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1、1JERNIMO MARTINS 2020MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMANREPORT CorporateResponsibilitySUSTAINABLEOn the front lineHOW WE MAKEA DIFFERENCE1.Our Approach 1662.Stakeholder Engagement 1703.2020 Highlights 1724.Promoting Good Health through Food 1745.Respecting the Environment 1966.Sourcing Responsibly 2227.Suppor
2、ting Surrounding Communities 2448.Being a Benchmark Employer 2609.Commitments for 2018-2020 28210.Commitments for 2021-2023 28811.Table of Indicators 290164Standing strong on the front lineDEFINING PRIORITIESWhen requests for help increased,we joined forces to deliver essential goods to elderly cust
3、omers.Bringing time,attention and hope to those who need it the most.When the requests for help increased,the Jernimo Martins Group created an internal volunteer programme to supply essential goods for customers over the age of 70,who could not leave home and had no help to go shopping.Margarida liv
4、es with her sister,also elderly,in Lisbon.When she heard about the 70+Programme,she called the support line and was assigned a volunteer from the head office.Months later,even after the lockdown rules were eased,the volunteer kept on helping.More than food,the elderly customers receive time,attentio
5、n and hope.The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic caused a huge disruption in everyones lives.A health,economic and social crisis which particularly affected the elderly.They were doubly affected as it was clear that they were the most exposed to the deadly progression of the virus and were also the
6、ones who had to be isolated to protect their lives.But the confinement of the elderly has high,often invisible,psychological costs associated with it.Suddenly,overnight,it was impossible to go to the coffee shop with friends,take a walk in the park,be with the family,go to the local supermarket.165J
7、ERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE166Standing strong on the front lineTo create value in a sustainable and socially responsible way,the Group promotes the adoption of good environmental and social practices,while implementing high quality and food safety standards in its operations and in i
8、ts value chain.The more than 225 years of existence of JernimoMartins reflect the responsible way in I.Promoting Good Health through FoodWe focus on the quality and diversity of the food products sold by the Groups Companies.In addition,our central concern is to guarantee food safety,namely the avai
9、lability,accessibility and sustainability of theproducts sold.III.Sourcing ResponsiblyThe guiding principles of our Companies purchasing strategy are to ensure the quality and food safety of the products sold,promoting the integration of ethical,social and environmental criteria throughout the suppl
10、y chain,and favouring long-lasting and close business relationships.II.Respecting the EnvironmentThe Group is working with the purpose of reducing the environmental impacts of its operations and supply chains every day,seeking to improve efficiency and adapting measures andtechnologies with a smalle
11、r ecological footprint.There are three priority action areas:fighting climate change,preserving biodiversity and responsible waste management.1.OUR APPROACHAs a food specialist,the Jernimo Martins Group believes it can influence practices and processes that have a relevant impact on the environment
12、and on people.which it develops its businesses,for the medium and long-terms.To this end,the Group applies its Corporate Responsibility strategy consisting in five pillars,which are transversal to all the Companies and aims at responding to the challenges and opportunities identified by its stakehol
13、ders1,the Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Compact Principles,both defined by the United Nations2:1 The 10 main material topics are mentioned in the sub-chapter 2.“Stakeholder Engagement”,also available at .2 The subchapter 11“Table of Indicators”,in the end of this Chapter,shows the lin
14、k between each of the reported indicators and both the Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Compact Principles to which they contribute.167JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEV.Being a Benchmark EmployerThe Group seeks to stimulate the socio-economic development of the markets where
15、it operates by creating employment,promoting balanced wage policies and a stimulating and positive working environment,in a firm commitment to its employees,who have access to social responsibility programmes in the health,education and wellbeing areas,extendable totheir families.IV.Supporting Surro
16、unding CommunitiesThe Group seeks to contribute towards fighting hunger and malnutrition in the communities where its Companies operate,as well as helping to break cycles of extreme poverty and social exclusion,by supporting projects and causes among the weakest groups in society:children and young
17、people,and senior citizens in need.Our Responsibility Strategy consists in five transversal pillars.168Standing strong on the front lineCOMMUNITYWe support our communities,endeavouring to promote social cohesion and breaking cycles of poverty and malnutrition.We promote,with our suppliers,the sustai
18、nable origin of raw materials and ecosystem protection initiatives.PRIMARYPRODUCTIONIn 2020,the Group was for the first time included in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index,which evaluates the performance of 380 listed companies committed to promoting gender equality through the development of polic
19、ies,programmes and the transparency with which they communicate.Jernimo Martins was the only Portuguese company in its sector included,which is only represented by 25 companies from all over the world.The Group also kept its assessment on the CDP Forests theme,obtaining the“A-”score(Leadership)for t
20、he four commodities assessed(palm oil,soy,beef and paper and wood)by the second year in a row,being the food retail company with the best global score.Jernimo Martins also ensured its inclusion in the themes Water Security achieving level“B”(Management)and Climate,maintaining the Leadership level,wi
21、th an“A-”.The CDP assessment encompassed more than 9,600 companies from all over the world,representing half of the global market capitalisation.Also in 2020,the Group was again included in the FTSE Russell indices:FTSE4Good Developed Index,FTSE4Good Europe Index and FTSE 4Good Developed Minimum Var
22、iance.The same happened in the STOXX Global ESG Leaders,STOXX Global ESG Environmental Leaders,Ethibel Excellence Investment Registers,Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe,Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120 and Euronext Vigeo Europe 120 Indexes,among others,having integrated the Eurozone ESG Larg
23、e 80 in 2020.Jernimo Martins ended the year in more than 90 ESG indices.These identify the companies that best manage ESG risks and are used,for example,in structured investment products and as benchmarks.These inclusions are the result of the recognition of the Groups commitments,actions and result
24、s in the sustainability area and in the long-term development of its businesses.WE REMAIN IN THE MAIN ESG INDICESThe Groups performance across all Corporate Responsibility pillars continues to be recognized by a wide range of stakeholders,including environment,social and governance(ESG)analysts.169J
25、ERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKOPERATIONSWe seek to minimise our operations impacts,improve working conditions and support our people.INDUSTRYWe work with our partnersto pursue innovation and the sustainable development of their activities and prod
26、ucts.CUSTOMERWe offer safe,healthy and quality food solutions,while promoting responsible consumption.BUSINESS MODEL AND RELATION WITH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT170Standing strong on the front line1702.STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTThe Group promotes a regular dialogue with its stakeholders,in order to identif
27、y,prioritise and manage sustainability aspects that have a significant impact on society and on the business.STAKEHOLDERSINTERFACESCOMMUNICATION CHANNELSShareholders and InvestorsInvestor Relations Department.Corporate website,e-mail,annual report,corporate magazine,financial releases,meetings,confe
28、rences,roadshows,app Jernimo Martins IR,Investors Day and shareholders meetings.AnalystsInvestor Relations Department,Communications and Corporate Responsibility Department.Corporate website,e-mail,annual report,corporate magazine,financial releases,meetings,conferences,app Jernimo Martins IR,and In
29、vestors Day.Official Bodies,Supervising Entities and Local CouncilsInvestor Relations Department,Tax Departments,Legal Departments,Communications and Corporate Responsibility Department.Corporate website,e-mail and post,corporate magazine and meetings.Suppliers,Business Partners and Service Provider
30、sCommercial,Marketing,Quality and Private Brand Development,Food Safety,Environment,Regional Operations,Technical,Expansion,IT Departments and Ethics Committee.JM Direct Portal,follow-up visits,quality and food safety audits,social and environmental audits,business meetings,direct contacts and corpo
31、rate magazine.EmployeesHuman Resources Departments,Training School,Ethics Committee and Employee Assistance Services.Employee Assistance Services(telephone line,post and e-mail),internal magazines,intranet,Internal Social Responsibility website,internal app O Meu Pingo Doce(My Pingo Doce),operationa
32、l and management meetings,interpersonal relationships,annual performance appraisal,training sessions and internal climate surveys.Customers and ConsumersCustomer Services,Customer Ombudsman and Ethics Committee.Phone lines,e-mail,corporate website,social media channels and post.Local CommunitiesComm
33、unications and Corporate Responsibility Department,Stores and Distribution Centres.Follow-up visits,meetings,protocols and partnerships/patronage,social impact surveys.JournalistsCommunications and Corporate Responsibility Department.Corporate website,press releases,press conferences,meetings,annual
34、 report and corporate magazine.NGOs and AssociationsCommunications and Corporate Responsibility Department.Follow-up visits,meetings,partnerships/patronage and corporate magazine.171JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEThe Group and its Companies are also members of several organisations and
35、national and international initiatives in the Corporate Responsibility area,which allow for the monitoring of trends in these dimensions,the definition of strategic priorities and the optimization of management and reporting processes3.The review of material aspects to consider in the Corporate Resp
36、onsibility strategy and reporting4 is carried out every three years and follows the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative(GRI)in its GRI Standards version.As a result of the Groups ongoing engagement with its stakeholders,and of the analysis carried out in 2019,it was possible to identify
37、the ten following material topics5,in descending order of importance:Food quality and safety;Reduction of packaging materials and use of sustainable materials;Ethics and transparency;Fighting food waste;Respect for Human and Labour Rights;Mission,Vision and Strategy;Offering affordable products;Supp
38、ort of social projects;Respect for Human and Labour Rights in the supply chain;Incorporation of the circular economy principles.In order to ensure the compliance,disclosure and reinforcement of its Corporate Responsibility Principles,the Group also counts on the work developed by the Committee on Co
39、rporate Governance and Corporate Responsibility6,which works closely with the Board of Directors and with the Ethics Committee7.Additionally,the Sustainability Committees,which have been in place since 2019 in all Food Distribution,Specialised Retail and Agribusiness Companies,aim at ensuring the co
40、rrect managing of priorities and the alignment between the Groups Corporate Responsibility policies and the Companies practices.Some of the topics discussed within the scope of these meetings include nutritional reformulation strategies,along with the development of differentiated solutions in Priva
41、te Brand products,the fight against climate change,plastic pollution and deforestation,animal welfare and support to the surrounding communities,among others.The Groups page on the professional social network LinkedIn registered more than 214 thousand followers at the end of 2020,remaining as an imp
42、ortant communication channel to promote the Groups activities,including the actions carried out under the five Corporate Responsibility pillars.In this context,and over the course of 2020,74 posts related to Corporate Responsibility were published,generating more than 2 million impressions8.Differen
