《Lindt & Sprüngli2010年CSR报告.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lindt & Sprüngli2010年CSR报告.pdf(21页珍藏版)》请在三个皮匠报告上搜索。
1、 LINDT&SPRNGLI UN GLOBAL COMPACT -COMMUNICATION on PROGRESS 2010 LINDT&SPRNGLI CHOCOLADEFABRIKEN LINDT&SPRNGLI AG SEESTRASSE 204,CH-8802 KILCHBERG SCHWEIZ/SWITZERLAND Content 1.Statement of continued support by senior executive.1 2.Company profile.2 3.About the UN Global Compact.3 4.The UNGC Ten Pri
2、nciples.4 5.Report on progress 2010.5 5.1.Human Rights.5 Commitments and policies.5 Projects,Activities and Performance 2010.6 Targets 2011.8 5.2.Labour.9 Commitments and policies.9 Projects,Activities and Performance 2010.9 Targets 2011.10 5.3.Environment.11 Commitments and policies.11 Projects,Act
3、ivities and Performance 2010.13 Targets 2011.16 5.4.Anti-Corruption.17 Commitments and policies.17 Projects,Activities and Performance 2010.17 Targets 2011.17 6.About this COP.18 2 2.Company profile Lindt&Sprngli is a Swiss chocolate manufacturer and recognized as a leader in the market for premium
4、quality chocolate,offering a large selection of products in more than 100 countries around the world.During more than 160 years of Lindt&Sprnglis existence,it has become known as one of the most innovative and creative companies making premium chocolate,with six production sites in Europe,two in the
5、 USA and distribution and sales companies on four continents.The beginnings of Lindt&Sprngli are in 1845,when father and son for the first time manufactured solid chocolate in their small confectionery Sprngli&Son,at that time yet a partnership.Since then,the company has gone through many different
6、eras,but the entrepreneurial spirit and passion for making chocolate that drove both the Sprngli family as well as Rodolphe Lindt,when he invented the first truly melting chocolate and later on sold his business to Sprngli,are still alive.For the past 165 years,Lindt&Sprngli has been committed to re
7、nder top quality.This begins with the selection of the finest raw materials,ranging from their careful processing to the elegant packaging of the finished product.The profound know-how and the sound experience in the areas of product development,manufacturing and marketing accumulated by the LINDT M
8、atres Chocolatiers over generations,is the principal core competence of Lindt&Sprngli and the secret of the companys success.New and surprising creations find their place next to established chocolates in the extensive product range each year.The LINDT brand has become the embodiment for premium cho
9、colate with Swiss origin,uncompromising quality and long-standing tradition.3 3.About the UN Global Compact The UN Global Compact is the largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative in the world.It is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operatio
10、ns and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights,labor,environment and anti-corruption.By doing so,business can help ensure that markets,commerce,technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.Endorsed by chief executives
11、,the Global Compact is a practical framework for the development,implementation,and disclosure of sustainability policies and practices,offering participants a wide spectrum of work streams,management tools and resources-all designed to help advance sustainable business models and markets.Overall,th
12、e Global Compact pursues two complementary objectives:-Mainstream the ten principles in business activities around the world-Catalyze actions in support of broader UN goals,including the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)The Global Compact incorporates a transparency and accountability policy known
13、as the Communication on Progress(COP).The annual posting of a COP is an important demonstration of a participants commitment to the UN Global Compact and its principles.Participating companies are required to follow this policy,as a commitment to transparency and disclosure is critical to the succes
14、s of the initiative.In summary,the Global Compact exists to assist the private sector in the management of increasingly complex risks and opportunities in the environmental,social and governance realms,seeking to embed markets and societies with universal principles and values for the benefit of all
15、.Further information:www.unglobalcompact.org 4 4.The UNGC Ten Principles Principle 1:Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights Principle 2:Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.Principle 3:Businesses shoul
16、d uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining Principle 4:Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor Principle 5:Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labor Principle 6:Businesses
17、should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation Principle 7 Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges Principle 8:Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility Principle 9:Business
18、should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies Principle 10:Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms,including extortion and bribery 5 5.Report on progress 2010 In the following we describe how Lindt&Sprngli lives up to the ten principles.5.
