1、Technology Vision 2025AI:A Declaration of Autonomy Is trust the limit of AIs limitless possibilities?Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 2We believe we can.We see this new age of technology as an opportunity to inject trust in AI in a systematic manner so that businesses and people c
2、an realize its incredible reinvention potential.Together,we can prepare now for a bold future when AI is autonomous and helps us achieve more together.AI:A Declaration of Autonomy Is trust the limit of AIs limitless possibilities?Welcome to our Technology Vision for 2025.This 25th edition of our ann
3、ual technology trends report arrives at a watershed moment for technology and humanity.As more and more leaders embrace the need to continuously reinvent using tech,data and AI,they,now more than ever,need a deep understanding of AI.Why?Because the rate of AIs technology diffusion is unprecedented a
4、nd the pace is only increasingcreating new opportunities for reinvention across the enterpriseincluding new ways of achieving efficiencies,operating the core of businesses,new business models and new ways of engaging with customers.We view AI as the new digital because,like digital,it is both a tech
5、nology and a new way of working.We believe it will be used in every part of the enterprise and it will have a network effect on everything and everyone involved.Its impact is already real,and as companies continue to scale AIand use generative AI as a catalyst for reinventionit will solve new proble
6、ms,create new inventions,change how we work and live,and transform industries and governments.Accenture research shows that only 36%of executives say their organizations have scaled gen AI solutions,and just 13%report achieving significant enterprise-level impact.We are actively equipping them to do
7、 it faster and more safely as we see 2025 as the year of scaled AI.This years Technology Vision explores a future when AI transitions from being an automation enabler to acting autonomously on behalf of people-equipping them with the capability to perform new tasks and perform others better than eve
8、r.Consider the possibilities and opportunities to reinvent as AI finds its way into new and unfamiliar territories.To truly understand and take advantage of this potential,enterprises will be creating their own,unique AI cognitive digital brains that will completely reshape the role technology plays
9、 across their enterprise and with their people.This will dramatically upend how enterprise tech systems are designed,used and operated;act as a brand ambassador;and inhabit in the physical world by powering robotic bodies.And when AI is spread across an organization,it enables people and AI to bring
10、 out the best in each other.Leaders are aware of the challenges to creating this future,which include high up-front investments in their core technologies,data centricity and quality,and talent and new skills.And chief among these challenges is trust.Our research finds that 77%of executives believe
11、unlocking the true benefits of AI will only be possible when its built on a foundation of trust.Leaders must build trust in digital systems and the AI models,with customers and the workforce by ensuring accuracy,predictability,consistency and traceability over and above the responsible use of AI.Peo
12、ples trust in AI that it will perform as expected and justlybeyond any technical aspectis an essential component that we must get right.ForewordJulie Sweet Chair and CEOKarthik Narain Group Chief Executive of Technology and CTO Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 3ContentsContents01
13、The Binary Big Bang02 Your Face,in the Future03 When LLMs get their Bodies04 The New Learning LoopIntroduction AI:A Declaration of AutonomyIs trust the limit of AIs limitless possibilities?Page 09-21Page 04-08Page 22-33Page 34-46Page 47-58Differentiating when every interface looks the sameHow people
14、 and AI are defining a virtuous cycle of learning,leading,and creatingWhen AI expands exponentially,systems are upendedHow foundation models reinvent roboticsTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 4We are entering a new chapter in technologyone shaped by a generalization of AI.Todays pr
15、oliferation of accessible and ever-present AI will drive new levels of autonomy all throughout the business,evolving the ability to reinvent with tech,data and AI.It will bring nearly limitless possibilities for innovation and growth,but also challenge enterprises confidence in systems and the way t
16、hey think about trust.The rush of an AI race is undeniable.Weve seen it before.In 1997,Garry Kasparov lost a six-game chess match against IBMs Deep Blue.1 It was the first time a computer ever beat a chess grandmaster,after decades of testing machine capability against humans using this game.The vic
17、tory set off a storm of excitement and questions about AI and the future.Now,a new race is underway.Many companies building todays cutting-edge AI models have their sights set on Artificial General Intelligence(AGI).2,3 And like before,the race has captivated business leaders,governments,and the wor
18、ld at large.But its a red herringa distraction most business leaders cant afford.Someday,AGI will be hugely consequential,but today its still far away with deep technical and ethical challenges to address.Instead,its vitally important that leaders see the far more pressing matter already here:the ge
19、neralization of artificial intelligence,which will bring a new level of autonomy and capability to enterprises systems,workforces,and operations long before AGI comes into play.The Generalization of AITo understand this generalization of AI,one simply needs to look around and see how rooted AI is be
20、coming in our lives.Its been nearly 30 years since Kasparovs game,and now models that could make Deep Blue look like an average player are sitting in everyones pockets.The Turing Test,once considered the loftiest benchmark for machine intelligence,is effectively broken every day by conversations peo
21、ple have with Large Language Model(LLM)-backed customer service bots and sales agents.Todays AI models have shrugged off the deep but specific and linear approaches of the past and are demonstrating more autonomy than everin how they learn,approach tasks,and in what they ultimately can do.And theyre
22、 bringing this autonomy to work,where 75%of knowledge workers report using generative AI;to how we interact with technology,as a coding copilot and by expanding voice assistant capabilities;and to nearly everything else,from robotics,to cars,to health care.4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Highly capable advanced AI I
23、ntroductionAI:A Declaration of Autonomy Is trust the limit of AIs limitless possibilities?Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 5is diffusing across every dimension of our lives,instantly accessible,andeffectivelyalways there.This is the real disruption to focus on.Because right now,ev
24、en as executives race to implement this new generation of AI,few are looking past the separate pieces to truly understand the scope of what they are actually building:AI“cognitive digital brains”that will completely reshape the role technology plays across the enterprise and peoples lives.What leade
25、rs have to fully grasp is that the singularly most important feature of AI is its ability to learn.When AI becomes generalized,and as enterprises diffuse it across the business and people adopt it into their lives,it has the potential to become much more than just the new features and capabilities i
26、t provides.Enterprises arent merely empowering the workforce,creating a new channel for customer service,or automating parts of their operations.They are taking a technology that comes with broad general knowledge and is intrinsically defined by its ability to learn and they are teaching it about pa
27、rts of the business.And when people use it,theyre further teaching it about their likes,preferences,and needs.If built intentionally,enterprises can take all the distributed AI efforts they are pursuing and build a cognitive digital brain.They can hard-code workflows,institutional knowledge,value ch
28、ains,social interactions,and so much other crucial data about businesses and the world into a system that can understandand increasingly actat a higher level than ever before.What can a person do with this power?What can a business do deploying it across the workforce?What will the world look like a
29、s wide proliferation brings it to every dimension of our lives?It seems inevitable that as leaders start to combine their AI generalization efforts,they will soon enhance and empower individuals,drive and help operate enterprises,radically reshape industries and even uplift nation states.Take Insili
30、co Medicine,a pharmaceutical company,which used generative AI to go from discovery to phase one trials of a drug in under 30 months,around half the time it usually takes.11 They used one model fine tuned on omics and clinical data to identify potential targets for drug therapy.To develop possible dr
31、ug compositions,they used a generative chemistry engine that consisted of 500 predictive and pre-trained models.For Insilico,AI is at the very heart of what they doshaping the very business and industry around it.A Cognitive Digital Brain at Every LevelIt can be difficult to see this trend;at every
32、layer of scale it manifests slightly differently.But across the board,this next stage for AI will infuse enhanced capability and increased autonomy into everything it touches.For individuals,the cognitive digital brain will operate as a co-pilot or sidekick,something that will understand their job,l
33、earn their preferences,and get to know them through its interactions,in service of helping them be an enhanced version of themselves.For businesses,it might seem more like a central nervous systeman evolution of the enterprise architecture into something that can capture the collective knowledge of
34、the business,its unique differentiators,and its culture and persona,and become a key orchestrator(and even autonomous operator)for parts of it.For What makes a Cognitive Digital Brain?industries,it may look like the common framework and communications protocol between companies in an industry,or eng
35、ines codifying the grand challenges that shape an industrymodels that will help grow our understanding of things like physics,genetics,movement,and more.And for countries and governments,it brings together the unique knowledge,language,culture,laws,and security to help industries,companies,and citiz
36、ens engage.Critically,these cognitive digital brains wont operate in silos.When they begin to interact at all levels,they will create a rising tide of intelligence that elevates the capabilities of every party involved.This is why it is a“declaration of autonomy.”We may call them different things,bu
37、t across the range the evolution is the same:the prolifieration of autonomous AI systems happening across society will uplift the world to the next level of capability,performance,and progress.It will spur an evolution towards a world enhanced at all levels by AI cognition,and generate an unpreceden
38、ted wave of autonomy that will reshape technology and businesses as we know them.A first thought may be that this is exclusively a transition from automation using AI to autonomy in digital systems.Its not wrong,but its only part of the storyAI is powering autonomy in dozens of ways.Its giving peopl
39、e access to skills they wouldnt otherwise possess,letting them act with more initiative and less friction than before.Its giving robots a new degree of context and reasoning about the world,allowing them to take on a wider and more complex range of tasks and,most importantly,co-mingle with humans li
40、ke never before.And of course,agentic and multi-agent AI The cognitive digital brain will become the central nervous system for enterprise decision-making and continuous learning.Used to power enterprises future ambitions,like intention-based architectures,it is comprised of four interconnected laye
41、rs that together organize,process,and act on information.Knowledge:Technologies like knowledge graphs and vector databases gather,organize,and structure data from across the enterprise and beyond.Models:Large-scale generative AI models as well as classical ML and deep learning models perform critica