43、t communication channels are used according to each type of stakeholder.3 For further details on the way we engage with stakeholders and on the organisations of which we are part of,please go to the Responsibility area at .4 For further details on the materiality process and its latest assessment,co
44、nducted in 2019,please go to the Responsibility area at .5 The report on the Groups performance on each of these issues can be found throughout this Chapter,in the area dedicated to each of the strategic pillars that embody our commitment to sustainable development and in the“Responsibility”area at
45、.6 The Corporate Responsibility Principles are described in the“Responsibility”section,page“Our Responsibility Strategy”at .7 The responsibilities of each of these Committees are described at ,in the“Investors”area.8 This metric refers to the number of times each post was displayed to LinkedIn users
46、.172Standing strong on the front line3.2020HIGHLIGHTSI.Promoting Good Health Through Food Nutritional reformulations of Private Brand and Perishables products made it possible to prevent2,468 tonnes of sugar,184 tonnes of saturated fat,28 tonnes of fat and 58 tonnes of salt from enteringthe market;L
47、actose-free references increased by 30%in Portugal and Poland altogether and the offer of productsfor vegetarians and/or vegans was expanded with another 78 products;In Poland,all food products aimed at children are free of preservatives,sweeteners,glucose-fructose syrup,phosphates,monosodium glutam
48、ate,hydrogenated vegetable oils and of the polyglycerol polyricinoleateemulsifier(E476);We developed the“Dieta Mediterrnica Portuguesa”conference(Portuguese MediterraneanDiet)within the scope of Pingo Doces 40th anniversary,which aimed to promote a healthier andmore sustainable food pattern,and laun
49、ched the“Juliana”brand that celebrates the Mediterraneantraditions and flavours.II.Respecting the Environment The Groups carbon footprint,per 1,000 euros of sales,decreased by 37.9%compared to 2017,meetingthe reduction target for the 2018-2020 triennium;148 new ecodesign packaging projects were impl
50、emented,contributing to the annual savings of morethan 3,700 tonnes of packaging materials.Since its beginning,in 2010,this project prevented the useof about 27,500 tonnes of materials,such as plastic or cardboard;Aras two new Distribution Centers are the first in the Group to take advantage of wast
51、e water that,after treatment,is stored in reservoirs for later use in irrigating green spaces and in toilets.In 2020,2,089 m3 of these waters were reused,helping to reduce water consumption through recycling;Pingo Doce and Recheio eliminated microplastics from their entire Private Brand range in per
52、sonalhygiene,cosmetics and detergents categories,in a total of 520 products with these characteristics;The Group maintained the“A-”score at CDP Climate 2020,continuing at the“Leadership”level andresponded for the second time to the CDP Water Security theme in 2020,having obtained an overall“B”score,
53、corresponding to the“Management”level.173JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEIII.Sourcing Responsibly Around 90%of all food products sold by the Group were sourced from local suppliers,keeping this ratio above our 80%target;More than 200 Private Brand and Perishable products and/or packaging
54、 with sustainability certificates were launched,reaching a total of 659 references with these characteristics(95 more references compared to 2019);About 45%of the Groups Private Brand fresh eggs sold in 2020 were classified as“cage-free”(barn eggs,free-range eggs or organic eggs),an increase of 13 p
55、ared to 2019,contributing to the goal of progressively increasing this proportion to 100%by 2025;For the second year in a row,Jernimo Martins obtained a global score of“A-”in the CDP Forests 2020,for all evaluated commodities:palm oil,soy,beef and paper and wood,being the only food retailer in the w
56、orld to obtain the leadership level for all commodities.IV.Supporting Surrounding Communities The support offered by the Group was approximately 47.6 million euros,an increase of 10%compared to 2019.More than two million euros were exclusively allocated to support the surrounding communities in the
57、fight against the pandemic;More than 18.6 thousand tonnes of food products were donated,which represents an increase of 19%compared to 2019,in a continuous quest to fight food waste,hunger and malnutrition.In Poland,the food donations programme to social institutions was extended,having reached 1,94
58、1 stores,an increase of 18%regarding 2019;The“Czas na Pomaganie Seniorom 65+”(Time to Help Seniors 65+)programme brought together more than 5,600 senior citizens who cannot do their shopping alone during the pandemic period and more than 11,800 volunteer citizens;The partnership between Jernimo Mart
59、ins Colombia,Caritas Polska and Caritas Colombia has supported more than 1,100 vulnerable families in Villa del Rosario and Ccuta,two villages in the northern region of Santander near the Venezuela border,through the delivery of more than 9,400 baskets with essential food products.V.Being a Benchmar
60、k Employer We created 2,782 jobs to a total of more than 118 thousand employees,representing a net increase of 2.4%compared to 2019;Around 16 million euros were invested in personal protective equipment and protective barriers,among others,to ensure employees safety in the Covid-19 pandemic context;
61、189 million euros were awarded in bonuses of which 30 million as extraordinary measures to recognise employees for their work during the pandemic a 38%increase compared to 2019.13,520 employees were promoted;The investment in support initiatives to employees under the areas of Health,Education and F
62、amily Wellbeing amounted to around 20 million euros.1744.PROMOTING GOODHEALTH THROUGH FOOD4.1.IntroductionWe have a permanent concern with the quality of ingredients,the nutritional profiles of our products,and safety in food preparation in all the decisions we take to improve our offer and deliver
63、innovation that is relevant and valued by consumers.In short,we work to guarantee food quality,diversity and safety without ever compromising on taste.By observing societies where the excess intake of sugar,salt,fat and saturated fat has resulted in an increased prevalence of diseases such as obesit
64、y,diabetes,osteoporosis and cardiovascular ones,we know that it is imperative that we cut down the use of these ingredients.The preference of millions of consumers for our Private Brands provides a basis on which we seek to contribute to healthier eating habits by making nutritionally balanced and l
65、ess processed products accessible to all.Consumers with specific dietary requirements or preferences,such as allergies and intolerance to certain ingredients,also find a wide range of solutions in our stores.This strategy is in line with the priorities defined in the United Nations Sustainable Devel
66、opment Goals for 2030 and with the expectations of our stakeholders.4.2.Quality and DiversityThe implementation of the Product Quality and Safety Policy9 aims to continuously and sustainably improve the development and monitoring processes of Private Brand(food We are aware of the influence that a G
67、roup like ours can have in behavioural change and how it can contribute to societies with more responsible lifestyles.9 The Policy is available to all consumers and other stakeholders on Jernimo Martins corporate website,under“Responsibility”,sub-section“Promoting Good Health through Food”at .175JER
68、NIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEandnon-food)and Perishable products.This policy is built on some of the following principles and practices:application of complementary standards,due to possible oversights in applicable legislation in force in the countries where we operate and to scientific
69、 proof in decision making;engagement with stakeholders to proactively understand their expectations,consumption trends and to establish/strengthen partnerships;prohibiting animal testing and applying the precautionary principle as to Genetically Modified Organisms(GMO)and nanotechnology;commitment t
70、o replacing microplastic with biodegradable materials that do not pose risks to the food chain and ecosystems,and testing packaging materials that will come into contact with food;We work to guarantee food quality,diversity and safety.prioritising traceability and the existence of robust procedures
71、for defending,mitigating and managing product safety risks;transparent and straightforward communication on product labelling beyond that required by law,in order for the consumer to make a more informed purchasing decision.176Standing strong on the front lineIn addition,the Groups Nutritional Polic
72、y10 complements the commitments undertaken by the Companies for Private Brand food products and is in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization,among others.The dimensions covered by this policy are nutritional profile,ingredients,labelling,serving sizes,continuous improvement,a
73、nd communication.The Nutritional Policy is built on:restrictions as to use of colouring,preservatives and other superfluous synthetic additives;maximum accepted quantities of food additives and of nutrients such as salt,sugar and fat in the products for children;nutritional reformulation strategies;
74、diversity of the offer and development of products for people with specific nutritional requirements or preferences,and within specific age groups;packaging materials allowed for contact with foodstuffs;labels that include clear and straightforward information for consumers on health,nutrition and s
75、erving sizes,and promote healthy eating habits;product monitoring plans that include sensory tests,audits and laboratory controls.The guidelines for the development of Private Brand products and Perishables also reinforce the principles listed in the two aforementioned policies,specifying,for exampl
76、e,plant-based-products and products for people over the age of 55.In 2020,the updating of requirements to continuously improve products and production processes focused on new labelling criteria to make nutritional profiles easier to read and interpret and limiting the amount of fructose (from corn)
77、/glucose syrups and soy lecithin.4.2.1.LaunchesIn 2020,and despite the disruption brought by the pandemic,we continued to invest heavily in launching Perishables and Private Brand products to meet the needs of consumers and to encourage responsible eating habits.PolandThe following Biedronka Private
78、 Brand are of note:17 gluten-free products,such as sauces(mayonnaise,garlic sauce and tartar sauce)that are also suitable for vegans;37 clean label11 products,for example,two FruVita fruit yoghurt references(made with 70%yoghurt and 30%fruit)and four Marinero herring references(rich in Omega-3 fatty
79、 acids).The Company has been working on clean labelling,for example in the cold meats category,in which Biedronka does not add sodium glutamate,phosphates or other additives commonly used in the food industry to guarantee conservation or to enhance flavour and colour(known by the acronym“E”).This co
80、mmitment has led Biedronka to restrict 47%of the additives approved by the European Union and Polish legislation,something that involves investment in innovative equipment and methods;three lactose-free references(such as the Tutti cheese with vanilla and the Donatello peperoni pizza,also without gl
81、uten);Ten Vitanella products such as cherry or blackberry-filled cereals,made with 37%wheat flour,containing natural flavouring and no colouring.Biedronka also introduced 20 organic products for consumers who prefer foods produced using sustainable methods,without the use of phytopharmaceuticals(e.g
82、.Go Bio Greek Kalamata and green olives,jams and ultra-pasteurised milk with 3.5%fat from the same brand),offering atotal of 85 references in the year.10 The Policy is available to all consumers and other stakeholders on Jernimo Martins corporate website,under“Responsibility”,sub-section“Promoting G
83、ood Health through Food”at .11 Products with fewer ingredients and that tend to lack chemical,synthetic and highly processed ingredients,usually used in the production of certain categories of products,in accordance with legal provisions.177JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEIn the vegan ca
84、tegory products that do not contain GMO in their composition,among other legally required criteria12,68 Private Brand references were introduced into the market.Among which the Go Vege organic tofu(made from water,soy and calcium),a source of protein low in saturated fat and an alternative to dairy
85、products.Also of note are seven hamburger references,including the chicken-style burger,the beetroot and millet burger,and the chickpea falafel,all marketed under the Go Vege brand.We pay particular attention to products dedicated to children,so that all products consumed mainly by these audiences a
