1、REPORTEuropean Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaFrom automotive aftermarket to avehicle lifecycle solutions industryThe automotive industry sector is one of Europes key economic sectors and the third-largest spending category by consumers,after housing and food.Within the industry sector,t
2、he aftermarket plays a crucial role in supporting the use,maintenance and repair of vehicles.It represents a market of around EUR 118 billion in parts alone within the European Union,of which the multi-brand independent aftermarket(IAM)makes up EUR 73 billion or around 62%.The IAM is particularly im
3、portant when it comes to parts,servicing and repairs for vehicles that are more than four years old around 195 million vehicles,or 70%of those currently on European roads.Why,then,is the multi-brand independent aftermarket sometimes viewed as something of an afterthought within the industry?It repre
4、sents a key profit pool for Europes automotive sector,enables road-based mobility,maintains essential service vehicles,keeps mobility affordable and improves the sustainability of road-based transportation.Indeed,its role is fundamental throughout the vehicle lifetime and we believe that it deserves
5、 greater recognition as a key element of the value chain within the industry.For the purpose of this report,we surveyed more than 380 members of FIGIEFA,the European Federation of Independent Automotive Aftermarket Distributors,located across Europe.Based on the results of this survey and additional
6、 interviews with the chief executive officers of more than two dozen major independent parts distribution groups,corporates and FIGIEFA national member associations,combined with the expertise of Roland Bergers specialists,we identify a number of key trends in the market.In this report,we present th
7、e results of our investigation and our insights into how the role of the IAM may change in the future,arguing the case for why the IAM needs to be rebranded in a way that recognizes its vital place in the automotive industry as an active contributor to Europes competitiveness and the European econom
8、y as a whole.Cover:Anucha Sirivisansuwan/iGetty ImagesManagement summary2 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaContents FastFacts1 2 3 The independent automotive aftermarket a force to be reckoned withFour pillars the IAMs core contribution to Europe2.1/Pillar 1:Automoti
9、ve sector 2.2/Pillar 2:Industrial competitiveness 2.3/Pillar 3:Society 2.4/Pillar 4:Sustainability A new vision the vehicle lifecycle at the heart of the strategy41229Page1 As opposed to production;automobile use includes maintenance and repair,fuel,trade,etc.Out of the 12.8 million jobs in the sect
10、or,in the automotive industry 4 million relate to automobile use 17million direct jobsThe independent aftermarket keeps mobility affordable for the vehicles on EU roads 280millionEU aftermarket is worth(excl.labor)62%of it is sold via the independent aftermarket 118 billion 3 Roland Berger|European
11、Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaThe independent automotive aftermarket a force to be reckoned withThe automotive industry sector is one of the most important economic sectors in Europe,generating north of EUR 2 trillion in gross value added each year.It represents the third-largest spendi
12、ng category by consumers after housing and food,at more than EUR 5,000 per household each year.A,B1A The automotive industry sector is one of the biggest economic sectors in Europe,worth over EUR 2 trillion EU economic output1 by sector,2021 EUR bnSource:Eurostat;ACEA1 Gross value added(GVA)plus int
13、ermediate consumption2 Incl.the following Nomenclature of Economic Activities(NACE)codes:Manufacture of motor vehicles,trailers,semi-trailers and of other transport equipment,Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles and Land transport and transport via pipelinesAutomot
14、ive2ConstructionReal estateHealth and social workIT and communicationWholesale trade (excl.automotive)Finance and insurancePublic administration and defenseManufacture of food&beverages,tobacco2,0581,9481,8601,7881,5731,5311,5191,3361,2811,094Professional,scientific and technical activitiesAutomotiv
15、e industry is the largest contributor to the EUs economic output including all production,whether for domestic consumption or export7.0%7.4%6.7%3.9%6.4%5.6%5.5%5.5%4.8%4.6%The budgets of the EU member states receive EUR 374.6 billion per year from the sale and use of passenger cars4 Roland Berger|Eu
16、ropean Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaB Automotive is the third-largest spending category by consumers,after housing and food Key facts about the EU automotive industry Source:Eurostat;ACEA1 Number of passenger cars per household2 Focus on transport includes purchase of vehicles,operatio
17、n of personal transport equipment and transportation servicesOf the 12.8 million jobs often quoted for the EU automotive industry,around 7 million are actually directly in the industry and the remaining 5.9 million are in transportation and construction.2 Of the 7 million directly in the industry,ar
18、ound 58%more than 4 million jobs relate to automobile use,3 3.2 million of them either directly in or closely connected with the automotive aftermarket.This makes the automotive aftermarket a major contributor to European employment overall.C2 Transport jobs related to urban and suburban passenger l
19、and and freight transportation,for example drivers of taxis,trucks,buses,streetcars and trains.Construction jobs relate to the construction of roads and motorways,bridges,and tunnels.3 As opposed to production;automobile use includes maintenance and vehicle trade and repairs,parts trade,leasing and
20、renting,road patrols,fuel stations,inspection centres,etc.Average annual spend by category,2022 EUR 00041.39.9Housing,water,electricity,gas and other fuels5.6Food and non-alcoholic beverages 5.2(13%)Automotive and mobility24.7Miscellaneous goods and services3.5Restaurants and hotels12.4Others80%Shar
21、e of inland passenger journeys made by car1.3Motorization rate per household112,000 kmAverage EU car mileage p.a.13%of final household spendThe independent automotive aftermarket is a lifeline for Europes automotive sector,ensuring vehicles stay on the road long after they roll out of factories.Its
22、not just about repairs itsabout preserving mobility across the Continent.Daniel Rohrhirsch Partner5 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaSource:Eurostat;Wolk&Nikolic After Sales Intelligence;ACEA1 Airport runway construction,asphalt paving of roads,bridge construction,ci