42、l thinking and reasoning functions to turn data into actionable outcomes.Agents:Designed to be problem-solvers,tackle tasks with minimal human input,and learn and grow over time,AI agents bring planning,reflection,and adaptability to the mix.Architecture:A comprehensive backbone is what turns AI exp
43、eriments into enterprise-grade solutions.It scales intelligence across the organization and into existing workflows and enables repeatability,so solutions can be made once and reused.IntroductionTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 6systems are starting to take on entire workflows or
44、customer interactions without the need for constant human intervention,while maintaining strategic oversight.Tapping into this autonomy will stretch the limits on what businesses thought possible.Accenture research has found that with its ability to reimagine and augment complex tasks,generative AI
45、is expected to drive productivity gains of 20%in companies leading in AI adoption.12What we have today is the spark for unbounded growth and innovationas well as disruption.As ever-greater autonomy reduces friction within and between organizations,letting us get more done faster,early movers will be
46、 able to secure advantages that last decades.Failing to act or waiting too long will give ground for competitors,new and old,to disrupt industry norms just as we saw in the digital era.And consider this:Less than 1%of todays global internet market cap was founded in the first two years after Netscap
47、e Navigator generalized the internet for the world.13 Now,its been a little over two years since ChatGPTs release.Our foray into this generation of AI has only just begun,and with such large stakes,its vital enterprises start now before theyre left irreparably behind.To understand more about how dig
48、ital platforms,data&AI,and digital foundations are empowering enterprises to grow through change and disruption,please see our work on Reinventing with the Digital Core We are at the start of so many possible paths forward.The key to accessing the full potential of AI lies in how enterprise leaders
49、choose to harness the new dimensions of autonomy it enables.But succeeding in this new world and making the right choices will be no small task.Intrinsically married to the idea of autonomy is an underpinning of trustand for enterprises,its trust that will be the biggest backstop to tomorrows growth
50、.The Only Limit is Trust Think about how trust defines the human experiencethe relationship between a parent and child,for instance.We surround babies with guardrails.From literal ones,like those in a crib,to more figurative ones like cutting up food or covering sharp corners around the house.As the
51、y grow up,we learn to trust them more.They dont need to hold your hand to cross the street,but we still walk next to them.They can play outside by themselves,but only inside the fence.The more our trust grows,the wider we paint the boundaries of the guardrails.Until,one day,they are fully formed adu
52、lts.Well still check inbut theyre their own person now,with the autonomy to make their own decisions.Critically,this example demonstrates how trust and autonomy are inextricably linked.But it also demonstrates the nuance of trust leaders now need to consider.The relationship between parents and chil
53、dren hinges on both emotional and cognitive components of trust.Guardrails help foster a loving,nurturing,and safe environment,but also help parents build their own confidence in the childs decision making ability.We dont really need to differentiate between these two dimensions when it comes to peo
54、ple,but with technology they are different challenges with different solutions.Until now,technology systems have been broadly rules-based.Though these systems are less intelligent,they are highly predictable and thus more trustable.As a result,their adoption and diffusion across enterprises is wides
55、pread.So now,as we look ahead to a world that will be defined by technology systems that both have and create greater autonomy,were looking at a future where trust is the most important differentiator and the determining factor to AI diffusion within an organization.After all,we can only let systems
56、 be as autonomous as we trust them.But the ramifications of this are not as obvious as you might think.Of course,most leaders will be well versed on how bad actors can spread misinformation more effectively through deepfakes or conduct more convincing phishing attacks with better emails or spoofed v
57、oices of real people.Or how biased decision-making can rear its head even with AI.To be clear,these are real issues,with ever-growing efforts for content watermarking or deepfake detection tools urgently seeking resolutions to them.But this narrative pins the AI trust conversation exclusively on bad
58、 actors and exploitation.Thats simply not the whole story.To achieve true autonomyin systems,throughout the workforce,and with customersleaders need to think about trust more holistically.Like the analogy of guiding a child into adulthood,trust is about the confidence one develops in AI to perform a
59、s intended from all dimensionspolicies,morals,ethics,and emotionsso that one can let it perform in a state of autonomy.Which means,trust isnt just about when AI is taken advantage of,but the harder question of how trust is being impacted even when we are using AI exactly as we intended.Because it is
60、 impacted.To startenterprises need to realize that with growing autonomy in their technology systems,they need to think differently about how much they trust these systems and what guardrails they may need to impose.Sakana AI,an AI research firm,perfectly demonstrated why while testing their new sys
61、tem called“The AI Scientist.”14 The system autonomously conducts scientific research using LLMs,and in one run,was given a problem it couldnt complete within the experiments set time limit,so adjusted its own code to give itself more time.Sakana AI has pointed to this act as creative,but also demons
62、trative of the fact that an AI model with the ability to bypass a set constraint has major implications for AI safety.And beyond an enterprises trust in the AI models or systems it uses,growing autonomy is also disrupting the trust enterprises have built with people,in a lot of different ways.Take t
63、he same synthetic content that bad actors use;many enterprises are using the same core technology to great effect.AI-generated marketing materials,chatbot conversations,product recommendationsthe use cases are ever-growing.But what happens when a customer finds out that a product photo was AI-genera
64、ted?Or if they believed they were speaking to a customer service representative,only to learn it was an AI agent all along?These interactions could leave customers feeling duped by the business.Or look at AI in the workforce.Every day more workers are finding value in using AI in their jobs;in May 2
65、024,over 40%of users had started incorporating it just in the past six months.15 But they are hiding this from their employers:more than IntroductionTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 7half of workers using AI are reluctant to admit it and worry that using it for important tasks mak
66、es them look replaceable.This isnt a question of how much do workers trust the AI theyre using,rather it is proof that AI is shaking up the trusted relationship between people and their employer.Employees are used to having well-developed career paths,defined roles,skill expectations,and a shared un
67、derstanding of how work performance translates into job stability.The infusion of AI is bringing uncertainty to this.For enterprises,trust is a crucial currency underpinning their relationships with customers,employees,regulators,and shareholders.Until now,this trust was built in small momentsmoment
68、s that AI is changing.Think of the micro-interactions happening across businesses every day.A great sales rep saving customers money,or a support rep going above and beyond to solve customers problems.Quality service from a practitioner or provider.Calling a customer for identity confirmation.On-tim
69、e delivery of products.Every one of these moments can,and will,be disrupted with AI.And many will be better for itrich with more autonomy,less friction,and better outcomes.But how far can you go before trust becomes an issue?How will you reinvigorate the critical human moments that build it?These ar
70、e the issues that leaders need to be tackling.Autonomy is the key to the next generation of business growth and innovation.We want employees to be able to work more autonomously,with a fleet of agents at their command.We want customers to be able to freely interact with autonomous enterprise systems
71、,purchasing on demand or enjoying a level of customization and relevance that only AI agents can provide at scale.But that autonomy needs to be facilitated by trust.How much customers trust the enterprise,or enterprise leaders trust their systems,or workers trust their employers,how much people trus
72、t AI,or dozens of other permutations across the ecosystem of relationships an enterprise has.This is why trust is not simply one of many trends in this years report.It is not a consideration for businessesit is the consideration.With every company beginning to reinvent themselves with the generaliza
73、tion of AI,the technology itself cannot be the only focus.Reaping the benefits of AI will only be possible when its built on a foundation of trust,and this needs to be every leaders first priority.Pathways to a Stronger FoundationTrust isnt gone in the world of AIbut it is becoming far more dynamic
74、and essential to enterprise plans.With AI,enterprise leaders are going to need to navigate both the emotional and cognitive dimensions of trust.The emotional dimensionsdo people love AI,fear it,think it is aligned with their interests,or feel taken advantage by itare often considered publicly,but wi
75、ll need real policy and governance as enterprises seek to further diffuse the technology.And these efforts will only be successful with complementary action taken to address the cognitive dimensions of trust:Does a system act reliably,competently,can it navigate challenges and still act as expected,
76、within the guardrails laid out for it.This is a key aspect for any system operating with autonomy,and especially with AI where it is,by nature,one that will be relied on to learn,grow,and act based on intent,not necessarily explicit direction.Supporting this will require dedicated teams of domain an
77、d decision scientists(or AI Ops teams)who will constantly test,evaluate and build the accuracy,predictability,consistency,and explainability necessary to maintain cognitive trust in the system.This is new territory,with no one-size-fits-all solution.Every enterprise has their own trust-building mome
78、nts,technologies,AI strategies,and key relationships to focus on.But broadly,any path forward will center on addressing trust across systems and data,AI itself,and people.First,enterprises need to bolster the cybersecurity and trust of their digital systems.The good news is that for systems and data
79、,building this new foundation doesnt mean starting from scratch.Many previous technology and strategy investments can pay new dividends now.Cybersecurity strategies like zero trust and entity behavior analytics,for instance,will be critical.You cant control bad actors,but you can control how you pro
80、tect systems and people from themand with AIs dependence on data,protecting everyones data is increasingly important.Distributed ledger technologies that foster ecosystem-scale trust are also a great example of adapting traditional networks of trust toward new,technology-based ones.You dont have to
81、trust the entities using these technologies,because the system ensures they comply with whatever agreements are put in place.Ultimately,great cybersecurity overall will be paramount to achieving AI trust and security at all.The second dimension of the roadmap is thinking about building trust in AI i
82、tself.By now the field of responsible AI is becoming an established discipline,and one enterprises will increasingly rely on as they look to ethically steward their strategies.Many companies are already familiar with ideas like explainability,transparency around data collection,debiasing,and other m
