1、第三季度综合货期预测报告第三季度综合货期预测报告2024年年电子元器件行业一直都是存储器的天下。人工智能(AI)是科技之王,并将持续至2025年。与此同时,电子元器件行业的其他领域仍在应对库存过剩的问题。由于供应商和买家不断努力缓解压力,消费者需求全年保持相对平稳。今年年初,Edgewater Research的一份报告指出,2024年将是2023年大幅下滑与2025年正式复苏之间的过渡之年。人工智能在某种程度上是个例外,人工智能热潮导致高带宽内存(HBM)、企业级固态硬盘(SSD)、图形处理单元(GPU)和高级封装出现瓶颈和 短缺 状况。因此,包括SK海力士、三星电子和美光科技在内的内存供应
2、商因此提高了这些元件的产能。同样,这些部件的价格也呈上升趋势,并将在下一季度和 2025 年继续增长。与此同时,整个DRAM市场的平均销售价格(ASP)也在走低,预计这种困难将持续至2025年上半年,最晚将于年中实现增长。Q3 2024 市场概览+亮点Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the
3、market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.被动器件需求趋于稳定,存储器表现最为抢眼根据不同的消息来源,对内存市场的看法从初步看好到彻底悲观不一而足。Stanley Morgan分析师已警告客户,即将迎来“DRAM 寒冬”,届时对HBM的过度关注将导致供过于求且无法控制。其他机构如 TrendForce则认为,三星电子和SK海力士的HBM产能已预订至2025年满额,TrendForce高级副总裁吴雅诗评论道:“尽管DRA
5、过选择其他路线来应对红海危机。但如果航运公司被迫同时应对各种挑战,这种情况可能会发生急剧变化。Q3 2024 市场概览+亮点Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please co
6、ntact Sourceability if you have any questions.如果美国国际码头工人协会(ILA)长时间关闭港口,可能会导致大量货物积压,需要六周或更长时间才能解决。而此时正值全球航运业准备迎接假期的高峰期。如果企业预计需求将在下半年初有所改善,而ILA 的罢工持续数周,则应立即下单,以避免即将到来的物流延误带来的最严重后果。物流公司正在为现在发运以避免罢工的企业提供折扣。对于希望在2025年第一季度前补充库存的原始设备制造商(OEM)、合同制造商(CM)和电子制造服务(EMS)供应商来说,现在可能是订货的好时机。目前整体市场比较稳定,但电子元器件行业很容易突然发生
7、剧烈变化。在未来几周内,密切关注市场变动将至关重要。Q3 2024 市场概览+亮点Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability i
8、f you have any questions.Information subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Shop now at SOURCE
9、NGINE.COM人工智能持续推动对高带宽内存(HBM)和其他具备人工智能功能的DRAM器件的需求。供应商紧握生产产能,确保大多数交货期保持稳定。内存器件的订单周期通常较短,这意味着客户应密切关注交货期趋势,订货量应足够,以便在产能被预订一空时有足够的积压。平均交货期为12至16周。金士顿所有产品当前的价格仍然居高不下,但将在2024年第四季度和2025年第一季度期间稳定下来。美光科技的DDR3、DDR4和DDR5产品价格将在2024年第四季度上涨。DDR5的交货期预计将在2024 年第四季度乃至2025年第一季度期间延长。三星的DDR3和DDR4价格仍居高不下,并将在2024年第四季度乃至2
10、025年第一季度期间进一步上涨。SRAM/PSRAMInfin on8-10 weeksCurrent pricing is high and will increase in Q4.Current pricing is high and will increase in Q4.Current pricing is high and will increase for DDR3.DDRII will remain stable in lead time and price.DDR3 will see price increases.DDR5 is going up in lead time a
11、nd price,currently at 20-24 weeks.Stable Stable Up 5Stable Stable Stable Stable Up 5Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Up 5Stable Stable Up 5Up 59-15 weeks8-10 weeks12-16 weeks20-24 weeks12-16 weeks10-12 weeks1-4 weeks10-12 weeksISSIISSISamsungKingstonMicronSamsungISSIMicronDRAM/RLDRAMDDRII/DDR3/DDR
12、5DDR4/LPDDR4Renesas16-20 weeksAsynchronous 8-10 weeks,Synchronous 12-16 weeksCurrent pricing is high but will remain stableStable Stable Q3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注半导体市场趋势易失性内存器件价格未来交货时间大多数稳定上涨与DRAM一样,非易失性内存市场将在下个季度及来年继续涨价。内存供应商已优先考虑热门的人工智能产品,增加生产产能并稳定交货期
13、。平均交货期为10至14周。英飞凌的sNOR产品的交货期和价格将保持稳定,而其pNOR产品将会涨价。美光和西部数据的NAND闪存产品价格将在2024年第四季度和2025年第一季度期间上涨。Flash-NORISSIpNOR pricing will increase,sNOR will remain stable.Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Up 5Stable 8-10 weeks8-10 weeks10-12 weeksInfin onMacronixPrice is currently high and will increase
14、in Q4.Price is currently high and will increase in Q4.Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Up 5Up 58-10 weeks8-10 weeks8-10 weeks8 weeks4-9 weeks20-24 weeksMacronixISSIMicrochipMicronWestern DigitalMicronFlash-NANDLEAD TIMEPRICEStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stab