23、vil engineering,etc.2 Urban and suburban passenger land transportation,taxi operation,freight transportation by road,etc.3 Manufacture of motor vehicles and bodies for motor vehicles4 Manufacture of parts,components and equipment5 Sales of cars and light motor vehicles,wholesale and retail trade of
24、motor vehicle parts and accessories,resale of automotive fuel,road patrols,IT services,etc.Within the automotive industry,the aftermarket as its name implies is often viewed as something of a second priority after new vehicle production and sales.However,it plays a fundamental role in the European e
25、conomy.Its financial significance is clear,for example,from the fact that most vehicles are expected to require in excess of EUR 15,000 on average spent on maintenance and repairs(excluding labor)over their lifetime.D12. industry sector(direct/indirect)Transportationand con
26、structionAutomotiveThereof vehiclemanufacturing3Thereof partsmanufacturing4Automobile use5Construction1Transportation2Companies/subsidiaries mEmployees m3.2 m jobsdirectly created by or related to the automotive aftermarket(46%of all jobs in automotive)13%87%19%23%58%100%C Automobile use accounts fo
27、r 58%of jobs in the EU automotive sector,or more than 4 million employees Employees and number of companies (incl.subsidiaries)in the EU automotive sector,20212. Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaEU automotive ecosystem car lifecycle,2023Source:Wol
28、k&Nikolic After Sales Intelligence;ACEA;Consumer Affairs;desk researchD The aftermarket is a vital part of the automotive ecosystemEU automotive ecosystem car lifecycle,20231 Data for 20232 Passenger cars,light and heavy commercial vehicles3 Avg.cost of maintenance and repairs for a Ford Focus and a
29、 BMW X74 Avg.maintenance cost per year(EUR 1,254)over 12 years;excl.additional labor costs of over EUR 1,160EUEUEurope-34Europe-34279.2 m vehicles in use2EUR 6501,850Avg.range of maintenance and repair costs per year3362.5 m vehicles in use212.3 years12.4 yearsEUR 15,000+Avg.cost of maintenance and
30、repairs over lifetime4Focus of automotive aftermarketReuse,repair,refurbish,remanufacture,repurpose,recycleDevelopmentUsage10.5 m vehicles sold1ProductionSalesAvg.age of passenger cars in Europe7 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaE The aftermarket forms its own ecosys
31、temAutomotive aftermarket value chainOriginal equipment(OE)aftermarket,franchiseddealersOE workshopsIAM workshops Multi-brand mechanic/mechatronic workshops Tire specialists Body and paint shops Auto glass specialists OthersCustomers includes intermediaries(insurers,fleets,etc.)and end customers/dri
32、versInternationaltrade groupsOnlineManufacturers two levels away from end customers facing increasing pressure to professionalize the supply chain to meet requirements of main customers,i.e.distributorsMainly source OEM-branded parts,but also Tier-1 and IAM partsMainly source Tier-1 and IAM partsVeh
33、icle manufacturers(OEM)Parts manufacturers(OES)Parts manufacturers(IAM)DIFM1Approx.1-5 yearsApprox.5-20 yearsLarge increase in market control expectedLimited increase in control expectedDIFM1/DIY21 Do-it-for-me2 Do-it-yourselfSource:Expert interviews;Roland BergerIndependent wholesaler distributorsR
34、etail/service400,000+workshops in EuropeParts distribution20,000+wholesale distributors inEU with 30,000+outlets in the EUParts manufacturingProduction of more than 2 m SKUsAge range of vehiclesaddressed8 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaIAM services the majority of
35、the almost 280 m vehicles on European roads and is esp.crucial for vehicles over four years old,which represent around 70%of vehicles on European roadsThe market value just of parts in the total aftermarket was an impressive EUR 118 billion in 2023 in the European Union,and EUR 154 billion in what w
36、e call the Europe-34.4 These values do not include labor,which typically makes up around half of the workshop bills,that is,a total of EUR 236 billion in the European Union and EUR 308 billion in the Europe-34 in 2023.The automotive aftermarket consists of two channels:the authorized channel,that is
37、,vehicle manufacturers dealers and their authorized networks,and the IAM,typically providing a multi-brand offering,through a complex and diverse value chain of independent operators.EThe IAM accounts for 62%of all aftermarket-installed parts and components in the European Union,or around EUR 73 bil
38、lion of the total EUR 118 billion in parts revenue excluding labor,and as much as EUR 146 billion in parts revenue including labor(or EUR 190 billion in the Europe-34).5 It is especially important for vehicles more than four years old,which represent around 70%of the vehicles on European roads.Moreo
39、ver,20%30%of the vehicles serviced in body repair shops are under three years old.In other words,it is primarily the IAM that services the vehicle fleet of almost 280 million vehicles in the EU(passenger cars and light/heavy commercial vehicles).F4 We use the term Europe-34 to refer to:Albania,Austr
40、ia,Belarus,Belgium,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Bulgaria,Croatia,Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,the Netherlands,North Macedonia,Norway,Poland,Portugal,Serbia,Romania,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Turkey,Ukraine and the Unite
41、d Kingdom.5 Figures refer to total sale of parts and components in the IAM and vehicle-manufacturer-controlled channels in other words,the workshop where a spare part is installed for the end consumer.However,it should be noted that the data does not differentiate between vehicle-manufacturer-brande
42、d parts and aftermarket parts within each channel,so it is not possible to determine to what extent independent workshops have to revert to the vehicle manufacturers network to obtain captive parts.F The independent aftermarket accounts for the greater share of aftermarket business Size of EU afterm
43、arket(parts&components;OEM&IAM1)EUR bn Source:Wolk&Nikolic After Sales IntelligenceParts and components business only,at end-consumer price level,excl.labor and VAT98.5201994.92020102.22021110.52022118.32023CAGR 19-231 Market shares represent the total sale of parts/components within each channel,no
44、t the source of the partsOEMIAM62%62%62%61%61%38%38%38%39%39%+4.2%+4.7%+5.0%COVID-19 crisis9 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaG The independent aftermarket is an important economic and job-creation motorIAM parts distribution and workshop landscape,2019-20232793771,1