83、aturing techniques,but as leaders look to scale their use of AI,these efforts will become a critical bridge between technical solutioning and the humans interested and invested in using the technology.Questions will swirl around how an AI is trained,who it is working for,and how it makes decisionsth
84、ese are unavoidable.But what enterprises can do is be prepared with an answer,which is why they cant sit back and wait,and need to make responsible AI a key part of their strategy now.Lastly,the third and uncharted part of the roadmap is finding a new path to people-driven trust.We know where we nee
85、d to get tonew touchpoints and ways to establish and maintain trust with people as the generalization of AI disrupts traditional interactions.But how to get there will be different for every organization,so the place to start is with self-directed questions:What will career paths look like when many
86、 entry-level jobs can be done by AI?What will establish job security for employees who leverage AI to streamline their work?How will we maintain a personal touch with customers if our“frontline”support is AI agents?Enterprises should seek to answer these questions in ways that will promote the poten
87、tial of the symbiotic relationship between people and AI.Whether it is educators and students,mentors and proteges,or superheroes and sidekicks,the world is filled with mutually-beneficial teaching and learning relationships that should inspire our future with AI.IntroductionTechnology Vision 2025|A
88、I:A Declaration of Autonomy 8With a firm and clear approach towards building trust in AI systems,and by actively building the cognitive digital brains that will create scaled intelligence across the spectrum of society,businesses will be able to unlock the limitless potential of AI today.It seems pr
89、udent to mention that in 25 years of producing the Technology Vision,few technologies have had the widespread impact on business,industry,and even technology itself that AI is poised to have now.We anticipate we are living in a time on par with the biggest moments in technology,one which will be sha
90、ped and defined by AI-powered autonomy and the emergence of AI-based cognitive digital brains at all levels of society,and weve only just begun.In the interest of preparing business leaders for the transformative journey ahead,the Technology Vision this year is a deep investigation into this declara
91、tion of autonomy.Our trends explore the business transformationsand trust revolutionthat will happen as generative AI ripples across dimensions of customer experience,technology development,the physical world,and the workforce.The Binary Big Bang tracks the emergence of language models coupled with
92、agentic systems,and how they challenge conventions around building software and crafting new digital ecosystems.This is a redefining moment in the world of software engineering,where the role of programmers has largely remained the same since Ada Lovelace wrote the first algorithms for Charles Babba
93、ges Analytical Engine.The trend dives into a generational transition,as leaders rethink how digital systems are designedbuilding the foundation for the cognitive digital brains that will become an essential part of the enterprise DNA.The result will be a dramatic increase in technology diffusion tou
94、ching every walk of business,consumer,and societal interactions.It sets the stage for the emerging AI era,where we will rapidly expand digital ecosystems and increasingly trust autonomous systems to find new ways to innovate with us.Your Face,in the Future pushes the thinking further,asking a simple
95、 yet critical question:if the world is shaped by AI and increased autonomy,and brings super-human consistency to everything it touches,where does that leave your brand and unique enterprise personality?Enterprises are at the crossroads of an intermediation challenge.They have the opportunity to radi
96、cally transform the way they engage customers and improve the relevance of their customer journeys,but to do so,they must realize that their companys AI personality is as critically important as its traditional brand built over time by small,personal human interactions.When LLMs get their Bodies exp
97、lores the manifestation of AI autonomy in the real world,and how a cognitive digital brain can transform an enterprises physical presence.We are reaching a watershed moment as the power of generative AI is applied to physics and the field of robotics.Gone are the days of narrow,task-specific robots
98、that require specialized training.A new generation of highly tuned robots with real world autonomy that can interact with anyone,take on a wide variety of tasks,and reason about the world around them will expand robotic use cases and domains dramatically.Finally,The New Learning Loop explores the im
99、pact of cognitive digital brains through the most valuable reinvention engine you have:your people.Employees are starting to bring AI to work,and employers know the power it can wield.But we need to change our mentality from automation to equipping your people with the power to automategiving them t
100、he tools to innovate,reimagine new ways to do things and drive progress from the ground up.We are building a virtuous cycle where people teach and learn from AI machines,and AI machines do the same with people.A cycle that will let both unleash new levels of performance and diffusion,all underpinned
101、 by trust built through ownership.What is the world going to look like in 30 years?Around the time of Kasparovs groundbreaking match,laptops were just starting to become popular among business workers,no one had ever heard of an iPhone,and economist Paul Krugman infamously declared the internet woul
102、d prove to be of no more value than the fax machine.16 Now,we see the beginnings of a future where AI cognitive digital brains fuel every layer of society,interact with each other,and bring new intelligence to everything and more autonomy to everyone.And the question enterprises need to ask themselv
103、es is not whether this will pan out,but rather how they will invest in fostering the trust needed to make this future a reality,and what they will be able to do with this limitless capability.The 2025 Technology Vision Trends IntroductionTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 901The Bin
104、ary Big BangWhen AI expands exponentially,systems are upendedTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy Organizations are entering a generation-defining moment of transition:the Binary Big Bang.When foundation models cracked the natural language barrier,they kickstarted a shift in our techn
105、ology systems:how we design them,use them,and how they operate.They are pushing the limits of software and programming,multiplying companies digital output,and laying the foundation for cognitive digital brains that infuse AI deeply into enterprises DNA.We are now at the precipice of more abundance,
106、abstraction,and autonomy in our technology systems than ever before,and the decisions enterprises make today will profoundly impact what they can achieve for the next decade.Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 1020082030184320172032194620231959Future197320262028202919952006Apple open
107、s the App Store24 Agents,not people,are the primary users of most enterprises internal digital systemsAda Lovelace writes “Note G,”widely considered to be the first complex computer algorithm,on a sketch of Charles Babbages Analytical Engine17“Attention Is All You Need”paper proposes the Transformer
108、 architecture and paves the way for modern LLMs25 Interacting with agents surpasses apps in average consumer time spent on smart devices Researchers unveil ENIAC,the first general-purpose electronic computer18Toolformer,an LLM that can teach itself to use external tools through APIs,is created26COBO
109、L,a major programming language for business,finance,and administrative systems,is created19Alto,a computer with a graphical user interface,is developed at Xerox PARC20 People regularly use personal agents to access data and complete tasks across digital ecosystemsMicrosoft releases Microsoft Word21A
110、 major ERP company launches a new agent-first platform design that lets users create custom data dashboards using natural languageAn agent-powered startup goes public,and has the highest market cap-to-employee ratio in historySun Microsystems releases Java 1.0 as a write once,run anywhere programmin
111、g language22Amazon launches AWS,and 12,000 developers reportedly sign up on the first day23 1983Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 10The Binary Big BangTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 11The Big PictureIn September 2024,Marc Benioff announced that Salesforce would
112、“hard pivot”to Agentforce,a platform for building and deploying autonomous AI agents.27 Its rare for a company of such scale to pivot like this.But Salesforce realized something groundbreaking and formidable that every company needs to recognize too:We have just entered the Binary Big Bang.Its a gen
113、eration-defining moment,and specifically,a moment of transition.When foundation models first emerged,they cracked the language barrier between people and technology.And while these natural language capabilities are well knowndriving todays innovations in AI chatbots,summarization and synthesization,
114、creative generators,and,perhaps most consequentially,coding assistants and agentic workflowstheir full breadth of impact is poised to go much deeper.These AI models have the potential to do more than deliver automation on top of existing business processes;theyll soon be creating new processes,workf
115、lows,and software.This is a groundbreaking shift in technologys building blocks.Where software has long been a tool for enterprises to create new capabilities and outcomes,AI will multiply the output,pushing limits on who can develop it and how it can be used.Its why we call it the Binary Big Bang.A
116、 new technology paradigm is on the risedefined by abundance,abstraction,and autonomyand its about to drive a massive expansion of businesses digital footprints.Enterprises will soon operate in a technology landscape where new digital concepts come to life in hours instead of weeks.Where they can end
117、 one-size-fits-all digital solutions,as the drastically faster rate of creating digital systems and connecting them together enables a level of personalization never before possible.It will be a new era of customizable technology where unbridled digital experimentation and innovation will become not
118、 only possible,but a key feature of business growth strategies.This is the future we started moving towards the moment AI broke the language barrierbut were not there yet.First,theres a moment of transition that leaders need to use to set themselves up for tomorrows paradigm and their next decade of
119、 digital growth.And thats where we are today.Its why companies like Salesforcewhich defined SaaS and introduced software standardizationare now taking such substantial action.With Agentforce,theyre leaning into tomorrow,letting every company create their own,unique,personalized The Binary Big BangTe
120、chnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 12experiences.And other savvy businesses are recognizing that they also need to look at the bigger picturebeyond the immediate AI use cases(valuable as they are)and to the deeper shift happening in technology that will set up their AI futures.Agents
121、are a key demonstration of this perspective.Right now,they represent the pinnacle of AI innovation,and as such,many companies are racing to leverage agents in their products and services.But if leaders only look at agents for how they augment a piece of software,and not how they are challenging the
122、nature of software itself,they will be overlooking key opportunities and disruptions that define this transition period.Take Adobe,which introduced several AI features built on its Firefly generative AI models.28 While they still require human input,these features let users create and edit images th
123、rough natural language alone,easily accomplishing feats that would otherwise have required extensive knowledge of Adobes apps.And these arent just any new features.Effectively,by introducing generative AI components,Adobe is transforming apps designed as a toolbox for creatives,to apps with a creato
