)524,510655,894-20.0%Heating(location-based)15,60313,035+19.7%Carbon Footprint(scope 3 other indirect impacts)27.363.83527,511.251-0.5%C1.Purchased products and services27,112,42427,278,988-0.6%C5.Waste p
249、roduced in operations34,71531,639+9.7%C6.Work travel6191,139-45.7%C9.Downstream transport and distribution205,375185,662+10.6%C14.Franchises7810,70213,823-22.6%Notes:The carbon footprint of the different activities(under the Groups operational control and which account for 99.9%of turnover)is calcul
250、ated using the three levels of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development(WBCSD)Greenhouse Gases Protocol and the World Resources Institute(WRI)method:direct,indirect,and third-party impacts.The values shown took the following into account:(i)refrigerant gases and enteric emissions from
251、livestock emission factors defined by IPCC;(ii)enteric emissions from sheep emission factors defined by Agncia Portuguesa do Ambiente(Portuguese Environmental Agency);(iii)fuel and heating defined by Direco-Geral de Energia e Geologia(Portuguese Directorate-General for Energy and Geology),by Unidad
252、de Planeacin Minero Energtica(Colombian Unit of Mining and Energy Planning)and by Krajowy Orodek Bilansowania i Zarzdzania Emisjami(Polish Centre for Emission Balance and Management);(iv)electricity defined by the International Energy Agency(location-based electricity),by suppliers(market-based elec
253、tricity in Portugal),by the Association of Issuing Bodies(market-based electricity in Poland),and by Unidad de Planeacin Minero Energtica(market-based electricity in Colombia);(v)fuel used in the light vehicle fleet and C1,C6 and C9 emissions defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol,and;(vi)waste emis
254、sion factors defined by the UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting.The emission factors defined by IPCC for stationary combustion,refrigerant gases and the enteric emissions from livestock and those defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for fuel used in the light vehicle fleet w
255、ere considered to calculate the Scope 1 carbon footprint by GHG.As regards the breakdown of scope 2 emissions,the percentages of each GHG were considered in the emission factors defined by the International Energy Agency.*Amounts corrected based on updated calculations to ensure alignment with the G
256、reenhouse Gas Protocol methodology.75 Scope 2 emissions concern location-based(heating)and market-based(electricity)type emission factors,according to the table Carbon Footprint Indicators.76 To measure the environmental indicators reported in this sub-chapter,the distribution centres,central buildi
257、ngs,and trucks used to distribute goods were accounted for under Pingo Doce.77 JMA:Jernimo Martins Agro-Alimentar.78 This parameter includes franchising and similar models.CARBON FOOTPRINT191How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021With regard to scope 3 emissions,there has been a decrease in emi
258、ssions linked to energy consumption in franchised stores78 associated with the acquisition of renewable energy certificates(RECS)in some of these establishments in Portugal,and the reduction of the electricity factor in Poland.The reduction in emissions related to work travel is closely correlated w
259、ith international travel restrictions as a result of the measures defined to control the pandemic.The increase in emissions associated with the treatment of waste in operations is mainly due to the growth of operations in Colombia and Biedronkas increased sales79.The increase in emissions linked to
260、transport from distribution centres to stores is described in more detail under section 3.3.4.“Reduction of Environmental Impacts from Logistics Processes”.3.3.3.Water and Energy Consumption Management Efficient management of water and energy use is part of the Groups strategy to mitigate climate ch
261、ange and is taken into account in refurbishment projects and the construction of new infrastructures,most notably the adoption of:renewable energies80;energy control and management systems;efficient refrigeration,freezers and lighting technologies;skylights;water saving systems,such as flow regulato
262、rs,taps with timers,and rainwater harvesting for our irrigation systems and to wash equipment.The investment associated with these measures(215 million euros since 2016)has been covered in less than 5 years,avoiding the emission of more than 400,000 tonnes of CO2e.The adoption of best practices thro
263、ugh employee awareness is also of note.With the Water Consumption Management Teams project,launched in 2011 in the Pingo Doce and Recheio stores,we were able to reduce water consumption by 480,000 m3 and energy consumption by 60.8 million kWh,corresponding to savings of over 5.2 million euros81.The
264、Lets Go Green project currently covers office buildings in Portugal,Poland and Colombia.It was implemented in 2015 and aims at encouraging employees to adopt good practices in the use of energy,water and paper,and raising awareness of the importance of proper waste disposal.In 2020 and 2021,a large