19、1.Human Rights?Principle 1:Protection of Human Rights?Principle 2:Complicity in Human Rights Abuses Commitments and policies Lindt&Sprngli commits itself to the protection of various human rights in different policies and company commitments.The following commitments and policies reflect this respec
20、t for human rights on a more general,as well as,on a specific level.?Credo:Social Responsibility is one of Lindt&Sprnglis core values as anchored in the companys Credo,which was established in 1995.The core values-quality,commitment and qualification,customer orientation,social responsibility and pr
21、ofitability-are key drivers of success for Lindt&Sprngli and reflected in all company policies.Read more:Credo?Chairmans Statement on CSR:Lindt&Sprngli commits itself to responsible sourcing and best-in-class processing.Lindt&Sprngli further assumes responsibility by taking measures that contribute
22、significantly to the protection and improvement of our workers welfare and livelihoods.It is further stated that as a good corporate citizen and fair taxpayer,Lindt&Sprngli is also committed to the communities where the company and its employees live and work.Lindt&Sprngli supports various local ini
23、tiatives and is continually creating attractive employment opportunities.Read more:Chairmans Statement?LINDT promise:The“LINDT Promise”is the companys pledge that all products leaving its factories live up to Lindt&Sprnglis commitment to sustainable behaviour along the supply chain.The“LINDT Promise
24、”describes the companys commitments and policies related to sustainable action along the supply chain(sustainable sourcing,producing,and consuming).Read more:LINDT promise?Supplier Code of Conduct:The Supplier Code of Conduct(established in 2009)demands that suppliers comply with all applicable nati
25、onal and international laws and regulations including those under the International Labour Organization(ILO)and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.It strictly prohibits corruption and bribery,discrimination and child labour.It guarantees freely chosen employment,fair compensati
26、on and working conditions,as well as,freedom of association.The Supplier Code of Conduct and a corresponding Compliance Declaration are signed by each supplier.The suppliers subcontractors must also implement this Supplier Code of Conduct.Lindt&Sprngli reserves the right to conduct periodic,unannoun
27、ced 6 inspections of suppliers.Non-compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct may ultimately result in the termination of the suppliers contract.Read more:Supplier Code of Conduct?Business Code of Conduct:In the Business Code of Conduct(established in 2003)Lindt&Sprngli commits itself and all its
28、employees to Compliance with Governmental Laws&Regulations,and an Equal Opportunity Employment Policy,and defines principles for Employment of Relatives,Company Representation,Proper Use of Company Funds and Assets,Conflicts of Interest,Company Information,and Sound Judgment.Read more:Business Code
29、of Conduct?Health&Safety Policy:Lindt&Sprngli has established clear health and safety guidelines in 2008 to ensure the wellbeing of the companys employees worldwide.Therein Lindt&Sprngli commits itself to conducting its business in an ethically,legally and socially responsible manner.The Health&Safe
30、ty Policy pursuits the goal of prevention of work-related injury and illness.Read more:Health&Safety Policy Projects,Activities and Performance 2010 Different projects and activities by Lindt&Sprngli contribute in various ways to the protection of human rights.?Memberships:Lindt&Sprngli is an active
31、 member in various initiatives that contribute to the protection of human rights in general.Besides the membership in the UN Global Compact,Lindt&Sprngli is a member of:-World Cocoa Foundation(WCF):The WCF supports cocoa farmers and their families worldwide.WCF programs raise farmer incomes,encourag
32、e responsible,sustainable cocoa farming and strengthen local communities.Lindt&Sprngli is an active member of WCF and is through its subsidy Ghirardelli Chocolate Company,US represented in the Board of WCF(Steve Genzoli,Co-Vice Chairman).The WCF works to improve the livelihood of farmers,to improve
33、health and occupational safety,to educate youth,and to exchange research.It also contributes to the Sustainable Tree Crops Program(see below).Read more:World Cocoa Foundation(WCF)-Sustainable Tree Crops Program(STCP):STCP seeks to generate growth in rural income among tree crop farmers in an environ
34、mentally and socially responsible manner in West/Central-Africa.Lindt&Sprngli supports the Sustainable Tree Crops Program in Ghana,where a good portion of Lindt&Sprnglis cocoa is sourced.STCPs activities in Ghana are predominantly focused on social initiatives and concentrated in 2009/2010 on enhanc
35、ing cocoa productivity and household income of farmers,sensitizing them for income alternatives,and institutional and policy innovation.The STCP in 7 Ghana works mainly with training and capacity building for farmers,stakeholder engagements,field observations,and other activities.Read more:Sustainab