124、r in them.As the capabilities improve,it begs the question:do most end users need to access the full app,or can theyor even their agentjust talk to the creator instead?This is only one of many revolutionary ways agents are challenging our existing technology conventions.Microsoft is exploring natura
125、l language-based agents through myriad other approaches:coding co-pilots that are transforming standards for developer efficiency;agents embedded in operating systems that enable previously impossible features like Recall,which reminds users what files they were working on or websites they were brow
126、sing even months later;and true agentic systems like AutoGen,which is a framework for multi-agent interaction laying the groundwork for agent-to-agent automation.29,30,31 Other hyperscalers are putting their weight into this trend as well.AWSs Amazon Q Developer and Googles Gemini Code Assist are ke
127、y tools that will radically accelerate digital systems development.32,33 There are also novel innovations of parallel(or background)programming coming into play,like with Cognition AIs Devin code assistant that takes instruction from the project manager and performs activities in the background.34 T
128、hink back to how early digital movers like Amazon and Netflix didnt just see the use of social,mobile,analytics and cloud technologies as a way to augment a businessthey saw how it could be leveraged to upend the very value proposition of their industries.Now todays storm of foundation-model innovat
129、ion and its ability to create more technologies and solutions on the fly is showing us that our base assumptions about digital technology are becoming obsoleteand the chance to upend how businesses compete is here again.This is why it is critical leaders recognize the Binary Big Bang for what it is:
130、a brief moment of transition where enterprises can take stock of the changing technology landscape and carve out how they compete tomorrow.Companies that lean into this moment and lay the foundation for systems that can autonomously create new solutions,identify malfunctioning(or successful!)feature
131、s,and even self-heal,will cover far more ground in this transition phase than those which are static and waiting for periodic indicators to initiate change.Its time to stop thinking about technology as a tool and see it as your biggest competitive differentiation.Of course,recognizing the opportunit
132、y we have today is only the first step.There is no defined end-state yet or proven best practices for tomorrows new technology paradigm.And while agents are the best new architecture today,we expect more new architectures to emerge in the future.But what we do know is that three forcesabundance,abst
133、raction,and autonomyare emerging as the pillars of tomorrows technology.Starting with abundance:As weve seen through coding copilots,the creation of digital systems is getting a lot cheaper and faster.Amazons generative AI assistant for software development was able to save the equivalent of 4,500 d
134、eveloper-years of work when updating an application to Java 17.35 And even the secondary effects of the AI race are having an impactJensen Huang stated that NVIDIA has driven down the marginal cost of computing by 100,000 x.36 Whats happening is,one of the most complex things a company can dogenerat
135、e codeis becoming more efficient than ever.And this doesnt just impact the bottom line.Its a huge opportunity to accelerate modernization,tackle backlogs of projects,and more.But it also And as enterprises step into this transition and start to build new strategies,they will need to deeply understan
136、d these pillars,what they mean for technology,and the ways they drive business.The Binary Big BangTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 13means competitors will be moving just as fast and new disruptors can emerge with even less friction.Second,if speed and efficiency will expand the p
137、roliferation of technology,abstraction will expand who and how we use it.Just like COBOL did for assembly languages and graphical user interfaces(GUIs)were to command-line interfaces,modern AI systems will be a new bridge between people and machines.Adept at both code and natural language,agentic sy
138、stems will let people shift from operating software themselves,to making requests that kickstart an agentic process that reasons through the request;considers functions,APIs,data,and tools to tackle it;and then creates and implements a plan that can be packaged and reused indefinitely.Adobe Firefly
139、is an example of how leveraging this abstraction to reinvent how software is designedand for what userscan be a key wellspring of opportunity.But its also much more than just ease of use.To effectively take advantage of this modern coding paradigm and increase adoption while maintaining structure,th
140、is new layer of abstraction will be a necessity.Like providing APIs and SDKs for developers,in a world of autonomous programming,an abstracted interface between the architecture and business workflows will be required to avoid breaking other elements of the system.While today we are seeing the abstr
141、action in packaged software or discrete applications,eventually enterprises will need this layer of abstraction across the entire organization to generate the speed and governance necessary for tomorrows enterprise.(See Implications for more.)The third pillar is autonomy,which is poised to be the mo
142、st significant.Todays architectures are designed against executing a singular and rigidly-defined purpose.Autonomy breaks us out of that,as systems that can build and execute code on their own are poised to become powerful orchestrators and operators of the business.The opportunities are immense;it
143、suggests a future of frictionless and intent-based systems.But it also means a radically different way of building and training those systems.To quote Geoffrey Hinton,the godfather of AI,“We designed the learning algorithmbut when this algorithm then interacts with data,it produces complicated neura
144、l networks that are good at doing things,but we dont really understand exactly how they do those things.”37 See Reinventing with a Digital Core:Chapter 2.Autonomy means we might not know how,or why,a system makes particular decisionsbut we have to raise them to make the right ones.Trust will be esse
145、ntial to navigating the Binary Big Bang.Businesses are used to being able to buy software off the shelf,not needing to caretake its decision-making almost the way you would with a child.Businesses will need more than the technical infrastructure to train and develop these modelsit is more crucial th
146、an ever to also have guardrails and reinforcement in place to ensure good outcomes.Creating the internal policies that will allow enterprises to trust this technology in the hands of their people,the governance to ensure autonomous decision-making is congruent with enterprise objectives,and the cybe
147、rsecurity and testing practices to keep systems secure and resilient will be crucial to navigating the new waters enterprises are wading into.The Binary Big Bang will feel hectic.The opportunities for unprecedented customization,and the advantages of having a completely fit for purpose architecture
148、are immense,but not without challenges.There will no longer be a reference point for how an architecture should look.How we govern,guardrail,and benchmark systems has no blueprint anymore.Every system will be unique in its own right,so what will good look like for you?But uncertainty isnt cause for
149、inaction.There is already no shortage of agents,copilots,and platforms giving access to this powerful new technology,and the race to integrate it has begun.This is why it remains essential that leaders see the bigger picture.Todays technologies are not the endgamethey are how we are getting there.A
150、technology future of abundance,abstraction,and autonomy is what leaders need to be planning for.Every company must be prepared to forge a new technological footprint,founded on AIa unique DNA identifying and differentiating them as they launch into tomorrows technology landscape.The Binary Big Bang
151、is the moment to get your footingbut it wont last long.How can you take advantage of it today?The Binary Big BangTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 14The TechnologyDriving the Binary Big Bang is a set of technologies reshaping how we think about computers,software,and digital system
152、s.Understanding these components will help organizations set themselves up to rapidly grow their digital footprints and lead in tomorrows technology landscape of abundance,abstraction,and autonomy.Agentic Systems Digital Core Generative UI14Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy The Bin
153、ary Big BangTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 15507191715058817x1,57602004006008001,0001,2001,4001,6001,80020202021202220232024*Research interest in agentic systems is surging Over the past two years,researchers have discovered powerful ways to extend the capabilities of LLMs to cr
154、eate AI agents and agentic systems.Companies are transforming these research efforts into commercial offerings rapidly.Number of research papers relating to Agentic Systems,2020-2024*Note:*2024 contains partial data through Oct 2024 Source:Accenture Research analysis on ArXiv papers;Jan 2020 Oct 202
155、4What is it?AI agents and agentic systems offer a powerful way to leverage LLMs and other foundation models to complete complicated and compound tasks.Agentic systems take the power of language models and extend them by integrating them with methods for reflection,tool use,planning,and collaboration
156、.These methods transform the models from simple prompt and generate functions into reasoning engines that can tackle a huge variety of challenges.How does it connect to the trend?Agentic systems may eventually be one of many architectures or models that deliver abundance,abstraction,or autonomybut r
157、ight now they are the one capturing the most attention across researchers and the technology industry.They are already helping to write code,and as these systems improve,with better reasoning capabilities,larger context windows,and validation methods,they will be able to take on an even greater set
158、of challenges.Who is doing it today?Agentic systems show great promise with small pieces of code,and given documentation and examples,can call functions and APIs with high accuracy.Research has also demonstrated they can create functions and APIs to use later.Companies are rapidly integrating these
159、capabilities into new models to accelerate engineering velocity.One of the leading agentic systems for software engineering today is Anthropics Claude 3.5 Sonnet.When tested on SWE-Bench Verified,a software engineering benchmark of real-world issues from GitHub,it achieved a remarkable 49%resolved r
160、ate.38 In 2023,agents had a rate of less than 5%.39 Agentic Systems15The Binary Big BangTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 1648%46%45%45%38%33%32%29%52%54%55%55%62%67%68%71%Upgrade and modernizefunctions and integrationsAssure the quality of digitalfunctions and systemsAccess functi
161、ons frominternal systemsBuild automations that tacklespecific tasksAccess data from acrossthe organizationBuild new functionsBuild workflow automations thatspan across the organizationAccess functions 3rd party systemsNear term(within the next 3 years)Mid or long term(4 or more years)Agents in the D
162、igital Core Organizations are planning to integrate AI agents into the heart of their digital systemsnot just for accessing information but for upgrading functions and building new components of their digital business.When do you estimate your organization would enable the following capabilities for
163、 AI agents to integrate with your digital architecture?Source:Accenture Technology Vision 2025 Executive Survey,N=4,021What is it?The digital core is the critical technological capability that can create and empower an organizations unique reinvention ambitions.40 Key to this is a composable archite
164、cture that emphasizes modularity and interoperability.Composability relies on independent self-contained components that can be connected to build high-level functions and applications.They can come from internal systems,PaaS and SaaS providers,and other external parties.But in all cases,they need t