45、231,5182823801,1341,53720192019201920192020202020202020202120212021202120222022202220222023202320232023314629946032462984442483318241,0582503348361,093IAM parts distribution and workshops000 outletsIAM employment in distribution and workshops000 employeesEUEUEurope-34Europe-34IAM parts distributionI
46、AM workshops11 Passenger cars onlySource:Wolk&Nikolic After Sales Intelligence COVID-19 crisis+0.3%+0.2%+0.3%+0.4%10 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaWithin the IAM,the 282,000 independent parts distributors and multi-brand workshop outlets in the European Union(380,
47、000 in the Europe-34)are an important economic and job-creation motor;they accounted for more than 1.1 million skilled jobs(1.5 million in the Europe-34)in 2023.For comparison,the EU vehicle-manufacturer-controlled workshop channel accounted for fewer than half a million jobs.GThe IAM accounts for m
48、ore than 80%of the total number of workshops.This makes it an important part of the automotive value chain,its various players working closely together to keep Europes vehicles safe,efficient and operational in a cost-effective manner.Independent workshops cover a wide variety of services and profes
49、sional skills,and include regular multi-brand/mechatronic workshops,body and paints specialists,auto-glass specialists,tire specialists,engine remanufacturers,auto centers and fast fitters.Given its crucial role in the European economy,we believe that the IAM requires something of a repositioning an
50、d potentially a rebranding.In the following chapters,we outline the four key ways in which the IAM contributes to Europe and discuss what implementing this new vision for the sector might involve.HSource:Wolk&Nikolic After Sales Intelligence H Independent workshops account for more than 80%of outlet
51、s in the aftermarket Retail/service outlets by workshop type,EU,2023%100188250101039Incl.engine remanufacturers,fast fitters,autocentersTotalOE workshopsIAMMulti-brandmechanic/mechatronicworkshopsTirespecialistsBody andpaint shopsAuto glassspecialistsOthers11 Roland Berger|European Independent Autom
52、otive Aftermarket PanoramaFour pillars the IAMs core contribution to EuropeThe IAM contributes to Europe in a variety of ways.The four pillars with which it supports the region are:strengthening the automotive sector,enhancing Europes industrial competitiveness,strengthening society and helping Euro
53、pe achieve its ambitious sustainability targets.I2Automotive sectorIAM is a key profit pool for Europes automotive sector Represents a large profit pool benefiting automotive players(OEMs,Tier-1s,etc.)Key enabler for the competitiveness of Europes automotive sectorIndustrial competitivenessIAM plays
54、 a critical role in sustaining road-based mobility and multi-brand services Ensures efficient,competitive transportation and the functioning of commercial fleetsSociety IAM keeps mobility affordable Supports affordable mobility,even in remote areasSustainabilityIAM fosters sustainable mobility and t
55、ransportation Prolongs vehicle and parts usage by enabling repairs supporting environmental compliance Promotes circularity(e.g.remanufacture,reuse)Source:XXXI The independent aftermarket contributes to Europe in diverse waysSource:FIGIEFA&Roland Berger IAM Panorama Survey123Positive contribution of
56、 IAM and its parts distribution412 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaSource:XXX2.1/Pillar 1:Automotive sectorThe IAM represents a key profit pool for Europes automotive sector.Incumbent vehicle manufacturers are currently reorganizing their service networks,cutting th
57、e number of dealers and hence authorized workshops that they have in the European Union from around 70,000 in 2010 to 54,000 in 2023.The IAM has partially compensated for this reduction in service points,opening around 9,000 new workshops in the same time period.The thinning out of the vehicle-manuf
58、acturer-controlled dealer network chiefly results from vehicle manufacturers desire to reduce retail costs.However,it has had a direct impact on their ability to maintain Europes fleet.What is more,new vehicle manufacturers entering the European market are now directly approaching IAM players in the
59、 hope of forming partnerships with them.Such collaborations potentially enable the vehicle manufacturer to offer a dense network for vehicle servicing,as in the case e.g.of the recent alliance between multinational car manufacturer NIO and the independent workshop chain G.A.S.(Global Automotive Serv
60、ice).JJ The independent aftermarket has partially compensated for the reduction in OEM service points OEM vs.IAM service network in EU,service outlets1 000Source:Wolk&Nikolic After Sales Intelligence 312398311406306402304401OEM service outletsIAM service outletsEUEurope-34201020102015201520202020202
61、320237185678258715467241313244324248331250334CAGR 19-23CAGR 19-231 Passenger cars only+0.1%-0.2%-2.0%-1.8%0.3%0.5%13 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaOf course,the IAM is of direct benefit not only to vehicle manufacturers but also to Tier-1 suppliers.The relationshi
62、p between the various parties is symbiotic.For car manufacturers,the IAM upholds the promise that their products have longevity and can be run efficiently.In theory,vehicle manufacturers could do this themselves,servicing vehicles outside Segment 1(those over four years old)as well as new vehicles.B
63、ut in practice they lack the network density across the EU and ultimately the ability to offer the wide range of parts and repair and maintenance services that are needed over a vehicles lifetime at prices that consumers can afford.For Tier-1 suppliers,supplying the IAM offers substantially higher m
64、argins than supplying vehicle manufacturers,making Tier-1 suppliers more competitive.This also partly finances some of the required development of new technology.For a typical Tier-1 supplier,IAM business may make up around 20%of their revenues,but 40%of their profits.At the same time,suppliers to t
65、he IAM drive innovation,improving the longevity or serviceability of parts that can later be integrated into the first-fit offering.KFor its part,the IAM also constantly innovates,further improving repair efficiency and competitive pricing even for the newest vehicles.For example,the IAM has develop
66、ed repair kits for electric vehicle(EV)batteries,equipping technicians with the tools they need to efficiently repair EV components rather than replacing them completely.It has likewise invested in battery refurbishing,restoring batteries to their expected performance level and using advanced testin