15、le Stable Stable Stable 16-24 weeks7-9 weeks20-24 weeks16-20 weeks8-14 weeksMicrochipOnsemiSTMicroelectronicsSTMicroelectronicsRenesasInfin onFRAM/NVRAMEEPROMStable 10-12 weeksQ3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注半导体市场趋势非易失性内存器件价格未来交货时间稳定稳定Shop now at SOURCENGINE.C
16、OMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.人工智能需求持续推动对固态硬盘(SSD)和其他企业级存储产品的订单。供应商为热门产
17、品增加产能,交货期保持稳定,但随着智能手机和个人电脳等人工智能消费电子产品上市,预计价格将在2024年第四季度和2025年第一季度期间上涨。平均交货期为10至14周。西部数据的eMMC、SSD和HDD产品价格将上涨。今年早些时候,西部数据报告了类似短缺的情况,并鼓励客户如有必要,应提前更改订单规格。美光针对固态硬盘(SSD)产品的市场需求增加,导致价格在2024年第四季度和2025年第一季度期间上涨。三星针对固态硬盘(SSD)价格的市场需求居高不下,导致价格在2024年第四季度和2025年第一季度期间上涨。eMMCISSIStable Up 54-6 weeks8-10 weeks8-10 w
18、eeksKingstonMacronixWestern DigitalUp 5Up 5Up 52-4 weeks20-24 weeks12-16 weeks10-12 weeksKingstonMicronSamsungWestern DigitalSSDStable 16-18 weeksWestern DigitalCardsUp 58-10 weeksFurther price increase Q4-24/1H25Further price increase Q4-24/1H25Further price increase Q4-24/1H25Further price increas
19、e Q4-24/1H25Further price increase Q4-24/1H25Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Q3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注价格未来交货时间稳定上涨半导体市场趋势存储器Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report
20、is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.由于供应商去年增加了投资,交货期保持稳定。而价格正在下降,这很可能是因为库存过剩的问题仍然存在,但随着买家开始补充库存,预计2024年第四季度和2025年第一季度初期订单将有所增加。平均交货期为10至
21、16周。安森美的双极型晶体管、整流器、MOSFET HV、功率WBG、TVS/保护组件、齐纳二极管、耦合器和小额信号产品价格仍然较低,但将在2024年第四季度期间保持稳定。威世(Vishay)的整流器和TVS/保护组件产品价格较低,但将在2024年第四季度期间保持稳定。安世半导体(Nexperia)的双极型晶体管、TVS/保护组件件和二极管产品价格将在2024年第四季度乃至2025年第一季度期间继续下降。DiodesDiodes Inc.Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Do
22、wn 6Stable Stable 6-8 weeks8-12 weeks10-12 weeks10-12 weeks10-12 weeks8-14 weeksNexperiaOnsemiToshibaPricing is trending down and will continue through 4Q24 and 1Q25.VishayWeEn SemiconductorTaiwan Semiconductor8-14 weeksQ3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注价格未来交货时间
23、稳定半导体市场趋势分立器件稳定,部分呈下降Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any quest
24、ions.Information subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMBi-polarDio
25、des Inc.Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Down 6Stable Down 6
26、Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Down 6Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 24-28 weeks10-12 weeks10-12 weeks14-16 weeks8-14 weeks6-8 weeks10-12 weeks8-16 weeks8-16 weeks36-48 weeks6-10 weeks20-22 weeks16-18 weeks16-18 weeks20-24 weeks12-18 weeks8-16 weeks6-8 weeks14-18 weeks14-
27、18 weeks6-8 weeks10-14 weeks8-14 weeks10-14 weeks14-18 weeks10-14 weeks16-18 weeksInfin onNexperiaTaiwan SemiconductorPricing is trending down and will continue through 4Q24 and 1Q25.Pricing is trending down and will remain stable in 4Q24.Pricing is trending down and will remain stable in 4Q24.Prici
28、ng is trending down and will remain stable in 4Q24.Pricing is trending down and will continue through 4Q24 and 1Q25.Pricing is trending down through 4Q24 and 1Q25.OnsemiWeEn SemiconductorOnsemiSTMicroelectronicsTaiwan SemiconductorVishayDiodes Inc.Infin onNexperiaOnsemiSTMicroelectronicsTaiwan Semic