86、re free 12 The claims regarding suitability for vegan consumption must comply with certain criteria,such as compliance with the Polish Agriculture and Rural Development Regulation on food labelling,which may be labelled“Certified Vegan”or“Suitable for Vegans”;the absence of animal-based ingredients
87、in the production process;good production practices so as to minimise cross contamination with non-plant-based ingredients;and be GMO free.AKTIPLUS LGG YOGHURTSAs these products are a first in the Polish private brand market,Biedronka also created a website(dobrebakterielgg.pl)to raise awareness of
88、the benefits of eating probiotic yoghurts containing lactic acid bacteria,namely for the digestive system,and of vitamins B6 and D to improve immune response.These yoghurts were also awarded the Silver Medal in the 2020 edition of Consumers Choice from among 253 products in the“Best Product”category
89、,chosen by the consumers interviewed by the GfK Institute.Five new Aktiplus yoghurts containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus,LGG bacteria were rolled out.of preservatives,sweeteners,glucose-fructose syrup,phosphates,monosodium glutamate,hydrogenated vegetable oils and the polyglycerol polyricinoleate emu
90、lsifier(E476).Launches in the Perishables category include:three new fish products the Marinero Alaska Pollock fillets with vegetables,butter and herbs,and two Czas na Grill(Its Barbecue Time)fish products:rainbow trout with lemon and parsley,and seasoned salmon fillets with spices;chilli and lemon
91、marinade chicken fillets with mango lassi(Indian specialty consisting of a blend of yoghurt,water and spices),and apricot yoghurt;shashlik(Slavic specialty)turkey kebabs with courgette and paprika;blackcurrants and redcurrants,grown in Poland and a natural source of vitamin C and magnesium,“cotton c
92、andy”seedless grapes,and the Japanese shimeji mushrooms.Five new fresh organic products were also added to Biedronkas offering,including grapes,kiwis,carrots and chicken,finishing the year with a total of 37 references.Fresh organic bread was also introduced in more stores,with 438 stores now sellin
93、g this bread,216 more than in 2019.PortugalDuring the year we launched:ten gluten-free products,such as the Pura Vida spaguetti;11 lactose-free references,including the Amanhecer chocolate and strawberry ice creams;two Skyr yoghurt references,a raspberry and white mulberry yoghurt and an elderflower
94、 and orange yoghurt,rich in protein and calcium,with no added sugar or colouring,and fat free;Pingo Doce and Amanhecer Private Brands stir-fried vegetables with quinoa,an easy-to-cook meal for vegans,rich in fibre and protein,gluten-free and low in saturated fats;178Standing strong on the front line
95、 Pingo Doce and Amanhecer cubed flamengo cheese snack,a product designed with the younger audiences in mind.Made in Portugal,it has 38%less salt than the average salt content of other cheese snacks on the market13,is rich in vitamin B12,calcium and phosphorus,and is a source of vitamin A;Amanhecer v
96、egetable lasagne with no cheese,made specially for egg-vegetarians(include eggs in their diet but not dairy),low in saturated fat and with no colouring,preservatives or flavour enhancers.In the Pura Vida range,designed to make functional food products accessible to everyone,we kept over 100 referenc
97、es available on the market.New organic products arrived on the market under the Pingo Doce brand,with organic production certification:two Kombucha fermented tea references(raspberry and coconut),unique in Private Brands in Portugal,both without preservatives,gluten-free and made in Portugal.In 2020
98、,30 new Go Bio references hit the market including high-fibre millet(also gluten-free),rice sesame tortitas and red and green lentils bringing the ranges items to 63.There were 117 items on sale with organic certification in Private and Perishable Brands.The Go Vege range saw an increase in its offe
99、r in ten new products suitable for vegetarian and vegans consumers,among which the dried tomato and cranberries pate stand out,and three burger references(beet,pepper and carrot),totalling 14 references in the end of the year.New Bakery products were rolled out in the Perishables category,most notew
100、orthy of which are the breads made with:wheat,rye,whole oatmeal and yellow linseed(pre-baked in a wood oven);beetroot and sesame seeds,with no colouring;corn and sunflower;pumpkin,walnuts and raisins.In a year in which the time spent in store and the frequency of visits decreased due to the severe r
101、estrictions imposed by the fight against the pandemic in a context of a state of emergency that has been renewed multiple times,the Meal Solutions and Take Away areas focused on offering a more convenient assortment to customers through the Grab&Go format and home deliveries of healthy food products
102、 and solutions.In this regard,the Pingo Doce restaurants introduced dishes inspired by the principles of the Mediterranean Diet,namely in what regards vegetable consumption,such as whole wheat penne pasta with goat cheese(source of protein)and chicken with buckwheat and vegetables(low in fat and sat
103、urated fat,and rich in protein).Dishes with vegetables made especially for children were also introduced,such as steak parmigiana,steak and mushrooms,and hake fillet with mashed potatoes.Product launches in the Soup category also followed the Mediterranean Diet,most notably four soup references with
104、 no added salt and low in saturated fat:cream of vegetables,cream of 13 Based on data from November 2018.179JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCElegumes,cream of pumpkin,and cream of carrot with the first three being available to customers of the HoReCa channel for the first time.A new salad
105、variety was added to the Salads offering,namely the bulgur salad with chicken and vegetables(low in saturated fat).In the Desserts category,the chia pudding with strawberries and the traditional oatmeal are of note.For vegetarians,and in addition to the vegetable-only dishes,Pingo Doce launched new
106、dishes low in saturated fat,including moussaka(a traditional Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dish)with vegetables and a tomato crumble,beans with tofu and mushrooms(rich in protein),and the onion burger.At Christmas,and for the first time,we offered a vegetarian dish:soy strogonoff.ColombiaTwo Peti
107、t Choc almond and raisins chocolate references were launched,made from 100%Colombian cacao,and the Solei mango,pear and apple pouches all aimed at younger audiences with no colouring or artificial flavours.The De La Cuesta semi-skimmed gluten-free milk with added vitamins A and D3(which regulates th
108、e absorption of calcium and phosphorus and contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system)and the sliced bread rolls multi-grain and wholemeal both from Amapan brand,were other references launched.4.2.2.ReformulationsAcross the three countries,we reviewed the recipes of 150 food products
109、14 in all three countries(78 in Poland,71 in Portugal and one in Colombia)with regard to ingredients considered critical for public health:sugar,salt and fats.The reformulation strategy focuses on foods that:are consumed mostly by children;contain high levels of salt,sugar,fat,saturated fat,and/or s
110、uperfluous additives;are consumed in large quantities and,as such,their reformulation might have a positive impact on public health;might be perceived as being healthy,but whose nutritional profile needs to be adjusted;are low in fibre,vitamins and minerals;have ingredients that could potentially ca
111、use allergic reactions.PolandA total of 78 products were reformulated according to the guidelines in the Groups Nutritional Policy.Biedronka reformulated the sugar content of 61 products,reducing a total of 2,294 tonnes.The sugar in 22 soft drinks,iced teas and juices,including those from the Miami
112、brand for children,was reduced by between 8%and 55%,corresponding to over one thousand tonnes 14 Includes Perishables.TOTAL REFORMULATIONS In 2020,the Group prevented the entry into the market of:2,468 TONNES OF SUGAR184TONNES OF SATURATED FAT58TONNES OF SALT28TONNES OF FAT180Standing strong on the
113、front lineless sugar in the market.Also of note are the 23 FruVita yoghurts,with a reduction of between 9%and 38%in sugar content,thus avoiding around 722 tonnes of sugar,and five Miami cereal references for children,which saw a 3%to 15%cut in sugar,corresponding to more than 97 tonnes avoided.The s
114、alt content of 33 products was reduced by between 7%and 56%,notably in 14 Top Chips references.Overall,the reformulations resulted in about 36 tonnes less salt intake via these products.The fat content of five products was reduced by between 3%and 29%,resulting in more than 28 tonnes less fat in the
115、 market.The Vital Fresh beetroot salad saw its fat content cut by 15%and the Fasti Gouda and Emmental cheeses and ham now have 29%less fat.On top of complying with Commission Regulation(EU)2019/649 as regards limiting trans fats(other than those naturally present in ingredients of animal origin)to a
116、 maximum of 2 g per 100 g of fat in food by 2021,Biedronka went a step further and committed to removing partially-hydrogenated vegetable oils as a source of trans fats before the deadline.In 2020,100%15 of products no longer contained this fat.Also in 2020,the removal of superfluous additives,such
117、as monosodium glutamate(E621)from 13 products(including several Top Chips references),the thickeners in four products such as Culineo tomato sauces and the artificial colouring in the Miami vanilla-filled cereals,was completed.Also of note in the year was the reformulation of confectionery ingredien
118、ts,with the removal of titanium dioxide(E171,referred to in the industry as the“perfect white”)from five products.In four of these articles the bright blue colouring(E133)was also removed,having 11 baby food products been removed their colouring and artificial flavour enhancers.PortugalThe recipes o
119、f 31 products of the Pingo Doce,MasterChef and Amanhecer brands were reformulated to reduce sugar content,resulting in more than 173 tonnes less sugar in the market.Most noteworthy were the iced teas(more than 160 tonnes for an average reduction of around 10%per product)and the Bolas de Chocolate an
120、d Chocolocos chocolate cereals(more than 11tonnes for an average reduction of more than 4%per product),both popular among children andadolescents.The salt content of two products was reformulated:the recipe for the Pingo Doce and Amanhecer Private Brand Batata Frita Palha Fina matchstick chips saw t
121、he salt content of each product cut by more than 6%.This value is equivalent to a reduction of more than 0.4 tonnes in salt intake.With regard to saturated fat,the quantities in 11 products were reformulated by removing saturated oils or replacing them with other healthier oils.Most noteworthy are t
122、he Batatas Fritas Palha Fina matchstick chips and the Lisas Light low-fat plain crisps,which saw the palm oil removed and resulted in more than 150 tonnes less saturated fat in the market,that is,81%less saturated fat in the matchstick chips and 77%less in the low-fat plain crisps.We also replaced t
123、he palm oil in four references with sunflower oil:the Tostas de Trigo wheat toast and Tostas Integrais wholemeal toast,with around six tonnes of fat avoided,and the Pipocas Doces sweet popcorn,very popular among children and adolescents,corresponding toa total of 24 tonnes less saturated fat.In line
124、 with the maximum amounts internally defined and in Commission Regulation(EU)2019/649 of 24 April 2019,which establishes amaximum of 2 grams of artificial trans fat per 100 grams of fat used by April 2021,we adjusted the amount of fat used at our Fresh Dough Factory to ensure that the maximum permit
125、ted amount was complied with in all the products we make andahead of the legal deadline.Within the context of the Portuguese governments Integrated Strategy for the Promotion of Healthy Eating(EIPAS),the following progress in Pingo Doces commitments is of note:15 The last revised reference will go o
126、n sale during 2021.181JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the context of reducing salt content:-in the Meal Solutions and Take Away soups by up to 0.3g/100g in 2023.We cut the salt in 18 references(whose average was 0.7g/100g of product),equivalent to less 1.4 tonnes in the market;-in ow
127、n-made bread up to a maximum of 1g/100g in 2021.14 recipes made in-store and at the Fresh Dough Factory were modified,reaching the target ahead of schedule(an estimated more than 19 tonnes of salt were avoided);-in the top four best-selling meals,to reach the target of 0.9g/100g by 2023.According to