265、proportion of head office employees worked from home.For this reason,the results are not comparable and cannot be effectively attributed to the adoption of good practices.In the past two years,we saved 5,509 m3 of water and more than 284,000 kWh of electricity.In 2021,with the goal of promoting good
266、 water management and use practices,the Group joined the Water Management Pact in Portugal,with a seat on its Steering Committee.79 For more information,see sub-section 3.4.3.“Waste Management”.80 See“Renewable Energies”table in this sub-chapter.81 Amount calculated based on regular reporting and in
267、ternal benchmarking.192A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSWATER WITHDRAWAL AND REUSE *Corrected value(order of magnitude).*Total withdrawal volume corresponds to freshwater.*Values corrected based on updated calculations to ensure alignment with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodology.*Only at Ara.Total with
268、drawal(megalitres/million euros)20212020 2021/2020Overall specific value0.2480.247+0.4%Specific value(Distribution)0.1360.145-6.2%Specific value(Agribusiness)34,868*35,211-1.0%Total withdrawal(megalitres)20212020 2021/2020Water withdrawal by source*5,172.54,765.2+8.5%Municipal and private supply sys
269、tem4,898.94,448.2+10.1%Groundwater256.4*298.8-14.2%Surface water(including rainwater)17.2*18.2-5.5%Water withdrawal by business unitPingo Doce1,470.11,484.3-1.0%Recheio83.888.4-5.2%Biedronka898.0870.3+3.2%Hebe17.717.4+1.8%Ara282.9265.2+6.7%JMA772,350.61,978.1+18.8%Franchised stores78(Biedronka and P
270、ingo Doce)69.461.5+12.8%Recycled water(megalitres)20212020 2021/2020Total recycled water*1.72.1-19.0%megalitres/million euros in sales and recorded an absolute increase of only 1%,compared to 2020,despite a significant increase in the number of stores(328 more than in 2020).In Portugal,distribution
271、activities once again withdrew less water,thanks to a more rational use of technology and good practices.Biedronka increased water withdrawal from the municipal system,as a result of cleaning needs,the opening of new stores,and expansion of stores with butcheries.With the lifting of Covid-related re
272、strictions,Hebe withdrew more water after the reopening of stores(which were closed in 2020).Like Biedronka,Hebe also opened new stores.In Colombia,Ara increased water withdrawal also due to an increase in its number of stores.For this same reason,franchised stores recorded a 12.8%increase in water
273、withdrawal in 2021.Overall,the Group recorded an increase of around 8.5%in water withdrawal,mainly as a result of its agribusiness.Around 95%of the water we use for our activities is withdrawn from municipal or private supply systems.Groundwater and surface water withdrawal accounts for the remainin
274、g 5%,for which we hold the required licences and is only used for less demanding operations,such as irrigation and cooling systems.The Group aims to reduce,by 2023,the volume of water withdrawal in Distribution by 10%(for every million euros in sales),compared to 2017.In 2021,this withdrawal was red
275、uced by 21%for every million euros in sales.Distribution activities in 2021 maintained the trend of reducing the specific value from 0.145 to 0.136 GRI 303-1GRI 303-3193How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021Our agribusiness also saw a significant increase in water withdrawal,explained by the n
276、eed for more irrigation at one of the farms and by the watering of the animals at Best Farmer and at Ovinos na Tapada.Reduced rainfall in Portugal compounded the situation.With regard to water reuse at the four distribution centres(one in Portugal and three in Colombia)and at the Jernimo Martins Agr
277、o-Alimentar(JMA)farms,over 17 thousand m3 of rain water were harvested,albeit 5.5%less than in 2020.In Portugal,this decrease was due to a reduction in average rainfall(8.3%less compared to 2020),while in Colombia the decrease was due to stoppage for maintenance of the rainwater harvesting and treat
278、ment system at one of the distribution centres.The harvested water was used for cooling systems,irrigation,external truck washing,and cattle watering systems.Total discharge(megalitres)20212020 2021/2020Wastewater disposal by destination*2,473.32,434.4+1.6%Municipal sewage2,417.82,369.4+2.0%Environm
279、ent55.565.0-14.6%Wastewater production per business unitPingo Doce1,176.01,187.4-1.0%Recheio67.170.7-5.1%Biedronka718.4696.3+3.2%Hebe14.213.9+1.9%Ara226.3212.1+6.7%JMA215.8204.8+5.4%Franchised stores82(Biedronka and Pingo Doce)55.549.2+12.7%*Fresh water is estimated to represent less than 0.5%of the
280、 volume rejected.Note:According to the Global Reporting Initiative(GRI)formula,water consumption is the difference between water withdrawal and water discharge.WATER DISCHARGETotal consumption(megalitres)20212020 2021/2020Water consumption per business unit2,699.22,330.8+15.8%Pingo Doce294.0296.9-1.