36、le Tree Crops Program(STCP)-Oebu:This Swiss network for sustainability in business promotes the ongoing development of the Swiss economy according to sustainable principles.Through its membership,Lindt&Sprngli supports the goals of Oebu,such as social and ecological sustainability.Read more:Oebu?Gha
37、na Traceable program(pilot project launched in 2008;ongoing):Lindt&Sprngli has launched a traceability program to track raw materials and better understand the farmers and suppliers needs.The social and environmental aspects of the companys sourcing operations are taken into account and contribution
38、s are made to improve education and infrastructure in farming communities.The company also tries to limit the involvement of intermediaries,thereby allowing providers to get fair prices for their quality products.For every ton of traceable Ghana beans,Lindt&Sprngli pays a price premium,half of which
39、 goes to the licensed local cocoa buying company.The other half is paid into a local Not-For-Profit organisation,Cocobod Armajaro Traceable Foundation(CATF)through Source Trust,a global Not-For-Profit Organisation.CATF and Source Trust cooperate in Ghana under an agency agreement between them whereb
40、y Source Trust collects traceability premiums on behalf of CATF and funds CATF who then distributes the received funds according to the traceability agreement between the CATF members.Projects funded by CATF include among others investments in infrastructure,health,education,sanitation,water and pow
41、er supply and the funding of farmer training and husbandry schemes.Sponsored social projects in the year 2010 include:-Construction of hand-dug wells and boreholes in different communities in Ghana to improve access to clean water(for an example,click here),-Construction of a classroom to improve ac
42、cess to education(for an example,click here)-Construction of farmers shops to provide access to recommended materials and products at a fair price(for an example,click here)-Distribution of malaria bednets to improve health(click here for an overview).In addition,a feasibility study to extend the tr
43、aceability project to South America and the Caribbean has been conducted in 2010.Read more:Traceability?Taxes:Lindt&Sprngli has documented and implemented a comprehensive and uniform group-wide transfer price system strictly applying OECD rules and based on arms-length price principles.Third-party c
44、omparable studies are made on an ongoing basis to 8 benchmark company policy with market prices.It is the companys policy to be fully transparent in all of its tax matters and not to enter into any special tax-driven schemes.Targets 2011 Several of the aforementioned activities have ongoing targets.
45、Goals for 2011 and the following years include:?Ghana Traceable program:extension to cocoa butter and thus expand scope of related activities,thus benefitting more farmers and communities.?Ghana Traceable program:extension to flavour Criollo beans in South America and the Caribbean and thus benefitt
46、ing farmers and communities in different regions.9 5.2.Labour?Principle 3:Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining?Principle 4:Forced and Compulsory Labour?Principle 5:Child Labour?Principle 6:Discrimination Commitments and policies Lindt&Sprngli commits itself to being a fair employer and a
47、dhering to the principles on labour as stated by the UN Global Compact.This is evidenced by the following policies and commitments.?Chairmans Statement on CSR:Lindt&Sprngli assumes responsibility for its employees by offering them a healthy,safe and socially sustainable workplace.Read more:Chairmans
48、 Statement?Supplier Code of Conduct:Regarding Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining,Lindt&Sprngli states:Suppliers have to respect the rights of employees to form and join trade unions and bargain collectively.Regarding forced and compulsory labour,the Supplier Code of Conduct states:Free
49、ly Chosen Employment:The use of forced,bonded or indentured labor or involuntary prison labor is strictly prohibited.Employment is voluntary.Regarding Child Labour,the Supplier Code of Conduct states:Child Labor Avoidance:Suppliers must not,under any circumstances,use child labor as defined by ILO a
50、nd United Nations Convention and/or national law,whichever is more stringent.Regarding Discrimination,the Supplier Code of Conduct states:Non-Discrimination:Suppliers shall strictly adhere to all applicable laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in hiring and employment on the grounds of ra
51、ce,religion,age,nationality,color,gender,sexual orientation,physical ability,health condition,political opinion,creed or other basis prohibited by law.The Supplier Code of Conduct encompasses all applicable national and international laws and regulations including those under the ILO and the UN Decl