128、 the analyses carried out in 2020 of the most sold meals,the salt content was equal to or below the maximum amount established;-in chips and snacks by 12%by 2022.Thebaseline16 of the weighted average of the products on the market was determined during the year and stood at 1.25g/100g.The average sal
129、t in products sold by the Groups Companies is 0.7%,that is,below the baseline amount.in the context of reducing sugar content:-in fruit nectars by 2023(the average total sugar content by 7%and average added sugar content by 14%).The baseline16,for every 100ml of product,of the products on the market
130、 was 8.66g/100ml.The average sugar content of the products sold by the Groups Companies is 2.0%above this baseline amount,that is,8.84g/100ml,the references being subject to a recipe review in the coming years;-added to chocolate milk by 10%by 2022(average sugar content).The baseline16,for every 100
131、ml of product,of the products on the market,was 8.20g/100ml,the same as the average sugar content of the products sold by the Groups Companies;-in the soft drinks category,with a 10%reduction in the weighted average by 2022.The baseline16,for every 100ml of product,of the weighted averages of the pr
132、oducts on the market was 5.94g/100ml.The average sugar content of the products sold by the Groups Companies is 2.2%below the baseline amount,that is,5.81g/100ml.ColombiaWe cut the salt content in the Barbacon Chorizo Santarrosano by 28%,corresponding to 0.35 tonnes less salt in the market.In the Alm
133、ond Valley almond drink,the carrageenan(E407)was removed,a substance extracted from red algae with food preservation properties and used as an emulsifier,which can potentially cause inflammation in the digestive system,being replaced by carob gum.Also,Lacrems non-dairy instant coffee creamer saw the
134、 artificial colourings being replaced by beta-carotene.The fruit content of the Solei pear,apple and mango nectars was increased by 0.6 p.p.to 18%.16 The nutritional composition at 31 March 2018 is considered as the starting point for the reformulation process.182Standing strong on the front lineBie
135、dronkaPingo Doce RecheioAraTotalReformulated products*7853181150Salt33331168Sugar611615092Fat50005Saturated fat065011Quantities avoided(tonnes)*Salt3621.30.10.3558Sugar2,2941254902,468Fat2800028Saturated fat0145390184NON-FOOD PRODUCTSSome substances have been removed to prevent potential impacts on
136、consumer health and/or ecosystems.In Poland,we removed the allergenic fragrances in cosmetic products(Lucca Cipriano mens deodorants and colognes),replaced the preservatives in 35 household cleaning and textile products,and removed the microplastics(nylon and polyethylene)in eight Be Beauty and Niuq
137、i cosmetic products.We also rolled out more responsible products for consumers,such as the nine Be Beauty products certified free from animal-derived ingredients,and introduced unique products in the Polish private brand market two varieties of Pinio micellar foaming cleanser recommended by Centrum
138、Zdrowia Dziecka(Childrens Health Centre)containing no less than 98%natural ingredients(a ratio of natural ingredients 6 p.p.higher than the benchmark),micellar water,and using vegan-friendly formulas;and the Dada Anti-Atopic childrens wipes with a formula that does not cause inflammatory skin reacti
139、ons,and which is recommended by Polskie Towarzystwo Chorb Atopowych(Polish Society of Atopic Diseases).In Portugal,highlight to three new Be Beauty sunscreen references free from oxybenzone and octinoxate compounds chemicals that block out ultraviolet sun rays.These chemicals are said,among other th
140、ings,to be harmful to coral reefs and marine life,so that its absence from the formulas justifies the“Reef Friendly”claim on sunscreens for children and their families.*Includes Perishable products.*A product may have its recipe revised for more than one ingredient.The method of unique counting,not
141、references,is done for this purpose.*The number of tonnes removed is obtained using the following calculation method:the quantities of these ingredients present in the formula of the references covered multiplied by the number of units bought or sold in the year.PRODUCTS NUTRITIONAL REFORMULATIONS*1
142、83JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE4.2.3.Promoting Healthier ChoicesOur continuous efforts to properly align the Groups offer with the consumer needs led to the implementation of projects to adjust the serving sizes of Private Brand products and to provide straightforward information on p
143、ackaging.Among the priorities set in this regard are the product format,the voluntary indication of the number of servings in each package,information on the average time the product must be consumed once opened(e.g.mayonnaise,milk and jams),and to only mention,when possible,one expiry date to avoid
144、 confusing consumers over other printed dates(such as production batches),thereby helping to ensure a more efficient use of the products and fighting food waste.In 2020,these principles were applied to the following products:Heil red berry cereal bars,in bags,at Ara;Solei fruit pouches mango,apple a
145、nd pear also at Ara.Product InformationIn addition to the technical and legal information on the package(nutritional composition and full nutrition tables with values per 100g and per serving),the Group voluntarily includes more straightforward nutritional information on the front of packages to ena
146、ble consumers to make a more informed purchasing decision.The Groups Packaging Manuals include the disclosure of the characteristics and benefits of Private Brand products on the labelling,complying with technical and legal requirements,namely on the nutritional composition,and presenting full nutri
147、tion tables,with values per 100g and per serving.In Portugal,the following are of note:use of the“Sem OGM”(“GMO Free”)symbol for products consisting mainly of only one ingredient that could potentially have been genetically modified.By the end of 2020,this symbol was maintained on 22%of the total re
148、ferences in question;use of the calorie icon for 91%of alcoholic beverage references(unchanged from 2019);use of a symbol on alcoholic beverages that discourages consumption by pregnant women,which is placed on 100%of the references(an increase of 0.9 pared to 2019);use,for the first time,of a symbo
149、l that discourages the consumption of alcoholic beverages before driving(the“safe driving”icon is placed on 12%of references);maintenance of the icons for products that are a source of Omega-3,lactose-free,gluten-free,without added sugar and without fat;maintenance of the identification of Pingo Doc
150、e charcuterie products that have less fat and salt according to the requirements of the“Escolha Saudvel”(“Healthy Choice”)programme,in collaboration with the Portuguese Heart Foundation.In Poland,the following are of note:indication of fibre in the nutrition table,on the back of packages;use of the
151、European logo on organic products,incompliance with Council Regulation(EC)No.834/2007 and Commission Regulation(EC)No.889/2008 on organic production,labelling and control;use of specific symbols based on own criteria and that required,among others,by Polish legislation for vegan and vegetarian consu
152、mers in launches and reformulations for consumers with specific dietary requirements or preferences(68 products were labelled as“Suitable for Vegans”);maintenance of the icons for products that are a source of Omega-3,lactose-free and gluten-free;use of symbols,on alcoholic beverages,to indicate cal
153、orie count(60%of references included the calorie count),pregnancy warnings(8%of references)and responsible driving (17%of references)17.17 The comparison with the previous year is not presented because the 2019 values were reviewed as a result of products delisting.184Standing strong on the front li
154、neWith regard to GMO,new legislation entered into force in 2020 regarding the labelling of products containing usually modified ingredients such as maize,rapeseed,soy and beetroot18.In addition to requirements for suppliers,the Groups Companies also perform laboratory analyses to comply their Produc
155、t Quality and Food Safety Policy so as to disclose the presence of GMO when they cannot be avoided,within the methods quantification limit of 0.1%(more demanding than the 0.9%threshold stipulated in EU mandatory labelling rules).Complying legal national requirements,symbols identifying the absence o
156、f GMO were placed on 12 Biedronka products,such as the Pastani pastas,increasing to 40%the number of labelled plant-based references among the products that could potentially contain soy and corn(representing more than 50%of ingredients in its composition).We maintained the partnership with Polskie
157、Stowarzyszenie Osb z Celiaki i na Diecie Bezglutenowej(Polish Association of Celiac Disease Sufferers and Gluten-Free Diet)to monitor the production and roll out of gluten-free products,ensuring both the absence of cross-contamination and the certification of the final product.In Colombia,voluntary
158、adoption of nutritional indications of the recommended daily ingredients continued,displaying on the front of packages the values for calories,fat,sodium,sugar and protein.Information in other mediaFor over ten years,product development and communication at Pingo Doce has been following the principl
159、es of the Mediterranean Diet,classified as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.Besides product packaging,which includes cooking advice and suggestions of side dishes with fruit and vegetables,the Pingo Doce website and the bi-monthly magazine“Sabe Bem”(“Tastes Good”),with an averag
160、e print-run of 150 thousand copies are also some of the means used for communicating this diet,by sharing recipes that encourage the reuse of leftover food.The website also includes a list of lactose-free and gluten-free products to help consumers in their choice.These lists are updated every month
161、by Pingo Doces nutrition team,based on the analytical control of its Private Brand products.During the lockdown periods,Pingo Doce focused on targeted customer communication to promote healthy eating habits.We launched two initiatives:#SabeBemEstarConsigo(#ItsNiceBeingWithYou),sharing easy and pract
162、ical recipes and cooking tips to help plan daily meals,and#ReceitaDoDia(#RecipeOfTheDay),a daily event on Pingo Doces Facebook and Instagram pages for cooking balanced meals and sharing tips on how to prevent waste and substitute ingredients with what is available at the consumers home.By the end of
163、 May these recipes and tips had reached over 4.2 million people.18 The labeling applies in two dimensions:“GMO free”(for foods of plant origin and foods composed of more than one ingredient,excluding products of animal origin and feed,free from genetically modified organisms)and“Produced without the
164、 use of GMO”(for products of animal origin and foods composed of more than one ingredient,free from genetically modified organisms).185JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEOver the lockdown periods,the Jernimo Martins Groups editorial website Be The Story also published several articles about
165、 eating healthy during the pandemic and the precautions consumers should take when going shopping to reduce their exposure to the virus.It was also created a more intuitive visual identity for the Meal Solutions and Take Away products in order to communicate the freshness of the ingredients used in
166、Pingo Doces kitchens.The“Comida Fresca A Verdade dos Ingredientes”(“Fresh Food The Truth of Ingredients”)symbol started to be placed in soups,main dishes,salads and desserts.Biedronka continued the“wieoznawcy”campaign,related to the quality of fresh produce,particularly fruit and vegetables,and bake
167、ry products.The campaign is based on two action pillars:internally,training operational departments and preparing information for dissemination;externally,through a dedicated web page that,in addition to promoting its in-store offering,shares the Companys quality culture and tips on how to store fru
168、it and MEDITERRANEAN DIET,THE PORTUGUESE WAY As part of celebrating Pingo Doces 40th anniversary in 2020,the Jernimo Martins Group wanted to mark the World Food Day(16 October).The Group held a conference to debate how the principles of the Mediterranean Diet are applied to Portuguese eating habits
169、and how they could be better adopted by consumers.Reinforcing the message that this is a healthy diet,that improves the immune system especially important during a health crisis and is affordable and sustainable,several experts from different areas of knowledge discussed this topic in an event scien
170、tifically sponsored by the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health(DGS Direo-Geral da Sade),curated by the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto and which had institutional support from the Lisbon City Council(within the framework of Lisbon European Green Capital 2020).