281、0%Recheio16.817.7-5.1%Biedronka179.6174.1+3.2%Hebe3.53.50.0%Ara56.653.0+6.8%JMA2,134.81,773.3+20.4%Franchised stores82(Biedronka and Pingo Doce)13.912.3+13.0%WATER CONSUMPTION The discharge of wastewater into the natural environment properly treated before disposal accounts for 2.2%of the total volu
282、me of wastewater produced by the Group.82 This parameter includes franchising and similar models.GRI 303-4GRI 303-2GRI 303-1GRI 303-5194A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSWater stress Water consumption increased 15.8%compared to 2020,in line with the increase in water withdrawal.Taking into account only the
283、water used in distribution activities,the increase was 1%.To determine exposure of the Groups activities to the risk of a shortage of drinking water,a water stress test by level is conducted every year associated with the Groups water withdrawal.To this end,the physical locations of the Companies es
284、tablishments are mapped and the World Resources Institute(WRI)“Aqueduct:Baseline Water Stress Class”model is followed.The analysis shows that,in 2021,52.9%of total water withdrawal(2,735 megalitres)has an“extremely high”or“high”water stress level.In terms of water discharged,the volume for both risk
285、 levels is of 554 megalitres(22.4%of the total).It is the Agribusiness,particularly cereal crops for cattle feed,that is more exposed to the risk of water shortage,which does not affect our operations in Poland and Colombia.The Group has been implementing measures to mitigate these risks,such as:ins
286、talling smart irrigation systems that adjust the amount of water based on soil water needs;harvesting rainwater for later use;using regenerative agriculture techniques applied to the cultivation of cereal crops;preventing deterioration of water quality by treating wastewater.Non-graded products or b
287、y-products of the food industry are also incorporated into animal feed.These products reduce the dependence on cereals and have high moisture levels,which reduces water consumption.In 2021,energy consumption increased 4.5%compared to 2020.The Group has pledged to reduce,by 2023,energy consumption by
288、 10%for every 1,000 euros in sales,compared to 2017.At the end of 2021,energy consumption,compared to 2017,had been reduced by 11%for every 1,000 euros in sales.The increase in energy consumption by Biedronka and Hebe in 2021 is due mainly to increased electricity consumption,since most stores exten
289、ded the opening hours compared to the same period in 2020.Moreover,both Biedronka and Hebe opened new stores during the year.In the case of Pingo Doce,the increase in energy consumption is due to a return to normal store operating hours following the lifting Water withdrawalWater dischargedWater str
290、ess level(megalitres)Municipal and private supply systemGroundwater and surface waterMunicipal sewageEnvironmentTotal4,898.8273.62,417.855.5Low578.935.9472.319.5Low to medium322.80.0258.20.0Medium to high1,339.0159.91,136.332.2High1,871.962.5110.60.0Extremely high785.215.3439.63.8Drought0.