29、onductorToshibaVishayDiodes Inc.NexperiaOnsemiSTMicroelectronicsTaiwan SemiconductorToshibaVishayDiodes Inc.STMicroelectronicsNexperiaSmall SignalMOSFETsTVS/Protection8-14 weeksQ3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注半导体市场趋势分立器件Information subject to change without no
30、tice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMCouplerBroadcomStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
31、 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 4-18 weeksCurrent price is trending down and will remain stable.Current price is trending
32、 down and will remain stable.Current price is trending down and will remain stable.Current price is trending down and will remain stable.4-12 weeks18-20 weeks8-10 weeks20-52 weeks10-20 weeks6-8 weeks8-20 weeks20-24 weeks8-14 weeks12-16 weeks12-14 weeks12-18 weeks10-12 weeks10-14 weeks36-40 weeks8-26
33、 weeksOnsemiVishayOnsemiInfin on MicrochipInfin onNXPMicrochipPower WBGRFThyristors/Triacs/IGBTRectifie s24-32 weeksWeEn SemiconductorsSTMicroelectronicsDiodes Inc.STMicroelectronicsOnsemiVishayTaiwan SemiconductorToshibaWeEn SemiconductorsQ3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月
34、)技术供应商货期价格备注半导体市场趋势分立器件ProgrammableAMDPricing is trending down and will continue through 4Q24 and 1Q25.Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Down 6Stable Stable Stable 20-24 weeks20-24 weeks12-16 weeks8-12 weeks12-16 weeksInfin onMicrochipNexperiaOnsemiToshibaStandardLogic IC12-20
35、weeks价格正在下降,而交货期保持稳定。这一趋势可能会持续到2024年第四季度,因为供应商和客户正在消化剩余的库存。市场可能会在2025年上半年开始增长。平均交货期为12至16周。安森美(Onsemi)的标准逻辑产品价格将继续下降。Q3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注半导体市场趋势逻辑器件价格未来交货时间稳定稳定Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is g
36、athered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.PRICE交货期和价格保持稳定,这可能是由于剩余库存仍在影响消费者。这一趋势将持续到2024年第四季度并延续到2025年第一季度。平均交货期为10至24周。DataconvertersMicrochipSta
37、ble Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 12-52 weeks12-20 weeks13-26 weeks14-22 weeks12-20 weeks6-8 weeks24-28 weeks8-20 weeks36-52 weeks12-2
38、0 weeks22 weeks7-9 weeks5-9 weeks26-30 weeksRenesasSTMicroelectronicsNXP SemiconductorMicrochipOnsemiMPSNXP SemiconductorRenesasSTMicroelectronicsMPSMicrochipSTMicroelectronicsInfin onMicrochipOPAMultimediaProductsPower Management (Low Drop,PWM,Switching Reg.)Interfaces(LVDS,UART USB)6-10 weeksMPSOn
39、semiSTMicroelectronicsMPSToshibaAnalog30-32 weeks12-22 weeks10-18 weeks28-30 weeks13-16 weeksStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Q3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注半导体市场趋势高级模拟器件价格未来交货时间稳定稳定Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInform
40、ation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.PRICE由于客户订购了过多的库存,交货期保持稳定,且积压订单低于预期。意法半导体(STMicro
41、electronics)的产品交货期显着缩短。平均交货期为10至20周。SDRAMDDRI/DDRIIDDRIIIDDR 48 BitInfin onStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Down 6Stable Down 6Down 6Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 4-8 weeks12-26 weeks4-9 weeks12-20 weeks13-20 weeks12
42、-36 weeks6-8 weeks12-26 weeks13-20 weeks20-48 weeks13-20 weeks12-36 weeksMicrochipNXP SemiconductorMicrochipSTMicroelectronicsNXP SemiconductorNXP SemiconductorSTMicroelectronicsSTMicroelectronicsRenesasInfin onMicrochipInfin on16 Bit32 BitMCUStable 12-36 weeksQ3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格