171、With a limited in-person audience due to the pandemic-related restrictions,the event was streamed live,totalling around eight thousand views.The conference was accompanied by the launch of the“Juliana”brand,celebrating the Mediterranean Diet philosophy and flavours in a tribute to the heritage and b
172、enefits of the Portuguese way of living this diet.Based on various regional soups and on the women who helped reveal ancestral secrets about a gastronomic culture that is so much more than just food,a documentary was produced and a photo exhibition was held in Terreiro do Pao,one of Lisbons most emb
173、lematic squares.Additional information on this project is available at juliana.pingodoce.pt.186Standing strong on the front line the Portuguese Association of Celiac Disease Sufferers,to identify and publicise gluten-free products;the Portuguese Heart Foundation,to identify cold meat products that a
174、re low in fat and salt,using the symbol“Healthy Choice”;the Portuguese Association of Nutritionists,to sponsor the Nutrition and Food Conference.In Poland,besides the agreements previously established for publishing information on a healthy diet and the more straightforward identification of specifi
175、c food products,the following initiatives were carried out:support for the fifth National Nutrition Conference hosted by the National Health Institute and the National Centre for Nutrition Education related to the new nutritional model for the Polish people;the second edition of the“Nasz Pstrg”(“Our
176、 Trout”)campaign,launched in 2018,designed by the Polish Trout Breeders Association and financed by the European Union to promote the production and consumption of trout from aquaculture.Biedronka,as one of the campaign partners,marketed trout products to consumers and included information on labels
177、 that trout are a source of Omega-3 fatty acids;deepening of the partnership with Instytut Matki i Dziecka(Institute of Mother and Child),with which Biedronka has been collaborating since 2012,to develop products for children,launching the magazine“Dada&Rodzina”(Dada Biedronkas exclusive brand of ba
178、by products and Family)with information on child and maternal nutrition.Additionally,the public platform epozytywnaopinia.pl remained active,providing families access to information on hygiene products,clothing,textiles and children feeding accessories approved by the Institute as to their safety;Bi
179、edronka joined the“Celuj w Zdrowie”(“Scoring for Health”)programme,for the 2019/2020 academic year,to fight childhood obesity by promoting physical activity and nutrition,in partnership with the Legia Warsaw Football Club Foundation.260 children between the ages vegetables to help fight waste of per
180、ishable products.The Company also published 240 articles in various media outlets,leaflets and on the Biedronka website describing the nutritional profiles and quality of Private Brand products and Perishables,and their health benefits.An additional 66 articles were published through internal channe
181、ls for employees.In Colombia,most noteworthy was the“Se Siente Bin”(“Feel Good”)campaign,carried out by member companies of The Consumer Goods Forum to encourage people to eat healthy.The campaign received an average of 19.3 million views of posts published on social media,in email campaigns and in
182、the internal channels of the participating companies.4.2.4.Partnerships and SupportThe Group holds regular talks with public and private benchmark institutions to learn and share knowledge about food,nutrition and health.In Portugal,Pingo Doce is an active member of the Portuguese Association of Ret
183、ailing Companies(APED),participating and contributing also in the technical committees dedicated to food quality.In this regard,of note is the Companys participation in the European Commissions EUREMO study to collect data on the ingredients and nutritional content of a range of processed foods in 1
184、5 European countries launched in 2019 and expected to be concluded by the end of2021.The Group also maintained its partnerships with organisations aiming to contribute towards a healthy diet,such as:the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health(DGS),within the scope of the National Programme for Hea
185、lthy Eating(PNPAS),with Pingo Doce providing 86 recipes on the Mediterranean Diet.Two articles by the DGS were also published in the“Sabe Bem”magazine,and shared on the PNPAS Nutrimento blog(at nutrimento.pt);187JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEof nine and ten learned to read product labe
186、ls,to identify ingredients and to understand the calorie count and fat content of products19.In Colombia,Ara continued to participate in the ICONTEC working groups(Colombian Institute of Technical Standards)to discuss the Best Practices Guide for the Production of green coffee.4.3.Quality and Food S
187、afetyWe continually invest in the certification and monitoring of our processes,facilities and equipment.To do so,we not only count on our Quality and Food Safety technicians,but also work with external auditors and independent and accredited laboratories.In 2020,we conducted 12,764 internal audits(
188、including follow-up audits)of the Groups infrastructures,complemented by 147,589 analyses of work surfaces and product manipulators,among others,and 59,869 food product analyses.4.3.1.CertificationsDuring 2020,the following certifications were renewed or extended to new infrastructures:ISO 22000:200
189、5 on the storage and distribution processes of animal and plant-based food products in all 16 Distribution Centres in Poland,and on the Private Brand food product development process at Biedronkas head office;FSSC 22000 v.5(which includes ISO 22000:2018)for the Soup Factory in Poland,within the scop
190、e of ready-to-eat after heating and individualized packaging;19 For more information,see sub-chapter 7.“Supporting Surrounding Communities”,section 7.5.“Other Support”.188Standing strong on the front line ISO 9001:2015 for the Development of Private Brands in Portugal and Post-Launch Product Follow-
191、Up/Supplier Follow-Up;HACCP in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius for the Pingo Doce Central Kitchens(with regard to Food Safety),16 Recheio stores,the Recheio Masterchef Food Service platforms in Porto and Lisbon,and for the Azambuja,Vila do Conde,Alfena and Algoz Distribution Centres(with rega
192、rd to Food Safety);Food Safety Management System,according to the EN ISO 22000:2005 Portuguese standard,in 21 Recheio stores and in the Recheio Masterchef Food Service platform in Tavira.In 2020,all the Polish Distribution Centres renewed their certification for handling organic products,according t
193、o Council Regulation(EC)No.834/2007.4.3.2.AuditsIn addition to internal audits,we also audited the suppliers of Perishables and Private Brand products,the results of which are available in sub-chapter 6.“Sourcing Responsibly”.PolandAudits were conducted at Biedronka stores and at the Distribution Ce
194、ntres,by both internal and external auditors,to check the suitability of facilities,equipment and procedures.BiedronkaDistribution CentresStores and Distribution Centres20202019 2020/201920202019 2020/2019Internal Audits6,3764,899+30%3529+21%Follow-up Audits15079+90%00-External Audits13573+85%2027-2
195、6%HACCP Performance*85%86%-1 p.p.90%95%-5 p.p.*At Biedronka,HACCP implementation is evaluated based on own requirements which,in turn,are based on the Codex Alimentarius.In the Distribution Centres,the compliance rate refers to the ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System certification,which is based
196、 on the HACCP principles of the Codex Alimentarius.AUDITS CONDUCTED IN POLAND189JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE20 The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points(HACCP)system is designed to prevent potential risks that cause harm to consumers,by eliminating or reducing hazards and there
197、by ensuring food is safe to eat.21 In Poland,internal audits,including follow-up audits,of stores(except meat counters,which are audited by the Quality and Food Safety team)are carried out by independent,external auditors,such as Diversey and Det Norske Veritas(DNV-GL).In the Distribution Centres,in
198、ternal audits are carried out by the Biedronka team,and external certification audits in the scope of ISO 22000 are performed by an external entity(DNV-GL).Number of Analyses/Samples Collected20202019 2020/2019Work surfaces13,1603,418+285%Manipulators12,4152,915+326%Raw materials/Finished product556
199、642-13%Water448176+155%Total26,5797,151+272%In order to adapt risk assessments to the in-store processes(finishing of bakery products,meat counters,juicers),we revised the HACCP plan throughout the year.New criteria for in-store HACCP20 audits were also implemented.More stores were audited in 2020 t
200、han in 2019 resulted in a 30%increase in internal controls21.Follow-up audits,conducted in stores whose internal performance score is below 70%following initial audits,increased as a need for tightened control during the pandemic.External control increased significantly,due to reinforced monitoring
201、of the risks associated with the pandemic infection,and to the fact that 216 new stores now have organic bread in their assortment,bringing to 438 the total number of stores with this offer.The external controls were carried out by AgroEko,an independent entity duly authorised by official bodies.In
202、the Distribution Centres,the increase in internal audits and the decrease in external audits is justified by the anticipation of the calendar in 2019,making it unnecessary to repeat them in 2020.The decrease in the performance rating can be explained by the implementation of stricter criteria in are
203、as identified as critical by both internal and external audits,and whose weighting in the final result was greater.ISO 22000 certification was renewed for 16 Distribution Centres as to the storage and distribution of products.The head office also maintained its certification for Private Brand food p
204、roduct development.Certification is issued by DNV-GL.We use external,accredited laboratories to analyse work surfaces,equipment,product manipulators,raw materials,products finished in store and water,in order to control microbiological risks.A total of 26,579 analyses were carried out,almost three t
205、imes more than in 2019,as a result of the increase in the number of stores with meat counters,which required more analyses to be carried out.With regard to raw materials/products finished in store,such as roast chicken,orange juice and the cutting up of fruit,the offer was limited due to consumers c
206、hange of consumption patterns because of the pandemic,resulting in fewer analyses within this scope.MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN POLAND190Standing strong on the front linePortugal In the case of the stores,the pandemic caused the audits to focus on the quality of products on display,the hyg
207、iene and cleanliness of stores,and often on operational support(selection,product verification,and restocking),resulting in a significant decrease in the number of internal(assessment)audits and an increase in follow-up audits.The decrease in external audits was also the result of the measures impos
208、ed by the state of emergency experienced throughout 2020.The decline in the HACCP performance of the stores is also linked to the decrease in the number of audits conducted compared to 2019,which influenced the final average result.In the Distribution Centres,the decrease in internal and follow-up a
209、udits was due to the adjustment of planning in relation to previous performance.Audits are now annual,instead of Stores and Distribution CentresPingo DoceRecheioDistribution Centres2020 2019 2020/20192020 2019 2020/20192020 2019 2020/2019Internal Audits516888-42%4385-49%2433-27%Follow-up Audits2,590
210、1,505+72%271211+28%3539-10%External Audits3335-3%1015-27%18-88%HACCP Performance*80%84%-4 p.p.88%87%+1 p.p.82%91%-9 p.p.*At Pingo Doce,as at Recheio,HACCP implementation is assessed using their own reference standards,based on the Codex Alimentarius and which are appropriate for the operating realit
211、ies of the Companies.six-monthly,and started to include non-certified Distribution Centres.The decrease in HACCP performance is therefore explained by the inclusion of non-certified Distribution Centres in the new audits.A total of 112,259 Food Quality and Safety analyses were also performed in the