291、No data1. STRESS LEVEL GRI 303-1GRI 303-2195How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021Total consumption(GJ/thousand euros)20212020 2021/2020Specific value0.3610.374-3.5%Specific value(except franchising82)0.353*0.366-3.6%Total consumption(GJ)20212020 2021/2020Energy consumption by t
292、ype(except franchising82)7,382,408*7,063,426+4.5%Electricity*5,919,6615,633,497+5.1%Fuel1,301,063*1,294,850+0.5%Heating161,684135,079+19.7%Renewable energy*(except franchising)2,676,1352,451,145+9.2%Electricity2,660,7752,438,312+9.1%Heating15,36012,833+19.7%Energy consumption per business unit7,537,
293、771*7,211,016+4.5%Biedronka4,519,9064,379,043+3.2%Hebe93,39381,284+14.9%Pingo Doce831,775,0921,728,825+2.7%Recheio196,514*196,482*0.0%Ara687,438575,322+19.5%JMA110,065102,470+7.4%Franchised stores82(Biedronka and Pingo Doce)155,363147,590+5.3%*Includes 100%renewable sources and the percentage of ren
294、ewable energy for each source(according to energy labelling for electricity and heating).*Values corrected to ensure alignment with the GRI methodology used to measure this indicator.*Unnoticeable growth due to rounding.ENERGY CONSUMPTIONGRI 302-1GRI 302-2GRI 302-3GRI 302-4GRI 302-583 To measure the
295、 environmental indicators reported in this sub-chapter,the distribution centres,central buildings,and trucks used to distribute goods were accounted for under Pingo Doce.of Covid-related restrictions.Aras energy consumption increased 19.5%,in line with the increase in its number of stores(156 more s
296、tores than in 2020).Franchised stores also increased their energy consumption by 5.3%in 2021,following the increase in the number of stores(16 more than in 2020)and the return to normal operating hours of existing stores.Energy consumption at JMA increased as a result of the growth of the business,i
297、n particular the 8.3%increase in the volume of milk processed at the Terra Alegre factory compared to 2020.Biedronka plans to increase its number of stores with solar photovoltaic panels to 110 by the end of 2022,reinforcing investment in renewable energy sources.The total annual energy generation o
298、f these systems is estimated to be approximately 5 million kWh,equivalent to around 4 thousand tonnes of CO2e avoided per year.BIEDRONKAS INVESTMENT IN RENEWABLE ENERGY196A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESS*These values reflect the update in the electricity emission factor(market-based).*At the end of 2021,B
299、iedronka had completed the installation of photovoltaic panels in 12 new locations that were awaiting authorisation to connect to the power grid.TechnologyNo.buildingsEnergy(GJ/year)Saving*(t CO2e/year)Photovoltaic cells for self-consumption2526,7351,775Pingo Doce831521,4881,288Recheio12,568154Biedr
300、onka*81,284249JMA11,39584Lamp posts and security system powered by photovoltaic panels and/or wind turbines 718713.1Pingo Doce83110.1Recheio4403Biedronka1102JMA11368Solar collectors to produce hot water used for heating water and/or in the air conditioning system 143,888233Pingo Doce8373,399204Reche
301、io748929Geothermal heat pumps(Biedronka)165,9161,147RENEWABLE ENERGYWith an increased focus on the photovoltaic projects,the investment in renewable energy led to the generation of around 36,700 GJ,34%more than in 2020.Also,since July 2018 the Group has been investing in purchasing electricity from
302、renewable energy sources to power the operations of its banners in Portugal,by acquiring RECS certificates(Renewable Energy Certificate System).In 2021,the purchase of these certificates corresponded to around 100 thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide.In total,36%of the energy consumed by the Group come
303、s from renewable sources,a consumption which increased 7.2%in absolute value compared to 2020,due mainly to a significant reduction in the carbon content of electricity in Poland.3.3.4.Reduction of Environmental Impacts from Logistics Processes We have developed and implemented several measures to i
304、mprove the efficiency of logistic processes,thereby reducing their environmental impact.The optimisation of distribution routes and investment in more efficient vehicles are two examples of such measures.197How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021307Portugal (Pingo Doce and Recheio)Poland(Biedro