43、备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注16-Bit 货期/价格32-Bit 货期/价格DSP 货期/价格8-Bit 货期/价格稳定稳定稳定稳定半导体市场趋势嵌入式处理器Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our glo
44、bal product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.交货期和价格保持稳定。这一趋势可能会持续到2024年下半年并延续到2025年上半年。平均交货期为11至14周。amsOSRAMHigh Power(IR,Visible,Laser,LED)Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 13-24 weeks8-12 weeks13-24 weeksBroadcomLow Power(IR,Visible,Laser,
45、LED)amsOSRAMBroadcom12-16 weeksQ3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注价格未来交货时间稳定稳定半导体市场趋势光电器件Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the
46、market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Information subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product tea
47、m sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMPRICEPressureAmphenolLead times will continue trending down through 4Q24.Proximity sensors by Vishay.Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
48、Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Down 6Stable Stable Stable 14-18 weeks16-20 weeks12 weeks13 weeks24 weeks30 weeks18 weeks15-60 weeks15-60 weeks16-22 weeks16-24 weeks18-26 weeks18-26 weeks20-22 weeks16-24 weeksInfin onInfin onInfin onNXP Semi
49、conductorSTMicroelectronicsSTMicroelectronicsTE ConnectivityTE ConnectivityTE ConnectivityVishayamsOSRAMamsOSRAMamsOSRAMBroadcomBroadcomPositionImageTime of Flight10-14 weeks随着产能的增长,市场保持平稳,交货期也保持稳定。由于整个行业需求低迷,交货期将保持稳定,而价格可能会在2024年下半年有所下降。平均交货期为16至25周。意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)的加速度计、温湿度(T&H)传感器和飞行时间(T
50、ime of Flight)传感器的交货期将在2024年第四季度继续缩短。微芯科技(Microchip)的传感器交货期将在2024年第四季度延长。威世(Vishay)的槽式断路器交货期将在2024年第四季度趋于缩短。Q3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格价格未来交货时间稳定稳定半导体市场趋势传感器PRICET&HAmphenolLead times will continue trending down through 4Q24.Lead times will continue trending
51、down through 4Q24.Vishay slotted interrupters will see lead times trending down through 4Q24.MEMS by NXP.Lead times will continue trending up through 4Q24.Vishay light sensors.Stable Up 5Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Down 6Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable St
52、able Stable Down 6Stable Stable Stable Down 6Stable Stable Stable 21 weeks24-30 weeks4-26 weeks18-26 weeks12 weeks6-10 weeks18-26 weeks16-18 weeks16-46 weeks16-20 weeks26-35 weeks17-22 weeks6-15 weeksMPSVishaySTMicroelectronicsSTMicroelectronicsVishayNXP SemiconductorNXP SemiconductorTE Connectivity
53、TE ConnectivityamsOSRAMamsOSRAMMicrochipBroadcomAccelerometerALSSlotted Interrupters/MEMSSensors12-16 weeksQ3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格半导体市场趋势传感器Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sourc
54、es and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Information subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level
55、overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMPRICE被动器件市场的交货期趋势仍保持稳定。部分领域的需求仍然存在,导致交货期延长,尤其是在最近受到恶劣天气影响的地区。供应商的价格大多保持稳定。平均交货期为20至32周。松下(Panasonic)的薄膜电阻器的交货期比厚膜电阻器长,为18至20周。威世(Vishay)的可调电阻器和薄膜电阻