212、Pingo Doce and Recheio stores and in the Distribution Centres,among other structures,such as the Fresh Dough Factory and the Central Kitchen facilities.Performed by accredited external laboratories,these analyses include work surfaces,perishable and in-store product handlers,as well as water and atm
213、osphere analyses.The 13%increase compared to 2019 comes from the inclusion of new Pingo Doce stores(13 more)under the analytical control plan and the reinforcement of the risks control associated with the pandemic.Number of Analyses/Samples Collected20202019 2020/2019Work surfaces50,44842,091+20%Man
214、ipulators18,65417,966+4%Raw materials/Finished product36,65534,353+7%Water6,5024,732+37%Total112,25999,142+13%AUDITS CONDUCTED IN PORTUGALMICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN PORTUGAL191JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEColombiaAudits were carried out in the Ara stores and in the Distribu
215、tion Centres by independent,external entities(Diversey and Ecolab).The increase in internal audits was due to the expansion of Ara stores in the country and to the corresponding number of visits by independent,external Quality and Food Safety experts.Follow-up audits are conducted by internal Qualit
216、y and Food Safety teams and by external providers,depending on previous performance results and based on internal risk metrics.As such,more attention was paid to the implementation of priority corrective measures.The internal teams also conducted unscheduled ad hoc audits(894)at a time during which
217、the movement of people was restricted.22 Critical stores are those whose performance is below 60%minimum internal approval threshold,and at which critical non-conformities were identified in audits by official bodies.Also includes areas with the concentrated presence/risk of pests,based on the surro
218、unding conditions(sewer maintenance or climate conditions linked to humidity and average temperatures).Regular auditing procedures were gradually resumed where possible.The improvements in food safety performance were due to the monitoring of stores,as well as the investment made in training operati
219、onal teams,including those responsible for districts.A total of 8,751 analyses were performed on work surfaces,perishable food manipulators,products handled in store,and water.The 154%increase compared to 2019 can be explained by a change in the analytical control plan for stores:in 2019,samples wer
220、e only collected from what were considered to be critical stores22(around 40%),while in 2020 it was decided that samples would be collected from all Ara stores twice a year,to improve their performance.AraDistribution CentresStores and Distribution Centres2020 2019 2020/20192020 2019 2020/2019Intern
221、al Audits1,8161,740+4%53+67%Follow-up Audits901414+118%24-50%Good Hygiene and Quality Practices*84%80%+4 p.p.98%87%+11 p.p.*The compliance rate shown refers to the score obtained on good practices,in which the criteria aim to guarantee the quality and safety of the products according to the law,eval
222、uating the operation itself and the control system and procedures.The criteria include,among others,hygiene and quality control aspects of(i)the facility conditions for handling the product,such as temperature;(ii)packaging;and(iii)organic waste management procedures.AUDITS CONDUCTED IN COLOMBIANumb
223、er of Analyses/Samples Collected20202019 2020/2019Work surfaces2,7801,045+166%Manipulators1,221473+158%Raw materials/Finished product1,244498+150%Water3,5061,424+146%Total8,7513,440+154%MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES CONDUCTED IN COLOMBIA192Standing strong on the front line4.3.3.AnalysesThe products sold
224、are also checked as to their safety and quality.The analyses are performed in external,accredited laboratories,with the Group carrying out:44,006 analyses on Private Brand food products,2%more than in 2019;15,861 analyses on Perishables,34%more than in 2019.PolandIn the case of Biedronkas Private Br
225、ands,the increases are due to a greater number of suppliers covered and to the increase of products sold as a result of the expansion of operations.The analyses increase in the non-food category is in line with planned.Biedronka maintained its quality control procedures for the home and garden produ
226、cts,furniture and textiles,and footwear included in its offering.Composition,performance tests and functionality tests are analysed by certification body Intertek during two stages of production.TV Rheinland and Dekra also assess non-food products before theyenter the market.The increase in the anal
227、yses of Perishables,in the Fruit and Vegetables and Meat and Fish categories,is due to additional testing research on microorganisms to poultry and swine products,to new suppliers and to new countries of production.Also of note is:the setting of maximum limits of pyrrolizidine alkaloids23 for the Pr
228、ivate Brands tea and herbal infusion category.The legal limit was established only by the end of 2020,so Biedronka determined a limit of 400g/kg for herbal infusions and of Respecting the Environment Climate Change).208Standing strong on the front lineWater withdrawalWater dischargedWater stress lev
229、el(megalitres)Municipal and private supply systemGroundwater and surface waterMunicipal sewageEnvironmentLow527.6929.84425.5819.43Low to medium329.170.00264.490.00Medium to high1,313.26190.141,127.8140.30High1,773.2366.15105.850.00Extremely high503.1230.79444.135.25Drought0. data1.77
230、0.001.560.00reuse)and prevent water quality degradation by ensuring the proper treatment(or pre-treatment)of wastewater.Non graded products or by-products of the food industry are regularly incorporated into animal feed.Without this use,these products would risk being wasted.In this way,they are use
231、d for milk and meat production.These products also reduce the dependence on cereals and have high moisture levels,which leads to a reduction in water consumption by the animals.Energy consumption Biedronka,Ara and our Agribusiness consumed more electricity compared to 2019.In Biedronkas case,the inc
232、rease is explained by the extension of the operating hours and the opening of 113 new stores,while Aras increase in energy consumption is due to opening of 47 new stores and two new Distribution Centres.The increase in the franchise or similar models category is due to the opening of 10 new location
233、s in Biedronka and Pingo Doce.The increase in energy consumption at Agribusiness is related to the greater use of fans to improve animal welfare in all of the Best Farmer barn areas and,at the same time,to the increase in Terra Alegres dairy production.Pingo Doce and Recheio,on the other hand,consum
234、ed less energy because of the measures implemented to limit the number of people allowed in stores(which,for example,led to freezers being opened less often).At Hebe,there was a decrease in the operating hours at certain times in 2020 and its number of stores decreased after the HebeApteka pharmacy
235、chain was phased out.Renewable energy With an increased focus on the photovoltaic projects,the investment in renewable energy led to the generation of around 7.6 million kWh47,38%more than in 2019.Also,since July 2018 the Group has been investing in purchasing electricity from renewable energy sourc
236、es to power the operations of its banners in Portugal,by acquiring RECS certificates(Renewable Energy Certificate System).In 2020,the purchase of these certificates corresponded to around 180 thousand tonnes of CO2.In total,23%of the energy consumed by the Group comes from renewable sources,a consum
237、ption which decreased in absolute value compared to 2019,as a result of the lower electricity consumption at Pingo Doce and Recheio.47 This investment corresponds to a saving in electricity costs of approximately 480,000 euros per year.WATER STRESS LEVEL209JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENC
238、ETotal consumption(GJ/thousand euros)20202019 2020/2019Specific value0.3740.373+0.3%Specific value(except franchising*)0.3670.366+0.3%Total consumption(GJ)20202019 2020/2019Energy consumption by type(except franchising)7,074,1426,813,773+3.8%Electricity*5,633,4975,492,450+2.6%Fuel1,305,5661,156,457+
239、12.9%Heating135,079164,866-18.1%100%renewable electricity1,635,7971,801,003-9.2%Energy consumption by business unit7,221,732*6,943,939+4.0%Biedronka4,379,043*4,110,531+6.5%Hebe81,28489,517-9.2%Pingo Doce*1,728,825*1,779,611-2.9%Recheio207,198*217,987-4.9%Ara575,322524,857+9.6%Agribusiness102,47091,2
240、70+12.3%Franchised stores*(Biedronka and Pingo Doce)147,590*130,166+13.4%*This parameter includes franchising and similar models.*Includes electricity generated from renewable sources for self-consumption(e.g.photovoltaic panels).*Values corrected to separate franchised stores(includes franchising a
241、nd similar models)and to adjust Recheios energy consumption.*To calculate the environmental indicators reported in this sub-chapter,the Distribution Centres,central buildings and trucks used in the distribution of goods were accounted for at Pingo Doce.*These values reflect the update in the electri
242、city emission factor(market-based).*To calculate the environmental indicators reported in this sub-chapter,the Distribution Centres,central buildings and trucks used in the distribution of goods were accounted for at Pingo Doce.Renewable energyNo.buildingsEnergy(kWh/year)Saving*(t CO2e/year)Photovol
243、taic cells for self-consumption154,461,5941,842Pingo Doce*63,573,5111,392Recheio1627,085244Biedronka8260,998206Lamp posts and security system powered by photovoltaic panels and/or wind turbines 732,61913Pingo Doce*12630.1Recheio411,3014Biedronka11,6592Agribusiness118,3967Solar collectors to produce
244、hot water used for heating water and/or in the air conditioning system 141,441,020562Pingo Doce*71,305,240509Recheio7135,78053Geothermal heat pumps(Biedronka)151,634,3921,288ENERGY CONSUMPTIONRENEWABLE ENERGY210Standing strong on the front line48 After delivering products to our stores,the return ro
245、ute includes stopping by the facilities of the Groups suppliers to pick up goods and take them to the Distribution Centre.49 After delivering products to our Distribution Centres,our suppliers return route to their facilities includes stopping by the Groups stores to deliver goods.172978151412950513
246、1976091481,50443369,0993,94511,94863025912665596520192020201920202019202020192020TYPE OF GOODS TRANSPORT VEHICLESBelow Euro V900750600450300150016.00012.000 8.000 4.0000Euro VEuro VI1,812465513,0114,74210,29620192020BACKHAULING48:THOUSANDS OF KM AVOIDEDBACKHAULING:EMISSIONS AVOIDED(t CO2e)20.00015.0
247、00 10.000 5.00005.3.4.Reduction of Environmental Impacts from Logistics ProcessesThe efficient management of logistics processes also means reducing environmental impacts.That is why we have been developing and implementing several measures,such as the optimisation of distribution routes or the inve
248、stment in more efficient vehicles.Additionally:at Pingo Doce and Recheio,the fronthauling49 project resulted in a saving of 94,329 km and avoided the emission of 83 tonnes of CO2e;at Ara,the project to transport non-palletised goods to optimise transport loads between our suppliers facilities and ou
249、r Distribution Centres resulted in a saving of 1,091,111 km,while avoiding the emission of 1,712 tonnes of CO2e;also at Ara,the by-truck project resulted in a saving of 65,832 km and avoided the emission of 51 tonnes of CO2e by using trailers to transport goods between the Distribution Centres in tw
250、o regions and the farthest stores;Portugal (Pingo Doce and Recheio)Poland(Biedronka and Hebe)Colombia(Ara)Portugal (Pingo Doce and Recheio)Poland(Biedronka and Hebe)Colombia(Ara)211JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCENumber of establishmentsProgress*Establishments2020201920202019Stores1,4291
251、,00531%25%Distribution Centres and Manufacturing Units201556%45%ESTABLISHMENTS USING NATURAL REFRIGERANT GASES IN THEIR COOLING SYSTEMSWe are also seeking to ensure that new stores and those undergoing major refurbishments use refrigeration equipment with low global warming potential fluids for heat
252、ing,ventilation and air conditioning installations and 100%natural refrigerant gases for industrial refrigeration installations.5.4.Main Consumption of Materials and Waste ManagementAccording to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation50,a circular economy is based on the elimination of waste and pollution fr