165、o operate independently,be trusted and verifiable,and be discoverable and usable by composers.How does it connect to the trend?As agents and agentic systems emerge,theyll bring new urgency to composability.True agent autonomy will only be achieved if companies seamlessly connect data sources(both in
166、ternal and external)with analytical platforms that can use that data to drive decision-making and useful actions.Agents will,in other words,be major users of the digital core,leveraging it to answer user requests and compose new digital solutions.And further on,they could even play a role in buildin
167、g,validating,and updating composable components.Who is doing it today?Todays agentic systems cant build and maintain the entire digital corebut theyre tackling pieces of it.Salesforces Agentforce acts as an agentic system across many parts of the Salesforce platform.41 On the surface,it might just s
168、eem like a bundling of common generative AI features,but it can also make plans and leverage existing flows and Apex code to take actions within the Salesforce platform.Digital Core16The Binary Big BangTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 1715%37%39%8%1%0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%202
169、5-20302031-20352036-20402041-20452046-2050+Redefining our relationship with computing The GUI has been the predominant method of human-machine interaction for many decades,but executives believe this is changing as agents become available.This shift will involve natural language but also the ability
170、 for systems to generate and compose UI elements dynamically to meet a users request.In your estimation,when do you think the general public will use AI agents more frequently than apps or websites to complete day-to-day digital tasks?Source:Accenture Technology Vision 2025 Executive Survey,N=4,021W
171、hat is it?Generative UI is the concept of leveraging AI techniques to generate user interfaces,commonly with the goal of offering a personalized experience.The long-term vision is a system that dynamically generates interfaces in real-time,based on an individuals context and needs.And this is not ju
172、st populating a predefined layout with user-specific content,but completely changing the structure,flow,and interaction methods.These capabilities can be applied to websites,applications,or even agentic systems,and could rely on text,voice,or other intuitive interactions.How does it connect to the t
173、rend?Agentic systems and composable digital cores will radically transform how we think of the user interface and unravel a core component of todays software paradigm.For decades,the high cost of software development and the low cost of software distribution have driven the idea of creating a single
174、 UI that must work for every user.But now,as agentic systems advance and begin to take more actions on our behalf in the digital world,theyre driving a new software paradigm where cheaper code and language-first interfaces make dynamically generated,custom UI components increasingly feasible.Who is
175、doing it today?In one early example,Google demonstrated its Gemini model generating interface elements to help plan a birthday party.42 Instead of responding in a bulleted text list,Gemini generated an interactive list of party themes,each with an image,description,activities,and food options.Vercel
176、 is also hoping to accelerate this transition to generative UI with its AI SDK 3.0.43 This update lets apps use React Server Components to stream UI components directly from LLMs,without heavy client-side JavaScript,enabling a much more engaging way for LLMs to respond to user requests.Generative UI
177、17The Binary Big BangTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 18As leaders set their sights on new avenues of opportunity generated by the Binary Big Bang,its critical to analyze how the emerging paradigm of abundance,abstraction,and autonomy is going to impact the technologies we use tod
178、ay.While it wont be immediate,one thing leaders need to watch and plan for is the evolution of apps.Itll be a welcome transformation for every enterprise looking to further diffuse the capabilities of AI across the workforce.The farther we push into this new era of technology,the more clinging to ol
179、der paradigms and architectures may end up limiting the full potential of new systems.To understand,its helpful to revisit how todays technology evolved.Since the 1980s,software applications have(at a high level)been a way to package function and data together with an easy-to-use graphical user inte
180、rface(GUI).A single click on the users side could execute tens or hundreds of lines of code behind the scenes.Ultimately,software was built for people.Some of the earliest programs replaced“computers,”who back then were people who performed mathematical calculations by hand.44 Other early systems we
181、re focused on streamlining and accelerating tedious business operations like accounting and inventory management,leading to the development of very siloed solutions.The same was true when personal computers emergedapps were designed for specific tasks like word processing,computer-aided design,or ph
182、oto editing.It wasnt always a perfect system,but it was better than the past and worked extremely well when our digital needs were more targeted.But now,we rely on technology for so much more,and in many ways this old paradigm has become a bottleneck.Just look at the massive suite of software tools
183、that enterprises need today,and how they create data silos and complicated workflows.Or how some software tries to overcome that siloing,only to end up becoming sprawling,feature-rich applications so complex that fully utilizing them takes years to master.It can end up burdening the enterprise,from
184、security oversights,to excess spending on upkeep and maintenance of aging systems,to the severe productivity impact of app fatigue when people are forced to jump between applications to accomplish a single task.45 With tomorrows technology paradigm on the horizon,leaders are starting to disrupt the
185、very fundamentals of how we design software.By leveraging the abstraction that agentic or autonomous systems offer,theyre realizing we can unbundle the function/data/interface paradigm that has defined software for so long and develop a new one that unlocks the power of computers differently.Imagine
186、 this:instead of users having to find the right apps or switch between them to get tasks done,The ImplicationsLeaders need to start thinking about a world beyond the app paradigm today.Agentic systems will be at their most effective when connecting components across the enterprise.generative AI can
187、become the cornerstone of UI.Through simple natural language interfaces,it can respond to user requests by kicking off a swarm of digital activity.Unlike apps that are limited to specific software features,composable digital cores will let agents autonomously create connections,build tools,and lever
188、age huge swaths of business data as needed.And because these systems are designed to learn,as they build new workflows,they can also create pathways for future agent requests.In this way,every time an agent reasons through a problem,it ultimately has a compounding effect on the companys wider abilit
189、y to tackle problems.This is why leaders need to start thinking about a world beyond the app paradigm today.Agentic systems will be at their most effective when connecting components across the enterprise,turning them into new sources of customer value,automated workflows,or more.This isnt merely a
190、technical question thoughthe evolution of apps has far reaching implications leaders might not be prepared for.How many of todays workflows and products are built around end user-facing apps?There are app interactions we get a lot of value and data from today,and they are fundamental to many of our
191、customer and employee experiences.How will the enterprise react when all these things start to change?The Binary Big BangTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 19Just look at the consumer app space:The last generation of consumer applications was largely designed for mass appealmeaning
192、that they were broadly distributed,and how users could interact with them was rigidly defined.But the abundance,abstraction,and autonomy of tomorrows technology systems is turning all this on its head.Enterprises can start imagining new ways to interact with customers,like generative user interfaces
193、,where agentic systems take personalization beyond an algorithmic newsfeed or list of recommendations to a full interface designed just for an individual.You could imagine an e-commerce app where today all users see the same UI with different items listed,but tomorrow could be shopping in completely
194、 personalized ways,some seeing in-depth reviews,others discovering products through videos,or even an e-commerce store with no products at alljust an agentic interface that will work with the user to custom design their own items.Even if this feels far out,enterprises need to be thinking about how t
195、hese changes to technology will shape touchpoints they have with customers and partners.Earlier in this trend we talked about Adobe Firefly,Adobes family of creative generative AI models.The company uses the models to power their own platforms,but theyre introducing Firefly to others as well.Slack,f
196、or instance,is integrating Firefly alongside other agents from companies like Salesforce,Asana,and Writer so users can access agents without breaking their workflow.46,47 For some enterprises,it could make sense to shift to building functionalities for other platforms,meaning potentially new busines
197、s models.The Binary Big Bang is still just beginning,and we dont know the exact end state of all that will changebut the disruption is upon us and enterprises need to start building tomorrows strategy.Because the truth is,most companies arent set up for this yet.Leaders will need to transform both t
198、heir technology and organization to keep pace with the opportunity being generated by AI.They need to rapidly invest in building a composable digital core so agentic systems can bridge data silos and build cross-organizational solutions,and they need to break down employee silos.Most of all they nee
199、d to prepare for a world where its not just people,but machines,using their technology and connecting with the business.Soon enough,the abundance,abstraction,and autonomy of tomorrows technology will start to rapidly expand digital ecosystems,and the companies ready to leap on this will quickly outp
200、ace the ones left catching up.19The Binary Big BangTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 20Whats NextIts time for businesses to prepare for the new technology paradigm of abundance,abstraction,and autonomy.We are in a transition period today,but AI agents are already letting businesses
201、 transform how software is designed and used,expand their digital footprints at an unprecedented rate,and reimagine the value propositions of their industries.The Binary Big BangIf youre an early adopter?Define your new digital ecosystem:In tomorrows technology landscape,agents will be critical to d
202、igital ecosystems.They will be users and definers of your digital core,continuously building functions,QA systems,and more,forcing companies to rethink their architectures.Its a big,ecosystem-level change,and early adopters have the chance now to start tackling some of the big questions that come wi
203、th it:How do you track and steer millions of autonomous agents?How do you embrace abstraction in your technological foundations to redefine roles and processes?How do you manage exponentially growing digital systems?Identify the highest value opportunities in tomorrows technology landscape:Track res
204、earch in agentic systems to inform your art of the possible.These systems are already driving greater abundance,abstraction,and autonomy in technology than ever beforeand now is the time to discover where they can meet your business needs best.Detail the data and technological infrastructure require