52、aration of Human Rights.As mentioned,both the Supplier Code of Conduct and a corresponding Compliance Declaration are signed by each supplier.Read more:Supplier Code of Conduct Projects,Activities and Performance 2010 By implementing different activities and projects Lindt&Sprngli contributes to the
53、 Global Compact Principles on Labour.?Ghana Traceable program(pilot project launched in 2008;ongoing):This project,as introduced in more detail above,is also relevant in the context of labour standards.As the project identifies where the Cocoa comes from and who Lindt&Sprnglis suppliers 10 are,it es
54、tablishes a base for control activities regarding various criteria,among other things labour standards.Read more:Traceability Project?Supplier Assessment and Qualification Program:Lindt&Sprngli started in 2010 a project to implement the Supplier Code of Conduct with its suppliers.The aim is to verif
55、y that the Supplier Code of Conduct requirements are implemented at production units.After mapping 30 production units for Lindt&Sprngli packaging materials in China,all producers conducted a self-assessment.Issues covered are,among others,forced,bonded,indentured and prison labour,child labour,free
56、dom of association and right to collective bargaining,discrimination,harassment and grievance procedures,health and safety,wages and benefits,working hours,and environment.Then,these self-assessments were evaluated against the Lindt&Sprngli Supplier Code of Conduct to identify the factories which do
57、 not comply with the requirements(risk evaluation).Next steps are planned for 2011(see below).?European Works Council:To strengthen freedom of association and collective bargaining,Lindt&Sprngli organizes,in line with EU requirements,an annual meeting the European Works Council where workers represe
58、ntatives from all Lindt&Sprngli European Union subsidiaries and Switzerland are given the opportunity to exchange their opinions and meet with group management.Currently,Lindt&Sprnglis workers are collectively organized in Austria,France,Germany,Italy,Switzerland and the USA.?Job opportunities and p
59、art-time employment:In order to offer opportunities for all people and thus to work against discrimination,Lindt&Sprngli offers special job opportunities for physically and mentally challenged individuals and an apprenticeship program for young people,both in blue-and white-collar professions.Lindt&
60、Sprngli offers flexible and part-time employment opportunities.Lindt&Sprngli also works together with social welfare offices.Targets 2011 Our goal for 2011 in the realm of Labour Standards is:?Supplier Assessment and Qualification Program in China:Based on the self-assessments conducted in 2010,Lind
61、t&Sprngli identified the most important producers of packaging material in China(risk evaluation).For these suppliers a third party is going to conduct onsite assessments at the production sites in China in 2011.By implementing the Supplier Code of Conduct,Lindt&Sprngli focuses on an ongoing qualifi
62、cation process through supporting the factories to meet the requirements instead of applying a pass or fail approach.11 5.3.Environment?Principle 7:Precautionary Approach?Principle 8:Environmental Responsibility?Principle 9:Environmentally Friendly Technologies Commitments and policies Lindt&Sprngli
63、 strives to be a company that cares for the environment and the communities it lives and works in.This is affirmed by the following commitments and policies.?Credo:Environmental concerns play an ever increasing role in our decision making process.We respect and feel responsible for the needs of the
64、communities in which we live in.”Read more:Credo?Chairmans Statement on Social Responsibility:Lindt&Sprngli commits itself to reduce CO2 emissions and waste,as well as,energy and water consumption along the entire production chain.Read more:Chairmans Statement LINDT promise:Lindt&Sprngli is committe
65、d to closely monitoring,controlling and improving the environmental aspects of production and distribution,such as energy use and its related carbon dioxide emissions,as well as,the use of water and paper/cardboard.Continuous efforts are made to reduce the impact per ton produced.Read more:LINDT pro
66、mise?Environmental Policy:In this policy,established 2009,Lindt&Sprngli commits itself to reduction of any negative impact its business has on the environment.Lindt&Sprngli acknowledges that its environmental effort must be comprehensive and implemented at different stages of its activity.Therefore,
67、the company issues principles to be adhered to by all manufacturing and distribution companies of the Lindt&Sprngli Group.The principles include:-legislation(compliance with all applicable environmental legislation and adherence to stipulations of standards and certification schemes Lindt&Sprngli is
68、 committed to),-investments(consider environmental impact of capital investment projects),-procurement(seek environmentally responsible procurement of raw materials and natural resources),-packaging(find balance between needed gift giving premium character of packaging&quality aspects of product pro