305、nka and Hebe)Colombia(Ara)5532113,0114,7426,71616,78620202021OUR BACKHAULING OPERATIONS8425,00020,00015,000 10,000 5,0000304303,94511,94814,8342020202120,00016,00012,000 8,000 4,0000BACKHAULING:EMISSIONS AVOIDED(T CO2E)BACKHAULING:THOUSANDS OF KM AVOIDEDTYPE OF GOODS TRANSPORT VEHICLESBREAKDOWN OF G
306、OODS TRANSPORT VEHICLES ACCORDING TO THE EURO STANDARD505131976886302599712665202020212020202120202021Below Euro V10509007506004503001500Euro VEuro VIPortugal (Pingo Doce and Recheio)Poland (Biedronka and Hebe)Colombia(Ara)5,715891876245311684 After delivering products to our stores,the return route
307、 includes stopping by the facilities of the Groups suppliers to pick up goods and take them to the distribution centre.85 After delivering products to our distribution centres,our suppliers return route to their facilities includes stopping by the Groups stores to deliver goods.Backhauling operation
308、s continued to show an increase in kilometres travelled and a reduction in emissions associated with logistics transport.A reduction is only recorded in Colombia,linked to a combination of reduced truck space availability to increase backhauling logistics and collaboration with new suppliers located
309、 away from the return routes.As regards transport vehicle type,in 2021 we registered an increase in the number of Euro VI(+106 compared to 2020)and below Euro V(+50 compared to 2020),accompanied by a decrease in Euro V trucks(-37 comparted to 2020)due to limited availability of these vehicles in Pol
310、and.The Group also implements complementary measures to limit the carbon emissions associated with transporting goods.At Pingo Doce and Recheio,the fronthauling project85 helped shave off 140,033 km(9.5%more vs 2020)and avoided the emission of 124 tonnes of CO2e(5%more than in 2020).At Ara,the proje
311、ct for transporting non-palletised goods to optimise loads between our suppliers facilities and our distribution centres helped shave off 1,148,517 km(5%more than in 2020),while avoiding the emission of 1,878 tonnes of CO2e(9.7%more vs 2020).Also at Ara,the by-truck project(trailers for the transpor
312、tation of goods between distribution centres and the farthest stores)was extended to all regions and shaved off of 2,630,603 km(40 times the 198A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSkilometres reduced in 2020)and avoided the emission of 2,051 tonnes of CO2e(also 40 times the emissions avoided in 2020).In 2021,f
313、or every 1,000 pallets transported,carbon emissions from transporting goods to stores were reduced by 3.7%compared to 2020,contributing to the goal of a 5%reduction in CO2e per thousand pallets transported.3.3.5.Management of Refrigeration Gases The quality,safety and preservation of food products r
314、equires good temperature control using cooling and air conditioning systems.To reduce the carbon emissions linked to the refrigerants used in these systems,the Group uses leak control technologies and increasingly,and voluntarily,uses more natural refrigerant gases.Most noteworthy among these initia
315、tives are:the replacement of fluorinated gases with natural refrigerants,such as carbon dioxide and ammonia,in cooling plants;the use of cooling and refrigeration equipment running on carbon dioxide(ice machines,DECARBONISING LOGISTICSAfter joining the European Lean&Green initiative,aimed at achievi
316、ng the carbon neutrality of logistics activities in five distinct phases by 2050,Pingo Doces performance was distinguished with the award of three stars in 2021,corresponding to the first three phases.Biedronka formally joined the initiative in 2021.Number of locationsProgress*Locations2021202020212
317、020Stores1,9141,42939%31%Distribution centres and manufacturing units212058%56%ESTABLISHMENTS USING NATURAL REFRIGERANT GASES IN THEIR COOLING SYSTEMS*Progress in relation to The Consumer Goods Forum resolution.freezers and fridges in the canteen)at the Alfena distribution centre(Portugal);freezers
318、running solely on propane at 2,124 Biedronka stores,282 Pingo Doce stores,39 Recheio stores and platforms,and 407 Ara stores.We also seek to ensure that new stores and those undergoing major refurbishments use refrigeration equipment with low global warming potential(GWP)fluids(for heating,ventilati
319、on,and air conditioning installations)and 100%natural refrigerants(for industrial refrigeration installations).These actions are in line with the commitments to reduce GHG emissions that we have voluntarily pledged to meet,including The Consumer Goods Forums resolution to promote the use of natural