205、d to enable an agentic solution.Set your goals for the solutions,how you will measure progress against them,and evaluate them continuously to figure out your optimal agentic architecture.If youre just preparing to start?Map out ecosystem partners agentic offerings:Many platforms and software provide
206、rs are integrating agentic systems into their existing offerings,making it easy for companies to start leveraging them.Partners and providers will help take data already stored within platforms and begin to architect agents across that platform.Scan who in your current digital ecosystem is pivoting
207、to agents and where that is poised to disrupt or create opportunity for you.Be open to creating custom agents of your own.Start experimenting with agents internally:Companies that are familiar with building LLM-based systems,and want to make a bigger investment in the Binary Big Bang,can start by lo
208、oking for opportunities internally.A good way to begin is to create task-specific internal agents,using the principles of abundance,abstraction,and autonomy to guide how you choose use cases.After starting small,you can move modularly,over time expanding the functions and data your internal agents c
209、an access and using them to learn and prepare for building external-facing agents in the future.If you want to take a slower approach?Prepare your digital core for agents:Every company is going to need to reinvent their digital core to focus on composable integration.If you havent started yet,do so
210、immediately.A modular digital core will be critical for AI agents to leverage data and functions across your organization in the coming years.And even if you arent using agents yet,a strengthened digital core will accelerate your other digital efforts.Watch signals to predict upcoming industry impac
211、ts:Todays transition period will be brief and high stakes,so those taking a slower approach will need to know when to stop waiting and jump in.Since generative AI applications are more defined than agentic systems,many will see these more concrete applications as a valuable on-ramp to gain experienc
212、e.But its important not to get too comfortable.Work with industry partners to form a strategic roadmap to ensure youre ready when the moment strikes.How to preserve trust?Monitor autonomous systems activity:As agent-powered autonomous systems start to play a bigger role in digital ecosystems,compani
213、es will need to closely surveil them and ensure guardrails are in place.What data are these systems accessing,who is directing them,what is the quality of their outputs,and more.Transparency here will help to increase employees trust in the systems.As you create a monitoring system,lay out a governa
214、nce and technological roadmap for implementation.Also develop communication and maintenance plans so your organization understands how the monitoring works and your guardrails keep up with advances.Train autonomous systems to make good decisions:AI agents are amazing technical feats but are by no me
215、ans perfect.They are computationally expensive,non-deterministic,and can lack explainability.But just as retrieval augmented generation(RAG)can ground an LLM,so can code and functions ground an agent,making them more explainable and increasing trust in them.For companies using agents today,determine
216、 the feedback loops rewarding and reinforcing the right agentic outcomes.And for those taking a slower approach,work with an industry partner now to identify relevant,high quality training sets or your most important proprietary data to lay the groundwork for when you are ready to start.Technology V
217、ision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 21A Portrait of the FutureCal works in operations for a national pizza chain.One morning over coffee,theyre listening to a colleague complain about how boring it was charging their car at a station last night.An idea sparks:What if boredhungrypeople could orde
218、r pizza to their cars while charging?How many EV charging stations dont have easy access food nearby?It could open a whole new market for the company!But first,Cal needs to prove the market existsand theyre going to do it with the companys AI agent.Cal tells the agent to find EV charging locations a
219、cross the country and map how close they are to food.The agent identifies a map database,writes queries to the map API,and correlates the data to create a list of hundreds of EV charging stations with food beyond walking distance.Its a start,but Cal needs more.They ask the agent to estimate potentia
220、l demand using the stations occupancy data as well as the pizza companys own sales data from local stores.The agent responds that some EV networks provide occupancy information while others dont,so it requests permission to find satellite data from another agent to fill those gaps.Cal okays the move
221、,and the agent works with a satellite imagery companys agent to determine each stations occupancy over the last six months.Then it logs all EV data and combines it with local pizza sales data,which it has access to via an internal microservice.From there,the agent shifts from market research to plan
222、ning.Using machine learning,it creates a predictive function for the companys pizza chain locations near select EV stations.It forecasts potential pizza demand,so stores can deliver the perfect number of pizzas and customers can get the pies fresh without long waits.In just one day,Cal and the agent
223、 took an idea through market research and planning to be near-ready for implementation.They quickly draft a proposal and send it to their lead for review.They cant wait for tomorrowmaybe theyll build something else brand new.Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 21The Binary Big BangTe
224、chnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 2202Your Face,in the FutureDifferentiating when every interface looks the same Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy Whats your AIs personality?Enterprises are imbuing autonomy across customer interactions,but as they do,it is critical
225、that fine-tuning for experience is not overlooked.Personal touch,unique voice,and individualization are key ways companies build loyalty and trust with customersand right now it feels like that is everything AI lacks.Personified AI can breathe life into experiences and unlock customer relationships
226、like weve never seen before.As enterprises start to build AI cognitive digital brains,they can codify their values and personas into it,powering agents with the full knowledge of the business and allowing leaders to dodge the risk of monotony and instead build the future face of their enterprise.Tec
227、hnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 23202420301877202419631971Future2000202620252027202820142016Instagram tests Creator.ai for influencers to connect with fans via chatbots that mimic their personalities56With the rise of agents,machine customers drive more than 20%of many businesses re
228、venue,transforming sales strategies Quaker Mills Quaker man is one of the first corporate mascots48OpenAI releases GPT-4o with Advanced Voice modes human-like speech56Ronald McDonald makes his first TV appearance and becomes an icon49As part of a DARPA project,Carnegie Mellon University creates Harp
229、y,foundational to modern Interactive Voice Response(IVR)systems50 S launches its website,allowing online access to its CRM systems51A celebrity influencer signs a landmark contract letting a company use their personality not only in advertisements but product lines,customer service,and digital exper
230、iencesReal-time generative AI voice models become common in customer serviceIKEA unveils one of the first customer-facing chatbots52A major airline introduces an AI agent that will autonomously generate personalized trip pricing and travel recommendations based on customer loyalty programs,company o
231、ffers,and affiliated partnershipsCompanies routinely use customer conversations with AI agents as a data source to build customer profiles Amazon releases Alexa,an AI assistant with a persona53Lil Miquela debuts on Instagram,the first AI influencer to go viral54 2005Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Decla
232、ration of Autonomy Your Face,in the Future23Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 24The Big PictureAll algorithm and no soul makes the enterprise a dull experience.Dull for customers,that is.Across industries,businesses are finding ways to implement generative AI.Theyre looking for ope
233、rational efficiencies,ways to automate tasks,and ways to scale impact.Many see customer-focused roles as a natural fit.Theyre reinventing the face of the business,using generative AI for customer service or ad material generation and integrating chatbot interfaces into products.But if theyre not car
234、eful,every business is about to wind up with the same face.Effectively,enterprises are imbuing the customer experience with autonomy.Agents,bots,and technology systems can drive sales,solve problems,set meetings and do much more for customers.But the foundation models driving many of these experienc
235、es are built by the same few organizations and are designedintentionallyto be as neutral-sounding as possible.Its a simple insight,perhaps inconsequential at first glance.But enterprises are creating the customer interface that will define their next decadeand how they design it has profound,far-rea
236、ching implications.Businesses are teetering on the edge of a customer engagement crisis.Its one that started growing during the digital era.When new digital channels started emerging,and customer touchpoints shifted to platforms and search engines,businesses could connect to more customers than ever
237、,but direct conversation with them became muted,and differentiation became more challenging.Now,in the AI era,this engagement crisis is at risk of being compounded.AI models and the growing autonomy of digital systems can generate massive opportunity,the chance to have one-on-one conversations at un
238、precedented scale.But if these models are fine-tuned for function,and not experience,theyll sound generic or bland and leave all that potential unrealized.This wont just be a problem on the enterprises channels either.Looking towards the future,it becomes even sharper as generative AI-based chat pla
239、tforms position themselves as the primary window to the digital world.When a third-party agent invites your companies agents into a conversation with a customer,what will it sound like?How will you stand out?Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 25What makes the
240、world interesting is diversity and personality in individuals,businesses,products,and experiences.While leaders hunt for the value machine-like consistency can bring,they need to ensure they dont overshadow the very things that create enriching and personal human experiences.AI systems by design wil
241、l be more consistent than the usual human interaction and engagement,and that can be a great benefit,but leaders must take extra care to inject the enterprises personality in themor they are at risk of losing what makes them unique.Peel back the layers here,and its easy to see that what starts as“th
242、e chatbot sounds generic”portends a potentially existential challenge for a companys brand.This is not a call to turn away from autonomy or AI,nor have the consequences of generic-sounding experiences come into play yet.In fact,weve seen this generation of chatbots boost sales,generate high quality
243、leads,and solve customer problems.57,58,59 Gartner predicts that“by 2027,chatbots will become the primary customer service channel for roughly a quarter of organizations and the primary lead qualification tool for 10%of B2B sales teams.”60 But these are short-term,early-mover gains.Will they remain
244、when every company has chatbots?There is a unique opportunity right now for enterprises to leapfrog the competition,dodge the risk of neutral and monotonous customer experiences,and update or course-correct brand strategies faster and more easily than ever before.But to do so,they will have to start
245、 thinking about autonomous systems as more than just the function they are performing.They must find a way to marry AIs scale and efficiency with the uniqueness of their brands.Enterprise leaders know people are capable of building powerfuland valuableattachments to brands with strong personalities.