69、tection and environmental aspects by reducing packaging size and using predominantly recyclable materials),12 -working environment(establish a working environment that allows employees,suppliers,partners and customers,as well as,governmental,non-governmental and community organizations to freely add
70、ress environmental concerns,as well as,suggestions and ideas for the improvement of Lindt&Sprnglis environmental performance),-continuous improvement(analyze and evaluate regularly opportunities promising significant improvements to Lindt&Sprnglis environmental performance,with particular attention
71、given to reduction of i)greenhouse gas emissions,ii)energy consumption,iii)waste volume and iv)fresh-and waste water volume),-set and measure environmental goals(define environmental“Key Performance Indicators”,with focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,energy consumption,waste volume a
72、nd fresh-and waste water volume,set measurable long term improvement targets of the KPIs and measure respective performance regularly.Participate in international initiatives as i.e.the“Carbon Disclosure Project”(CDP)to benchmark with peer companies),-and communicate and report(demonstrate that envi
73、ronmental issues are acknowledged and taken seriously in the Lindt&Sprngli Group by communicating internally and externally in a transparent manner).Read more:Health&Safety Policy?Supplier Code of Conduct:Lindt&Sprngli commits itself to conducting business in an ethical,legal and socially responsibl
74、e manner.Lindt&Sprngli expects similar principled conduct from everyone with whom the company has commercial dealings.Further,Lindt&Sprngli strives to continuously improve the sustainability of its operations and products and encourages its suppliers to participate in this effort by adopting sustain
75、able practices in their operations.The Supplier Code of Conduct further declares:Suppliers recognize that environmental responsibility is integral to producing high quality products.Suppliers shall comply with all applicable environmental laws,regulations and industry standards,such as requirements
76、regarding industrial wastewater treatment and discharge,air emission controls,recycling,chemical and waste management and disposal,environmental permits and environmental reporting.Further,Suppliers shall comply with any additional environmental requirements specific to the products or services bein
77、g provided to Lindt&Sprngli as called for in design and product specifications and contract documents.Suppliers have to implement and maintain effective environmental policies to meet these requirements.Read more:Supplier Code of Conduct?Policy on Genetically Modified Organisms(GMO):Lindt&Sprngli do
78、es not use any raw materials that have been genetically modified or that are derived from genetically modified organisms,as long as non-modified raw materials are available.Until now,it has been possible to follow this policy in all products complying at the same time with the strictest food regulat
79、ions concerning use and labeling of GMOs.Lindt&Sprngli will continue to adhere to all regulatory requirements regarding the use and the labeling of genetically modified organisms.13 Projects,Activities and Performance 2010 Various projects and activities in the realm of environmental responsibility
80、were implemented in the past year:?Memberships:Lindt&Sprngli is an active member in various initiatives.Relating to environmental responsibility,the membership in the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oils is relevant:-Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil(RSPO):RSPO carries out its activities in and arou
81、nd the entire supply chain for palm oil to promote the growth and use of sustainable palm oil through cooperation within the supply chain.Through its membership,Lindt&Sprngli commits itself to supporting and promoting the use of sustainably produced raw materials for the production of high quality c
82、hocolate products.In 2010,Lindt&Sprngli evaluated sourcing models enabling the company to switch to the use of certified palm oil products for the production of vegetable fats meeting the specifications of Lindt&Sprngli.Furthermore,Lindt&Sprngli engages in an ongoing exchange of information and disc
83、ussion with suppliers of vegetable filling fats.Following the assessment of the current palm oil usage and its origin,Lindt&Sprngli is in the process of insisting its suppliers only deliver RSPO-certified palm oil from sustainable sources.By 2011,Lindt&Sprngli aims at exclusively using certified Pal
84、m oil/Palm kernel oil.Read more:Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil(RSPO)-World Cocoa Foundation(WCF):Lindt&Sprnglis membership in the World Cocoa Foundation(WCF,described in more detail above)also contributes to a more environmentally responsible and sustainable cocoa production.Read more:World Coco