67、g capabilities to minimize the likelihood of future malfunctions.Training is another core part of the IAMs activities:in leading EV markets,independent workshops have already developed fully fledged EV capabilities and they are now using their know-how to train other workshops.KCircle of influence w
68、ithin the aftermarketSource:Roland BergerIndependent aftermarket1Tier-1 supplierOEM1 All participants,incl.suppliersTechnology access/credibilityProfitabilityFirst-fit technologydevelopment/productionFor a typical Tier-1 supplier,IAM contributes around 20%of automotive revenues but 40%of profits14 R
69、oland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket Panorama2.2/Pillar 2:Industrial competitiveness The IAM plays a critical role in sustaining road-based mobility and essential multi-brand services.Road-based mobility is fundamental to Europes industrial competitiveness,accounting for the inla
70、nd freight transportation of around 78%of goods,thanks to its efficiency,flexibility and high level of geographical coverage.Road-based mobility is also key for many essential services,such as healthcare,policing,e-commerce and shared mobility.This was particularly evident during the COVID-19 epidem
71、ic.LL Road-based mobility is fundamental for industrial competitiveness Importance of road-based transportation for EU marketsSource:Eurostat;ACEA201820192020Inland waterwaysRailwaysRoads20212022Increased efficiency and intermodality is key to meeting future transportation demand,which is expected t
72、o rise around 30%over the next 20 yearsGreater flexibility of routes and timing allows for just-in-time delivery,unlike peers,where routes and schedules are rigidEurope has accessibility issues when it comes to alternatives,making road the preferred mode of transportation for universal coverageInlan
73、d freight transport by mode,EU%of tkm1Essential services rely on the IAM servicing of its vehicle fleet(ambulances,police vehicles,etc.)Ride-sharing companies(e.g.taxis,Uber)rely on the IAM to keep their fleet operational so they can offer low-cost servicesIncumbents rely on contractors who service
74、their vehicles in the IAM competitive pricing for services is key76%76%18%18%17%17%17%77%77%78%6%6%6%6%5%1Efficiency1 Essential services2 Flexibility2Ride-sharing3Coverage3E-commerce1 One tonne-kilometer represents the movement of one tonne over a distance of one kilometer15 Roland Berger|European I
75、ndependent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaMore than 24 million commercial vehicles in the European Union provide logistics and mobility services.The average commercial vehicle is 12.4 years old and drives more than 100,000 km a year.Maintenance and repair make up between 7%and 12%of the operating co
76、sts for internal combustion engine(ICE)and battery electric vehicles(BEVs).The IAM maintains and repairs these vehicles and so keeps the European Unions industrial engine running.MWith 336,000 independent workshops,the IAM keeps Europes communities moving,ensuring affordable mobility for millions,es
77、pecially in rural and suburban areas.This sector is vital to the social fabric of Europes economy.Mathieu Bernard,PrincipalM Affordable service and repair are crucial for the EUs 24 million commercial vehicles Commercial vehicles and impact of maintenance,EUSource:Wolk&Nikolic After Sales Intelligen
78、ce;ACEA;Roland Berger;desk research24 mcommercial vehicle car parc1103,500 kmEfficiency12.4commercial vehicles average ageBEVICE12%7%31%88%1%MaintenanceIAM has direct impact on operational efficiencyAnnual operating cost breakdown of BEV2 and ICE3 commercial vehicles,excluding driver2021%of total EU
79、RKey factsOn top of the direct cost impact,maintenance and repair directly impact uptime a key measure of fleet performanceElectricityOthers4MaintenanceRoad toll61%Diesel1 Light commercial vehicles(LCVs)and heavy commercial vehicles(HCVs)2 Battery electric vehicle3 Internal combustion engine4 Incl.A
80、dBlue and motor vehicle tax16 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaApart from the direct cost benefits of using independent providers for aftermarket services,vehicle uptime is one of the most significant factors in the performance of the commercial fleet.The IAM has inv
81、ested significantly in maximizing efficiency and helping fleets improve performance and reduce costs.It does this by carrying a broad portfolio of products to ensure availability of the right parts:in our survey,46%of wholesale distributors reported that they carry more than 50,000 stock-keeping uni
82、ts(SKUs),while 14%carry more than 250,000 SKUs.Over 60%of wholesalers carry components for more than 500 and in some cases up to 50,000 different makes and models of vehicles.These figures demonstrate how a distribution structure providing essential parts to local fleets coexists with distribution c
83、ompanies operating on a cross-country basis or providing parts on a Europe-wide scale.The IAM offers a broad range of components at different quality levels,as demanded by private consumers and business customers.These include vehicle-manufacturer original equipment(OE)parts,6 original or matching q
84、uality parts from an original equipment supplier(OES)or independent parts producers,an increasing number of remanufactured parts,and parts adapted to the residual value of the vehicle.All parts have to meet the relevant legal and technical requirements,at different price points.This ensures that a c
85、ost-effective repair solution can be found for every vehicle,regardless of its make or age.Our survey found that wholesale distributors source the majority of their parts more than 75%on average from Tier-1 OES producers and independent branded parts producers.This underlines the fact that the Europ
86、ean market is predominantly based on branded parts products.Private label parts account for 15%,responding mainly to customer demands for older vehicles.In addition,57%of the participants in our survey reported that they offer more than three deliveries a day to workshops on average.Some 30%reported
87、 that they make more than five deliveries a day in urban environments,partly due to the high number of vehicles here,and more than 50%deliver between one and four times a day in rural areas.This frequency of deliveries,combined with the dense service network,not only reduces the repair or service ti