246、These personas manifest as everything from mascots like Tony the Tiger and Coca-Colas visage of Santa Claus,to partnerships with celebrities or influencers,to a distinct brand voice like a greeting at a retail store or a certain style for advertisements.Theyre ways to signal values and characteristi
247、cs that humanize a brand,and have been used to drive familiarity,loyalty,or joy in customers.At the same time,people are beginning to experience emotional,real connections with AI.Nomi AI is creating AI companions that people can text in group chats or one-on-one.61 They have personalities and backs
248、tories;they even remember past conversations.In August 2024,Soul Machines,a company that creates autonomous AI avatars,released a survey finding Gen Z young adults are starting to prefer support from AI assistants over traditional self-help resources in areas like learning languages,boosting confide
249、nce,and exploring financial strategiespotentially demonstrating the appeal of talking to an agent at times when we want human empathy,but not judgement.62 And Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff said,semi-seriously,he will occasionally use ChatGPT as a therapist.63 What we know is this:Businesses have long
250、depended on the power of brand personality.And now people and AI are forming similar bonds as well.But despite the fact that businesses are leaning on autonomous systems to rapidly scale their customer experiences to new heights,weve yet to see them training those systems to espouse the personality
251、and brand values they work so hard to develop.Whether its customer service reps or sales associates,most businesses already train their people to do it,so why not AI too?Emerging efforts show they canto great effect.In April 2024,Instagram began testing Creator.ai,which provides a program that will
252、let influencers connect with fans through chatbots that mimic their voices.64 The bots will automatically message fans on the influencers behalf,letting them communicate and build rapport with far more people than they could ever do by hand.These are chatbots creating real-feeling connections at a s
253、cale and to a degree of personalization that has never been possible before.And SiriusXM worked with Sierra,a conversational AI platform,to build Harmonyan AI that actually understands customers on their terms.65 Many brands often have a shorthand or unique way of using words to talk about products,
254、something that gets lost in translation when using“off the shelf”AI.For instance,a typical AI model might not understand a customer who needs help“rejiggering the radio”or who asks where they can find a particular band.But,trained on the right data and with the right knowledge of the brand,Harmony m
255、ight understand that a customer needs a refresh signal sent to the car,or is trying to find the right channel.What we have here is no ordinary brand tool.Companies that successfully introduce AI with personalities are looking at a technology that can build relationships with customers and meet their
256、 needs at an unprecedented scale.Theyre taking personified brand,and personified AI,and theyre inventing the personified business.There is a unique opportunity right now for enterprises to leapfrog the competition.Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 26Its time
257、to bring generative AI to customer-facing roles with the gravity it requires.Done poorly,businesses could see the magic of their brands eclipsed.Done right,its the beginning of a new era of customer relationships and trust.models.It will require training from employees,management,and even customers
258、to accurately capture the values and presence the company wants to project.Ultimately,its likely entire teams in organizations will be dedicated to this effort alone.Your Face,in the FutureImagine this:when a customer interacts with a business,theyre guided by a familiar face.A chatbot that acts lik
259、e a beloved mascot or an influencers persona the company has licensed.This agent shows up on the companys channels or can be invited into a conversation on other generative AI-based platforms.Over time,it supports and gets to know the customeras an individual beyond purchase history or demographics.
260、And it builds a trusted relationship,not just with its personality,but by taking relevant actions.It wields the power of the digital world,accessing data on products and deals from across the organization,and tapping into a suite of technologies like data analytics and digital twins,to meet the cust
261、omer on their terms.And its doing all this autonomously and at scalerunning thousands of conversations at once.This is a level of personalization,once only available to individuals in extremely limited numbers,that AI models trained on your companys persona can bring to every single interaction you
262、havewith customers,partners,employees,and even other agents.Companies today are starting to address dimensions of this challenge.For instance,Walmarts new mobile shopping assistant will summarize product descriptions,compare products,and provide customer reviews.66 NVIDIA released a Retrieval Augmen
263、ted Generation(RAG)framework to be used with chatbots,allowing interfaces real-time access to information across a company.67 And platform startup Native AI uses generative AI and digital twins to let companies chat with digital twins of their customers to conduct market research.68 But even with th
264、e technology available today,few companies are truly capturing the full scope of work that will be needed to instill the enterprises personality into a host of AI 26Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 27The TechnologyEnterprises are clearly eager to bring gener
265、ative AI and greater autonomy to customer-facing roles.But to do this in a way that will strengthenrather than harmties with customers,they will need a deep understanding of the technological advances letting chatbots move beyond generic-ness.Personified AI Multimodal Models Precision Data&ContextTe
266、chnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 27Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 28Growing interest in AI for customer solutions Since the release of ChatGPT,executives have become more outspoken about AI involvement in customer interactions.As companies
267、 look to implement generative AI technologies,they need to carefully consider how the development of their customer-facing AIs will shape how customers perceive their organization.Number of mentions relating to AI and customer solutions in earnings call transcripts,2020-2024*Note:*2024 contains part
268、ial data through Oct 2024 Source:Accenture Research analysis on earnings call transcripts of G3K companies;Jan 2020 Oct 202405010015020025030020202021202220232024*4xExecutive interest in AI-driven customer solutions surged after the release of ChatGPT(Nov 2022)What is it?Organizations are exploring
269、how to take powerful generative AI models and give them human-like personalities.Through training,fine-tuning,and other techniques,they are starting to specify the words or phrases a model uses,how it structures sentences,or its speech patterns and tone.And when chatbots are accompanied by visual av
270、atars,facial expressions can also help AI feel real.How does it connect to the trend?Personified AI might just seem like an interesting exercise in how models present themselves,but it will be a core differentiator for businesses in the futureboth in how customers will interact with the business on
271、their channels and how businesses will be represented by agents in other AI applications.Who is doing it today?AI leaders are starting to build personified AI capabilities.OpenAI described its GPT-4o,for instance,as a step toward more natural interactions between human and computer.69 It can talk to
272、 people with near-human response time in a convincingly human voice.Previously,people could use“Voice Mode”to converse with ChatGPT,but these interactions converted spoken queries into text,generated a response,then converted that response back to speechwhich took time.GPT-4o is a single model train
273、ed across text,vision,and audio,meaning all inputs and outputs are processed by the same neural network.Personified AI28Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 292,8341,842383147502024*202320222021202019xDALL-E release(Jan 2021)Research into multimodal models has i
274、ncreased significantly There is significant research interest in multimodal foundation models that go beyond language to image,audio,video,and more.Creating models that can talk,see the world,and inhabit real-time embodiments is set to transform how people interact with AI and thus organizations.Num
275、ber of research papers relating to Multimodal Foundation Models,2020-2024*Note:*2024 contains partial data through Oct 2024 Source:Accenture Research analysis on ArXiv papers;Jan 2020 Oct 2024What is it?Companies are rapidly expanding the range of modalities foundation models can accept as inputs an
276、d produce as outputs.Image input and generation is now table-stakes,and audio is quickly becoming standard as well.The commercialization of models that accept video inputs is also starting.And while video output isnt widely commercialized yet,it has been demonstrated in research and is becoming publ
277、icly available.How does it connect to the trend?While text-based chatbots are becoming increasingly common for simple enterprise customer service,the addition of audio,image,and video input/output will vastly expand the customer-facing ways AI can be used.These multimodal models will be able to brin
278、g chatbots to life,letting them connect with people more deeply and even bring them to life visually with facial expressions and an environment that all reflect the brand.Who is doing it today?Runways Gen-3 Alpha is an AI model that can produce realistic videos from simple text prompts or still imag
279、es.70 In July 2024,when the image-to-video feature was introduced,early demonstrations showed impressive quality and fast turnaround times(for some,it took less than a minute to generate a video from an image).Runway is one of several companies building video generation models.Others include OpenAI,
280、Pika Labs,and Luma Labs.71 Multimodal AI models29Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 3048%28%8%3%12%6%37%17%32%39%10%35%Consumers less familiarwith gen AIConsumers familiar withgen AI+32ppCustomer context is key Executives are starting to understand the importa
281、nce of customer context to personified AI.For personified AI to create meaningful customer interactions,it needs new types of customer context.Demographic information and purchase history are not enoughthe best AI will also leverage past conversations to inform future ones.And consumers are ready fo
282、r this new technology,with only 13%of consumers overall having negative feelings about the use of generative AI for marketing and advertising.76%of executives agree that conversational interactions using gen AI will become a way to gather relevant customer context.Consumers who are familiar with gen
283、 AI feel more positive(74%)about the use of gen AI for marketing and advertising than consumers who are less familiar with gen AI(42%).Source:Accenture Consumer Paradoxes Survey,Oct 2024,N=12,215.Consumers less familiar with gen AI,N=4,389;Consumers familiar with gen AI,N=7,826Source:Accenture Techn
284、ology Vision 2025 Executive Survey,N=4,021AgreeVery positiveStrongly agreeSomewhat positiveNeutralSomewhat negativeVery negativeOverall,how do you feel about the use of Gen AI for marketing and advertising?What is it?Precision data is key to businesses digital customer strategies today.It fuels the
285、ability to deliver more relevant deals,contextualized offerings,and more.Right now,though,businesses are stuck between customers that demand more relevance,and a regulatory and social environment that is limiting the ways they typically gather that data.How does it connect to the trend?Personified A
286、I can be a major reinvention of how businesses gather useful customer data safely and effectively.Through interactions with AI,businesses have the opportunity to get to know customers beyond purchase history and demographicsuseful data,like their interests,needs,or even conversation style can be gle
287、aned from every interaction.Whats more is AI itself can be used to get consent in the moment,by asking the user for access to data that can create more relevant outcomesaccess that can be removed and data forgotten upon the termination of the conversation.Who is doing it today?Microsoft Dynamics 365
288、 is a platform that uses AI to help companies turn their customer data and the data across their organization into customizable,generative AI experiences.72 According to Microsoft,this platform can leverage real-time insights about people to better personalize customer journeys and to help sellers c
289、lose more deals.Precision data and customer context30Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 31To drive the most opportunity,bots need to get personal with people.Its no small task given peoples general concern about sharing data and,among some,skepticism around AI