85、a Foundation(WCF)-Carbon Disclosure Project:The Carbon Disclosure Project is an independent not-for-profit organization holding the largest database of primary corporate climate change information in the world.Thousands of organizations measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions,water use a
86、nd climate change strategies through CDP.Lindt&Sprngli,with its eight production units worldwide,has been participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project(CDP)since 2007.At present,Lindt&Sprngli does not collect data on SOx and NOx output.While the company is constantly striving to reduce emissions,it
87、 has not yet set absolute goals for the reduction of CO2,SOx and NOx.Read more:Carbon Disclosure Project(CDP)-Lake Zurich Energy Model Group:Lindt&Sprnglis Swiss subsidiary,Chocoladefabriken Lindt&Sprngli(Schweiz)AG,is an active member of the Lake Zurich Energy Model Group.This association comprises
88、 various member companies committed to the efficient use of energy.Over its ten-year existence,14 the participating companies have been able to reduce their energy consumption by nearly a quarter.?ISO Certificates:Lindt&Sprngli factories in Induno Olona and Luserna San Giovanni are certified with th
89、e ISO 14001 standard for environmental management.The production facilities in Kilchberg(Switzerland),Aachen(Germany),Oloron(France),Gloggnitz(Austria),Induno Olona and Luserna San Giovanni(Italy)are certified with the ISO 9001:2000 standard for quality management.A similar,although not audited syst
90、em is installed in two US production sites.?Energy efficiency,renewable energy and reduction of emissions:Every year Lindt&Sprngli compiles a list of projects that produce a reduction in terms of CO2 emission or contribute to energy efficiency.In 2010,the following projects were implemented.-At Lind
91、t&Sprngli SpA in Italy a solar panel system for the production of electrical energy was installed.-At Chocoladefabriken Lindt&Sprngli GmbH in Germany roof insulations have been renewed to reduce energy consumption.-At Lindt&Sprngli(USA)Inc.,a project was started to use peelings of cocoa beans for en
92、ergy production(CO2 neutral).-Several other energy-saving projects-such as optimization of steam process,replacement of windows,or installation of new vapor valves-were started or implemented in various plants in 2010.In order to develop energy control in all of its companies,Lindt&Sprngli revised i
93、ts reporting guidelines in 2010.Lindt&Sprnglis energy used was further reduced in 2010.?Waste reduction:Lindt&Sprngli closely monitors the waste produced and strives to continuously reduce the volume of packaging wherever possible.The packaging materials it uses have to fulfill the highest standards
94、 in hygiene.Lindt&Sprngli is set on using recycled,recyclable and biodegradable materials whenever stringent quality standards allow.The company continues its research in this area.Since many seasonal products are bought as gifts,their packaging tends to be significantly larger than for products tha
95、t are available all year round.Lindt&Sprngli also tests all packaging materials for their biodegradability.In the year 2010,Lindt&Sprngli started to develop a“usage report”;a manual providing definitions and KPIs on the correct planning,buying,storage,handling and usage of materials.Monitoring waste
96、 is a central element of this report.Lindt&Sprngli is starting to collect information on waste on a monthly basis(as opposed to yearly information up to now).The aim is to lower the percentage of waste per unit produced further.Regarding waste,the local companies have different projects to reduce wa
97、ste.?Fresh and wastewater:Lindt&Sprngli continuously monitors and analyses the use of water and the output of wastewater in the production process and intends to further 15 reduce the use of fresh water in this process,which,in turn will impact the output of wastewater.In 2010,water consumption was
98、significantly reduced.?“Ghana Traceable”Project:Lindt&Sprngli knows exactly where the raw materials come from and who produces them.This enables the company to identify the best ways of supporting local farmers and communities and to maintain a level of biodiversity that guarantees future environmen
99、tal health and commercial success.Sustaining rich biodiversity and creating opportunities to move away from monocultures is an important cornerstone in Lindt&Sprnglis strategy to ensure long-term growth in raw material supply and sustainable land use.?Cru Trinidad Project:Lindt&Sprngli supports a Tr
100、inidad-based research project to assess the quality attributes of the Imperial College Selections;a selection of cocoa bean varieties.The information obtained will help determine the most sustainable varieties for future propagation.Lindt&Sprngli supports the project not just financially,but also by
101、 contributing its analytical resources.The project contributes to more biodiversity.?Minimize use of pesticides:Lindt&Sprngli stringently tests its chocolate for over 200 different pesticides.Through Lindt&Sprnglis support of the Sustainable Tree Crop Program,the company and its project partners are