88、me for vehicles,but also cuts the time required to drive vehicles to service points for maintenance or repairs particularly relevant where vehicles need to be towed.These facts further demonstrate that the IAM has a unique value proposition,different from that of vehicle manufacturers and their netw
89、ork organizations:the IAM provides local,fast,cost-effective repair and maintenance solutions across Europe,enabled by the strong investment and extensive reach of regional and local distributors and supranational super-wholesalers.In short,it keeps European vehicles on the road.N6 In case parts are
90、 provided by the OE or the authorized networkBy extending vehicle lifecycles and advancing eco-friendly repair technologies,the IAM is at the forefront of sustainable mobility,helping Europe achieve its environmental goals while driving economic value.Maximilian Wegner Senior Project Manager17 Rolan
91、d Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaNStrong investment in logistics capabilities and service networkOverview of IAM product portfolio and availability,EU Extensive product portfolioHow many SKUs do you carry today?n=382 Rapid product availability How many deliveries per day
92、do you provide to workshops?n=382 Broad range of component quality and cost optionsWhat share of your sales is with OEM vs.OES vs.IAM vs.white label components today?n=382 Source:FIGIEFA&Roland Berger IAM Panorama Survey;Wolk&Nikolic After Sales Intelligence;Roland Berger;CIA.gov 250,000 SKUs Dont k
93、now 60143546516815%44%32%9%OEMAverageIn rural areasIn urban areasOESIAM Private labelDont know 1-2 per day4-5 per day3-4 per day5 per day 1 per day30%12%14%5%23%19%16%34%9%20%8%10%20%11%26%26%9%8%18 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaBy providing the services discussed
94、 above,the IAM increases vehicle uptime by almost 10 hours per vehicle per year,according to our calculations.This saves the European commercial vehicle fleet a total service time of 230 million hours.In the absence of the IAM,Europe would need 110,000 additional vehicles to provide the same logisti
95、cs and mobility,which would entail additional capital expenditure of approaching over EUR 16 billion.OOTime savings and operational impact of the independent aftermarketSource:Roland BergerKey time savings per serviceOperational impact Additional yearly working hours IAM vs.OE-only scenario mImpact
96、on fleet capital expenditure hoursServicing in IAM workshops reduces yearly time spent servicing by over 9.5 hours per vehicle Excludes additional cost impact associated with elevated service cost of OE vs.IAM Assumptions 25%of OE visits are unexpected and vehicle needs to wait overnight for parts d
97、elivery,whereas IAM has same-day delivery 5%of incidents force the vehicle to stop unexpectedly and soonest OE availability is in 1 weeks time,whereas IAM has same-day availability Average driving speed of 50 km/h 46 operative weeks per annum per vehicleIncreased fleet requirement Fleet size would n
98、eed to increase by around 110k vehicles to maintain current level of activity Avg.cost of a commercial vehicle in the EU is over EUR 110,000,including cost of truck&trailer Result would be increased CAPEX of around EUR 16.2 billion to ensure the fleet could meet current market needs 230 m1 Based on
99、faster spare parts delivery and reduced waiting time in workshops 6h faster parts delivery on average 2h 15min avg.increased workshop availability1 Approx.1h 18min avg.reduced driving time to and from service 19 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaIndependent parts dist
100、ributors are currently working on several initiatives aimed at improving efficiency further still.For example,they are developing digital business models to enhance the servicing of fleets.In the survey,more than 30%of wholesale distributors said they invest more than 3%5%of their revenues in innova
101、tion,while 15%said they invest between 6%and 10%a significant number,given that the average investment in innovation in Europe is just 2.5%.These investments are targeted,for example,at improvements in inbound or outbound logistics,supply chain optimization and process improvements,greater service e
102、fficiency to workshops,as well as predictive maintenance and 24-hour service offerings.Services such as these optimize servicing and repairs so that they can take place during planned vehicle downtime.PP Investment in innovation by IAM is expected to increase to 5%-6%by 2030 Source:ZEW;European Comm
103、ission;FIGIEFA&Roland Berger IAM Panorama Survey Investment in innovation1Areas of innovation%of respondentsAvg.:3.820242030Avg.:5.5How much do you invest in innovation today and how much do you expect to invest in 2030 as a percentage of your turnover?n=382;%of revenue What areas is your innovation
104、 focused on?n=38210%Dont knowManufacturing/supply chain Inbound logistics Outbound logistics Sales&marketing New services2 14%19%3%28%28%31%5%5%6%16%1 Investments include new technologies,digital tools and systems that enhance business operations and customer interactions2 Connected car solutions fo
105、r workshops,subscription-based parts,etc.62%68%57%40%33%10%13%10%Avg.for Germany:3%Avg.for EU:2.5%10%20 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaAdditionally,wholesale distributors perform an important support function for workshops,enabling them to carry out maintenance and
106、 repair actions in a speedy and cost-effective manner.More than 70%of participants in the survey said they offered technical hotlines and remote diagnostics support services;7 provide diagnostic equipment,catalogs of spare parts and technical information created by data publishers or by themselves;o
107、r provide training programs.Some players also offer assistance in business management issues,such as marketing,invoicing or financing.Such orchestration and curation of products and services by wholesale distributors allows companies in the IAM value chain to concentrate on their primary task of ens
108、uring road-based mobility at affordable prices.In this way,the IAM ensures that every vehicle make and model across Europe can be sold in the certainty that it can be taken care of further down the road.The IAM makes a vital contribution to the satisfaction of private consumers and business customer
109、s alike,extending the life of their vehicles and reducing the associated maintenance costs.In so doing,it also supports the residual values of vehicles.Q7 Remote diagnostics support service are services provided to help workshops complete repairs which cannot be done locally with the available tools