320、refrigerant gases.3.4.Main Consumption of Materials and Waste ManagementAccording to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation86,a circular economy is underpinned by a transition to renewable energy and materials,and decouples economic activity from the consumption of 86 A foundation that works with a multitud
321、e of players in society to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.More information available at www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org.199How we make a differenceJernimo Martins 2021 incorporate at least 25%of recycled content in Private Brand plastic packaging;reduce specific plastic consumption
322、 by 10%,compared to 2018,measured in tonnes of plastic packaging for every one million euros of turnover.reduce virgin plastic used in Private Brand packaging by 15%,compared to 2018.3.4.1.Materials Used and Reduction Initiatives When developing products and packaging,we work with our suppliers to h
323、elp reduce the amount of materials used,encourage the use of recycled materials,and ensure the recyclability of our Private Brand and perishables assortment.*Amounts corrected to include the quantity of recycled glass.*Amounts corrected based on updated calculations as a result of external verificat
324、ion processes.Total consumption(tonnes/million euros in sales)20212020 2021/2020Specific value 24.0225.48-5.7%Total consumption(tonnes)20212020 2021/2020Materials consumption501,749*491,621+2.1%Biedronka391,178387,713+0.9%Hebe830855-2.9%Pingo Doce8766,00062,965+4.8%Recheio11,25712,039-6.5%Ara32,486*
325、28,049+15.8%Private Brand product packaging473,464465,188+1.8%Paper and cardboard193,474187,828+3.0%Cardboard packaging for liquid products8815,74114,949+5.3%Plastic137,927132,280+4.3%Glass95,176100,257-5.1%Steel21,90518,915+15.8%Other materials*9,24110,959-15.7%MAIN MATERIALS USED87 To measure the
326、environmental indicators reported in this sub-chapter,the distribution centres,central buildings,and trucks used to distribute goods were accounted for under Pingo Doce.88 Correspond to composite packaging used to package products such as juices,milks and creams,among others.GRI 301-1GRI 301-2finite
327、 resources.From this perspective,material production is based on three principles:(i)eliminating waste and pollution from the product design stage,(ii)keeping products and materials in(continuous)use,and(iii)regenerating natural systems.Specifically,as regards plastic,we have made several commitment
328、s as a result of our participation in the Portuguese Plastics Pact,the Polish Plastics Pact through Biedronka,The Consumer Goods Forums Plastic Waste Coalition of Action,and our pledge to the New Plastic Economy Global Commitment.By 2025 we undertake to:ensure that 100%of Private Brand plastic packa
329、ging is reusable or recyclable;200A NATURE-GROUNDED BUSINESSTotal consumption(tonnes)20212020 2021/2020Service packaging11,436*10,554+8.4%Plastic8,5677,469+14.7%Paper and card2,799*2,576+8.7%Other materials*70509-86.2%Other consumption16,84915,879+6.1%Office paper839802+4.6%Promotional leaflets16,01
330、015,077+6.2%MAIN MATERIALS USEDRecycled materials(tonnes)20212020 2021/2020Recycled materials(packaging*)193,181*162,485+18.9%Biedronka155,239*134,673+15.3%Hebe2539-35.9%Pingo Doce8721,946*19,152+14.6%Recheio3,616*2,536+42.6%Ara12,355*6,085+103.0%Packaging materials*Paper and cardboard166,596145,706
331、+14.3%Plastic4,291*2,151+99.5%Glass22,294*14,628+52.4%*Amounts corrected to include the quantity of recycled glass.*Amounts corrected based on updated calculations as a result of external verification processes.*Includes aluminium,wood and other materials.*Includes Private Brand product packaging an
332、d service packaging.In 2021,total materials used increased 2.1%as a result of the expansion of our operations.However,there was a 5.7%decrease for every million euros in sales.In what concerns the Groups commitment to reduce by 5%plastic consumption(measured in tonnes per million euros in sales)by 2
333、023,compared to 2018,the value obtained in 2021 indicates a 15%reduction.The same reduction was seen as regards the Groups goal of reducing plastic consumption(in tonnes of plastic packaging per million euros of sales)by 10%by 2025,compared to 2018.In 2021,service and Private Brand product packaging incorporated 39.8%of recycled materials,particularly paper and cardboard,plastic,and glass.Specific