290、.But the potential of personified business is too big to missit could launch a new era of autonomy in customer relationships and reshape entire value chains.So,handling the question of trust upfront is paramount.There are three key areas of trust that enterprises can address from the beginning:aware
291、ness and education around the benefits of AI;the primacy of data protection and privacy;and implementing controls to understand autonomous decision making.Starting with awareness might seem strange.Most business leaders are used to leveraging technology already in peoples hands,not needing to advoca
292、te for it.But generative AI is putting enterprises in a uniqueslightly awkwardposition.Consider this:the Michigan State University Federal Credit Union(MSUFCU)developed a chatbot named Fran,and in a survey of some of MSUFCUs low-and medium-income families,44%said they felt nervous about using AI tec
293、hnology,but of that percentage,70%said they liked using Fran.73 Businesses know people generally feel positive about the results of AIbut theyre also contending with vaguely skeptical sentiment around the technology as a whole.It means every interaction with AI is not just building or breaking custo
294、mers trust with the enterprise,but with the technology itself.And it means the rollout of autonomous The Implicationssystems and the personified business needs to be in lockstep with customersdirected first by where they trust and benefit from this technology,only progressing as their trust grows.Th
295、e next area,and perhaps the most critical,is data protection and privacy.It consistently ranks as one of the chief concerns people and enterprises alike have with AI.Fortunately,some solutions to achieve the personalization AI promises,without compromising security and privacy,are already at play.Sy
296、nthetic data can be an option to keep PII away from models.Where private data is required,some techniques include ensuring conversations are deleted or that functions are restricted to remain on devices.For instance,to preserve customer privacy in its copilot Recall feature,Microsoft makes sure all
297、screenshots are stored and processed locally.74 Theres no one-size-fits-all,but security must be top of mind as businesses introduce greater autonomy to customer-facing features.Or those very interactions could be the enterprises greatest risk.Finally,the ability to explain an AIs decision-making wi
298、ll be deeply important to earning trust.If a customer wants to know why they are receiving a particular recommendation,theyll need to be able to probe the chatbot.Whats more,hallucinations continue to be a part of the generative AI experience,so if a user is not achieving an expected outcome,explain
299、ability can help them identify where mistakes have been madeand escalate to a human if needed.And at the enterprise-level,explainability controls need to be in place so human oversight can ensure lack of bias and that the machine is operating as intended.Building a personified business on these thre
300、e pillars of trust is non-negotiable.Autonomous systems and AI personification have incredible potential to transform customer relationships,building one-on-one rapport and loyalty,reshaping how customers needs are met,and giving customers the kind of individualized attention that digital businesses
301、 have never been able to deliver at scale.But all of it depends on trust.To get to know people well enough to meet their needs and take productive,relevant actions on their behalf,people need to be willing to open up.What good is a personified agent if customers are too afraid to talk to it?Or spend
302、 the whole conversation asking for a human?The personified business reinvention needs to start todayand it must be rooted in trust.If trust in the technology can be nurtured,whole workflows and value chains can be transformed.Rememberit starts with brand,but theres no reason it should stop there.eve
303、ry interaction with AI is not just building or breaking customers trust with the enterprise,but with the technology itself.Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 32If youre an early adopter?Infuse personality into your generative AI efforts:Early adopters may alre
304、ady have chatbots,but the promise of personified business comes when chatbots connect more effectively with people.This will require input from business leaders and technologists alike.Appoint a team of cross-functional leaders to define the strategy for personified AI.One of their first initiatives
305、 should be taking inventory of the types of data that may contribute to this effort,and determining what your chatbot can and should access.Then create a technical strategy to bring personified AI to life with that data.Ensure guardrails around your autonomous systems:Data security has long been cri
306、tical to customer interactions,but with personified AI getting to know customers even more deeply,that security will be especially vital.Before you grant agents access to your organizations information and permission to offer customer solutions,set detailed security rules with the technological infr
307、astructure required to enforce them.Define and continuously update AI explainability policies to customers and within your organization.Whats NextIts time to bring brand and AI personification together and launch a new era of personified business.If enterprises can“hardcode”the feeling they want cus
308、tomers to have about them into AI agents that span the business,theyll be able to build trusting relationships with customers at scales that have simply never been reached before.If youre just preparing to start?Develop a personification rollout strategy for high-impact customer experiences:Be wary
309、of overconfidence.AI and chatbot novelty is strong today,but as it starts to fade,personification will become increasingly differentiating.Now is the time to identify high-impact brand touchpoints where personality could soon be essentialmaybe there are stagnant moments in the customer journey,or ar
310、eas where intermediaries dilute your brand.Create a pilot program to test and refine how you might use personified AI at these touchpoints,tracking its value-add before broadening out.Build relationships in the growing personified AI ecosystem:Personified AI is still new with few vendorsthough a gro
311、wing number of companies are starting to create personified AI products.Start seeking out the right partners for your own efforts,bearing in mind that the models your organization uses today may be incompatible with vendor solutions,or limit your product options.Set an assessment criterion for futur
312、e partners that covers how they are approaching personification,whether they will work with your current models,and whether your infrastructure will let you switch solutions easily to access new features.If you want to take a slower approach?Audit chatbots across your organization:You might be furth
313、er along than you think.Chatbots bring a host of advantages,so it is no surprise many organizations have deployed them already.That said,there might not be a consistent strategy.Run a ground-zero audit of chatbots at your organization and what your goals are for them.Do they provide value in unexpec
314、ted ways?How are they enhancing customer touchpoints?Whats the gap between where you want to be and where you are?Study competitors to gauge where you might be behind and the new areas ripe for deployment.Start the conversation between your technologists and brand:Defining your brand is not a new ch
315、allenge.But programming that brand into a chatbot will be.How do you want personified AI to make customers feel?What should they sound like?Taking a slower approach helps you get this right.Gather input across your organization.Prototype customer-chatbot experiences with technologists and brand team
316、s to get on the same page about how to represent your business and what kind of relationship you want to build with personified AI.There could be quirks around your brands voice that you may not realize until you do this groundwork.Decide what data your model will need to best embody your brand and
317、stay current.How to preserve trust?Take care to keep your chatbots aligned:When it comes to brand,you dont want chatbots taking on a life of their own,promising solutions that dont exist or giving your company a flavor you dont control.Do a thorough review of the data you plan to train your AI agent
318、s on,both for the initial deployment and continuously as their features evolve.Work with AI experts to ensure the training data you use is appropriate for your goals.Additionally,work with experts to set rules and boundaries for your agents,limiting their areas of knowledge and vocabulary to better
319、align with your brand.Demonstrate restraint with data collection:People are starting to form closer relationships with AI.But to form a personified brand people will trust,businesses need to show restraint around relationships they build and data they gather,as well as how they use that data.Prepare
320、 for regulatory challenges around data privacy and security that will vary depending on where your organization and customers sit.People may expect to customize their privacy settings or opt out of chatbots.You will need to design those controls from the start and be transparent with customers about
321、 what data you are using and what they can and cant opt out of.Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 33A Portrait of the FutureClaire opens her computer,excited but nervous.The input window for her generative AI agent blinks at her.She begins to type,“Last night,
322、my partner and I found a home that wed like to buy.Now we need to find a mortgage broker so we can make an offer.”“Exciting!”the agent responds.“Ive pulled three of the top brokers according to online ratings.Each has an agent I can bring into the chat.Would you like to preview their introductions?”
323、“Sure,”Claire responds.Her agent shares the three messages with her,each from a different national bank.But she squints at her screen.“I think you made a mistake,”she writes.“You said you were going to find three.The first two messages are identical.See,they both just say Thank you for considering u
324、s,we offer great rates and look forward to working together.Please connect to our agent to proceed.”“No,Ive just queried them again,”responds Claires agent.“That was the intended response for each bank.Shall I ask them to regenerate?”Instead,Claire glances at the third banks message.“Hi Claire,”it r
325、eads.“My name is Bruno.Im NorthRiver Banks first-time homebuyer agent.I know youre probably feeling overwhelmed to say the least.Going through this process is a huge step,but Ill try my hardest to make sure you understand everything and feel comfortable every step of the way.”Claire smiles.She click
326、s on Brunos icon and enters the chat with her agent.Over the next hour,Bruno and Claire discuss different loan options,how they are structured,and what they mean for her finances in the long term.Claire connects Bruno to the real estate listing and financial portfolio of her and her partner.Bruno he
327、lps Claire identify discounts and tax incentives where she lives as well as suggests how to save on closing costs,all before connecting Claire to a human broker to walk through final details.Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 33Your Face,in the FutureTechnology Vision 2025|AI:A Decl
328、aration of Autonomy 3403When LLMs get their BodiesHow foundation models reinvent robotics Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy A watershed moment is underway in robotics as foundation models transform robots from linearly-programmed and single-purpose to versatile machines that can re
329、ason.Using LLMs,VLMs,and Robotics Foundation Models,leaders are building a physical extension of the cognitive digital brains that will power the enterprise.This is giving robots ever-greater autonomy in the physical worldallowing them to better understand physics and their environment,have spatial
330、awareness,interact with people,and understand complex instructions and take safe and accurate actions in response.This transition will require the creation of a full,built for purpose stack,and will grow the use cases and operability of robotics while simultaneously making them more flexible,re-purp
331、oseable,and enduring.Technology Vision 2025|AI:A Declaration of Autonomy 352022203219502023203519661973202420022026Future2029203020152016Google Research unveils RT-1,a transformer-based model for robotics82Like app stores of the past,a market emerges to download new skills for generalist robotsIsaac
332、 Asimovs I,Robot is published75Stanford University,the University of California Berkeley,and Meta introduce ALOHA,a low-cost,open-source robotics system83A logistics company deploys humanoid robots to address labor shortages,delivering packages to even the most remote areasStanford Research Institut
333、e begins developing Shakey,a robot that can navigate complex environments and find and group boxes76Waseda University creates WABOT-1,the first full-scale anthropomorphic robot that can walk and grip objects77iRobot launches Roomba,a floor vacuuming robot78A few hospitals in Japan and Denmark become the first to use generalist robots Figure and OpenAI partner to release Figure 01,a robot that reas