110、(note:such services rely on a connection to the vehicle via a VCI tool,connected to the OBD port,which allows specialized technicians,based remotely,to interact directly with the vehicle and to complete a repair on behalf of the workshop).2.3/Pillar 3:SocietyThe IAM keeps mobility affordable.Passeng
111、er-vehicle-based mobility is a key enabler of European mobility,currently accounting for more than 85%of all passenger-kilometers.It is particularly relevant in suburban and rural areas,where more than 60%of Europes population lives.It is also relied on by the European labor force,of which 60%70%com
112、mute to work by car.RAs the new EU legislative mandate begins,with a strong emphasis on Europes industrial competitiveness,the IAM must be part of the competitiveness agenda for the automotive Industry otherwise the EU will not be able to compete and deliver Made in Europe mobility services to our c
113、itizens.Sylvia Gotzen Chief Executive,FIGIEFA21 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaQ Road-based mobility accounts for over 85%of passenger transportation in the EUSource:European Commission;Eurostat;Fleet Europe;desk researchTo support this mobility,Europe has 255 mill
114、ion passenger vehicles in its car parc.These vehicles require regular maintenance and repair,of course,and this comes with significant complexity.Thus,around 100,000 different makes and models have been sold in Europe since 2000.Not only that,the average age of vehicles is increasing from under 10 y
115、ears in the early 2000s to over 12 in 2022.REU inland passenger transportation by mode%of passenger-km1Difference 2017-2021,p.p.201782%201882%201910%10%10%8%8%8%82%20208%6%86%202186%8%6%Passenger carsUrban buses,interurban buses and trolley busesTrains-1.7+3.5-1.81 Passenger-kilometer means one pass
116、enger traveling a distance of one kilometer2 Figure shown is for 20213 In major EU countries such as France,Germany,the Netherlands and Belgium61%of people live in suburban and rural areas212,000 kmavg.EU car mileage p.a.60%70%of labor force commute by car to work322 Roland Berger|European Independe
117、nt Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaSource:ACEA;S&P Mobility;European Commission;KBA;Wolk&Nikolic After Sales Intelligence;FIGIEFA&Roland Berger IAM Panorama SurveyR The independent aftermarket services and repairs Europes highly diverse,multi-brand fleetCharacteristics of EU passenger car fleetKey fa
118、cts1 Approx.255 mpassenger cars in useApprox.100,000 unique makes&models sold since 2000312 years avg.ageAvg.age development,yearsSales by vehicle age group Please rate the share of your current sales by vehicle age group n=382Germanys fleet by age,20212000-20102018201920202021202210211.411.611.912.
119、112.3+2%27%33%29%11%0-4 years5-8 years9-11 yearsOver 12 years1 Data for passenger cars in EU 2 Incomplete data at European level;avg.age for 9 European countries 3 Light vehicles below 3.5 tons32%30 years2%32%-mainly serviced by OE68%-mainly serviced by IAM23 Roland Berger|European Independent Autom
120、otive Aftermarket PanoramaThe multi-brand service that the IAM provides for these different makes and models keeps mobility affordable.However,it goes hand-in-hand with parts complexity and variety,including the need to identify the precise part required for each specific vehicle.For example,the Vol
121、kswagen Golf VI is sold in 53 different variants,resulting in 320 distinct parts numbers for example for brake disks produced by the vehicle manufacturer.This translates into more than 9,500 parts numbers in the independent aftermarket,offered by 173 different IAM brands.This exemplifies the wide ch
122、oice and range of price options available to private consumers and commercial customers alike.SS High number of vehicle variants creates significant parts complexity Complexity of the aftermarket Key figures for VW Golf Generation VIImportantly,the IAM provides its services on a local basis.Most tow
123、ns and villages in Europe have at least one independent,multi-brand repair shop helping to keep the local community moving.At times of crisis,such as during the COVID-19 pandemic,the value of these services is even more evident.Thanks to the IAM,local businesses can continue to serve their local com
124、munities and provide essential services.The map below shows authorized and independent workshops in Poland,as an example of the density of workshops in EU countries.TBackground VW Golf Generation VI;manufactured between October 2008 and May 2016 Brake disc;GenArtNo.82OE-referenced IAM parts numbers
125、for 173 different IAM brands9,541Unique OE parts numbers320different vehicle variants of VW Golf VI53Source:Wolk&Nikolic After Sales Intelligence;TecAlliance24 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaT The independent aftermarket has a much higher density of workshops than
126、the authorized channelComparison of OE&IAM workshop densities Case study:PolandEuropean volume OEMJapanese volume OEMIAM multi-brand workshops02003 OEM workshop density per district:IAM workshop density per district:Source:Motofocus.eu(as of September 2024)25 Roland Berger|European Independent Autom
127、otive Aftermarket PanoramaU The independent aftermarket responds to evolving customer needsDigital service solutions offered by the IAM along the repair journey1.Need recognitionCustomer typeDriverWorkshopWholesalerPain pointsLeasing/fleet/insuranceRoadside assist.2.Workshop selection3.Appointment b
128、ooking4.Transit to workshop5.Pre-diagnostics6.Repair planning7.Parts ordering8.Service fulfillment9.Payment10.Transit to customerRemote diagnosticsPrice comparison websitesPayment solutionsMobile mechanicsRemote diagnosticsBooking platformsRemote expert supportMobile mechanicsValet service Mandatory
129、 account setup Self-assessment of service need Indicative,not binding quotes Identification of right make and model Limited immediate availability No instant confirmation No valet No mobile mechanic No transparency on pre-diagnostic results No transparency on potential delays Missing go-to-place to
130、compare availability and price Change of channel for pickup alert No automatic payment(pared to online shopping convenience)No valet No mobile mechanicDirect step along workshop journeyIndirect step along workshop journeySample solutions only list not exhaustiveStationary channelOnline channelSource
131、:Expert interviews;Roland Berger26 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaThe IAM not only keeps local communities on the move,it also makes mobility affordable.Vehicle maintenance in the IAM rather than in a vehicle-manufacturer-controlled workshop is often cheaper for en