253、om the product design stage,keeping products and materials in(continuous)use,and regenerating natural systems.In 2020,we joined the Portuguese Plastics Pact,the Polish Plastics Pact through Biedronka and the design working group of The Consumer Goods Forums Plastic Waste Coalition of Action.We are a
254、lso a signatory of the New Plastic Economy Global Commitment,led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.Under these initiatives,the following commitments to be achieved by 2025 are worthy of note:ensuring that 100%of Private Brand plastic packaging is reusable or recyclable;incorporating at least 25%of r
255、ecycled content in Private Brand plastic packaging;reducing specific plastic consumption by 10%,compared to 2018,measured in tonnes of plastic packaging for every million euros of turnover.*Progress in relation to The Consumer Goods Forum resolution.50 A foundation that works with a multitude of pla
256、yers in society to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.More information available at www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org.the fleet that supplied Pingo Doce and Recheio stores now has FrigoblockTM technology installed,which uses the vehicles engine power to keep cargo chilled.This technology
257、 was installed in two vehicles in the first half of the year.An estimated annual reduction of 8 tonnes of CO2e is expected per vehicle.5.3.5.Management of Refrigeration GasesTemperature control is essential to ensuring food quality and security and,consequently,the preservation of food,thus preventi
258、ng waste.To reduce the carbon emissions linked to the refrigerants used in cooling and air conditioning,we use leak control technologies and increasingly more natural refrigerant gases.These actions are in line with the commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that we have voluntarily subscrib
259、ed,including The Consumer Goods Forums resolution to promote the use of natural refrigerant gases.Below are some of the actions we have been implementing:replacement of fluorinated gases with natural refrigerants(e.g.carbon dioxide and ammonia)in cooling plants;in Portugal,the Alfena Distribution Ce
260、ntre has cooling and refrigeration equipment running on CO2(ice machines,freezers and fridges in the canteen);1,535 Biedronka stores,270 Pingo Doce stores,39 Recheio stores and platforms and 250 Ara stores have freezers running solely on propane.212Standing strong on the front line5.4.1.Materials Us
261、ed and Reduction InitiativesWhen developing products and packaging,wework with our suppliers to help reduce theamount of materials used,encourage the useof recycled materials,and ensure the recyclability of our Private Brand and Perishables assortment.The consumption of materials per sales volume de
262、creased,despite the absolute increase due to the expansion of our operations.There is Total consumption(tonnes/million euros)20202019 2020/2019Specific value 25.48i25.97-1.9%Total consumption(tonnes)20202019 2020/2019Materials consumption491,593i483,998+1.6%Biedronka387,713i387,537+0.1%Hebe8551,349-
263、36.6%Pingo Doceii62,965i61,236+2.8%Recheio12,039i11,642+3.4%Ara28,02122,234+26.0%Private Brand product packaging465,188i446,065+4.3%Paper and cardboard187,828i156,505+20.0%Cardboard packaging for liquid productsiii14,949i13,931+7.3%Plastic132,280i141,545-6.5%Glass100,257i110,226-9.0%Steel18,915i17,0
264、17+11.2%Other materialsiv10,959i6,841+60.2%Service packaging10,52610,727-1.9%Plastic7,4698,071-7.5%Paper and cardboard2,5482,236+14.0%Other materialsiv509420+21.2%Other consumption15,87927,206-41.6%Office paper802877-8.6%Promotional leaflets15,07726,329-42.7%Recycled materials(tonnes)20202019 2020/2
265、019Recycled materials(packagingv)152,563125,378+21.7%Biedronka121,621102,289+18.9%Hebe3918+116.7%Pingo Doceii22,34117,100+30.6%Recheio2,4782,354+5.3%Ara6,0843,617+68.2%Packaging materialsvPaper and card145,706122,715+18.7%Plastic6,8572,663+157.5%i Amounts corrected based on updated calculations.ii T
266、o calculate the environmental indicators reported in this sub-chapter,the Distribution Centres,central buildings and trucks used in the distribution of goods were accounted for at Pingo Doce.iii Corresponds to composite packaging used to package products such as juices,milks and creams,and other pro
267、ducts.iv Includes aluminium,wood and other materials.v Includes Private Brand packaging and service packaging.MAIN MATERIALS USED213JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEalso a decrease in the number of promotional leaflets produced by all Companies,resulting in an overall decrease of the pape
268、r used by the Company.2020 saw an increase of 1.6%in absolute terms and a reduction of 1.9%for every million euros in sales,compared to the previous year.As regards service and Private Brand products packaging,in 2020 we incorporated at least 32%of recycled materials in our cardboard/paper and plast
269、ic packaging the two materials we use most,corresponding to around 152,600tonnes of these materials,21.7%more than in 2019.Specifically with regard to paper/cardboard packaging,around 72%of materials used are recycled.In terms of single-use plastics(SUP),there was a general reduction,compared to 201
270、9,in almost all categories,with the exception of rubbish bags and wrapping film,as a result of Companies efforts to anticipate the targets for reducing the consumption of single-use plastic.In 2020,plastic accounted for 31%of all materials that make up the four packaging categories(Private Total con
271、sumption(tonnes/million euros)20202019 2020/2019Specific value8.43*9.28-9.2%Total consumption(tonnes)20202019 2020/2019SUP consumption by Company162,709*172,971-5.9%Biedronka119,568*133,751-10.6%Hebe119103+15.5%Pingo Doce23,614*22,723+3.9%Recheio4,933*4,891+0.9%Ara14,475*11,503+25.8%SUP consumption
272、by categoryPrivate Brand packaging132,280*141,545-6.5%Service packaging 7,4698,072-7.5%Check-out bags 8,2629,833-16.0%Pallet wrapping film2,846*2,563+11.0%Rubbish bags 11,30410,173+11.1%Other SUP*548785-30.2%*Amounts corrected based on updated calculations.*Includes cutlery and stirrers for drinks,p
273、lates and bowls,cups,straws and cotton buds(all SUP includes Private Brand,exclusive brands and own consumption,with the exception of cotton buds).Incorporation of recycled plastic in SUP(tonnes)20202019 2020/2019Recycled plastic16,18210,900+48.5%Biedronka6,2226,536-4.8%Hebe10-Pingo Doce8,7143,342+1
274、60.7%Recheio817685+19.3%Ara428337+27.0%Recycled plastic Packaging*13,2028,815+49.8%Rubbish bags and other SUP2,9802,085+42.9%*Includes Private Brand packaging,service packaging,check-out bags and pallet wrapping film.SINGLE-USE PLASTICS(SUP)214Standing strong on the front lineFIGHTING PLASTIC POLLUT
275、IONIn 2020,we replaced the plastic straws of our Private Brand Pingo Doce and Recheio 200ml milk cartons,produced at our Terra Alegre dairy factory,with paper straws.In early 2021,we did the same with the 200ml Private Brand juices sold by the Groups Food Distribution Companies in Portugal.This chan
276、ge corresponds to a reduction of 15 tonnes of single-use plastic per year.The new range of Pingo Doce Private Brand household accessories(e.g.buckets,brooms and mops),launched in 2020,incorporates varying percentages of recycled plastic,thus helping to avoid the consumption of 5.1 tonnes of virgin p
277、lastic per year.Also in 2020,Pingo Doce and Recheio doubled the recycled plastic content used in their Private Brand rubbish bags,which are now entirely made of recycled plastic.This change helps to reintroduce more than 1,700 tonnes of post-consumer recycled plastic into the economy per year,thus a
278、voiding the consumption of an equivalent amount of virgin plastic.At Biedronka,we replaced the plastic straws of two of the banners Private Brand juices with paper straws,removed the plastics spoons from a yoghurt and replaced the plastic fork offered with a ready-to-eat salad by a wooden fork.In to
279、tal,this helps to avoid the use of 18 tonnes of single-use plastic per year.The products in the Pingo Doce,Recheio and Biedronka personal care,cosmetics and detergents categories do not include microplastics(tiny pieces of plastic purposefully added to exfoliants or other cleansing and cleaning prod
280、ucts)in their formulations.See also the feature box on“Packaging ecodesign”.Brand packaging,service packaging,check-out bags and wrapping film),which have already incorporated 13,202 tonnes of recycled plastic,corresponding to 9%of single-use plastic in these categories.Promoting the Sustainable Use
281、 of Materials Ecodesign of packagingThe Group has been developing several partnerships with its suppliers to reduce the environmental impact and to optimise the costs of the production,transport and management of the packaging waste of our Private Brand products.This is the case of the packaging eco
282、design,project which,between 2018 and 2020,aimed at implementing 20 projects per year.In 2020 alone,we implemented 148 packaging ecodesign projects(78 at Biedronka,36 at Pingo Doce,14 at Hebe,10 at Recheio and 10 at Ara).TONNES OF MATERIALS AVOIDED-PACKAGING ECODESIGN(2011-2020)27,5501,7942011 2014
283、2017 2020215JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCESince 2011,534 references have had their packaging redesigned under this project,thus avoiding the use of about 27,500 thousand tonnes of materials.We also introduced 143 products with FSC certification for its packaging and were able to avoid
284、the emission of around 4,500 tonnes of carbon linked to transporting the products.Reusable packagingWe strive to reuse materials in our operations wherever possible:at Pingo Doce and Recheio,39.1 million reusable plastic boxes for Perishables were used;at Ara,we use reusable transportation boxes for
285、 bottled water and Fruit and Vegetables(more than 4.2 million units,50%more than in 2019);at Biedronka,27.5 million reusable transportation boxes were used for Bakery products.In all,we avoided using more than 35 thousand tonnes of single-use packaging.Since 2018 Pingo Doce,in partnership with the N
286、ew Water Project,has offered its customers a solution to refill reusable plastic bottles.At the end of 2020,the ECO bottle was available in 138 stores,thus avoiding the consumption of 73 tonnes of plastic.Biedronka and Pingo Doce have launched reusable polyester produce bags to encourage consumers t
287、o reduce their use of single-use plastic bags.Promoting bulk salesBulk sales accounted for nearly 51 thousand tonnes of food products at Ara,being available in 548 stores(83%of all stores),where at least one of the products covered are sold(rice,sugar,lentils and beans).The bulk sale of sweets and d
288、ried fruits accounted for about 27 thousand tonnes at Biedronka(available in 100%of stores)and 235 tonnes at Pingo Doce(available in 53%of stores).We started phasing out the use of free plastic check-out bags in our Companies in 2007.In addition,the plastic bags that are now available in Biedronka a
289、nd Pingo Doce stores contain 85%post-consumer recycled plastic(as against 80%in 2019),thus helping to avoid the use of around 5.9 thousand tonnes of virgin plastic.These plastic bags are“Blue Angel”certified,which PACKAGING ECODESIGN HIGHLIGHTS In the first half of 2020,Biedronka created guiding pic
290、tograms for the separation of packaging waste to raise the awareness among consumers of the importance of properly recycling packaging and its components,launching in April,the first of its Private Brand products labelled with these recycling symbols;Biedronka eliminated the PVC used in 44 Private B
291、rand references;Pingo Doce launched the Ultra Pro concentrated bleach tablets,thus helping to reduce more than 97%of plastic per litre of bleach;Ara reduced the amount of plastic(PET)in the preform of its Private Brand water bottle by 12%,avoiding the use of more than 7.5 tonnes of plastic per year;
292、The cardboard of the packaging of 14 Hebe Private Brand references is now FSC certified,that is,it comes from responsibly managed forests.The Group has been developing several partnerships with its suppliers.216Standing strong on the front lineMaterial used by type of solution20202019 2020/2019Reusa