56、器的交货期比其他产品长,分别为35至52周和18至40周。威世的M55342军用电阻器和钽聚合物电容器在2024年第四季度的交货期将延长。基美/国巨(Kemet/Yageo)的多个产品交货期延长,尤其是钽聚合物电容器和铝电容器。京瓷AVX(Kyocera AVX)的钽聚合物电容器交货期延长。三星、TDK、基美/国巨(Kemet/Yageo)和京瓷AVX的MLCC产品交货期均呈上升趋势。Q3 2024 货期PEMCO 市场趋势被动器件价格未来交货时间大多数稳定大多数稳定,部分呈上升PRICEResistorsThick&Thin FilmResistorsNetworks&ArraysBourn
57、sAluminium polymer capacitors will remain stable at 20-52 weeks.Vishay Trimmers have a lead time of 35-52 weeks.Vishay wirewound resistors are up in price,but will remain stable.Thin Film lead time 18-40 weeks.Stable Stable Up 5Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Up
58、 5Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 12-14 weeks16-24 weeks15-38 weeks35-52 weeks12-36 weeks20-46 weeks20-52 weeks17-36 weeks24-42 weeks16-52 weeks12-16 weeks14-20 weeks18-20 weeksKemet/YageoPanasonicPanasonicVishayVishayPanasonicPanasonicTDKKe
59、met/YageoVishayBournsKemet/YageoBournsResistorsTrimmers&WirewoundCapacitors AluminiumStable 14-32 weeksStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 14-18 weeks8-52 weeks26-52 weeks10-32 weeks14-25 weeks14-25 weeksKyocera AVXMurataSamsungTaiyo YudenTDKVishayIndu
60、ctorsThin Film lead time 18-20 weeks.Aluminium electrolytic capacitors will remain stable at 24-32 weeks.Q3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注PEMCO 市场趋势被动器件Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple
61、 sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Information subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-
62、level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMPricing is currently high,but will remain stable through 4Q24.MLCC high CV lead time is trending upward with current LTs at 18-50 weeks.MLCC
63、high CV lead time is trending upward with current LTs at 12-24 weeks.MLCC high CV lead time is trending upward with current LTs at 16-22 weeks.MLCC high CV lead time is trending upward with current LTs at 24-44 weeks.Pricing for leaded ceramics is high and trending upward over 4Q24.Stable Stable Up
64、5Up 5Stable Up 5Stable Up 5Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Up 5Stable Stable 29-46 weeks10-28 weeks20-32 weeks10-50 weeks30-52 weeks10-52 weeks16-22 weeks10-32 weeks10-32 weeks12-44 weeks8-14 weeksKemet/YageoKyocera AVXTDKKemet/YageoKyocera AVXMurataSamsu
65、ngTaiyo YudenTDKVishayKemet/YageoFilm CapsCapacitors Ceramic Multilayer(MLCC)Kyocera AVXStable Stable Stable Stable 12-18 weeksVishay3-17 weeksCapacitors TantalumPolymerMilitary Ceramics(M123,M49470,leaded)Up 5Stable Up 5Up 5Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 14-26 weeks1
66、2-36 weeks12-36 weeks10-45 weeks16-24 weeks18-47 weeks14-26 weeksVishayKemet/YageoKemet/YageoKyocera AVXVishayKemet/YageoKyocera AVXStable Stable Stable 11-26 weeksKyocera AVXCapacitors TantalumStandard/Low ESRUp 5Stable Stable Stable 16-52 weeks46-71 weeksVishayVishayMilitary Tantalums(M39003,M9006
67、,CWR)Military Resistors(M55342)Q3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注PEMCO 市场趋势被动器件需求低迷有助于价格和交货期的稳定。年初出现的物流问题和原材料短缺问题已得到解决,大多数产品的交货期较短。平均交货期为12至20周。Q3 2024 货期PEMCO 市场趋势连接器价格未来交货时间稳定稳定Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report