132、d customers.For a C-segment plug-in hybrid electric vehicle(PHEV),for example,our research shows that vehicle-manufacturer-controlled workshops can be 40%+more expensive than IAM workshops.In addition,the IAM continuously strives to make its services more accessible to end customers and to respond t
133、o evolving customer needs.For example,it is increasingly using digital channels.Different types of customers have different pain points along the repair journey relating to lack of transparency,e.g.,on OEM-applied parts coding or software updates,convenience and repair speed,for example.In response,
134、IAM players are developing innovative digital solutions such as remote vehicle health monitoring services8 and booking platforms.Survey respondents said that almost 10%of their sales already take place through the online channel today,and most expect this proportion to grow in the future.U8 Remote v
135、ehicle health monitoring services which are mostly designed for fleet operators and generally rely on hardware accessories such as dongle solutions or CAN interface boxes,as accessories to enable access to vehicle-generated data.A right of access to vehicle-generated data from connected vehicles,as
136、is available to vehicle manufacturers themselves,would accelerate data-driven innovation in the sector.2.4/Pillar 4:SustainabilityThe IAM fosters sustainable mobility and transportation.To meet the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global warming to 1.5C compared with pre-industrial levels,the Europ
137、ean Union aims to reduce emissions by the transportation sector by 55%by the year 2030 and 90%by 2050,compared with the 2021 baseline.Road-based transportation,currently responsible for more than 75%of transportation emissions,will be the main contributor to that reduction.The IAM plays an active ro
138、le in minimizing the emissions of the current car parc.It does this by ensuring vehicles comply with emissions standards and by offering upgrades to vehicles so that they meet stricter emissions standards installing catalytic converters or extra software or hardware,for instance.It also extends vehi
139、cle lifetimes,thereby avoiding the emissions produced by the manufacture of new vehicles:The production of a single vehicle can generate 10 tCO2e for an ICE vehicle or 18 tCO2e for a BEV.Another way the IAM promotes sustainability is by using sustainable components in the production and distribution
140、 of spare parts.By sourcing eco-friendly materials,adopting greener manufacturing processes and developing circularity applications(such as the reuse,remanufacturing,refurbishing and recycling of spare parts),the IAM extends the life cycle of automotive components,minimizes waste and contributes to
141、a more sustainable and resource-efficient automotive industry,thereby reducing the environmental footprint of the sector.V27 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaThe remanufacturing process processing spare parts industrially to give them the same or superior characteris
142、tics to new components offers particular environmental benefits.For example,for a brake caliper for a commercial vehicle,using a remanufactured product reduces emissions from new materials by almost 90%,primary energy demand for production by 70%and the total emissions impact by more than 70%.In add
143、ition,remanufacturing is usually a regional business,avoiding cost and emissions from long transportation routes and ensuring that value creation remains in Europe.Today,the wholesale distributors in our survey already sell more than 10%remanufactured components and 4%used components,and this is exp
144、ected to increase to 17%remanufactured components and 6%used components by 2030.WNew material emissions kgCO2ePrimary energy demand1 kWhEmissions impact kgCO2eV Remanufacturing is a key contributor to the industrys sustainability Case study:Benefits of remanufacturing a brake caliperSource:Knorr-Bre
145、mseRemanufacturing is usually a regional business,avoiding cost and emissions from long transportation routes and ensuring value creation remains in Europe(rather than importing new cheap components from China,for example)-89%27326877-71%1762-73%OE productRemanufactured product1 Quantity of energy w
146、ithdrawn from hydrosphere,atmosphere,geosphere or energy source without anthropogenic change Reducing manufacturing of new vehicle components is vital Remanufacturing reduces the need to produce greenhouse-gas-intensive materials Remanufacturing solutions reduce total energy withdrawn from the hydro
147、sphere,atmosphere,geosphere or any source Through remanufacturing,the IAM contributes directly to sustainability while improving service quality of key vehicle parts 28 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaW Share of remanufactured components sold by wholesale distributo
148、rs is growing Wholesale distributors sustainable parts business 2024 vs.2030Source:FIGIEFA&Roland Berger IAM Panorama SurveyA new vision the vehicle lifecycle at the heart of the strategy As we have seen,the IAM represents a major part of the economy of the European Union,responsible for a market wo
149、rth EUR 73 billion in parts(EUR 150 billion including labor),more than 282,000 points of sale and workshops,and 2.79 million jobs.It makes a crucial contribution to Europe,enabling the competitiveness not only of the automotive industry but of European industry as a whole,ensuring social cohesion an
150、d helping Europe achieve its sustainability targets.The IAM is under constant pressure to evolve in order to capitalize on its opportunities,while minimizing the impact of threats.Our survey of more than 380 FIGIEFA members identifies price pressure(including consumer willingness/ability to pay,supp
151、ly chain risks,etc.),combined with increases in the cost of components as key negative trends.Given these pressures,how can the IAM thrive and at the same time maximize its positive impact on Europe as a whole?The automotive aftermarket in general,and the IAM in particular,is a complex ecosystem of
152、participants.To achieve a truly positive impact,all the players involved need to make a 3Share of sustainable parts in sales%of respondentsAvg.:10%Avg.:4%2024202420302030Avg.:17%Avg.:6%What share of your sales is made up of remanufactured components today(2024)and what do you expect it to be in 2030
153、?n=382What share of your sales is made up of used components today(2024)and what do you expect it to be in 2030?n=3825%5%5%-10%5%-10%11%-30%11%-30%31%-60%31%-60%61%-80%61%-80%81%-100%81%-100%I dont knowI dont know45%87%27%63%26%21%26%5%2%2%4%8%32%4%16%2%1%2%2%7%13%1%IAM is making sustainable parts m