293、ble paper check-out bags tonnes731211+246.4%Biedronka63299+538.4%Hebe00-Pingo Doce99111-10.8%Recheio01-100.0%Ara00-Reusable bags*tonnes7,8499,411-16.6%Biedronka5,5466,903-19.7%Hebe4351-15.7%Pingo Doce2,0552,286-10.1%Recheio550.0%Ara200166+20.5%Plastic check-out bags tonnes422423-0.2%Biedronka00-Hebe
294、03-100.0%Pingo Doce00-Recheio00-Ara422420+0.5%Trolleys units31,95931,876+0.3%Biedronka00-Hebe00-Pingo Doce31,08025,576+21.5%Recheio4441,042-57.4%Ara4355,258-91.7%*Includes different sized resistant bags and materials that can be used multiple times.is used to distinguish products with a higher envir
295、onmental performance.In Aras case,the increase in the sale of plastic bags is linked to the expansion of its operations.The decrease in the quantity of plastic bags coincided with an increase in the sale of paper bags,which reflects its launch in Biedronka stores.The reduction in the number of troll
296、eys sold in Ara and Recheio stores is likely to be the result of the increased reuse of trolleys to pack and carry products.Pingo Doce saw a significant increase due to the growing preference for reusable carrier bags and the use of trolleys for shopping,prompted by the pandemic situation.In Aras ca
297、se,the sale of reusable bags continued to grow as a result of increased customer demand(the fees charged for single-use bags in Colombia has driven the demand REUSABLE CHECK-OUT BAGS AND SOLUTIONS217JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE51 Food waste values were calculated based on the World R
298、esources Institutes Food Loss and Waste protocol.The calculation assumptions are available under“Responsibility”at .for reusable solutions).Also noteworthy is the increased use of post-consumer recycled plastic in reusable bags by all Group Companies from an average of around 60%,in 2019,to 74%in 20
299、20,totalling more than 6 thousand tonnes.As regards paper bags,recycled content is 50%,corresponding to 365 tonnes.5.4.2.Waste ManagementIn 2020,the Groups businesses produced 522,531 tonnes of waste,0.7%more than in 2019.Fighting food wasteIn line with target 12.3 of the Sustainable Development Goa
300、ls on Responsible Consumption and Production,Jernimo Martins is committed to,by 2030,reduce by half the food waste51 generated by its activities.The goal for the 2021-2023 period is to limit the amount of food waste to 16.1 kg per tonne of food sold.In 2020,food waste resulting from the Groups activ
301、ities increased by 5%compared to 2019.Waste produced(tonnes/million euros)20202019 2020/2019Specific value 27.0827.83-2.7%Waste produced(tonnes)20202019 2020/2019Quantity by type of waste522,531518,712+0.7%Cardboard and Paper320,562302,422+6.0%Plastic12,38610,963+13.0%Wood2,1192,447-13.4%Organic93,4
302、41102,793-9.1%Unsorted79,72386,567-7.9%Cooking Oil and Fats182220-17.3%Waste from Effluent Treatment8,8508,667+2.1%Hazardous Waste648375+72.8%Other Waste4,6204,258+8.5%Total AmountBiedronka397,070388,204+2.3%Hebe865958-9.7%Pingo Doce90,88297,718-7.0%Recheio6,2056,624-6.3%Ara25,43923,049+10.4%Agribus
303、iness2,0702,159-4.1%A total of 16.9 kg of food was wasted per tonne of food sold.This increase is largely due to the significant investment made by our Companies in the Perishables area.These unprocessed products are more sensitive to handling and temperature,and have a shorter shelf life,which cont
304、ributes to increasing our food waste footprint.In addition,customers adjusted the frequency of their store visits due to the pandemic,also contributing to this increase.Perishables account for about 70%of all food waste in the Group.We have long been developing strategies to reduce food waste and we
305、re the first retailer in Portugal to calculate and publicly disclose its food waste footprint.We work together with suppliers and farmers to reduce food waste from the most upstream stage of our operations.One of the initiatives we implemented is the purchase of non-graded food,the nutritional profi
306、le of which is the same as graded products thereby ensuring these products are integrated into the food chain and reach the consumers tables.Non-graded 218Standing strong on the front line52 Information about food donations is available in this chapter,under sub-chapter 7.“Supporting Surrounding Com
307、munities”.food is incorporated into the soups we produce in Portugal and Poland or in 4th range products(washed and pre-cut ready-to-use vegetables)and is also sold at a reduced price in Recheio stores.In 2020,we made sure that over 13,300 tonnes of these products,also known as“ugly”fruit and vegeta
308、bles,were put into the market.In our operations,we developed several initiatives,among which:the markdown project,launched in 2019 at Pingo Doce and in 2020 at Biedronka,through which food products that are about to expire are sold at discounted prices,helped prevent 4.7 thousand tonnes of food from
309、 being wasted in 2020;training employees to identify,select and separate safe food to be donated to charities;improved management and reuse of food in Pingo Doce stores,such as:-bread that can no longer be sold,but which is still safe and suitable for consumption,isground in store and sold or used t
310、o make breaded products for takeaway,thus preventing 187 tonnes of food waste;-roasted chicken that is not sold,but which is still suitable for consumption,is shredded and used for pizzas,salads and sandwiches sold at the takeaway counter or in trays as shredded chicken.Piglet meat is also shredded
311、and used for sandwiches.These initiatives helped prevent 98 and 6 tonnes of food waste,respectively;-larger fruit(such as melons,watermelons,cantaloupe melons,papayas and pineapple)is cut into halves to avoid waste in stores and in consumers homes,as it encourages customers to purchase only the desi
312、red quantity;donation of 18.7 thousand tonnes of food to charities52,19%more than in 2019.Jernimo Martins Agro-Alimentar sources sub-products from the food industry and non-graded vegetables for incorporation into the cattle feed.In 2020,more than 10.8 thousand tonnes of these products were introduc
313、ed into animal feed,20%more than in 2019.Kg of food lost and wasted/tonne of food sold20202019 2020/2019Food waste 16.916.1+5.0%Destination*Animal feed and biological processing2.52.5-Anaerobic digestion,composting and controlled combustion10.3*9.5+8.4%Landfill,incineration in wastewater treatment s
314、ystems4.14.1-*According to the World Resources Institute Food Loss and Waste Protocol,food not used for human consumption is considered food waste.*Amount corrected based on updated calculations.219JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEWaste recovery rate20202019 2020/2019(p.p.)Overall Value85
315、.8%84.8%+1.0Biedronka91.7%90.1%+1.6Hebe76.7%80.2%-3.5Pingo Doce65.2%65.4%-0.2Recheio69.3%74.0%-4.7Ara71.6%80.2%-8.6Agribusiness96.8%98.5%-1.7Waste management methods20202019 2020/2019(p.p.)Recovery*85.8%84.8%+1.0Landfill13.7%14.7%-1.0Incineration(without energy recovery)0.0%0.2%-0.2Other destination
316、s without recovery0.5%0.1%+0.4*Includes sending waste for recycling,organic recovery and incineration with energy recovery.53 For more detailed information about how many and what type of recycling bins are available to our customers,please refer to the“Responsibility”area at .54 The second generati
317、on of recycling bins are wheeled to make them easier to move.The surfaces are easier to sanitise,the lids have compartments to prevent theft and the size of the different modules,which are smaller than the previous model,enables them to be installed also in smaller stores.Waste recovery and destinat
318、ion in operationsIn 2020,the Groups waste recovery rate stood at 85.8%,up 1 pared to the previous year.13.7%of total waste was sent to a landfill.Customer waste recoveryWe strive to raise awareness among employees,customers and surrounding communities to the importance of correctly separating waste,
319、and provide the necessary infrastructures53 to do so at our store networks:the network of Pingo Doce recycling bins is available at 425 stores,around 97%of the store network,and the implementation of second-generation recycling bins54 was extended to 101 stores during 2020;98%of the Biedronka stores
320、 have recycling bins for the collection of small electrical appliances,used batteries and,in most of the cases,fluorescent lamps;battery collection bins are available to Ara customers at 581 stores(88%of the store network).These bins are also available in all Recheio and Pingo Doce stores;at Pingo D
321、oce,the recovery of coffee pods resulted in more than 4,950 euros raised for charities selected by our stores;Pingo Doce is a partner in pilot projects to encourage consumers to return PET plastic bottles.Automated collection machines had been installed in seven stores by the end of 2020,resulting i
322、n the collection of 1.4 million PET bottles(38 tonnes).We also started collecting aluminium cans at four collection points and glass bottles at one of them installed at the end of the year.WASTE RECOVERY AND DESTINATION IN OPERATIONS220Standing strong on the front lineIn 2020,only Pingo Doce and Ara
323、 increased customer waste collection.The total amount of waste collected increased 12.9%,as a result of efforts made,in particular by Pingo Doce,to boost the number of recycling bins available and to carry out customer awareness and information campaigns(e.g.articles in magazines and posts on social
324、 media).In Recheios case,Waste collected in stores(tonnes)20202019 2020/2019Pingo Doce446.81337.56+32.4%Used batteries5.478.98-39.1%WEEE*(including fluorescent light bulbs)101.1476.97+31.4%Used Cooking Oil101.7999.14+2.7%Coffee pods238.41152.47+56.4%Recheio0.000.34-100.0%Used batteries0.000.34-100.0
325、%Biedronka253.40283.41-10.6%Used batteries212.58146.72+44.9%WEEE*(including fluorescent light bulbs)40.82136.69-70.1%Ara0.800.26+207.7%Used batteries0.800.26+207.7%WASTE DROPPED OFF BY CUSTOMERS IN RECYCLING BINS AT STORES*WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.batteries collected in store d
326、id not reach a quantity that justified collection.These batteries will be sent for recycling together with those collected from customers in 2021.The amount of WEEE collected at Biedronka decreased given that asignificant number is now sent for reconditioning and resale,and,therefore,is no longer co
327、nsidered waste.The“Gang Fajniakw”campaign,launched by Biedronka,aims to teach children to take care of the environment and toexplore nature.33221JERNIMO MARTINS 2020HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCECAMPAIGNDESCRIPTION“#NiechZyjePlaneta”As part of the United Nations“Act Now”campaign,Biedronka,in partnership w
328、ith a media group,launched the“#NiechZyjePlaneta”initiative to encourage the Polish population to adopt good environmental practices.Monthly challenges and information campaigns were carried out,including the new Gang Fajniakw*loyalty and education campaign,in which lead character Fajniaki teaches c
329、hildren to take care of the environment and to explore nature through a new book available in Biedronka stores and on a new mobile app.“Cuida tu bolsillo”Ara launched the“Look after your bag”campaign to encourage its customers to reuse carrier bags.“Desperdcio Zero mesa com o Pingo Doce”In September
330、,we launched the recipe book“Desperdcio Zero mesa com o Pingo Doce”*(Zero Waste at the dinner table with Pingo Doce),with 500 thousand copies printed.The book encourages consumers to reuse leftover food,improve the way they store and preserve food,and how to correctly interpret expiration dates.“Eco
331、Tips”On World Energy Saving Day(21 October),Ara launched a campaign on social media and at its Distribution Centres with eco tips on how to save energy.On Clear Air Day(9 November),Ara launched a campaign on social media and at its Distribution Centres with tips to reduce air pollution.“Eko Sodziaki
332、”A book entitled“The Sweeties”was launched in all Biedronka stores to celebrate World Environment Day.The book contains six educational stories about protecting the environment.For each book sold on 5 June,1 zloty was donated to the non-governmental organization Czysta Polska towards its“Clean Tatra
333、 Mountains”campaign.A total of 193,423 books were sold in the campaign and around 33 thousand euros was donated to this organization.“Virtual demonstration on the Miecia waste truck”Sponsored by Biedronka,a virtual demonstration was created about the life cycle of plastic inside the Miecia waste truck to raise awareness among consumers of how to properly treat plastic waste.The trucks route includ