68、 is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Information subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is i
69、ntended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMBackplaneAmphenolStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
70、Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 14-20 weeks12-16 weeks10-18 weeks2-4 weeks18-34 weeks8-12 weeks15-21 weeks8-12 weeks2-4 weeks20-26 weeks12-20 weeks8-12 weeks12-18 weeks9-15 weeks12-18 weeks12-
71、20 weeksITTMolexConesysTE ConnectivityGlenairTE ConnectivityAmphenolGlenairITTAmphenolODUITTTE ConnectivityAmphenolTE ConnectivityMolexD-ShapedI/OCircular 6-14 weeksPowerAmphenolStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 12-20 weeks2-6 weeks10-1
72、6 weeks10-18 weeks12-20 weeks6-12 weeksMolexSamtecMolexTE ConnectivityTE ConnectivityAmphenol Terminal Block6-12 weeksQ3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注PEMCO 市场趋势连接器Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered f
73、rom multiple sources and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Information subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is intended to pro
74、vide a high-level overview of the market conditions as our global product team sees them.Please contact Sourceability if you have any questions.Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMDiscrete HousingAmphenolStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
75、Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 11-17 weeks4-8 weeks18-20 weeks12-20 weeks1-6 weeks12-20 weeks12-20 weeks2-4 weeks18-20 weeks12-20 weeks3-8 weeks14-20 weeks12-16 weeks2-4 weeks12-18 weeks6-16 weeksMo
76、lexSamtecITTTE ConnectivityMolexAmphenolGlenairITTSamtecAmphenolTE ConnectivityMolexSamtecTE ConnectivityGlenairAmphenolCable Assemblies PC Board8-14 weeksITTStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 11-17 weeks8-12
77、weeks10-14 weeks18-20 weeks12-16 weeks12-20 weeks11-19 weeks12-18 weeksMolexODUCarlisleTE ConnectivityITTMolexTE ConnectivityAmphenol Connector ContactsConnector Accessories12-16 weeksQ3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注PEMCO 市场趋势连接器PRICE市场稳定趋势持续,部分产品交货期缩短。这可能是由于库
78、存水平上升和买家需求低迷所致。这些趋势将持续到2024年第四季度。平均交货期为16周。Ebm-papst的交货期随着库存水平的上升而继续缩短。Abracon和ECS的振荡器、KHZ和手表晶体价格有所下降,并将在2024年第四季度继续下降。两家供应商的MEMS产品将保持稳定。Thermal ebm-papstLead times trending down through 4Q24.Lead times and prices are going down for Oscillators,Watch crystal,and KHZ.MEMS remains stable.Lead times an
79、d prices are going down for Oscillators,Watch crystal,and KHZ.MEMS remains stable.Down 6Down 6Down 6Down 6Stable Stable Stable Stable 12-26 weeks12-26 weeks14 weeksAbraconECSOMRONFrequency Control (Oscillators,MEMS,KHZ,Watch crystal)Switch Relays 15-20 weeksStable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
80、Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable 32 weeks32 weeks32 weeks32 weeks32 weeks32 weeks32 weeksArtesynBelMEAN WELLABBMurataTDKLambdaPower (AC/DC,DC/DC)Q3 2024 货期现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注现货趋势(未来三个月)趋势(未来三个月)技术供应商货期价格备注PEMCO 市场趋势机电器件价格未来交货时间稳定稳定,部分呈下降Shop now at SOURCENGINE.COMInformation subject to change without notice.This report is gathered from multiple sources and is int