154、ore andmore accessible,e.g.via automation ofsalvaging processes to reduce processingtime and cost0%0%1%1%0%1%9 Based on 3.2 m jobs in the aftermarket,of which 0.5 m are not related to the independent aftermarket29 Roland Berger|European Independent Automotive Aftermarket Panoramaconcerted effort,and
155、 this effort needs to be supported by a fair and open market.Industry players must put the vehicle lifecycle at the center of their activities,as it represents both the source of the IAMs strength and the driver of its complexity.If all sections of the industry work together to manage the vehicle li
156、fecycle better,we are convinced that this will benefit all market participants.The strategic implications of this concerted effort differ depending on the type of player in question.Vehicle and parts manufacturers should consider the entire vehicle lifecycle,from the design of first equipment compon
157、ents and systems to the repair and remanufacture/reuse solutions offered by the aftermarket.If a win-win-win-win solution is found benefiting the manufacturer,the distributor,the workshop and the customer the aftermarket ecosystem will retain its balance.A crucial test for vehicle and parts manufact
158、urers will be how EVs are serviced in the future.Vehicle manufacturers require the IAM to ensure efficient long-term repairability and to convince drivers that EVs will not become obsolete(which would compromise their resale value hence limit customer adoption).If they all can develop win-win-win-wi
159、n solutions here,combining their channel power,this would create significant benefits for customers.Wholesale distributors in the IAM should focus on two strategic directions.First,they should maximize the performance of their operations by maintaining or increasing their service level,while simulta
160、neously further optimizing costs and providing digital solutions;this will enable the efficient functioning of the ecosystems.Second,they should continue to enable workshops to focus more on their core business of servicing and repairing vehicles.If wholesale distributors manage these two tasks simu
161、ltaneously,we believe that they can enjoy significant growth opportunities.This,of course,requires the active participation of workshops.Workshops need to manage challenges such as the labor shortage and generational handovers,while staying open and receptive to innovation and improvement for exampl
162、e,by using software-driven solutions and the latest diagnostics technology.Given the European Unions intention to boost the competitiveness of key industries within the single market,and in light of increasing global competition,it would be logical for policymakers to recognize that the automotive a
163、ftermarket is a key part of the broader automotive industry and plays a crucial role in maintaining the European Unions competitiveness.In an ideal scenario,the EUs industrial policy will allow the aftermarkets value chain to realize its full potential,driving success across the vehicle lifecycle.Ke
164、eping Europes vehicles on the road in a safe and efficient manner is an intricate and multilayered task.It requires a specialist pit crew a finely calibrated team of players who cooperate smoothly all along the value chain,from vehicle and parts manufacturers to parts distributors and workshops.This
165、 also includes many others along the way,such as software and data firms,aggregators and the like.And only with an open market with fair,level playing field for all players can this ecosystem thrive and unleash its power along the vehicle lifecycle.Finally,given the strategic relevance of the vehicl
166、e lifecycle,we believe that the time may be right to reposition and potentially rebrand the IAM.The IAM deserves to be viewed as a fundamental part of the automotive industry by all players involved.One way to help achieve this would be by renaming the sector in a way that emphasizes its relevance a
167、cross the entire vehicle lifecycle for example,calling it the vehicle lifecycle solutions industry.This would send a strong signal to Europe about the importance of the sector,and potentially strengthen its resonance in discussions at board and policymaker level.30 Roland Berger|European Independent
168、 Automotive Aftermarket PanoramaROLAND BERGERFIGIEFASPECIAL THANKSDaniel RohrhirschPartner Mathieu BernardPrincipal Maximilian WegnerSenior Project Manager Sylvia GotzenChief Executive sylvia.gotzenfigiefa.euAlessandro SalimbeniSenior Policy Advisor alessandro.salimbenifigiefa.eu Ronan McdonaghTechn
169、ical Director ronan.mcdonaghfigiefa.euEleonore van HauteSenior Advisor Government Affairs eleonore.vanhautefigiefa.euWe would like to thank FIGIEFAs Board Members,Members,Consultants and its Team for their participation in the survey and interviews.We are also grateful to Wolk&Nikolic After Sales In
170、telligence for permission to use their statistics relating to the sector.This publication has been prepared for general guidance only.The reader should not act according to any information provided in this publication without receiving specific professional advice.Roland Berger GmbH shall not be lia
171、ble for any damages resulting from any use of the information contained in the publication.2024 ROLAND BERGER GMBH.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.10.2024ROLANDBERGER.COM24_2546_REPROLAND BERGER is one of the worlds leading strategy consultancies with a wide-ranging service portfolio for all relevant industries
172、 and business functions.Founded in 1967,Roland Berger is headquartered in Munich.Renowned for its expertise in transformation,innovation across all industries and performance improvement,the consultancy has set itself the goal of embedding sustainability in all its projects.Roland Berger revenues st
173、ood at more than 1 billion euros in 2023.FIGIEFA is the international federation of independent automotive aftermarket distributors.Its members represent independent distributors and wholesalers of automotive replacement parts and components and their associated repair chains.FIGIEFA brings together
174、 19 trade associations from 18 countries and five international trade groups.FIGIEFAs aim is to make sure that European Union and United Nations legislation impacting the automotive aftermarket ensures free and effective competition in the market for vehicle replacement parts,servicing and repair.PublisherRoland Berger GmbHSederanger 180538 MunichGermany+49 89 9230-0