102、 able to promote,among other things,improved agriculture that can minimize the use of pesticides.?Knowledge transfer:Through various projects,e.g.the projects implemented by the Sustainable Tree Crop Program or the World Cocoa Foundation,Lindt&Sprngli supports farmers in sustainable,traditional grow
103、ing and empowers them by reintroducing disappearing techniques.Lindt&Sprngli further supports public research institutes in the growing regions and partners with local and governmental bodies.?Transport:Investments in new production facilities are made with environmental factors in mind.Products are
104、 produced close to the main consumer bases.Lindt&Sprngli requires its carriers to use only double floor trucks to transport the goods between the Lindt&Sprngli companies(European Intercompany Logistic Concept).Key raw materials(except cocoa)are also procured for the most part from local suppliers.Th
105、e same applies in large measure to the purchasing of packaging materials.Paper and cardboard are sourced generally within the region of the production sites.Lindt&Sprngli has invested USD 50 million in one of its US subsidiary,Lindt&Sprngli(USA)Inc.,so as to substantially reduce the transport volume
106、s of semi-finished and finished products from Europe to the USA in 2009/2010.This strategic decision resulted in shorter transport routes and lower energy consumption.The total number of containers transported was reduced by 38%in 2010 compared to 2009.Currently,Lindt&Sprngli is working on implement
107、ing a load planning software.With this project,Lindt&Sprngli strives to optimize the capacity utilization of the transport vehicles and to further reduce the number of transports.16 Targets 2011 Our environmental target for 2011 is:?The companys goal is to continue reducing energy consumption per to
108、n produced by an average of 2.0%over the coming years.?The companys goal is to continue reducing water consumption per ton produced by an average of 2.0%over the coming years.?Various projects are planned for 2011 with the aim to save energy,electricity,water,and to improve efficiency at diverse Lin
109、dt&Sprngli plants.Projects cover the implementation of an energy management system,faade insulation,rain water usage,high efficiency lightning,steam network improvements,and heat recovery in the roasting process,to mention just a few.17 5.4.Anti-Corruption?Principle 10:Anti-Corruption Commitments an
110、d policies Corruption is an issue that is addressed in our policies:?Business Code of Conduct:Lindt&Sprngli commits itself to principles regarding conflicts of interest,and states that Employees are not permitted to accept gifts and favors that will influence sound business judgment.Other principles
111、 in the Business Code of Conduct to prevent conflicts of interest include secondary employment by other firms or persons;memberships in boards of directors,standing committees,or similar bodies of any outside organization;financial interests in any companies,suppliers or customers that could comprom
112、ise loyalty to Lindt&Sprngli;transactions with companies in which the employee,a relative,or a friend have an interest;acquisition of shares exceeding 5%in a competitor,supplier or customer of Lindt&Sprngli.Read more:Business Code of Conduct?Supplier Code of Conduct:Lindt&Sprngli sets out the requir
113、ements expected of its suppliers and vendors regarding-among others-compliance with law and regulations,and corruption and bribery.The Supplier Code of Conduct states:Suppliers shall comply with all applicable national and international laws and regulations,including the International Labour Organiz
114、ation(the“ILO”)and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights,industry standards,and all other relevant statutory requirements whichever requirements impose the highest standards of conduct.It further states that suppliers shall conduct their business in accordance with the highest eth
115、ical standards.Suppliers have to comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning corruption,bribery,fraud and unfair and prohibited business practices.”Read more:Supplier Code of Conduct Projects,Activities and Performance 2010?The Supplier Code of Conduct and the commitment concerning an
116、ti-corruption have been signed by all suppliers.Targets 2011?No specific targets regarding anti-corruption momentarily.18 6.About this COP This is the first Communication on Progress published by Lindt&Sprngli.It compiles information that is relevant to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.Ho
117、wever,since the first two principles on Human Rights are very broad and encompass topics such as right to social security,right to work,right to rest,right to education,or right to an adequate standard of living(for a full list click here),the commitments and activities of Lindt&Sprngli as described in this COP are kept on a general level.The compilation is as complete as possible.CHOCOLADEFABRIKEN LINDT&SPRNGLI AG SEESTRASSE 204,CH-8802 KILCHBERG SCHWEIZ/SWITZERLAND